path: root/virtio-v1.0-csd01.tex
diff options
authormstsirkin <mstsirkin@0c8fb4dd-22a2-4bb5-bc14-6c75a5f43652>2013-12-01 21:44:38 +0000
committermstsirkin <mstsirkin@0c8fb4dd-22a2-4bb5-bc14-6c75a5f43652>2013-12-01 21:44:38 +0000
commit7f40233b30132da540523a623411b6916545074a (patch)
treedacbfdcbf6d9577963b8ce4ae1b0f28f3be6f04d /virtio-v1.0-csd01.tex
parent3db30dbf8edc702f88b31e7d19b62d17df56cdcb (diff)
tex: rename file
Rename virtio-v1.0-csd01.tex to virtio.tex, so we don't have to rename before use. Use --jobname for output. Signed-off-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <> git-svn-id: 0c8fb4dd-22a2-4bb5-bc14-6c75a5f43652
Diffstat (limited to 'virtio-v1.0-csd01.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/virtio-v1.0-csd01.tex b/virtio-v1.0-csd01.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a2c06..0000000
--- a/virtio-v1.0-csd01.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
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-% It makes it possible to disable hyphenation of upper-case
-% identifiers with underscore (of which we have many) by
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-% However, the result doesn't look pretty, so don't use this
-% for now.
-% Don't hyphenate acronyms
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