path: root/wiki/Chat_log/20181220-mm-chatlog
blob: cb9025eb1b88fbd91087f8f20aa5431e83e961a7 (plain)

10:29 < pinchartl> welcome to the multimedia meeting
10:29 < pinchartl> Topic 1. Status Check for the Multimedia Tasks
10:29 < pinchartl> * Kieran
10:29 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:29 < pinchartl> - Got linux-media archives on
10:29 < pinchartl> - Got linux-renesas-soc archives on
10:29 < pinchartl> The archives can be accessed through NNTP at
10:29 < pinchartl> - Now a patchwork maintainer for linux-renesas-soc
10:29 < pinchartl> With added admin rights. Trying to get auto-delegation sorted, rules to be discussed.
10:29 < pinchartl> - Periject schema patches updated and pushed to
10:29 < pinchartl> - Patch review for media
10:29 < pinchartl> - Supported Marex with DU issues on linux-next
10:29 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:29 < pinchartl> - Winter holidays break
10:29 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None
10:29 < pinchartl> kbingham: any comment ?
10:30 < kbingham> None right now no :)
10:30 < kbingham> except I'm very happy that we now have for linux-media/linux-renesas-soc :)
10:30 < pinchartl> :-)
10:30 < pinchartl> * Laurent
10:30 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:30 < pinchartl> - Got DPAD output routing reviewed
10:30 < pinchartl> Will send pull request as soon as the v4.21 merge window closes.
10:30 < pinchartl> - Looked at how to use the same DOTCLKIN input for multiple DU channels
10:30 < pinchartl> This is work in progress.
10:30 < pinchartl> - VC5 suspend/resume review and testing
10:30 < pinchartl> - PWM pinmux review and testing
10:30 < pinchartl> - Patch review
10:30 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:30 < pinchartl> - Use the same DOTCLKIN input for multiple DU channels
10:30 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None
10:30 < pinchartl> any question ?
10:31 < pinchartl> * Morimoto-san
10:31 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:31 < pinchartl> - Updated audio-graph/simple sound card
10:31 < pinchartl> This is a major/common sound card driver, and is needed for ULCB-KF sound. The patches have been accepted.
10:31 < pinchartl> - Bugfix/cleanup for above sound card
10:31 < pinchartl> Patches are being posted.
10:31 < pinchartl> - Discussed with EAVB guys about clock tuning for sound
10:31 < pinchartl> Th current struct clk seems not to be a good match for it, maybe we need an EAVB special framework, and it seems ALSA SoC guys have already starting its discussion.
10:31 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:31 < pinchartl> - Continue to post patches
10:31 < pinchartl> - Continue work on EAVB tuning
10:31 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None
10:31 < pinchartl> morimoto: any comment ?
10:32 < morimoto> nothing. thanks
10:32 < pinchartl> * Niklas
10:32 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:32 < pinchartl> - Finished VIN and CSI-2 suspend/resume support
10:32 < pinchartl> [PATCH 0/4] rcar-vin: add support for suspend and resume
10:32 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:32 < pinchartl> - Try to push the VIN lockdep warning forward.
10:32 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None
10:32 < pinchartl> neg: any comment ?
10:32 < neg> No comment
10:32 < pinchartl> * Ulrich
10:32 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:32 < pinchartl> - Patch review
10:32 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:32 < pinchartl> - Winter holidays break
10:32 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None
10:32 < pinchartl> uli_: any comment ?
10:32 < uli_> nope
10:33 < pinchartl> * Jacopo
10:33 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:33 < pinchartl> - E3 HDMI/CVBS support
10:33 < pinchartl> Support for E3 in rcar-csi2 merged. adv748x dynamic routing is ongoing, patches have been posted in "[PATCH 0/5] media: adv748x: Implement dynamic routing support"
10:33 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:33 < pinchartl> - Possibly a respin of adv748x routing series
10:33 < pinchartl> - Long term plan: add a v4l2 operation for negotiation of CSI-2 data lanes
10:33 < pinchartl> - Reply to Wolfram and keep an eye on GMSL discussions
10:33 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers:
10:33 < pinchartl> - Not much time left until end of year.
10:33 < pinchartl> jmondi: are you back ?
10:34 < pinchartl> doesn't seem so
10:34 < pinchartl> Topic 2. peripericon @FOSDEM 2019
10:34 < pinchartl> we've already covered this as part of the core meeting
10:34 < pinchartl> we will have our multimedia meeting on Monday morning right after the FOSDEM
10:35 < pinchartl> any comment/question/issue ?
10:36 < neg> None from me
10:37 < pinchartl> alright
10:37 < pinchartl> next topic, discussions
10:37 < pinchartl> anything to discuss today ?
10:37 < kbingham> we'll need to sort next Q's AT's - but I think that can be deferred for now.
10:38 < pinchartl> I'll send a mail to Magnus
10:39 < pinchartl> morimoto: do you know what the plan is for next quarter's additional tasks ?
10:40 < morimoto> We need to talk with Magnus
10:40  * geertu thought magnus would attend FOSDEM
10:42 < pinchartl> ok, then we'll talk to Magnus
10:42 < pinchartl> that's it for today
10:43 < pinchartl> next meeting will be on the 10th of January, same time
10:43 < pinchartl> I proposed adjourning this meeting. does anyone seconod ?
10:43 < pinchartl> s/seconod/second/
10:43 < neg> second
10:43 < kbingham> third
10:44 < pinchartl> meeting adjourned
10:44 < pinchartl> thank you all for attending
10:44 < pinchartl> and have a merry christmas and a happy new year !
10:45 < neg> Thanks all, and a happy xmas and a happy new year
10:47 < kbingham> Cheers all
10:48 < uli_> see you next year
0:15 < pinchartl> let's start with status updates 10:15 < pinchartl> * Jacopo 10:15 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: 10:15 < pinchartl> - soc camera removal 10:15 < pinchartl> - BSP drm/du patch fishing and analysis 10:15 < pinchartl> - v2 mt9v111 10:15 < pinchartl> - Patch review: ov5640, a few bits of sccb, & other multimedia related stuff 10:15 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: 10:15 < pinchartl> - More du/drm BSP patch fishing and upporting 10:15 < pinchartl> - Possibly resume drm_bridge work (Laurent: priority of this task?) 10:15 < pinchartl> - Ebisu VIN+DU: is anyone working on it? Is it of interest? 10:15 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: 10:15 < pinchartl> - BSP patch handling is time consuming with not a lot of visible output. 10:15 < pinchartl> Is this known and OK ? 10:16 < pinchartl> to answer your last question, I think it's known and OK, as one of the metrics used to evaluate us is the number of patches "upported" 10:16 < pinchartl> (as in dropped from the BSP as a result from our work) 10:16 < pinchartl> handling BSP patches improves that metric, so it should be fine 10:16 < pinchartl> morimoto: any comment on that ? 10:17 < pinchartl> jmondi: any other comment ? 10:17 < jmondi> pinchartl: I see... I'm only concerned that the output might be not much compared to the time spent on that... 10:17 < jmondi> but I understand... 10:18 < jmondi> pinchartl: what about ebisu and drm_bridge format? what are priorities? 10:19 < pinchartl> I'll work on DU for Ebisu as part of an additional task related to DU LVDS PLL 10:20 < pinchartl> for VIN, yes, it's of interest 10:20 < jmondi> neg: are you on this? ^ 10:20 < pinchartl> and regarding drm_bridge format, it's still useful, but has low priority at the moment 10:21 < jmondi> pinchartl: I see... ok then, please proceed with status updates 10:21 < pinchartl> thanks 10:22 < pinchartl> one question though 10:22 < pinchartl> how far are we from dropping soc-camera ? 10:22 < jmondi> good question 10:22 < jmondi> on our side (ceu and sh) I guess we're done 10:23 < neg> jmondi: ? 10:23 < pinchartl> have we addressed all the SH boards ? 10:23 < jmondi> Hans is to clean up the ARM part, I asked if he needs help and he said he'll handle this 10:23 < jmondi> pinchartl: yes, the only remaning bits is defconfigs, which Mauro is bouncing to SH people 10:24 < pinchartl> great news, thanks 10:24 < jmondi> neg: Enabling VIN on Ebisu: do you have plans? 10:25 < neg> jmondi: no plan as I no one steped up to test it, do have plans for V3H as Sergie steped up as a tester 10:25 < pinchartl> jmondi: you can go for it then 10:26 < pinchartl> * Kieran 10:26 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: 10:26 < pinchartl> - PeriSchedule - Is this useful to anyone else? 10:26 < pinchartl> # <source repo> 10:26 < pinchartl> # <url> 10:26 < pinchartl> # <live 10:26 < pinchartl> calendar feed> 10:26 < pinchartl> (Note, because we can't host arbitrary code/projects on OSDR Kieran has created a private group "periperi" at gitlab, if you want to host code 10:26 < pinchartl> there, just create an account and join the group, or ask him to add you 10:26 < pinchartl> to it) 10:26 < pinchartl> - DU/Interlaced respin - v5 posted 10:26 < pinchartl> - D3 Interlaced investigation 10:26 < pinchartl> - Reviewed driver for Aptina MT9V111 10:26 < pinchartl> - Looked at PeriJect 10:26 < pinchartl> - Planning tasks with Jacopo 10:26 < pinchartl> - Created git-hooks for periupport 10:26 < pinchartl> - Rebased vsp1 writeback prototype 10:26 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: 10:26 < pinchartl> - Retest/examine partition algorithm limitation patch 10:26 < pinchartl> - Repost writeback prototype 10:26 < pinchartl> - Submit GMSL for Renesas-drivers? <sometime ... soon> 10:26 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None 10:26 < jmondi> I need a tester or handle it from remote somehow 10:26 < pinchartl> kbingham: any comment ? 10:26 < pinchartl> jmondi: we should receive Ebisu boards soon(ish?), so I think you could find testers 10:26 < pinchartl> provided it doesn't require external hardware difficult to source 10:27 < kbingham> morimoto, I like your output (colorisation) on your peri-schedule example. ... 10:27 < kbingham> but I do worry - like pinchartl mentioned if one tool should do everything. ... though storing the data in a common place may not be terrible. 10:28 < kbingham> The part for me was linking to a generated ICS which is hosted so it integrates into my live google calendars, but we could automate the conversion of perischedule to ICS still and host somewhere. 10:28 < kbingham> It's mainly keeping the data live that matters ;) 10:29 < kbingham> Other than that ... no further comments from me at the moment. 10:29 < pinchartl> the concept of a task manager + bug tracker + calendar tool makes me wonder when we'll turn it into an e-mail client :-) 10:29 < kbingham> :D 10:29 < pinchartl> * Laurent 10:29 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: 10:29 < pinchartl> - Patch review 10:29 < pinchartl> - Additional tasks preparation 10:29 < pinchartl> - Part-time vacation 10:29 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: 10:29 < pinchartl> - Patch review 10:29 < pinchartl> - Additional tasks preparation 10:29 < pinchartl> - Revive the GMSL efforts 10:29 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None 10:29 < pinchartl> I'm back from holidays and fully operational now 10:29 < pinchartl> (well, as operational as possible at least 10:29 < pinchartl> ) 10:30 < jmondi> is that a good thing for us or not? 10:30 < pinchartl> any comment, anything I should look at with high priority ? 10:30 < pinchartl> jmondi: only you can tell 10:30 < jmondi> we managed to skip all the work while you were away 10:30 < kbingham> pinchartl, Will DU/Interlaced be able to make it to v4.19 ? 10:31 < kbingham> Oh ... actaully it may be blocked on me ... as I might need to find a way to limit on D3 still :( 10:31 < pinchartl> kbingham: for v4.19 I don't think so, we're too close to the merge window 10:31 < kbingham> Ok. 10:32 < kbingham> New target of v5 (v4.20) then :) 10:32 < pinchartl> that's reasonable I think 10:32 < pinchartl> * Morimoto-san 10:32 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: None 10:32 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: None 10:32 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None 10:32 < pinchartl> morimoto: any comment? :-) 10:33 < pinchartl> * Niklas 10:33 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: 10:33 < pinchartl> - [PATCH 0/2] adv7180: fix format and frame interval 10:33 < pinchartl> - Talking to Hans about patchwork legacy. 10:33 < pinchartl> - Working on v4l2 virtual channel patches. 10:33 < pinchartl> - Reviewed potential CSI-2 VC patch-sets. 10:33 < pinchartl> - Worked with Mauro on STD merger of v4l patches. 10:33 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: 10:33 < pinchartl> - Vacation but hope to post next VC patch series. 10:33 < pinchartl> - Errata from latest datasheet for VIN and CSI-2 patches. 10:33 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None 10:33 < pinchartl> neg: any comment? 10:33 < pinchartl> when are your holidays exactly ? 10:33 < neg> no additional comment 10:34 < neg> Next week i will holiday and work, the week after I will be offline 10:34 < pinchartl> thank you 10:35 < pinchartl> * Simon (Kaneko-san) 10:35 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: 10:35 < pinchartl> - v1 and v2 of M3-N Audio support 10:35 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: 10:35 < pinchartl> - Testing M3-N Audio support 10:35 < pinchartl> - D3 Audio support 10:35 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: 10:35 < pinchartl> - Some trouble finding patch to add Audio DMA node for R-Car D3 10:35 * morimoto it is too fast, there is no chance to explain for me... 10:35 < pinchartl> morimoto: take your time :-) 10:35 < pinchartl> we won't ignore your messages 10:36 < pinchartl> Simon is gone... 10:36 < pinchartl> * Ulrich 10:36 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: 10:36 < pinchartl> - Reviewed Condor DU/LVDS/HDMI patch 10:36 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: None 10:36 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None 10:36 < pinchartl> uli___: any comment? 10:36 < uli___> none 10:36 < pinchartl> thanks 10:36 < pinchartl> morimoto: now you have our full attention :-) 10:37 < morimoto> ahh, thanks 10:38 < morimoto> but, there is still no rule for us how to handle periject 10:38 < morimoto> thus, it seems bike-shade story for me, for now 10:38 < pinchartl> it's still an important matter 10:39 < pinchartl> I've replied to most of the e-mails, I'll handle the remaining one today and tomorrow 10:39 < morimoto> I still don't understand why you guys doesn't like 1 tool for multi topics 10:39 < kbingham> morimoto, It seems to me that we should ... just start using it ? 10:39 < pinchartl> in my opinion, we're really moving in the right direction 10:39 < pinchartl> and I think we should be able to start using it soon 10:39 < morimoto> kbingham: I agree. maybe we are misunderstanding each 10:40 < pinchartl> thanks for pushing it to a git repo, that will help tracking changes 10:40 < morimoto> np 10:40 < kbingham> (in regards to the peri-schedule, I saw it as a specialised tool that would turn human readable text into a google calendar feed, and didn't necesarily expect that to be part of periject) 10:40 < pinchartl> regarding one tool for multiple purposes, I'm fine with that when the purposes are related 10:40 < kbingham> That code 'could' live in periject too. 10:41 < morimoto> kbingham: about google calendar, can you share it to us ? 10:41 < kbingham> morimoto, I have :) 10:41 < morimoto> I think google calendar is such feature 10:41 < morimoto> nice 10:41 < kbingham> morimoto, 10:42 < kbingham> It's generated by code which is currently hosted privatly on gitlab, (because it contains our group confidential information about our meetings, so I didn't want that to be unnecessarily public) 10:42 < morimoto> no, I think you can select me on google calendar 10:42 < pinchartl> regarding periject, I'd like to concentrate on tasks and BSP commits (bug reports) first as that's the main target 10:42 < kbingham> The ICS file can be added as a calendar feed in google-calendar or any other calendar tool 10:42 < pinchartl> once done with that, let's see what else would make sense to integrate in the tool 10:43 < kbingham> (sorry - not file - URL ... you add the URL - and google reads it when it's updated) 10:43 < kbingham> you don't need to download the file, and then uplaod or anything like that - it's a one add job :) 10:44 < kbingham> To do the same from periject would require a public url space ... that's all. 10:44 < pinchartl> something that I think would be useful is to start populating the repository with a set of real tasks (let's say about 10) 10:44 < pinchartl> in order to better understand how it works 10:44 < kbingham> ^ I agree :) 10:45 < kbingham> Is it one file per task ? 10:45 < morimoto> kbingham: you can select 10:45 < pinchartl> I don't like having multiple options 10:45 < morimoto> 1 file / 1 task or 1 file / multi tasks 10:45 < pinchartl> as in one task per file, or multiple tasks per filie 10:46 < pinchartl> or with or without white spaces to indent lines within a file 10:46 < pinchartl> we should document the file format clearly 10:46 < pinchartl> and stick to one format 10:46 < pinchartl> otherwise it will become messy with everybody having a slightly different style 10:46 < kbingham> ;) 10:47 < pinchartl> kbingham: we need a git commit hook that will validate the format 10:47 < kbingham> pinchartl, morimoto-san already has a git hook in place to do sanity checks 10:47 < kbingham> So I'm sure that can be extended as necessary 10:48 < kbingham> And actually - I like that the code lives in the same repository as the data in this instance - because it will enforce everyone being on the latest version of the code - if they have the latest version of the data ;) 10:48 < pinchartl> I think we should continue this discussion over e-mail to ensure we keep track of it 10:48 < kbingham> (normally I would have separated) 10:48 < morimoto> about alignment, creating "tool rule" is OK for me. But 1 task / 1 file vs multi task / 1 file is "operation rule" for me 10:48 < pinchartl> kbingham: I have mixed feelings about that 10:48 < pinchartl> it makes the history pretty messy 10:49 < morimoto> I want to have flexibility 10:49 < pinchartl> morimoto: why is it an "operation rule" ? (and what do you mean by that exactly ?) 10:51 < morimoto> I understand "you" don't like it. But "otherone" might like it. I don't want to force to 1 opinion 10:51 < morimoto> If you don't like it, you just don't do it. 10:52 < pinchartl> it then becomes a real mess 10:52 < morimoto> This is my "operation rule". If tool forced it it is "tool rule" 10:52 < pinchartl> what if I'd prefer a third format and implement support for it ? will it be accepted as I won't force anyone to use it ? 10:52 < pinchartl> or a fourth, fifth format ? 10:52 < pinchartl> also, it's not true that nobody would be forced to do it 10:52 < pinchartl> as we'll all have to modify tasks not created by us 10:52 < pinchartl> or at least read them 10:53 < pinchartl> readability is very important, and comes from consistency 10:53 < pinchartl> same as for coding style, if we had no coding style rule in the linux kernel, it would be awful 10:53 < morimoto> Having coding rule is OK for me. 10:54 < morimoto> About task vs file, let's use 1st. I think you are misunderstanding 10:54 < morimoto> or I'm misunderstanding 10:55 < pinchartl> the reason why I think we should have a single task per file is that looking at the contents of the tasks directory should give us an overview of all tasks, with file names containing the task subjects 10:55 < pinchartl> you can't do that with multiple tasks per fil 10:55 < pinchartl> e 10:56 < pinchartl> but again, I think we should continue this discussion over e-mail, it's getting out of scope for multimedia 10:56 < morimoto> agree 10:57 < pinchartl> thank you 10:57 < pinchartl> Topic 2. Additional Multimedia Tasks for Q3 10:57 < pinchartl> we have agreed on additional tasks last time, I'll submit task descriptions to Magnus before the end of the week 10:57 < neg> thanks for doing that 10:57 < pinchartl> kbingham: jmondi: have you sorted out how to split the work between the two of you ? 10:57 < pinchartl> neg: you're welcome 10:58 < jmondi> pinchartl: so far we've been working in going through the BSP patches realted to du/drm together 10:59 < pinchartl> do you need any help ? 10:59 < jmondi> so short answer is "not yet" 10:59 < kbingham> pinchartl, not a direct split, because we don't have a clear boundary 10:59 < pinchartl> ok :-) 10:59 < jmondi> Help yes, but I think going through email is easier 11:00 < pinchartl> fine with me 11:00 < pinchartl> Topic 3. Periperi Meetings 11:00 < pinchartl> The plan for an annual meeting in Paris around Kernel Recipes has been canceled, and the meeting will take place in Edinburgh around ELCE. 11:00 < pinchartl> I would still like to organize a multimedia code camp in September, the two candidate locations being Paris around Kernel Recipes and A Coruña around XDC. 11:00 < pinchartl> who would join such a code camp ? 11:00 < jmondi> if it is fine to send patches to periupport as we've been doing recently... we can identify patches to look into and have them reviewed commented by you and the team 11:00 < pinchartl> jmondi: yes, it's totally fine 11:00 < jmondi> sorry, I was still on previous point 11:01 < jmondi> pinchartl: o/ 11:01 < kbingham> pinchartl, I'm more likely to head to paris than A Coruna. 11:01 < jmondi> conference wide I would go for Paris, location wide for XDC 11:02 < jmondi> but I've never been to XDC, so it might be a pleasant surprise 11:02 < pinchartl> conference-wise I think XDC is more related to multimedia than KR 11:02 < pinchartl> also, with the very limited number of tickets for KR, we might not be able to attend the conference 11:02 < neg> would join both but as stated erlier I need to go back during weekend for the proposed dates. If we are in Paris I will rejoin if we are in A Coruna maybe not 11:03 < pinchartl> if we go to A Coruna should we then try to host the code camp before the conference ? 11:04 < jmondi> neg: shouldn't you be back on the weekend of the 22? 11:05 < jmondi> pinchartl: before the conference it would be 24th to 26th, after it would span to the 28th to the Monday after? 11:05 < jmondi> more or less 11:05 < neg> jmondi: yes the 22 I need to be in Stockholm. Other dates I'm free 11:06 < jmondi> neg: both conferences are 26th to 28th 11:06 < pinchartl> jmondi: the conference is on 26-28 11:06 < pinchartl> neg: sorry I got the dates wrong 11:06 < jmondi> Embedded recepies is 24th to 26th 11:06 < pinchartl> we should then have the code camp after the conference 11:06 < jmondi> pinchartl: I think so 11:07 < pinchartl> regardless of whether it's in Paris or Spain 11:07 < pinchartl> I think we decided for the week before because Wolfram wasn't available the week after (if I recall correctly) 11:07 < pinchartl> we if it's just multimedia, it doesn't matter 11:07 < pinchartl> s/we/but/ 11:07 < neg> if the reschdeuling of code camp to after the conference is possible it would be benificial for me and then I would vote for Spain :-) 11:09 < pinchartl> ok 11:09 < pinchartl> I'll sleep over that, let's discuss it again in the next few days 11:09 < pinchartl> Topic 4. Next Meeting 11:09 < pinchartl> that's settled already, 2 weeks from now 11:09 < pinchartl> any other topic to discuss ? 11:10 < neg> not from me 11:10 < pinchartl> anyone else ? 11:10 < pinchartl> jmondi: ? 11:10 < pinchartl> kbingham: ? 11:10 < pinchartl> morimoto: ? 11:10 < pinchartl> uli___: ? 11:10 < kbingham[m]> Good here 11:10 < morimoto> not from me 11:10 < uli___> nope 11:11 < pinchartl> in that case I declare the meeting adjourned 11:11 < pinchartl> thank you all for attending 11:11 < pinchartl> and have a nice day 11:11 < jmondi> bye bye, thanks 11:11 < pinchartl> oh, a generic question 11:11 < pinchartl> shimoda: if you're still here 11:11 < neg> thanks all 11:11 < pinchartl> when do you plan to ship the Ebisu boards ? 11:11 < shimoda> pinchartl: yes? 11:12 < shimoda> ah, morimoto-san is doing export control 11:12 < pinchartl> morimoto: the question is for you then :-) 11:12 < morimoto> pinchartl: now it is under export paper work 11:12 < pinchartl> do you have an idea when it would ship ? my additional task due for 9/M will depend on access to an Ebisu board 11:13 < morimoto> I think paper work will takes 1 week or 2week 11:13 < morimoto> but no 11:13 < morimoto> but no guarantee 11:13 < pinchartl> ok. if it gets delayed, could you please keep me informed ? 11:14 < morimoto> OK 11:14 < pinchartl> thank you very much 11:14 < pinchartl> no other question :-) 11:14 < pinchartl> have a nice day everybody