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--- Log opened Wed Aug 26 10:55:12 2015
10:55 -!- wsa_ [] has joined #periperi
10:55 -!- Irssi: #periperi: Total of 8 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 8 normal]
10:55 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi was synced in 0 secs
10:55 < geertu> Hi Wolfram
10:55 < wsa_> heyho!
10:55 < shimoda> Hi Wolfram-san!
10:55 < horms> Hi + Bye Wolfram
10:56 < wsa_> bye?
10:56 < wsa_> No IO Meeting for you Simon?
10:56  * horms goes home
10:56 < horms> oh we have a meeting?
10:57 < horms> sorry i missed that
10:57 < horms> i'll run home and log back in
10:57 < wsa_> ok
10:57 < wsa_> :9
10:57 < wsa_> :)
10:57 < wsa_> hi geert, shimoda-san!
10:59 < shimoda> hi!
11:01 < geertu> hi all
11:01 -!- horms [] has quit Ping timeout: 244 seconds
11:01 < wsa_> so, simon will come back soon
11:01 < wsa_> is morimoto-san around?
11:02 < morimoto> Hi
11:02 < geertu> His bot is alive ;-)
11:02 < wsa_> :)
11:02 < shimoda> :)
11:03 < wsa_> a meeting bot
11:03 < wsa_> i guess that's a way to make $$$
11:03 < wsa_> ;)
11:04 < geertu> My former project manager was once convinced I was in a phone conf call and said things, while I wasn't there ;-)
11:05 < geertu> With IRC it's even easier...
11:05 -!- horms [] has joined #periperi
11:05 < geertu> welcome back
11:05 < horms> sorry about that. for some reason i hadn't added this meeting to my schedule
11:05 < wsa_> geertu: I hope you said good things while you weren't there
11:06 < horms> i said "I have a meeting" !
11:06 < horms> + hello to someone in the elevator
11:06 < wsa_> well, you are here nonetheless
11:06 < wsa_> so fine
11:07 < wsa_> and I will make sure I get confirmations for the meeting dates from all of you explicitly ;)
11:07 < wsa_> so, let's start I'd say
11:07 < wsa_> I see two topics
11:08 < wsa_> 1) Gen3 status update
11:08 < wsa_> 2) SCIF
11:08 < wsa_> and miscellaneous
11:08 < wsa_> any other topics from you?
11:09 < horms> not from me
11:10 < wsa_> then let's start with Gen3
11:10 < wsa_> we can add new topics as they come
11:11 < wsa_> is there an update to the timeline when which devices need to be enabled when?
11:11 < horms> i can give an etheravb update of sorts; when you are ready
11:12 < wsa_> i did not get any feedback to my I2C patches, I guess everyone was busy doing core bringup...
11:12 < shimoda> The current plan is, SPI needs by 1th Sep. but, i don't know it can be used on gen3 board
11:12 < morimoto> This is different topics, but now I could use GPIO and I2C on Gen3 board. it is not included on v7, but I can add it on v8
11:13 < geertu> That's MSIOF?
11:13 < shimoda> geertu: yes
11:13 < geertu> The only usable point so far is SoftSW
11:13 < geertu> Haven't checked pinctrl and EXIO yet
11:13 < geertu> BTW, the pintrl part in the datasheet is "difficult"
11:13 < wsa_> morimoto-san: you mean I2C native or I2C using GPIO?
11:14 < geertu> There are no tables like on Gen2 (I want to add HSCIF pinctrl)
11:14 < geertu> Or am I missing something>
11:14 < geertu> Still, SoftSW would require soldering
11:15 < geertu> Or the CP[1-4] test points.
11:15 < shimoda> usb2 host needs by 25th August, and renesas-drivers-2015-08-25-v4.2-rc8 works correctly
11:15 < morimoto> geertu: Gen3 datasheet was exchanged. yes it is difficult to read
11:16 < wsa_> so I2C is closed case now?
11:17 < wsa_> and GPIO? (which is requirement for EtherAVB)
11:17 < morimoto> wsa_: I'm using renesas,i2c-r8a7795 for i2c. i2c driver seems working. I could chance to use gpio-i2c too
11:17 < wsa_> well, i am fine with renesas,i2c-r8a7795. that's enough for me.
11:17 < wsa_> nice
11:18 < morimoto> wsa_: please keep i2c/gpio + 1week. I need to check it on new board. (I used old and broken board)
11:18 < wsa_> ok
11:19 < shimoda> HSCIF and USB func need by 22th Sep.
11:20 < geertu> Working on HSCIF, now I have a serial link to DEBUG SERIAL-1
11:20 < geertu> SCIF1 on those pins works
11:21 < shimoda> nice!
11:21 < geertu> shimoda: Or is MSIOF the slave-only DRIF?
11:21 < wsa_> so, the next work items would be: SPI (but we don't have proper HW setup currently) and testing I2C/GPIO with the new board (morimoto-san)
11:21 < wsa_> usb works
11:22 < morimoto> I didn't try ii2
11:22 < morimoto> but i2
11:22 < morimoto> i2c
11:22 < morimoto> please care ii2
11:23 < morimoto> s/ii2/iic/g
11:23 < shimoda> geertu: just MSIOF, not DRIF
11:24 < wsa_> morimoto: what do you mean by care?
11:25 < morimoto> Gen3 has I2C/IIC. I can try I2C, but I don't try IIC
11:25 < horms> care -> please look after it
11:25 < wsa_> by the way, does magnus have a "new board" or an "old broken board" in his lab?
11:26 < morimoto> His one is OK board
11:26 < morimoto> but he is using old uboot
11:26 < wsa_> good
11:26 < morimoto> Ah, but 1 note.
11:26 < wsa_> morimoto: do you have a patch for adding all i2c to the r8a7795 dtsi or shall I make one?