path: root/wiki/Chat_log/20170418-io-chatlog
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+--- Log opened Tue Apr 18 09:56:37 2017
+09:56 -!- wsa_ [] has joined #periperi-io
+09:56 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 5 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal]
+09:56 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 0 secs
+09:56 < wsa_> hey guys!
+09:57 < neg> hello
+09:57 < horms> hi all
+09:58 < jmondi> Hi there
+09:58 -!- uli___ [] has joined #periperi-io
+09:59 < geertu> Mornin'
+09:59 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 6 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal]
+10:00 < uli___> hi
+10:00 -!- morimoto [] has joined #periperi-io
+10:00 < wsa_> hi uli, morimoto-san!
+10:00 < morimoto> Hi
+10:00 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 7 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal]
+10:02 < wsa_> so, nice to have you here, let's start
+10:02 < wsa_> i forgot to call for ABC answers, so let's do some informal update report here
+10:03 < wsa_> like I worked on additional contracts mainly, and started with the I2C suspend/resume issue
+10:04 < wsa_> jmondi: any news?
+10:04 < wsa_> (sort -R power again ;)
+10:04 < jmondi> wsa_: am I first? :)
+10:05 < jmondi> I have closed max9611 driver, no answer from Baylibre on sampling time, no one on iio list commented, so driver will support sysfs attribute access only
+10:05 < neg> wsa_: just to be clear, you are asking for ABC updates afther the mail 'IO: call for updates' from 2017-04-07 where this meeting was announced?
+10:06 < jmondi> (remember last time we discussed about sampling frequencies for that driver)
+10:06 < wsa_> neg: yes
+10:06 < jmondi> as reported in the email, B = C = D = NULL
+10:06 < wsa_> jmondi: sounds fine to me
+10:07 < jmondi> on homework side, I gave a look at genmai schematics to search for un-supported chips, but there's nothing there
+10:08 < geertu> jmondi: Is the audio codec connected to SPI supported now?
+10:08 < wsa_> jmondi: so, i'll mark the driver as merged. Cool, thanks!
+10:08 < jmondi> I also asked Magnus, that last time we spoke said he had some ideas for possible new parts to support, and he pointed me to an led controller, but very low priority it seems
+10:08 < geertu> jmondi: When I worked on RSPI, it wasn't, except for a patch in the codec vendor tree, supporting i2c only
+10:08 < jmondi> geertu: I've been looking for ADCs/DACs
+10:09 -!- dammsan [] has joined #periperi-io
+10:09 < wsa_> jmondi: we can discuss the next IO work for you later
+10:09 < jmondi> wsa_: yeah! then --eot--
+10:09 < geertu> jmondi: Aren't audio codecs DACs? ;-)
+10:10 < wsa_> next one, simon, already reported via mail. Thanks Simon!
+10:10 < horms> np
+10:10 < jmondi> geertu: you have a point, sir :)
+10:10 < wsa_> one question about one problem: Priorities for upstreaming
+10:11 < wsa_> can you elaborate a little
+10:11 < wsa_> ?
+10:11 < geertu> jmondi: sound/soc/codecs/wm8978.c exists, i2c only
+10:11 < horms> sure
+10:11 < horms> I think it should read priorities for upporting
+10:11 < horms> I may have typed the wrong word in my email
+10:12 < horms> sure
+10:12 < wsa_> I see
+10:12 < wsa_> Upporting, it is
+10:13 < wsa_> did you get the add. task for SDHI?
+10:13 < horms> as you may know Kaneko-san and I have been working on analysing the BSP for a while now. And to a lesser extent upporting patches. Meanwhile Morimoto-san has organised an effort to allow better feddback between team leaders and the BSP team on what is desirable to upport. I'm happy for Kaneko-san and I do some backporting based on priorities that come out of the teeam leader/BSP team communication. But I'm unsure what the priorities are.
+10:13 < horms> Does that make sense?
+10:14 < wsa_> yes
+10:14 < horms> wsa_: yes. I have the task. Jinso have signed it. I will once I get access to a printer - I'm still on the road
+10:14 < wsa_> good enough
+10:14 < geertu> horms: Aren't the [HMLN] characters in the first column the priorities?
+10:16 < wsa_> I guess there is some confusion how to merge the work done by Simon and the new list?
+10:16 < horms> geertu: yes, indeed they are.
+10:17 < horms> I guess my question is the one wsa_ stated
+10:17 < horms> My assumption was that the team leaders would be directing upporting activities
+10:17 < horms> And I wanted to avoid conflicting with that
+10:18 < wsa_> I guess there is still something to be sorted out, but this is not specifically an IO issue.
+10:19 < horms> If not, I can just look at the list and choose things based on HMLN :)
+10:19 < horms> agreed
+10:19 < wsa_> So, while I'd really like to resolve this somewhen, I'd like to go on with the IO stuff...
+10:19 < horms> sure
+10:19 < horms> no problem
+10:20 < wsa_> morimoto: some input from you?
+10:20 < morimoto> nothing from me for I/O
+10:20 < morimoto> but I can show you my special smile for Wolfram, because you posted I2C suspend/resume support patch
+10:20 < morimoto> v(^o^)v
+10:20 < morimoto>
+10:21 < wsa_> :D
+10:21 < wsa_> uli: any news from your side?
+10:22 < uli___> haven't done anything for io for a while; i'm waiting for my hscif variable timeout task
+10:23 < wsa_> yup, same here
+10:24 < wsa_> i'll ping Magnus to see if there are news...
+10:24 < wsa_> neg: updates?
+10:25 < neg> No public update since last ABC, I did a protype for avb WoL and at least my hack works but still waiting for contract for that, any news if it's delayed?
+10:25 < wsa_> nope
+10:25 < wsa_> I guess Magnus is just super-busy
+10:26 < wsa_> dammsan: right? :)
+10:26 < neg> OK np for me, if you want it erlier but delay for some reason I can always try to include it in my base. Let me know what you think is best
+10:27 < wsa_> neg: i think it is best to wait a little longer
+10:27 < wsa_> keep the 'base' for m/m for now
+10:28 < wsa_> neg: if you have a minute after the meeting, can we chat a little?
+10:28 < wsa_> geertu: last, but definately not least :)
+10:28 < neg> wsa_: sure after meeting is fine
+10:29 < geertu> geertu: No changes compared to my email from Apr 6
+10:30 < geertu> There seems to be a renewed interest in SPI slave, which is good.
+10:30 < geertu> So I'll tackle that soon
+10:30 < wsa_> cool!
+10:31 < wsa_> looking forward to that
+10:31 < wsa_> '/names
+10:31 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 8 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 8 normal]
+10:31 < wsa_> so much for the updates
+10:32 < wsa_> now it is time for a big thank you for the "homework"
+10:32 < wsa_> i'll include it in the todo list in the next days
+10:33 < wsa_> very nice outcome
+10:34 < wsa_> so, the only thing I have left is to discuss the next work for jacopo
+10:34 < wsa_> but no need for everyone to be present for that
+10:34 < wsa_> so, if you have questions comments or so, this is the time now...
+10:35 < horms> none at this time
+10:35 < neg> I'm happy thanks all
+10:36 < wsa_> good then
+10:36 < wsa_> then this was the official part
+10:36 < wsa_> thanks guys
+10:37 < wsa_> jmondi: what boards do you have currently?
+10:37 < morimoto> bye-bye
+10:38 < jmondi> wsa_: Salvator-X M3, a Genmai and a GR-Peach
+10:39 < wsa_> GR-Peach? which SoC is that?
+10:40 < geertu> RZ/A1
+10:40 < jmondi> RZ A1H
+10:40 < wsa_> i see
+10:41 < jmondi> this little tiny useless board here
+10:41 < wsa_> useless? :)
+10:41 < jmondi> eh
+10:41 < jmondi> it comes with on-board sdram only
+10:42 < jmondi> it can run a xip kernel from Renesas US BSP
+10:42 < jmondi> not tried mainline yet
+10:42 < jmondi> it is designed to be used as an mbed platform
+10:42 < jmondi> so, yes, a bit useless
+10:42 < jmondi> :)
+10:43 < wsa_> hehe
+10:43 < geertu> s/on-board/on-SoC/
+10:44 < jmondi> geertu: correct
+10:45 < wsa_> so, I just found out the task I had in mind was for H3. M3-W is not enabled for that yet.
+10:45 < wsa_> so, i need to rethink and just write you a mail.
+10:46 < jmondi> wsa_: we're going to meet in Japan in ~month, and I'm busy with multimedia, so if I need some particular board, I can collect it there
+10:47 < wsa_> I'd think it would be nice if you have a Gen2 board as well (Lager or Koelsch)
+10:47 < geertu> jmondi: Unfortunately an H3 has to be shipped officially
+10:47 < wsa_> but I don't know the availability of those
+10:47 < jmondi> geertu: I heard about that, in fact...
+10:47 < geertu> wsa_: digi-key has porters ;-)
+10:48 < jmondi> wsa_: I have access to an ALT board from Magnus farm
+10:48 < wsa_> last resort :D
+10:48 < wsa_> morimoto: do you think it is possible to provide jacopo with a Lager or Koelsch?
+10:49 < wsa_> jmondi: so, you are currently busy with m/m anyhow and not exactly bored?
+10:49 < jmondi> wsa_: not exactly, no
+10:50 < jmondi> I have my hands full with a "background" multimedia task
+10:50 < jmondi> that has been brought foreground until the end of May
+10:51 < wsa_> full-time until end of may?
+10:51 < wsa_> or due-date is end of may?
+10:51 < jmondi> due date is end of may
+10:51 < wsa_> i see
+10:51 < jmondi> and it can be made full time and postpone IO work to June
+10:52 < jmondi> I will have 2 weeks for IO if I'm not wrong
+10:52 < jmondi> not that much, but I hope it can be extended later ;)
+10:53 < wsa_> we'll see
+10:53 < jmondi> wsa_: what did you have in mind?
+10:53 < wsa_> ok, so you have stuff to do now which gives me some time to reschedule
+10:54 < wsa_> we got some failure reports. And I wanted you to check a few of those
+10:55 < wsa_> probably low-hanging fruits once the problem is analyzed
+10:55 < wsa_> but exactly that needs to be done :)
+10:55 < wsa_> like 'aplay' crashes when the i2c driver is rebound
+10:55 < wsa_> but we don't have sound yet on M3
+10:56 < geertu> wsa_: Isn't that fixable by adding a few devices to the DTS?
+10:56 < wsa_> might be
+10:56 < geertu> You may want to check with Simon, as he was going to do that, IIRC (cfr. meeting before FOSDEM)
+10:56 < wsa_> but that i need to check before assigning the task
+10:57 < wsa_> because the task is not "enable sound on M3" ;)
+10:57 < jmondi> wsa_: are those "The failure summary report of ..." ?
+10:58 < jmondi> from jinso, usually..
+10:58 < wsa_> yes
+10:59 < wsa_> but the newer ones are not sent to the list anymore
+10:59 < wsa_> and careful, some of the issues are moot, IMO
+11:00 < jmondi> I see, I read a bit of discussions on reported multimedia issues, and yes, they need double-checks :)
+11:00 < wsa_> they do
+11:00 < jmondi> so Wolfram, would you like to have some more time to think on this?
+11:00 < wsa_> but one or two are worth being researched IMO
+11:00 < wsa_> yes
+11:01 < jmondi> as I've said, I'm not in a rush and not getting bored here
+11:01 < wsa_> that's perfect
+11:01 < wsa_> so, I'll come back to you when I sorted out things
+11:01 < jmondi> sure! thanks for now then
+11:01 < wsa_> and I'll see if we can get you a Gen2 board
+11:01 < jmondi> that would be lovely
+11:02 < jmondi> I still have some space on my desk :)
+11:04 < wsa_> hehe
+11:05 < wsa_> thanks, jacopo. i think we are done for now
+11:07 < jmondi> thank you
+11:07 < jmondi> I'll wait from updates then
+11:08 < jmondi> bye bye
+11:10 < wsa_> bye
+11:13 -!- morimoto [] has left #periperi-io ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"]
+11:13 -!- horms [~horms@] has quit Ping timeout: 252 seconds
+11:18 -!- uli___ [] has left #periperi-io ["Leaving"]
+11:55 -!- neg [~neg@unaffiliated/neg] has left #periperi-io []
+--- Log closed Tue Apr 18 12:39:15 2017