#!/bin/sh # # Test all combinations of horizontal flip, vertical flip and rotation on WPF.0. # source vsp-lib.sh features="rpf.0 wpf.0 wpf.0[control:'Vertical+Flip']" optional_features="wpf.0[control:'Horizontal+Flip'] wpf.0[control:'Rotate']" directions="horizontal vertical rotate" dir_horizontal_control="Horizontal+Flip" dir_horizontal_label="hflip" dir_horizontal_values="0 1" dir_vertical_control="Vertical+Flip" dir_vertical_label="vflip" dir_vertical_values="0 1" dir_rotate_control="Rotate" dir_rotate_label="rotate" dir_rotate_values="0 90" format="RGB24" get_var() { echo $(eval echo \$dir_$1_$2) } set_var() { eval dir_$1_$2=$3 } get_array_value() { local index=$2 echo $1 | cut -d ' ' -f $((index+1)) } get_array_length() { echo $# } dir_next_value() { # Get the direction name corresponding to the index local direction=$(get_array_value "$supported_directions" $1) # Get the current value index and increase it local value=$(get_var $direction index) value=$((value+1)) # If the index exceeds the possible values array length, reset it to 0. if [ $value -ge $(get_array_length $(get_var $direction values)) ] ; then value=0 fi # Update the current value index for the direction set_var $direction index $value # Return whether we have exceeded the maximum [ $value != 0 ] } dir_set_flipping_control() { local direction=$1 local index=$(get_var $direction index) local control=$(get_var $direction control) local values=$(get_var $direction values) local value=$(get_array_value "$values" $index) vsp1_set_control wpf.0 "$control" $value } test_flipping() { local label=$1 test_start "$label" pipe_configure rpf-wpf 0 0 format_configure rpf-wpf 0 0 $format 640x480 $format vsp_runner rpf.0 & vsp_runner wpf.0 local result=$(compare_frames $label) test_complete $result } test_main() { local direction for direction in $directions ; do $(vsp1_has_feature "wpf.0[control:'$(get_var $direction control)']") && { set_var $direction index 0 supported_directions="$supported_directions $direction" } done local dir_max=$(get_array_length $supported_directions) local dir_current=0 while true ; do # Update all controls local label= for direction in $supported_directions ; do local index=$(get_var $direction index) local values=$(get_var $direction values) local value=$(get_array_value "$values" $index) label="$label $(get_var $direction label)=$value" dir_set_flipping_control $direction done test_flipping "$label" while [ $dir_current -lt $dir_max ] ; do dir_next_value $dir_current && break dir_current=$((dir_current+1)) done if [ $dir_current -ge $dir_max ] ; then break fi dir_current=0 done } test_init $0 "$features" "$optional_features" test_run