\chapter{Introduction} \input{abstract.tex} Straightforward: Virtio devices use normal bus mechanisms of interrupts and DMA which should be familiar to any device driver author. There is no exotic page-flipping or COW mechanism: it's just a normal device. \footnote{This lack of page-sharing implies that the implementation of the device (e.g. the hypervisor or host) needs full access to the guest memory. Communication with untrusted parties (i.e. inter-guest communication) requires copying. } Efficient: Virtio devices consist of rings of descriptors for input and output, which are neatly separated to avoid cache effects from both guest and device writing to the same cache lines. Standard: Virtio makes no assumptions about the environment in which it operates, beyond supporting the bus attaching the device. Virtio devices are implemented over PCI and other buses, and earlier drafts been implemented on other buses not included in this spec. \footnote{The Linux implementation further separates the PCI virtio code from the specific virtio drivers: these drivers are shared with the non-PCI implementations (currently lguest and S/390). } Extensible: Virtio PCI devices contain feature bits which are acknowledged by the guest operating system during device setup. This allows forwards and backwards compatibility: the device offers all the features it knows about, and the driver acknowledges those it understands and wishes to use. \section{Terminology}\label{Terminology} The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in \hyperref[intro:rfc2119]{[RFC2119]}. \section{Normative References} \begin{longtable}{l p{5in}} \phantomsection\label{intro:rfc2119}\textbf{[RFC2119]} & S. Bradner, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, \newline\url{http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt}, March 1997\\ \phantomsection\label{intro:S390 PoP}\textbf{[S390 PoP]} & z/Architecture Principles of Operation, \newline IBM Publication SA22-7832\\ \phantomsection\label{intro:S390 Common I/O}\textbf{[S390 Common I/O]} & ESA/390 Common I/O-Device and Self-Description, \newline IBM Publication SA22-7204\\ \end{longtable} \section{Non-Normative References} \newpage