316 & 05 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy framing: scsi host } \\ \hline 315 & 05 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy message framing: console device } \\ \hline 314 & 05 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { block: legacy message framing } \\ \hline 313 & 05 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { message framing: rusty's comments generic note on message framing specific requirements listed for net device only } \\ \hline 312 & 05 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy devices: get rid of MUST assume as Rusty points out MUST assume is not very good requirement. clarify it. } \\ \hline 311 & 05 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { transitional driver features: fix typos noted by Rusty } \\ \hline 310 & 03 Mar 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Formatting: use latex-style quoting everywhere. Doesn't look any different, but consistent. } \\ \hline 309 & 03 Mar 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Use ellipsis (aka \textbackslash ldots) everywhere. And use the ellipsis package, which makes it symmetrical. } \\ \hline 308 & 03 Mar 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI: Tighten requirements. 1) make it clear that queue_enable is 0 on reset. 2) device MUST present a VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_DEVICE_CFG if needed for type. } \\ \hline 307 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { initialization: minor clarification Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 "it" could refer to failed bit or the driver. clarify. } \\ \hline 306 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { fix rfc2119 reference Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 VIRTIO-68 Cc: Patrick Durusau <patrick@durusau.net> } \\ \hline 305 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { VIRTIO-67: fix html redirects Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 1. oasis switched to https 2. Red Hat is www.redhat.com Cc: Patrick Durusau <patrick@durusau.net> } \\ \hline 304 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { feedback: clarify device status bits Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 VIRTIO-70 Cc: Patrick Durusau <patrick@durusau.net> } \\ \hline 303 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy interface: move to terminology Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 VIRTIO-64 Cc: Patrick Durusau <patrick@durusau.net } \\ \hline 302 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { introduction: add link to 0.9.5 specification Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 this version replaces it, so it's a non normative reference. VIRTIO-69 note: the link is added here but isn't used yet: will be used when we cleanup terminology definitions, by addressing VIRTIO-64 Cc: Patrick Durusau <patrick@durusau.net } \\ \hline 301 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { non-transitional devices with legacy drivers Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 weaken hacky requirements helpful for graceful failure for non transitional PCI devices from MUST to SHOULD. It's nice to have but it's not like it makes things work, and you can avoid trouble simply by using the most recent drivers. also move them out to a separate section } \\ \hline 300 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { conformance: document two types of devices Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 document that there are two conformance levels } \\ \hline 299 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy device initialization: confirmance statements Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 298 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy virtqueue layout: confirmance Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 297 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy: make all notes on endian-ness confirmance clauses Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 296 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy feature bits: confirmance statements Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 295 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { leacy: layout detection confirmance Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 294 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy pci layout: extra confirmance statement Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 293 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy pci layout: confirmance statements Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 292 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy: make message framing normative Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 TODO: we really should be more specific } \\ \hline 291 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy: make note on legacy VQ endian-ness normative Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 290 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { Legacy Interface: Device Configuration Space Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 legacy has no generation field. add SHOULD statement to document multi-byte field access rules. } \\ \hline 289 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { legacy: clarify general note on endian-ness Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 this is a non normative section. we merely mention that details are given for each device. } \\ \hline 288 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { content: explain that legacy support is optional Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 287 & 02 Mar 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { drop /* LEGACY version was not little endian */ Two issues with the comment: - it mixes legacy documentation in main part of the spec - it says what format *isn't* - instead of what it *is* Now that we have documented that LE can mean legacy endian, there's no need for the comment. Resolves issues: VIRTIO-58 Change accepted on Virtio TC Meeting Minutes: Feb 25, 2014 } \\ \hline 286 & 27 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Fixed path of linux version of virtio_ring.h } \\ \hline 285 & 26 Feb 2014 & Pawel Moll & { mmio: Clarify normative requirement on QueueNum Minor fix: add explicit reference to QueueNumMax in the normative paragraph describing QueueNum. } \\ \hline 284 & 26 Feb 2014 & Pawel Moll & { mmio: Fix double register macro Minor fix: commit 238 wrapped register names in \textbackslash field\{\}s and modified one of the register table macros, but missed the other one. } \\ \hline 283 & 26 Feb 2014 & Pawel Moll & { mmio: Fix Device Tree example Minor fix: the size of 0x100 was obviously wrong, as it didn't allow for configuration space. } \\ \hline 282 & 26 Feb 2014 & Cornelia Huck & { introduction: typo in terminology section s/device/driver/ for the transitional driver description. } \\ \hline 281 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { ccw: Fix requirements for processing adapter interrupts. We currently mandate that the driver clears the summary indicator before processing the queue indicator; this is bogus, as the requirement for interrupt avoidance is rather that the driver unsets the summary indicator before before it stops looking at the queue indicator. In fact, the best way to get a race-free implementation of the interrupt handler is to process the queue indicators twice; let's add a recommondation to do that. } \\ \hline 280 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { VIRTIO-45: Add a reserved ID for Timer/Clock device Just add a reserved ID for Timer/Clock device. There is no work on it yet but it is nice to have the ID which could be used safely in preliminary implementations. } \\ \hline 279 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { VIRTIO-28: Deprecate balloon device, add number for new one. } \\ \hline 278 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: VIRTIO-77 Conformance clause. Now we have grouped all the normative statements, the conformance clauses for drivers and devices can simply reference them. } \\ \hline 277 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: Separate normative requirements for Reserved Feature Bits. } \\ \hline 276 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: SCSI: Separate normative and descriptive texts. This could use some more rigour, I think: there are still many implied requirements which could be called out. } \\ \hline 275 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: console \& entropy: separate normative and descriptive texts. } \\ \hline 274 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: block: separate normative and descriptive text. } \\ \hline 273 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: net: separate normative and instructional text. } \\ \hline 272 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: CCW: Separate normative and descriptive sections. } \\ \hline 271 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: MMIO: Separate normative and descriptive text. The section on initialization is now non-normative. } \\ \hline 270 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: PCI: Separate explanatory and normative text. Rather than treat selectors 0 and 1 as special, the wording for features is made more general (though still the same effect). I split the interrupt handler into a separate subsection: it was misleading because it didn't handle configuration interrupts until the next section. It's also non-normative. } \\ \hline 269 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: Separate the rest of chapter 2 into normative vs explanatory. The big change here is in introducing new subsections for interrupt and notification suppression, and moving all requirements into them. The example processing loop is also moved into a note, to show clearly that it's not normative. } \\ \hline 268 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: Normative split for Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues / Message Framing } \\ \hline 267 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: Normative split in Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues } \\ \hline 266 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: split Basic Facilities feature bits and config space into normative. Split text into descriptive and normative. } \\ \hline 265 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: add normative marker. From \url{http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/TCHandbook/ConformanceGuidelines.html:} Normative statements MUST be referenceable so that a statement may be referenced from another part of a specification, but more importantly so they can be referenced from Conformance Clauses. } \\ \hline 264 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: 2.1 Device Status field: Separate description from normative. Start with explanation, progress to normative requirements. } \\ \hline 263 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: move legacy/transitional definitions into terminology. } \\ \hline 262 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: hoist the one legacy-related requirement out of legacy section. This requirement applies to any system which *did* have legacy drivers. } \\ \hline 261 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: add old draft to normative references (VIRTIO-77) } \\ \hline 260 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: use proper list in introduction (VIRTIO-82) Also avoid extra spacing before footnote markers. } \\ \hline 259 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: move new device design section to Appendix. It's non-normative. } \\ \hline 258 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: Bug TAB-553 (VIRTIO-76) Haven't marked them non-normative yet, but it makes sense to put the header in an appendix. } \\ \hline 257 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: TAB-555 Bad sub-sectioning (VIRTIO-80) } \\ \hline 256 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback: TAB-557 Spelling errors, etc (VIRTIO-75) } \\ \hline 255 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI: better document driver and device requirements Feedback: 10) Queue Vector Configuration Some of the information from section 8.4 needs to be moved to here, for example that the device may have an MSI-X table size other than 2048. Otherwise, this reads as though the MSI-X table must always have 2048 entries. 11) Please explicitly describe the device behavior when writing a vector value beyond the MSI-X table size. Address these comments. Cc: Arun Subbarao <asubbarao@lnxw.com> } \\ \hline 254 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { feedback: minor wording cleanups We already mention requirement for natural width accesses for non device specific configuration. Don't repeat this in legacy section. Further, mention virtio pci structure in preamble to help link sections together. Cc: Arun Subbarao <asubbarao@lnxw.com> Conflicts: content.tex } \\ \hline 253 & 26 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { SCSI: fix up more fields. Some missing \textbackslash field\{\} markings, and a few redundant "the XXX field". } \\ \hline 252 & 20 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { SCSI: missing space. } \\ \hline 251 & 19 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Gratuitous Packet Sending: clarify wording. The device can ask, not the driver. } \\ \hline 250 & 19 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { net: fix incorrect reference. It pointed into the block section for some reason. } \\ \hline 249 & 13 Feb 2014 & Cornelia Huck & { ccw: padding annotations Remove __packed__ annotation from all ccw structures that don't need it, and make the length requirements explicit for those that do. This is the part of the patch to resolve VIRTIO-56 that had been missed. } \\ \hline 248 & 12 Feb 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { PCI: minor wording change Since access width requirement is a confirmance clause, make it explicit that it applies to 4,2 and 1 byte fields. Also explain what happens to fields of other widths (such as the 6 byte MAC). } \\ \hline 247 & 12 Feb 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { content: more strict confirmance language Correct new language to explicitly use MAY/SHOULD/MUST in more places or simply drop the somewhat vague "can" where we are describing the only way to operate the device. Most of the changes are in the PCI section. } \\ \hline 246 & 12 Feb 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { introduction: address lnovich comments generally list of buses is out of date, list all supported buses. Drop explicit mention of lguest since it's not part of the spec. } \\ \hline 245 & 12 Feb 2014 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { abstract: address lnovich comment lnovich@redhat.com suggested rewording abstract, making the following point: . from what point of view is virtio like a physical device? it's very different from host POV . "the guest" appears out of nowhere. It's the guest that runs in the vm of course. . "not all that different" means similar so there's not need to be verbose Address this comment } \\ \hline 244 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { VIRTIO-55: Add a reserved ID for GPU devices As existing work on virtio-gpu is using device ID 16, reflect this in the spec. This closes out VIRTIO-55. As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 243 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Fix S390 normative references. As pointed out in TAB-539 and TAB-540: - Add an URL to the documents. (Unfortunately, there is no link that always points to the latest version.) - State that we include any future revisions as well. As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 242 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { ccw: Further use of RFC2119 language. Some more instances of MAY and SHOULD, as reported in TAB comments TAB-548 and TAB-550. As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 241 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI: explicitly document ISR status field Feedback on ISR status register: It would be helpful if this section provided the meaning of each bit in the register. ISR use is scattered all around the place. Add a section describing the format and semantics. [ Merged to combine with new ISR-specific section --RR ] As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} Cc: Arun Subbarao <asubbarao@lnxw.com> } \\ \hline 240 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI: consistent device/PCI configuration space Re section: Notification of Device Configuration Changes Feedback: Please use "PCI configuration space" and "device configuration state" consistently, without abbreviation. For example, from the first sentence it looks like "device configuration state" can be changed, but the first bullet claims it's "configuration space". So, which one? Does "configuration space" mean "PCI configuration space" or is it a synonym for "device configuration state"? Because those are two different things; the driver needs to know what exactly to rescan. As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} Cc: Arun Subbarao <asubbarao@lnxw.com> } \\ \hline 239 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#8: Applied. [ Includes fixup! removing MSI-X ] As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 238 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#7: Applied Some minor merging required. As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 237 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#6: Applied As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 236 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#5: Applied. As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 235 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#4: applied. As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 234 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI: minor changes for previous patch. } \\ \hline 233 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI: rearrange it all This is the re-arrangement originally suggested by Rusty, except I made some fixes and also tweaked a couple of places where behaviour changes where suggested - if we want these, they should go in separately. Rearrange discovery section to make it clearer what goes on. Wording changes MUST/MAY/etc. Clarify cfg gateway use. No behavioural changes. [ Merged "fixup! PCI: rearrange it all" --RR ] As per minutes: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201402/msg00121.html} } \\ \hline 232 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI: rearrange it all This is the re-arrangement originally suggested by Rusty, except I made some fixes and also tweaked a couple of places where behaviour changes where suggested - if we want these, they should go in separately. Rearrange discovery section to make it clearer what goes on. Wording changes MUST/MAY/etc. Clarify cfg gateway use. No behavioural changes. } \\ \hline 231 & 12 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { C struct specifications. Explicitly specify that our C struct specifications are without padding, and add some definitions for our integer data types. [ Rusty - added /* comments */ and removed redundant old le* explanation ] } \\ \hline 225 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { REVERT LAST 15 JUNK COMMITS. Back to r211. It's been a long day. } \\ \hline 224 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-8-9.patch } \\ \hline 223 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-8-7.patch } \\ \hline 222 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-8-6.patch } \\ \hline 221 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-8-5.patch } \\ \hline 220 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { feedback: s/virtio header/virtio common configuration/ While most places now sat virtio common configuration structure, some places still use the term virtio header. Since it's not necessarily before the common configuration anymore, rename it to virtio common configuration structure for consistency. Cc: Arun Subbarao <asubbarao@lnxw.com> } \\ \hline 219 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { We'll add more non-normative sections with hints for implementing registers such as PCI class, status and command registers. } \\ \hline 218 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { example code does not have to be optimal but it seems cleaner to disable interrupts after we recheck the ring empty state. } \\ \hline 217 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-7-orig.patch } \\ \hline 216 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-6.patch } \\ \hline 215 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-5.patch } \\ \hline 214 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { patch feedback-4.patch } \\ \hline 213 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { PCI Section Rework 1) Minor changes from must to MUST etc. 2) More references using \textbackslash ref. 3) Move section on capabilities first, before we talk about the common config layout. The previous order made sense for legacy. 4) Make explicit subsections for each type of capability and move more information into them. 5) Make it clear that there must be one or more. 6) Include 'struct virtio_pci_cap cap;' in struct virtio_pci_cfg_cap to match virtio_pci_notify_cap. 7) Explicitly note there's no way to negotiate the queue size for a legacy device. 8) Fix old language on config change event: config is not in the pci configuration space. 9) Explicitly state what the driver should do to use virtio_pci_cfg_cap. } \\ \hline 212 & 10 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { C struct specifications. Explicitly specify that our C struct specifications are without padding, and add some definitions for our integer data types. [ Rusty - added /* comments */ and removed redundant old le* explanation ] } \\ \hline 207 & 07 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Cleanup and setup clarifications 1) Explicitly allow drivers to read config space during feature negotiation. 2) Add the concept of a "live" virtqueue, and explicitly disallow moving it backwards or changing descriptors. } \\ \hline 204 & 07 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { block: legacy SCSI command fix. When describing the historical layout requirements, it says "status field is a separate read-only buffer of size 1 byte, by itself." That's clearly wrong, as it says above "The final status byte is written by the device" } \\ \hline 203 & 06 Feb 2014 & Rusty Russell & { whitespace: make all examples unindented, and avoid tabs. This makes the formatting far nicer. Applying now as it touches almost all examples and layouts, so we can rebase future changes on top of common ground. (Based on feedback from Thomas Huth for one example, and generalized). } \\ \hline 201 & 31 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { 3.2.1: Language tightening. 1) Lots of "we", replace with "the driver". 2) Use MAY and MUST NOT for spurious notifications. 3) Don't refer to PCI configuration space for notification. } \\ \hline 198 & 29 Jan 2014 & Pawel Moll & { Legacy: PCI Device Layout: fix PCI header fields order The order of the fields in the legacy PCI header seems to get messed up in the new spec, with the "Queue Address" moved behind "Queue Notify". According to the 0.9.5 version of the spec it should be: * Device Features 32 * Driver Features 32 * Queue Address 32 * Queue Size 16 * Queue Select 16 * Queue Notify 16 * Device Status 8 * ISR Status 8 -- } \\ \hline 197 & 29 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#3: Feedback from Pranavkumar Sawargaonkar (VIRTIO_CONSOLE_F_EMERG_WRITE) Document: virtio-v1.0-csprd01 Number: 3 Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 15:09:54 +0530 Link to Mail: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio-comment/201401/msg00037.html} Commenter name: Pranavkumar Sawargaonkar <pranavkumar@linaro.org> Approved at meeting 2014-01-28: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201401/msg00054.html} } \\ \hline 196 & 29 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#2: More feedback from Thomas Huth Document: virtio-v1.0-csprd01 Number: 2 Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 13:49:49 +0100 Link to Mail: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio-comment/201401/msg00001.html} Commenter name: Thomas Huth <thuth@linux.vnet.ibm.com> Approved at meeting 2014-01-28: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201401/msg00054.html} } \\ \hline 195 & 29 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Feedback \#1: fixes from Thomas Huth Document: virtio-v1.0-csprd01 Number: 1 Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 11:01:44 +0100 Link to Mail: \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio-comment/201401/msg00000.html} Commenter name: Thomas Huth <thuth@linux.vnet.ibm.com> Approved at meeting: 2014-01-28 \url{https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/virtio/201401/msg00054.html} } \\ \hline 194 & 28 Jan 2014 & Pawel Moll & { mmio: Move QueueReady register from offset 0x03c to 0x044 Legacy devices have QueueAlign register at 0x03c. To stay on the safe side and avoid any potential clashes (also to be able to abort any wrong writes), move it to previously unused offset 0x044. } \\ \hline 193 & 23 Jan 2014 & Cornelia Huck & { virtio-ccw: fix set_revision payload definition The members of struct virtio_rev_info are big endian: use be16 types. } \\ \hline 191 & 23 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Formatting: fix feature bits for console device. Make them a description list like every other device. } \\ \hline 190 & 23 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Michael's patch adding MQ support added some u16s; they are u16 in legacy mode but should be le16 for modern devices. } \\ \hline 185 & 17 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { net/multiqueue: tighten wording } \\ \hline 184 & 17 Jan 2014 & Rusty Russell & { Fixes for first WD front page. Based on feedback from Paul Knight <paul.knight@oasis-open.org>. } \\ \hline 179 & 03 Jan 2014 & Pawel Moll & { mmio: Obviously wrong notification register name The " Notifying The Device" section said "writing the index of the updated queue to the QueueNum". This is obviously wrong - should read "QueueNotify". } \\ \hline 178 & 16 Dec 2013 & Pawel Moll & { title \& acknowledgements: Make ARM less limited ... by removing the "Limited" bit of the name. } \\ \hline 177 & 16 Dec 2013 & Pawel Moll & { 2.3.2 MMIO: Configuration space offset corrected The offset in the MMIO configuration space description (table 4.1) became wrong at some time (0x0fff). Fixed. } \\ \hline 176 & 12 Dec 2013 & Pawel Moll & { 2.3.2 MMIO: Notifications \& interrupts clarifications (Hopefully) clarified the way notifications are being passed between the device and the driver and about the meaning of the interrupt registers. } \\ \hline 175 & 12 Dec 2013 & Pawel Moll & { 1. Introduction: Removed left-over "PCI" The "Extensible" paragraph of the introduction still referred to "Virtio PCI devices". Changed to "Virtio devices". } \\ \hline 174 & 12 Dec 2013 & Pawel Moll & { 2.3.2 MMIO: Further clarifications Clarified driver behaviour for out-of-spec MagicValue, Version and DeviceID values. } \\ \hline 173 & 12 Dec 2013 & Cornelia Huck & { ccw: feature bit endianness In contrast to the other values transmitted in ccw payload, feature bits are little endian. Fix it in the structure definition. } \\ \hline 172 & 12 Dec 2013 & Cornelia Huck & { ccw: clarify passing of subchannel id Make clear that the upper half of the register must be ignored, just like normal I/O instructions do. } \\ \hline 171 & 12 Dec 2013 & Cornelia Huck & { ccw: Tighten specification language. must -> MUST changes, removed inappropriate mays. } \\ \hline 170 & 09 Dec 2013 & Pawel Moll & { 2.3.2 MMIO: LaTeXisation Converter the register layout descriptions into tables. Also hardened the specification language, using MUSTs and MUST NOTs. } \\ \hline 168 & 09 Dec 2013 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { commands-pdf.tex: align title page Section titles are currently misaligned on the title page. This patch aligns them back. } \\ \hline 167 & 09 Dec 2013 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { net: document VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC_ADDR VIRTIO-50 virtio-spec: set mac address by a new vq command Approved Dec 3, 2013 } \\ \hline 166 & 09 Dec 2013 & Michael S. Tsirkin & { net: add _F_MQ support VIRTIO-49 Includes git commits: virtio-spec: fix two typos virtio-spec: virtio network device multiqueue support net: add note that you can defer rx queue init until mq enable. Approved Dec 3, 2013 } \\ \hline