09:08 < geertu> Welcome to today's Core Group Chat Meeting (with a flavor of I/O)!
09:08 < geertu> Agenda:
09:08 < geertu> 1. Status Updates
09:08 < geertu> 2. Core Discussion Topics
09:08 < geertu> 3. I/O Discussion Topics
09:08 < geertu> Topic 1. Status updates
09:09 < geertu> A) What have we done since last time:
09:09 < geertu> Marek worked on OpenOCD (general respin, R-Car V2H/M2-N, RZ/A1, travisCI),
09:09 < geertu> Linux (PCIe OB window review), U-Boot (Gen3 XHCI clock modes
09:09 < geertu> discussion), and ATF (rev2.0.6 upport).
09:09 < geertu> Niklas fixed broken references to nfsroot.rst.
09:09 < geertu> Shimoda-san checked inside Renesas for the need to keep KVM on arm32
09:09 < geertu> alive, investigated boot loader needs for CR52 on R-Car V3U, and
09:09 < geertu> suspended his SMMU-v3 investigation.
09:09 < geertu> Ulrich sent ignore-unused support for the CPG/MSSR clock driver, and
09:09 < geertu> reviewed patches.
09:09 < geertu> Geert investigated merge window regressions, attended FOSDEM, resubmited
09:09 < geertu> GPIO Aggregator and DT overlay for GPIO hog series, converted DT
09:09 < geertu> bindings to json-schema, sent a first batch of pull requests for v5.7,
09:09 < geertu> and fixed a regression in head.S.
09:09 < geertu> B) What we plan to do till next time:
09:09 < geertu> Marek plans to continue OpenOCD work for RZ/A1 BST.
09:09 < geertu> Shimoda-san plans to convert DT binding docs to json-schema, and will
09:09 < geertu> ping the IPL team about R-Car V3U.
09:09 < geertu> Ulrich plans to fix ignore-unused support for the CPG/MSSR clock driver.
09:09 < geertu> Geert plans to do more conversions of DT binding docs to json-schema,
09:09 < geertu> will follow-up GPIO Aggregator work, and hopes to resume QEMU GPIO
09:09 < geertu> virtualization.
09:10 < geertu> C) Problems we have currently:
09:10 < geertu> Shimoda-san has difficulty finding time for upstream activities, and
09:10 < geertu> regrets not being able to share the R-Car V3U Hardware User's manual.
09:10 < geertu> Ulrich decided to skip Embedded World due to COVID-19.
09:10 < geertu> Anything I missed?
09:11 < geertu> Topic 2. Core Discussion Topics
09:11 < geertu> I assume that apart from the name, nothing is known yet about "R-Car S"?
09:14 < shimoda> You're correct. The material said the name with "Gateway" purpose.
09:14 < geertu> shimoda: Thanks. So it will be a networking SoC?
09:16 < shimoda> geertu: I think so. And, i guess the SoC doesn't have any multimedia related functions
09:17 < kbingham[m]> Whats the point of a soc without multimedia ;-)
09:17 < geertu> kbingham: Upstream first? ;-)
09:18  * neg applies water to burn
09:18 < geertu> OK, let's see when we'll have more info
09:19 < geertu> shimoda: BTW, do you plan to resume rcar-usb2-clock-sel, when time permits?
09:21 < shimoda> geertu: oops. I completely forgot about the module topic. What should I do for it?
09:22 < geertu> shimoda: There are some pending review comments (from me ;-)
09:24 < geertu> Anything else to discuss for Core?
09:24 < shimoda> I got it. I'll look tomorrow. thank you for pointed it out!
09:24 < neg> I have a quick question
09:25 < neg> Is it you geert who pickup patches to MAINTAINERS for Renesas drivers or someone else?
09:25 < geertu> neg: Typically the maintainer of the subsystem does so
09:26 < neg> ok then I know who to poke ;-) Thanks
09:29 < geertu> Topic 3. I/O Discussion Topics
09:29 < geertu> As Wolfram is not available, and excused, this is the time to come forward with your I/O questions.
09:32 < shimoda> nothing any questions from my side
09:34 < shimoda> ah, i have a question about spi-slave and sent an email to geert-san :)
09:34 < geertu> shimoda: Yes, I've seen it. Haven't had time to reply yet.
09:34 < geertu> So the error is from DTC?
09:35 < shimoda> yes. just warning on build, not error though
09:35 < geertu> spi-controller.yaml is wrong, #address-cells must be 0 (or not present) when spi-slave is present
09:36 < geertu> I even commented about that when the json-schema conversion was submitted, but my comment was ignored
09:36 < geertu> I guess it also fails with "make dtbs_check DT_SCHEMA_FILES=Documentation/devicetree/bindings/spi/spi-controller.yaml"?
09:37 < geertu> I'll have a deeper look, and will report by email
09:37 < shimoda> i guess so when arm32 env
09:37 < shimoda> thanks!
09:38 < shimoda> oops, s/arm32/arm64 with rcar/
09:38 < geertu> Any other I/O questions or topics for discussion?
09:39 < geertu> If none, then let's move to the pinnacle of SoC use
09:39 < geertu> Thanks for joining, and have a nice continued day!