09:32 < geertu> Welcome to today's Core Group Chat Meeting!
09:32 < geertu> Agenda:
09:32 < geertu> 1. Status Updates
09:32 < geertu> 2. Discussion Topics
09:32 < geertu> Topic 1. Status updates
09:32 < geertu> A) What have we done since last time:
09:32 < geertu> Marek worked on the VLAB VM, OpenOCD (SH QSPI and RPCHF, and unified
09:32 < geertu> Gen2 TCL config file), and ATF (missing bits in DT passing).
09:32 < geertu> Morimoto-san did Renesas work.
09:32 < geertu> Niklas did small code reviews.
09:32 < geertu> Shimoda-san reviewed r8a77951 patches.
09:32 < geertu> Ulricht enjoyed Christmas and suffered from influenza.
09:32 < geertu> Geert had holidays, split R-Car H3 pinctrl support, added gpio-hog DT
09:32 < geertu> overlay support, submitted pull requests for v5.6, and cleant up new
09:32 < geertu> sh-pfc runtime checks.
09:34 < geertu> B) What we plan to do till next time:
09:34 < geertu> Marek plans to do more VLAB VM work, and push OpenOCD patches upstream.
09:34 < geertu> Morimoto-san plans to do Renesas work.
09:34 < geertu> Shimoda-san plans to convert rcar-dmac and ipmmu DT bindings to
09:34 < geertu> json-schema, and will continue using SMMU-v3.
09:34 < geertu> Geert plans to post new sh-pfc runtime checks, and resume DMAC sysfs
09:34 < geertu> work.
09:35 < geertu> C) Problems we have currently:
09:35 < geertu> Marek is still suffering from the upstream OpenOCD (non)process.
09:35 < geertu> Shimoda-san has difficulty finding time for upstream activities.
09:35 < geertu> Ulrich's home flight might coincide with next meeting.
09:35 < geertu> ---EOT---
09:35 < geertu> Anything I missed?
09:37 < geertu> shimoda: marek: With recent kernels, there are new runtime warnings w.r.t. the dmac drivers
09:39 < geertu> rcar-dmac ec720000.dma-controller: WARN: Device release is not defined so it is not safe to unbind this driver while in use
09:39 < shimoda> geertu: I didn't realize such runtime warnings.
09:40 < geertu> shimoda: It's something new, in next and renesas-drivers
09:43 < shimoda> geertu: i got it. i'll check tomorrow or later
09:44 < geertu> 8ad342a863590b24 ("dmaengine: Add reference counting to dma_device struct")
09:44 < geertu> Thanks!
09:44 < geertu> Topic 2. Discussion Topics
09:44 < geertu> Anything to discuss?
09:44 < geertu> Any special requests from Renesas?
09:45 < morimoto> Nothing, so far from me
09:45 < patersonc> I'm hiring for a permanent, UK based role if anyone is interested ;)
09:46 < geertu> morimoto-san for expat?
09:46 < patersonc> :D
09:46 < damm> I would highly recommend Morimoto-san
09:46 < patersonc> That would be fantastic
09:47 < kbingham> patersonc, Seconded, he knows a lot about Renesas stuff! :D
09:48 < morimoto> ?? I don't understand...
09:48 < kbingham> morimoto, We're moving you to the UK to work in the Bourne End office - (so that you're EU based, and we can go snowboarding in the Alps more often :-D )
09:49 < patersonc> That's decided then. I'll inform the boss
09:50 < damm> Thanks. Please try to be kind to him.
09:50 < morimoto> kbingham: OK, IC. It is nice idea :)
09:50 < patersonc> Always
09:51 < neg> patersonc: I think the budget could be better spent on an (existing) external group ;-P
09:53 < geertu> neg: I hope you're not implying morimoto-san is not a good choice? ;-)
09:54 < patersonc> neg: I already suggested outsourcing. It didn't go down well. Not much point in our team if we just outsource everything ;)
09:54 < neg> geertu: Of course not, but he is already on Renesas payroll so output would not increase ;-P
09:54 < geertu> neg: oh, right
09:55 < morimoto> :)
09:56 < geertu> Anything else to discuss? More people to relocate?
09:57 < morimoto> relocate...  expatriate...
09:57 < neg> Any Renesas positions in the Caribbeans ?
09:58 < patersonc> You can move there in your current role couldn't you?
09:58 < geertu> neg: Plan to attend AGL meeting in Honolulu?
09:59 < morimoto> neg: as Pirate
09:59 < neg> morimoto: sold, arrg :-)
10:00 < geertu> I think we're done...
10:00 < geertu> Thanks for joining, and have a nice continued day!