
10:44 < pinchartl> annnnnnddddd welcome to the multimedia meeting
10:46 < pinchartl> Topic 1. Status Check for the Multimedia Tasks
10:46 < morimoto> You can teach me at Japan as F2F :)
10:46 < pinchartl> * Jacopo
10:46 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:46 < pinchartl> - V4L2 multiplexed stream
10:46 < pinchartl> Took over Niklas' work and posted a new version under "[PATCH v3 00/31]
10:46 < pinchartl> v4l: add support for multiplexed streams".
10:46 < pinchartl> - adv748x dynamic routing fix
10:46 < pinchartl> Capture didnb't work on media-tree master with some HDMI transmitters,
10:46 < pinchartl> fixed it with "[PATCH] media: adv748x: Don't disable CSI-2 on
10:46 < pinchartl> link_setup".
10:46 < pinchartl> - Patches review on the linux-media mailing list
10:46 < pinchartl> - DU related patches upport investigation (see Up-port below)
10:46 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:46 < pinchartl> - Propose data-lane negotiation on top of v4l2-mux patches
10:46 < pinchartl> - Implement full AFE->TXA  dynamic routing for E3 and other SoCs
10:46 < pinchartl> - Investigate DU up-ports tasks
10:46 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None
10:46 < morimoto> to Marex
10:46 < pinchartl> jmondi: any comment ? I've moved to detail of the up-port to a separate discussion after the status update
10:47 < jmondi> no comment, thanks for moving the upport part later
10:47 < pinchartl> thank you
10:48 < pinchartl> Kieran is unavailable, he reported through e-mail
10:48 < pinchartl> * Kieran
10:48 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:48 < pinchartl> - PA-Phase revitalising
10:48 < pinchartl> Wrote a VSP1 phase test utility to calculate all scaling combinations,
10:48 < pinchartl> and posted new RFC patch series.
10:48 < pinchartl> - Started the DU clock sharing
10:48 < pinchartl> - Patch reviews
10:48 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:48 < pinchartl> - DU group refactoring and clock sharing
10:48 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers:
10:48 < pinchartl> - Implementation of section : Procedure 3 fails on some ratios
10:48 < pinchartl> An integer overflow or a similar issue is suspected, more work is
10:48 < pinchartl> needed.
10:48 < pinchartl> - Additional task for Q1 was ordered very late
10:48 < pinchartl> Now have to focus only on that, and can't continue PA-phase or anything
10:48 < pinchartl> else until next quarter.
10:48 < pinchartl> * Laurent
10:48 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:48 < pinchartl> - LVDS dual-link prototype for the DU
10:48 < pinchartl> - DU writeback using DRM writeback connectors
10:48 < pinchartl> - Submitted additional tasks for Q1
10:48 < pinchartl> - Patch review
10:48 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:48 < pinchartl> - Finish the LVDS dual-link prototype
10:48 < pinchartl> - Prepare multimedia plan for face-to-face meeting
10:48 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None
10:48 < pinchartl> any question ?
10:49 < neg> Not from me
10:49 < jmondi> not here
10:49 < pinchartl> * Morimoto-san
10:49 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:49 < pinchartl> - ALSA SoC framwork cleanup preparation
10:49 < pinchartl> This is still blocked by Intel.
10:49 < pinchartl> - Debugged sound issue on latest renesas-drivers
10:49 < pinchartl> The root cause has been found in commit 4472287a3b ("clk: Introduce
10:49 < pinchartl> of_clk_get_hw_from_clkspec()"), but it's not clear yet how to solve it.
10:49 < pinchartl> Discussions with the patch author are ongoing.
10:49 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:49 < pinchartl> - Fix the sound clock issue
10:49 < pinchartl> - Planning Hanami-party
10:49 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None
10:50 < pinchartl> morimoto: any comment ?
10:50 < morimoto> one comment is that my issue was already solved
10:50 < morimoto> yesterday
10:50 < morimoto> And posted patch, too.
10:50 < morimoto> thanks
10:51 < pinchartl> nice !
10:51 < pinchartl> I'll update the report
10:51 < pinchartl> thank you
10:51 < pinchartl> * Niklas
10:51 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:51 < pinchartl> - [PATCH] arm64: dts: renesas: r8a77990: Remove invalid compatible value for CSI40
10:51 < pinchartl> - [PATCH] projects: Import upport tasks from bsp392 for Multimedia
10:51 < pinchartl> - Prepared v2 of CSI-2 upporting patches, one issue remains
10:51 < pinchartl> - Tracked down and updated CSI-2 and VIN patch status in periject
10:51 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:51 < pinchartl> - Try to clean up the VIN crop and compose code
10:51 < pinchartl> This is needed to ease merging of UDS and PM support.
10:51 < pinchartl> - Resolve last issue for v2 of CSI-2 upporting effort and send out
10:51 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None
10:51 < pinchartl> neg: any comment ?
10:51 < neg> I would like to have your feedback on the rcar-csi2 video standard discussion so I can send out v2 of the upport work. Other then that I'm good
10:52 < pinchartl> I think we should discuss it on #v4l with Hans and possible Sakari
10:52 < neg> sounds good let's do it
10:52 < pinchartl> thank you
10:52 < pinchartl> * Ulrich
10:52 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: None
10:52 < pinchartl> Until next meeting: None
10:52 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None
10:52 < morimoto> :)
10:53 < pinchartl> uli__: any comment ? I wasn't sure if TBD meant there would be something on the multimedia front
10:55 < pinchartl> Topic 2. Up-port
10:55 < pinchartl> Jacopo has worked on up-porting patches
10:55 < uli__> no comment
10:55 < pinchartl> - drm: rcar-du: Add clock function for LVDS PLL
10:55 < pinchartl>
10:55 < pinchartl> This has been addressed by a6cc417d3eee ("drm: rcar-du: Turn LVDS clock
10:55 < pinchartl> output on/off for DPAD0 output on D3/E3"), present in renesas-drivers.
10:55 < pinchartl> - drm: rcar-du: Fix dpad signal routing for R8A7799X
10:55 < pinchartl>
10:55 < pinchartl> Status unclear, but seems part of du/next. Will be investigated further.
10:55 < pinchartl> - arm64: dts: r8a77990-ebisu: Enable simultaneous output of VGA and HDMI
10:55 < pinchartl>
10:55 < pinchartl> Tested VGA and HDMI output with on Laurent's latest
10:55 < pinchartl> drm/du/base and confirm the issue has been addressed by 3109a1bfe264
10:55 < pinchartl> ("arm64: dts: renesas: r8a77995: draak: Enable LVDS1 encoder").
10:55 < pinchartl> - drm: rcar-du: Add register access check
10:55 < pinchartl>
10:55 < pinchartl> We have already been there with "[PATCH 0/4] drm: rcar-du: Update to SoC
10:55 < pinchartl> manual revision 1.00". Needs rebase and re-submit.
10:55 < pinchartl> - ADV7511 suspend/resume
10:55 < pinchartl>
10:55 < pinchartl> jmondi: anything to discuss then ?
10:56 < pinchartl> or did you just want to report that ?
10:56 < jmondi> this should be integrated in Niklas' great work on importing upport tasks in periject
10:57 < jmondi> apart from that we have clarified off-line most of these tasks
10:57 < pinchartl> how about we import them, and you send a periject patch on top to address these ?
10:57 < jmondi> I will investigate "drm: rcar-du: Fix dpad signal routing for R8A7799X"
10:57 < jmondi> and adv7511 suspend/resume
10:58 < jmondi> pinchartl: you mean first get Niklas' patch in, and then send patches on top? fine with me
10:58 < pinchartl> yes
10:58 < pinchartl> thank you
10:58 < pinchartl> Topic 3. Discussions
10:58 < pinchartl> any topic to discuss ?
10:59 < jmondi> pinchartl: should I wait for more reviews on v4l2-mux before trying to handle the CSI-2 data lane negotiation?
10:59 < jmondi> or could I send on top of v3?
10:59 < pinchartl> I think you can send it on top
10:59 < jmondi> pinchartl: do you plan to review v3? :p
11:01 < pinchartl> yes I do :-)
11:01 < jmondi> thanks :)
11:01 < neg> Any update on the Multimedia development plan work?
11:01 < jmondi> ah! Sakari just replied to v3 :)
11:02 < pinchartl> neg: I think at this stage I'd like to have initial feedback from Japan
11:02 < pinchartl> on Jacopo's proposal
11:02 < pinchartl> in order to discuss and finalize the plan with the team
11:02 < pinchartl> before going to Japan
11:03 < pinchartl> morimoto: damm: do you plan to review the plan proposal sent by Jacopo ?
11:04 < morimoto> I think we need to. damm-san ?
11:04 < neg> I was wondering if you had any feedback on that from none mail sources but a face to face meeting coming up might be better. I'm just being curious :-)
11:05 < pinchartl> damm: have we lost you ? :-)
11:06 < morimoto> damm: I miss you... so.. much...
11:07 < jmondi> morimoto: :)
11:07 < pinchartl> while waiting for Magnus to reply
11:07 < damm> yes
11:07 < pinchartl> ah
11:07 < pinchartl> good timing :-)
11:07 < pinchartl> was that a "yes, we lost you" ?
11:08 < damm> pretty much, but morimoto-san and i need time to review
11:08 < jmondi> morimoto: and no, we very much like you, but we all hate HTML :p
11:08 < pinchartl> have you had a chance to read Jacopo's e-mail ? do you have any feedback, or could you provide feedback by the end of next week ?
11:08 < pinchartl> damm: sure, take your time
11:09 < morimoto> jmondi: hehe :)
11:09 < pinchartl> let me know if you would like to schedule a HO discussion about it, or if you prefer interacting over e-mai
11:09 < pinchartl> l
11:09 < pinchartl> do you think you could provide early feedback by the end of next week ?
11:11 < damm> let me and morimoto-san check our schedules and see if we can meet
11:11 < pinchartl> thank you
11:11 < pinchartl> Topic 4. Additional Tasks for 2019 Q2
11:11 < pinchartl> it's time to start thinking about those
11:11 < pinchartl> but there's a question that needs to be answered first
11:12 < pinchartl> what's the budget situation for Q2 ?
11:12 < pinchartl> I'm afraid this is again a question for our esteemed Japanese team members
11:13 < morimoto> It is very serious question
11:13 < morimoto> Only I can say *so far* is that Q2 is no problem *at this point*
11:14 < pinchartl> ok
11:14 < pinchartl> does this mean that we should currently consider that the Q2 budget will be identical to the Q1 budget, and start submitting additional tasks accordingly ?
11:15 < morimoto> I think so, shimoda-san any comment ?
11:18 < morimoto> shimoda: I miss you... so.. much... again...
11:18 < morimoto> what's happen at Japanese network ??
11:20 < shimoda> sorry for delayed. as morimoto-san mentioned, Q2 budget is OK (same as Q1)
11:21 < pinchartl> ok
11:22 < pinchartl> we will then start proposing additional tasks
11:22 < pinchartl> any other topic to discuss today ? if not, I propose adjourning this meeting
11:23 < neg> No other topics from me
11:23 < jmondi> neg: let's sync on updating periject maybe
11:24 < jmondi> no other topics from me, thank you all
11:24 < geertu> Woops, will we switch to Summer Time on March 31, or not?
11:24 < neg> jmondi: I was hoping pinchartl would push my patch once he have looked at it
11:24 < neg> jmondi: And all changes would go on top of that
11:24 < jmondi> geertu: for the last time, yes!
11:24 < pinchartl> neg: I'll review your patch indeed, and we can then push it
11:25 < pinchartl> I think we can do so offline
11:26 < neg> sounds good to me
11:26 < pinchartl> geertu: does it mean that the next meeting will be at 16:00 JST ?
11:26 < geertu> 08:00 BST / 09:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST /  12:30 IST / 16:00 JST.
11:26 < geertu> (assuming I don't have it wrong)
11:27 < pinchartl> that's my understanding too, thanks
11:27 < pinchartl> multimedia meeting adjourned
11:27 < pinchartl> thank you all for attending, and have a nice day