10:04 < geertu> Welcome to today's Core Group chat!
10:04 < geertu> Agenda:
10:04 < geertu> 1. Status Updates
10:04 < geertu> 2. Discussion Topics
10:04 < geertu> Topic 1. Status updates
10:04 < geertu> A) What have we done since last time:
10:04 < geertu> Marek worked on ATF (build instructions, parameter passing, upporting,
10:04 < geertu> QoS impact on SDHI, assumed maintainership), U-Boot (i2c, pfc, M3N ULCB,
10:04 < geertu> parameter passing, defconfigs), and Linux (TDSEL save/restore,
10:04 < geertu> Alt/Blanche PMIC, Draak CAN, PCIe 32-bit limitation).
10:04 < geertu> Morimoto-san enjoyed snowboarding and added HTML support to the periject
10:04 < geertu> viewer.
10:04 < geertu> Shimoda-san looked into an rcar-dmac glitch fix from Bosch.
10:04 < geertu> Simon posted support for the ZG clock on E3/D3 and RZ/G2E.
10:04 < geertu> Ulrich tested patches and visited Renesas people at Embedded World.
10:04 < geertu> Geert investigated the clock/genpd deadlock with Jiada, and did a rough
10:04 < geertu> periupport->periject conversion for core.
10:04 -!- Marex [~Marex@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:05 < geertu> B) What we plan to do till next time:
10:05 < geertu> Marek plans to revisit PWRC mailboxes in ATF, and SDHI calibration in
10:05 < geertu> U-Boot.
10:05 < geertu> Morimoto-san plans to fix the clock/sound issue, and plan an
10:05 < geertu> Hanami-party.
10:05 < geertu> Simon plans to continue working on the ZG clock, and follow  up r8a77990
10:05 < geertu> PMIC enablement.
10:05 < geertu> Geert plans to spend more time on the clock/genpd deadlock, flush his
10:05 < geertu> pinctrl backlog, and follow-up on IPMMU suspend/resume.
10:06 < geertu> C) Problems we have currently:
10:06 < geertu> Geert doesn't like clock/genpd deadlocks.
10:06 < geertu> Morimoto-san misses the snowboard season, already.
10:06 < geertu> Simon needs to upgrade firmware on Ebisu.
10:07 < geertu> ---EOT---
10:07 < geertu> Anything I missed?
10:07 < pinchartl> geertu: who likes clock/genpd deadlocks ? :-)
10:07 < geertu> pinchartl: Dunno
10:08 < geertu> morimoto: I'm afraid we cannot fix your problem right here, unfortunatly
10:09 < geertu> But snowboarding season may open soon on the southern hemisphere
10:10 < geertu> Topic 2. Discussion Topics
10:10 < geertu> Do we have anything special to discuss?
10:10 < wsa> I have an upport request :)
10:10 < geertu> Any special requests or issue from the Renesas side?
10:11 < wsa> There is this IO related PFC patch in the BSP "pinctrl: sh-pfc: r8a77965: Add I2C{0,3,5} pins, groups and functions"
10:11 < wsa> It would be nice to have that upstream
10:11 < wsa> I recall uli__ did it for the other Gen3 SoCs already
10:11 < uli__> correct
10:13 < geertu> Looks like I found a first use for the "assignee" field in periject?
10:13 < wsa> :D
10:13 < geertu> uli__: Do you have time to take care of that?
10:13 < uli__> sure
10:13 < geertu> uli__: thx!
10:14 < wsa> out of interest: what came out of the cpuidle patches? on the way upstream?
10:15 < shimoda> geertu: about sd clock on cpg driver, I got v2 patch from kihara-san, so I'll send it later
10:16 < geertu> shimoda: ok, thx!
10:16 < shimoda> geertu: kihara-san would like you to review it to apply the bsp
10:16 < wsa> shimoda: BTW I will have a look at the HS400 & MMC core issue you mentioned
10:17 < shimoda> wsa: thanks!
10:17 < geertu> wsa: cpuidle is postponed until we have access to hardware (newer ES revisions) to test.
10:17 < geertu> Cfr. PERIPERI-BRU meeting
10:18 < wsa> ah, right
10:18 < wsa> it is idling ;)
10:18 < marex-cloud> wsa: HS400? There's more? :(
10:19 < wsa> marex-cloud: yes, check shimoda-san's status update. It is a Linux-internal thing, though
10:19 < marex-cloud> Ok
10:21 -!- Marex [~Marex@] has joined #periperi
10:22 < geertu> Anything left to mention/discuss?
10:23 < pinchartl> date for the next meeting ?
10:23 < pinchartl> two weeks from now is the 21st
10:23 < pinchartl> and it's a public holiday in Japan
10:23 < geertu> pinchartl: snowboard day?
10:24 < pinchartl> morimoto: shimoda: damm: I assume the 21st isn't a good date for you ?
10:25 < shimoda> pinchartl: true, I prefer other day, but I'll take day off 22nd too
10:25 < geertu> Vernal Equinox Day
10:25 < morimoto> Yeah, 21st is holiday in Japan
10:26 < wsa> 28th then?
10:26 < geertu> morimoto: border between snowboard and non-snowboard season?
10:26 < geertu> 28th is fine for me
10:27 < pinchartl> I'll be in a plane on the 28th, I'll see if there's wifi on board
10:27  * Marex will connect from Japan :-)
10:27 < morimoto> Unfortunately, it is already non-snowboard season (; ;)
10:27 < Marex> pinchartl: dinner plans for 27th ?
10:27 < pinchartl> Marex: I plan to have dinner on the 27th :-)
10:27 < Marex> morimoto: maybe you can add wheels to the snowboard, like rollerskating ? :)
10:28 < morimoto> Hehe :)
10:30 < morimoto> It is alreay exist call as "mountain board"
10:31 < Marex> morimoto: clearly you already researched that option :)
10:31 < morimoto> It seems I feel very pain if I falling...
10:32 < geertu> morimoto: Do ... not ... fall?
10:32 < Marex> morimoto: one would assume the same thing applies for snowboarding
10:32 < geertu> Alternatively, we can meet on march 20?
10:32 < morimoto> n? not falling, I don't know hot to say in English
10:33 < Marex> play it safe ?
10:33 < morimoto> I'm OK for 20th
10:33 < geertu> In preparation of the equinox?
10:33 < wsa> 20th would be a tad better for me, even
10:34 < shimoda> ah, at 20th, I and morimoto-san should end the work at 17:30...
10:34 < morimoto> shimoda: not "force" day, I guess
10:35 < shimoda> 20th is third wed, so I think it's force go to home day :)
10:35 < morimoto> Oops, indeed
10:36 < pinchartl> I won't be available on the 20th, but don't let that block you
10:39 < pinchartl> conclusion ?
10:39 -!- damm [~damm@KD106161169141.au-net.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
10:39 < morimoto> How about skip then, it looks very tight schedule in the week ?
10:39 < morimoto> 4th April ?
10:40 < geertu> Fine for me
10:40 < neg> Works for me
10:40 < Marex> neg: 33c3
10:40 < morimoto> Marex: what does it mean ? 33c3
10:41 < shimoda> fine for me
10:41 < Marex> morimoto: https://media.ccc.de/c/33c3
10:41 < Marex> morimoto: whitehat hacker conference on various topics, the theme of 33c3 was "works for me"
10:41 < geertu> let-me-marex-that-for-you ;-)
10:42 < wsa> 4.4. , ack
10:42 < neg> Marex: I liked 29c3 better "Not my department" I have the poster on my wall in the office
10:42 < Marex> morimoto: e.g. in this years' edition, we were kinda discussing random stuff and learnt that for some reason, Sony PS Vita CPU is made by Toshiba and it's a derivative of their ARM SoC :)
10:42 < Marex> morimoto: one learns a lot of interesting inobvious stuff there
10:43 < Marex> neg: nice
10:43 < geertu> So.... Thanks for joining, and have a nic continued day!
10:43 < wsa> but i would like to have status updates on 21/03, still
10:43 < geertu> wsa: ok