09:02 < wsa_> welcome to the IO meeting
09:02 < geertu> Even without me screwing up the meeting time(zone)s
09:02 < wsa_> here is the status update:
09:03 < wsa_> Status updates
09:03 < wsa_> ==============
09:03 < wsa_> A - what have I done since last time
09:03 < wsa_> ------------------------------------
09:03 < wsa_> Geert
09:03 < wsa_> : tested HSCIF on Bock-W
09:03 < wsa_> Kaneko-san
09:03 < wsa_> :
09:03 < wsa_> Niklas
09:03 < wsa_> : investigated the SDHI clk imbalance issues further
09:03 < wsa_> Shimoda-san
09:03 < wsa_> : worked on various USB issues, handled Wolfram's questions to the BSP team,
09:03 < wsa_>   and is improving Gen3 PHY USB2 driver to work with virtualized environments
09:03 < wsa_> Simon
09:03 < wsa_> :
09:03 < wsa_> Ulrich
09:03 < wsa_> :
09:03 < wsa_> Wolfram
09:03 < wsa_> : merged the I2C core suspend handling series, refactored parts of the IIC
09:03 < wsa_>   driver to prepare it for upcoming changes, cleaned up i2c-gpio and algo-bit,
09:03 < wsa_>   added an 'arbitration lost' fault injector on top of that, started upporting
09:03 < wsa_>   I2C patches from bsp392, reviewed Niklas' SDHI series fixing clock imbalance
09:03 < wsa_>   and Simon's E3 SDHI enablement, updated the periject converter for BSP ticket
09:03 < wsa_>   files, merged older comments into the new bsp392 ticket file, helped organizing
09:03 < wsa_>   the PeriPeriBE meetings
09:03 < wsa_> B - what I want to do until next time
09:03 < wsa_> -------------------------------------
09:03 < wsa_> Geert
09:03 < wsa_> : wants to test at25 spimem conversion
09:03 < wsa_> Kaneko-san
09:03 < wsa_> : wants to
09:03 < wsa_> Niklas
09:03 < wsa_> : wants to attend PeriPeriBE and FSODEM
09:03 < wsa_> Shimoda-san
09:03 < wsa_> : wants to work on PWM suspend/resume once his atomic API patches are merged,
09:03 < wsa_>   and to continue the USB PHY virtualization work
09:03 < wsa_> Simon
09:03 < wsa_> : wants to
09:03 < wsa_> Ulrich
09:03 < wsa_> : wants to
09:03 < wsa_> Wolfram
09:03 < wsa_> : wants to fix remaining flaws of periject converter, fix arbitration lost and
09:03 < wsa_>   NACK handling on IIC, continue upporting I2C patches, participate in
09:03 < wsa_>   PeriPeriBE and FOSDEM meetings
09:03 < wsa_> C - problems I currently have
09:03 < wsa_> -----------------------------
09:03 < wsa_> Niklas
09:03 < wsa_> : needs access to ape6emv or kzm9g to continue working on the SDHI clk
09:03 < wsa_>   imbalance issue
09:03 < wsa_> Wolfram
09:03 < wsa_> : got no response from some developers about their status/availability and also
09:03 < wsa_>   biweekly status reports are getting in late sometimes.
09:04 < wsa_> There are no updates from uli_ and horms yet, they came too late for this summary. I will add them later. But next time, please send them a day before
09:05 < horms> sorry about that
09:05 < uli_> ok
09:05 < wsa_> thanks!
09:06 < morimoto> Unfortunately, shimoda-san can't joint today. He caught a cold, and backed to his home.
09:06 < wsa_> So, why is Bock-W hot again? I seem to have missed something :)
09:06 < wsa_> morimoto: thanks for telling. I hope he gets well soon
09:07 < morimoto> Yeah, thanks
09:07 < geertu> wsa_: It was an old patch I had applied locally, and finally got to testing when Bock-W became avaiable.
09:08 < wsa_> about neg's hw request: according to our wiki pinchartl has a kzm9g and uli_ has a ape6evm. Are those available for a short exchange?
09:08 < geertu> s/avaiable/available again/
09:08 < wsa_> I assume geertu's boards are heavily built into his testing rack
09:08 < geertu> wsa_: I already asked dammsan if he could bring a few to Brussels
09:09 < geertu> If that fails, I can bring mine to Brussels.
09:09 < geertu> AFAIU, Niklas will have almost 2 weeks to play with it ;-)
09:09 < neg> ;-)
09:10 < horms> I recently sent my kzm9g and ape6evm to Magnus
09:10 < geertu> But given there are rumours about a big stockpile in JP, I prefer that solution, for the long run
09:10 < wsa_> Is there a MM codecamp after FOSDEM in Brussels or is neg so excited about the Belgian weather in February? :D
09:10 < horms> The later was very large
09:10 < wsa_> geertu: a few = BockW?
09:11 < neg> wsa_: I miss the pig, so I will try to track it down :-)
09:11 < geertu> wsa_: a few = APE6EVM
09:11 < wsa_> damm: is that likely to happen?
09:13 < damm> yes
09:13 < geertu> damm: Thx!
09:13 < wsa_> horms: the bsp392 ticket files has a few new ravb & thermal patches which look to me like good material for you and/or Kaneko-san. Can you check?
09:14 < horms> Sure, can do
09:14 < wsa_> so: damm brings neg a APE6EVM to Brussels? Correct?
09:14 < wsa_> horms: thanks!
09:14 < damm> it is not allowed to export those most likely, but renesas mobile does no longer exist. i plan on bringing some for demonstration purpose and plese remind me to bring them back so i don't forget =)
09:15 < geertu> damm: If you plan to get them into the UK, better hurry up ;-)
09:15 < damm> indeed =)
09:15 < wsa_> damm: we will surely do that! :)
09:15 < damm> =)
09:16 < wsa_> geertu: about the tee driver, are we aligned this is core realm?
09:16 < neg> damm: :-)
09:17 < geertu> wsa_: Is this implemented in all firmware versions?
09:17 < geertu> wsa_: But yes, this smells like core
09:18 < wsa_> yes, we surely need to find out the true status for upporting
09:19 < wsa_> But I first wanted to make sure it doesn't fall through the cracks because it is surprisingly (to me) still in bsp392
09:20 < geertu> wsa_: The TEE tasks are yellow, not red
09:20 < geertu> "Because the upstream policy of the driver is unknown"
09:21 < wsa_> true, yet they have non-"N" prio
09:21 < wsa_> o
09:22 < wsa_> but yeah, it is not urgent otherwise we would know about it...
09:22 < wsa_> are there any questions from your side?
09:22 < wsa_> I have only periject on my agenda, not sure if pinchartl is ATK now...
09:24 < wsa_> pinchartl: ?
09:24 < geertu> Any I/O topics for the PeriPeriBE agenda?
09:26 < wsa_> yes, so far, the I2C/GMSL discussion and short lookahead (tasks / add tasks)
09:26 < horms> Perhaps not for that agenda but I am wondering what if anything we want to do to investigate HS500 performance on E3
09:27 < wsa_> yeah, that would be a good topic, too
09:27 < wsa_> especially to sync with Marek's SDHI experiences on U-Boot
09:27 < pinchartl> wsa_: hello
09:27 < pinchartl> sorry for the delay
09:29 < wsa_> pinchartl: we'll soon switch to periject ;)
09:30 < wsa_> horms: do you have time to validate your measurement with other Gen3 HW?
09:31 < horms> Sure, I can do some tests on my local boards
09:31 < wsa_> so, i think the new bsp392 ticket file might be a good occasion to switch to periject.
09:31 < wsa_> opinions on that?
09:32 < wsa_> horms: cool, thanks!
09:32 < horms> That would be Salvator-XS/H3 ES2.0, Salvator-X/M3-W ES1.0 and Salvator-XS/M3-N ES1.0
09:33 < horms> I'll collect some resulds and report back
09:33 < wsa_> thanks!
09:33 < geertu> I think you need to use the latest ATF for all benchmarks.
09:34 < geertu> ATF programs QoS.
09:34 < wsa_> Note that HS400 will be rejected on M3-W1.0
09:35 < wsa_> pinchartl: gone again?
09:35 < horms> Ok, I will not test on that platform
09:35 < wsa_> let's continue with the core meeting then if there are no other questions?
09:36 < pinchartl> wsa_: I'm here
09:37 < wsa_> pinchartl: morimoto: geertu: what do you think about testing periject with bsp392?
09:38 < morimoto> It is nice idea for me :)
09:38 < pinchartl> I think it's a good idea too
09:38 < geertu> geertu: Fine for me!
09:39 < wsa_> good, then I will fix the remaining issues of the script till weekend
09:39 < pinchartl> we most probably want task patches to be reviewed with even more scrutiny than usual, as there will be discussions about the processs and the format
09:39 < pinchartl> once the script is ready I think group leaders could start creating tasks
09:40 < pinchartl> we're still missing the commit hook that will turn guids into integer ids, right ?
09:40 < wsa_> there are issues left with multiple "B:" and "U:" entries. And I will also check setting the task status automatically
09:40 < wsa_> pinchartl: i think so
09:42 < wsa_> so we can play around with it next week and discuss first results at the global meeting
09:42 < wsa_> sounds good to me
09:42 < geertu> Great!
09:43 < wsa_> good, then i think it is time to get to the core
09:43 < wsa_> :D
09:43 < wsa_> geertu: have fun