
10:46 < pinchartl> welcome to the multimedia meeting
10:46 < pinchartl> Topic 1. Status Check for the Multimedia Tasks
10:46 < pinchartl> * Jacopo
10:46 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:46 < pinchartl> - GMSL discussions (still have to reply to Wolfram's answers)
10:46 < pinchartl> - Miscellaneous V4L2 activities:
10:46 < pinchartl>   - reviews (ov7670, Marvel CIC)
10:46 < pinchartl>   - a few more sensor driver patches (ov5640)
10:46 < pinchartl> - Additional task to support CVBS input on Ebisu through CSI-2
10:46 < pinchartl>   - Media graph patches written, not sent yet
10:46 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:46 < pinchartl> - Complete addtional taks and submit
10:46 < pinchartl> - Reply to Wolfram and keep an eye on GMSL discussions
10:46 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers:
10:46 < pinchartl> - I need to bother Niklas to help testing the Ebisu series on Salvator with 
10:46 < pinchartl> CVBS input
10:46 < pinchartl> jmondi: any comment ?
10:47 < pinchartl> have we lost Jacopo ? :-)
10:47 < neg> jmondi: just ping me when you need testing of CVBS, I'm i the office until the 21st
10:47 < jmondi> I'm here sorry
10:48 < jmondi> nothing to add
10:48 < jmondi> neg: surely before than that :)
10:48 < pinchartl> thank you
10:48 < pinchartl> * Kieran
10:48 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:48 < pinchartl> - M3N VGA reviews
10:48 < pinchartl> - Reworked RDACM20 with (most) review comments from Sakari
10:48 < pinchartl> Updated on my rcar.git gmsl/v5 branch
10:48 < pinchartl> - yavta --reset-controls implementation
10:48 < pinchartl> [PATCH] Add support to reset device controls
10:48 < pinchartl> - [VSP-Tests PATCH 0/7] Reset controls and unloved patches
10:48 < pinchartl> - KUnit test review (part of working towards PA-Phase testing)
10:48 < pinchartl> - gmsl/for-renesas-drivers update due to merge conflict in CSI2 from
10:48 < pinchartl> neg/jmondi
10:48 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:48 < pinchartl> - More work on Partition Algorithm Phase
10:48 < pinchartl> Now that the AT is done, this might actually get done
10:48 < pinchartl> - v4l2-ctl --reset-ctrls implementation ?
10:48 < pinchartl> Fairly low priority - but a nice to have
10:48 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers:
10:48 < pinchartl> - Had hoped to add --reset-ctrls to v4l2-ctl but building v4l2-utils is a real pain at the moment.
10:48 < pinchartl> kbingham: any comment ?
10:49 < pinchartl> what's your issue with building v4l2-utils ? I thought I was the only one finding that painful, but if you do as well, we should bring that up with upstream
10:49 < kbingham> please add "Review and (hopefully) PR pending adv748x patches" to B
10:49 < pinchartl> done
10:50 < kbingham> pinchartl, I cloned v4l2-utils - ran mkdir build; cd build; ../configure; make ; as I normally would - and it fails to build - in both cross compiling and native (on my laptop) ... so I stopped :)
10:51 < kbingham> Maybe I should write a gitlab-ci.yml file to send so it can have automatic build tests run :)
10:51 < pinchartl> kbingham: please report that upstream
10:51 < kbingham> Ack.
10:52 < pinchartl> * Laurent
10:52 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:52 < pinchartl> - Fixed display regressions in v4.20
10:52 < pinchartl> - Submitted DPAD output routing for D3/E3
10:52 < pinchartl> - Patch review
10:52 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:52 < pinchartl> - Get DPAD output routing merged
10:52 < pinchartl> - Using the same DOTCLKIN input for multiple DU channels
10:52 < pinchartl> - Tentatively try to get VGA output on D3/E3 working properly
10:52 < pinchartl> - More patch review
10:52 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers:
10:52 < pinchartl> - The rcar-pwm driver seems to be broken when using the PWM atomic API
10:52 < pinchartl> any question ?
10:53 < kbingham> None here.
10:53 < pinchartl> * Morimoto-san
10:53 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:53 < pinchartl> - Merge audio-graph and audio-graph-scu
10:53 < pinchartl> We had common audio-graph card for normal sound and audio-graph-scu card for special use case. These are similar, but using different framework. Because of it, ULCB/KF couldn't use all sound. I tried to merge these into audio-graph card. Patches have been posted to the mailing list, some of them are accepted, but not all, yet.
10:53 < pinchartl> - Merge simple-card and simple-scu-card
10:53 < pinchartl> Did same things for simple-card version, posting these patches to ML.
10:53 < pinchartl> - Reviewing patches from Mentor developer
10:53 < pinchartl> The developer is aggressively posting new feature patch for sound, but they break sound in upstream.
10:53 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:53 < pinchartl> - Continue posting patches
10:53 < pinchartl> - Keep reviewing the Mentor developer's patches
10:53 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None
10:53 < wsa_> cya guys!
10:53 < pinchartl> morimoto: any comment ?
10:54 < morimoto> no, thanks
10:55 < pinchartl> * Niklas
10:55 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:55 < pinchartl> - [PATCH v4 0/4] i2c: adv748x: add support for CSI-2 TXA to work in 1-, 2- and 
10:55 < pinchartl> 4-lane mode
10:55 < pinchartl> - [PATCH] v4l2: async: remove locking when initializing async notifier
10:55 < pinchartl> - Started VIN and CSI-2 suspend/resume support.
10:55 < pinchartl> Until next meeting:
10:55 < pinchartl> - Finish VIN and CSI-2 suspend/resume support.
10:55 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers:
10:55 < pinchartl> - Would be nice to get the media graph from a H3 GMSL setup with 8 cameras in 
10:55 < pinchartl> dot format, to attach it to the multiplexed stream series to show a real a 
10:55 < pinchartl> world use-case.
10:55 < pinchartl> Unfortunately for electrical reasons Niklas' setup only shows 4 cameras...
10:55 < pinchartl> neg: any comment ?
10:55 < neg> I forgot to add I'm looking into the lockdep warning from rcar-vin
10:56 < neg> other than that no comment
10:56 < pinchartl> in the "until next meeting" section ?
10:57 < neg> I will keep tracking it but don't think I have a solution by next meeting, but I think that is the best section to put it in
10:57 < pinchartl> ok
10:57 < pinchartl> thanks
10:57 < pinchartl> that's it for the status reports
10:57 < pinchartl> any discussion topic for today ?
10:57 < kbingham> pinchartl, I think discussion topics are already covered.
10:58 < pinchartl> I think so too, I don't have any other item to discuss
10:58 < neg> none from me
10:58 < pinchartl> morimoto: is there any pending question from the BSP team ?
10:58 < pinchartl> ah...
10:59 < pinchartl> in which case, I think that's it for today
10:59 < neg> thanks all have a great day/evening
11:00 < shimoda> morimoto-san quited accidentaly. I heard he doesn't have any pending question
11:00 < jmondi> thank you all
11:00 < pinchartl> an Emacs accident ? :-)
11:00 < pinchartl> shimoda: please thank him for attending the meeting
11:00 < pinchartl> thank you all for attending
11:00 < pinchartl> the next meeting will be two weeks from now, same schedule
11:01 < shimoda> pinchartl: sure!