09:05 < wsa_> welcome to this io meeting everyone 09:06 < wsa_> here is the collected status update 09:06 < wsa_> Status updates 09:06 < wsa_> ============== 09:06 < wsa_> A - what have I done since last time 09:06 < wsa_> ------------------------------------ 09:06 < wsa_> Geert 09:06 < wsa_> : fixed receive regression on SCIFA/B with DMA, tested MSIOF with DMA on Ebisu, 09:06 < wsa_> optimized AT25 SPI EEPROM driver for DMA, posted RFC to fix fallback to PIO 09:06 < wsa_> in the sh-sci driver 09:06 < wsa_> Kaneko-san 09:06 < wsa_> : got E3 SYS-DMAC enablement for MSIOF merged 09:06 < wsa_> Marek 09:06 < wsa_> : implemented PCIe SError recovery in ATF to handle link state problems 09:06 < wsa_> Niklas 09:06 < wsa_> : sent a new version of the SDHI reset series and prepared a summary of the 09:06 < wsa_> HS400 clock divider issue 09:06 < wsa_> Shimoda-san 09:06 < wsa_> : reviewed RZ/G1C's USB2.0 host/peripheral proposal, proxied an issue of sh-sci 09:06 < wsa_> with Gen2 (SCIFA) + dmaengine, added D3/E3 support to renesas_usbhs and 09:06 < wsa_> phy-rcar-gen3-usb2, fixed gadget/udc/renesas_usb3 for E3, and confirmed the 09:06 < wsa_> eMMC suspend issue is gone in latest LTSI 09:06 < wsa_> Wolfram 09:06 < wsa_> : did organizational preparations for PeriPeriCon and SDHI-Hackfest in Edinburgh, 09:06 < wsa_> reviewed and tested various SDHI and SCIF patches, prepared another cleanup 09:06 < wsa_> series regarding dev_get_drvdata(), sent RFC to Shimoda-san's question about 09:06 < wsa_> clearing DMA in i2c-rcar, assisted Fabrizio with his I2C passthrough issue, 09:06 < wsa_> and updated his DMA talk for the ELCE conference 09:06 < wsa_> B - what I want to do until next time 09:06 < wsa_> ------------------------------------- 09:06 < wsa_> Marek 09:06 < wsa_> : wants to go to ELCE, PeriPeriCon, SDHI hackfest in Edinburgh 09:06 < wsa_> Niklas 09:06 < wsa_> : wants to attend ELCE and the SDHI hackfest 09:06 < wsa_> Shimoda-san 09:06 < wsa_> : wants to work on KVM + QEMU + USB and update information to elinux wiki 09:06 < wsa_> Simon 09:06 < wsa_> : wants to investigate RAVB no-link patches in BSP 3.7.2 09:06 < wsa_> Wolfram 09:06 < wsa_> : wants to pick up the I2C core PM rework again, upport more patches, and 09:06 < wsa_> organize PeriPeriCon and SDHI-Hackfest in Edinburgh 09:06 < wsa_> C - problems I currently have 09:06 < wsa_> ----------------------------- 09:06 < wsa_> Marek 09:06 < wsa_> : wants to know how we can get the ATF patches into the Renesas ATF release? 09:06 < wsa_> Wolfram 09:06 < wsa_> : has a long-standing open ticket for a SCIF related susped-resume issue 09:06 < wsa_> and needs SCIF experts to look at the latest mail about it 09:07 < wsa_> about the SCIF related issue in C) 09:07 < wsa_> is Uli completely away when in the Philipines? 09:07 < wsa_> did he mention that to someone? 09:08 < wsa_> otherwise we have to just find out 09:08 < wsa_> geertu: do you have some minutes to look at it? 09:08 -!- jmondi [~jmondi@250.ip-164-132-57.eu] has quit Ping timeout: 244 seconds 09:09 < geertu> I think the SCIF driver doesn't need any suspend/resume fixes 09:09 < geertu> Uli also couldn't reproduce the issue, with and without the fix rom the BSP. 09:09 < geertu> My feeling is that the fix is just cargo-cult suspend/resume programming 09:09 < geertu> s/rom/from/ 09:09 < wsa_> okay 09:10 < wsa_> so the serial core also doesn't need a fix? 09:10 < geertu> On older SH/R-Mobile SoCs (e.g. removed sh7372/mackerel), the SoC was powered down, too. 09:10 < geertu> (but that was before my time) 09:11 < geertu> Difficult to know without testing on other non-Renesas SoCs 09:12 < wsa_> As I mentioned, if at all, it could be more the OMAP guys having problems 09:12 < geertu> IFF there's an issue, it should be fixed in the serial core, as that manages PM 09:12 < wsa_> ack 09:12 < geertu> Exactly. 09:12 < wsa_> okay, i'll mark the patches as such then 09:12 < wsa_> thanks, geert! 09:13 -!- jmondi [~jmondi@250.ip-164-132-57.eu] has joined #periperi 09:13 < Marex> so what about the atf ? 09:13 < wsa_> Marex: for your ATF upstreaming issue, we probably need Shimoda-san to be around? 09:13 < Marex> wsa_: yeah 09:13 < Marex> wsa_: for both of my ATF questions really 09:13 < Marex> wsa_: and he's having a day off today 09:14 < wsa_> who is not here, so please continue that by email 09:14 < geertu> Marex: ATF is core, not I/O 09:14 < Marex> geertu: PCI is IO 09:15 < wsa_> that is why I took only one of the ATF issues into the io report :D 09:15 < Marex> wsa_: btw I see some patches from Dirk Behme in the renesas ATF release, so it has to be possible to get patches into i 09:15 < Marex> t 09:16 < wsa_> hehe :) 09:17 < wsa_> horms: you don't have write access to the periupport repo? 09:17 < Marex> wsa_: still, while I didn't manage to trigger any other error anymore with the PCI after the ATF fix, I wonder what other dead bodies are hidden in that core, that will float up everytually 09:18 < horms> wsa_: probably I do. And I'm happy to use it if others are happy 09:18 < horms> I also wanted to ask, regarding periupport about plans to: update for recent upstreaming and BSP releases 09:18 < wsa_> horms: I am. geertu, pinchartl: what about you? 09:19 < wsa_> horms: what do you mean? 09:20 < pinchartl> what about me ? :-) 09:20 < pinchartl> happy to use periupport ? 09:20 < geertu> wsa_: I'm fine with other people updating periupport ;-) 09:20 < horms> part a) periupport seems a bit out ot date wrt to patches that have been upstreamed of late. I tried to fix some of that but it was by no means comprehensive. Are there any plans for a sweep? Tools to do so? 09:20 < wsa_> pinchartl: are you happy with Simon updating periupport by himself? 09:20 < pinchartl> sure, I have no problem with that, I don't want to be a maintainer for periupport :-) 09:21 < pinchartl> speaking of which 09:21 < horms> part b) there is a task frile for v4.14 and bsp370. Do we plan to make one for newer BSP(s), f.e. bsp380 09:21 < pinchartl> commit eeed48e8e603359ca7a91adf2f42296e86c19488 09:21 < pinchartl> Author: Wolfram Sang <wsa+renesas@sang-engineering.com> 09:21 < pinchartl> Date: Wed Oct 17 21:55:11 2018 +0200 09:21 < pinchartl> v4.14: fix a bad object error 09:21 < pinchartl> -M,96592017a20ceea6b1795a52fea191e2171c8c36|54f9ffa8ee70a88e2da6bf4729ffb5dfc67d94f4 09:21 < pinchartl> +M,96592017a20ceea6b1795a52fea191e2171c8c36|linux-next:54f9ffa8ee70a88e2da6bf4729ffb5dfc67d94f4 09:21 < pinchartl> 54f9ffa8ee70a88e2da6bf4729ffb5dfc67d94f4 doesn't exist in linux-next as far as I can tell 09:22 < horms> r.e. push: it sounds like I should push directly, I'll do so after double checking my proposed changes 09:23 < wsa_> pinchartl: okay, i thought "linux-next" was missed because that commit is referenced as being in linux-next a few times in other places 09:23 < pinchartl> horms: git blame points to you 09:23 < pinchartl> I assume it's a commit ID from your local tree 09:24 < horms> pinchartl: thanks, I will investigate 09:24 < geertu> Probably it's been rebased 09:24 < geertu> It's also not in renesas-drivers 09:24 < pinchartl> please try to push a fix asap, as compilation is broken due to this 09:24 < horms> I think the correct commit is 55697cbb44e4 09:24 < horms> pinchartl: ok! 09:25 < horms> do yoy mean make of periupport? 09:25 < geertu> Yep, always run "make" before pushing (also for peripelist) 09:26 < horms> I don't push but I do run make. Anyway I will fix this 09:26 < wsa_> rebasing is a problem, ulfh does it occasionally for mmc, and I can't convince him to skip it :( 09:26 < horms> Maybe make works because that commit exists in my tree? 09:26 < geertu> horms: Possibly. 09:27 < geertu> git tag --contains 54f9ffa8ee70a88e2da6bf4729ffb5dfc67d94f4 09:27 < geertu> git branch -a --contains 54f9ffa8ee70a88e2da6bf4729ffb5dfc67d94f4 09:27 < geertu> if no output, it will be gone after git prune and git gc 09:27 < pinchartl> git tag --contains 54f9ffa8ee70a88e2da6bf4729ffb5dfc67d94f4 | grep '^next-' 09:28 < pinchartl> if no output, not good 09:28 < geertu> I have almost all next- tags in my repo, but don't have the commit 09:29 < horms> 54f9ffa8ee70a88e2da6bf4729ffb5dfc67d94f4 is in my tree but its not related to 96592017a20ceea6b1795a52fea191e2171c8c36 09:29 < horms> So it an error 09:29 * geertu wonders if morimoto-san thinks we already switched to winter time 09:30 < wsa_> are there any other questions from your side? 09:32 < pinchartl> no other question from me 09:32 < wsa_> okay then 09:32 < wsa_> i will keep you updated about the peripericon location 09:32 < geertu> PeriPeriEdi I/O agenda topics? 09:33 < wsa_> for sure, overview + high level "what happened since last f2f meeting" + is the group happy 09:34 < wsa_> more technical stuff will likely be dealt at the SDHI hackfest 09:34 < wsa_> but I'll think about it some more 09:34 < wsa_> and am welcoming suggestions 09:34 < pinchartl> when will the I/O and Core meetings be held in Edinburgh ? 09:35 < geertu> IIRC, discussing the agenda was the main reason to have a meeting today ;-) 09:35 < geertu> On Fri? 09:35 < pinchartl> I mean at what time ? 09:36 < wsa_> my proposal would be like super short per-group discussions at the beginning to have max time for the process presentation? 09:36 < geertu> sounds good to me 09:38 < wsa_> I am negotiating for the room a schedule of 09:38 < wsa_> 09-13 meeting part1 09:38 < wsa_> 13-14 lunch break (lunch included) 09:38 < wsa_> 14-18 meeting part2 09:39 < wsa_> it will hopefully be here 09:39 < wsa_> https://www.themeltingpotedinburgh.org.uk/venue-hire-in-edinburgh/ 09:39 < pinchartl> will lunch be onsite ? 09:39 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex2.renesas.com] has joined #periperi 09:39 < geertu> On Tursday, they have Open Day ;-) 09:39 -!- patersonc [c18ddb24@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #periperi 09:40 < morimoto> sorry for late 09:40 < geertu> morimoto: Mornin' 09:40 < morimoto> Hi 09:41 < wsa_> pinchartl: yes 09:41 < Marex> morimoto: good morning ! 09:41 < morimoto> Hi Marex 09:41 < pinchartl> wsa_: ok. otherwise one hour would have been too short 09:41 < pinchartl> (it might still be even if it's onsite) 09:42 < wsa_> pinchartl: and I got a recommendation for a steak restaurant from a local, so morimoto-san should be happy ;) 09:42 < wsa_> and they have vegetarian options, so jacopo should be happy 09:42 < wsa_> I hope it will make all of you happy :D 09:43 < morimoto> I can be happy (^o^) 09:43 < wsa_> hi morimoto-san :) 09:44 < wsa_> so, any more questions? 09:44 < morimoto> Hi wsa_: sorry for my late 09:44 * wsa_ prepares to give the mic to geert... 09:44 < wsa_> morimoto: no worries... 09:45 < Marex> morimoto: who's coming from japaperi ? 09:45 < wsa_> geertu: aaaaannd here you have it 09:45 < wsa_> Thanks everyone for this meeting! 09:45 < morimoto> Marex: to ELCE ? 09:45 < Marex> jupp 09:45 < morimoto> Marex: me, Ito-san 09:45 < geertu> And to the PeriPeri meeting... 09:45 < morimoto> No Magnus, No Shimoda-san 09:45 < Marex> morimoto: OK, got it :) 09:45 < patersonc> wsa_ Scottish karaoke you say? 09:46 < geertu> morimoto: Will Ito-san join the periperi meeting? 09:46 < geertu> I guess Munakata-san will be present at ELC-E, too? 09:46 < morimoto> I you want to, I can ask to him. So far I didn't ask 09:46 < morimoto> s/I/If/ 09:47 < wsa_> morimoto: ah, ito-san, too? then 10 people 09:47 < morimoto> wsa_: after PeriPeriCon ? 09:47 < wsa_> hmmm 09:48 < morimoto> Then, let's ask to him to join it. 09:48 < morimoto> wsa_: So far, not yet asked 09:48 < wsa_> yeah, please let me know if Ito-san wants to join a) the periperi meeting and/or b) the dinner afterwards 09:48 -!- neg [~neg@unaffiliated/neg] has quit Read error: Connection reset by peer 09:48 -!- neg [~neg@unaffiliated/neg] has joined #periperi 09:48 < morimoto> He is now other business trip. maybe for AGL ? 09:49 < wsa_> just so I have the number of people when reserving 09:49 < morimoto> I will ask to him, but will be later 09:49 < wsa_> (although +/- 1 shouldn't be a huge issue) 09:49 < wsa_> patersonc: haha, that would probably be a pub with a live band :D 09:50 < geertu> AGL All Member Meeting 09:50 < geertu> October 17-18. 2018 09:50 < wsa_> not very far from here 09:50 < patersonc> wsa_: Looking forward to it :P 09:50 < Marex> AGL AMM sounds great! 09:51 < Marex> I heard great things about that 09:51 < Marex> morimoto: btw the new BSP with mainline U-Boot is really happening ? 09:52 < geertu> Shall I start? 09:52 < morimoto> Marex: please wait 09:52 < wsa_> geertu: i think so