
09:41 < geertu> Welcome to today's Core Group Meeting
09:41 < neg> thanks wsa_
09:41 < geertu> Agenda:
09:41 < geertu> 1. Status updates
09:41 < geertu> 2. Discussion Topics
09:41 < geertu> Topic 1. Status updates
09:41 < shimoda> neg: about v3m thermal, it's also the same with d3
09:41 < geertu> I'll replay the reporting
09:41 < geertu> A) What have I done since last time
09:42 < geertu>   Geert:
09:42 < geertu>     - Enabled INTC-EX on R-Car H3 ES2.0, M3-W, and D3 (incl. pinctrl for
09:42 < geertu>       H3 and M3-W),
09:42 < geertu>     - Sent patches to enable BD9571MWV backup mode from sysfs,
09:42 < geertu>     - Sent patches to add missing CPU clocks,
09:42 < geertu>     - Sent v2 of renesas_defconfig,
09:42 < geertu>     - Sent v3 of cpg-mssr suspend/resume,
09:42 < geertu>     - Sent v2 of sh-pfc suspend/resume,
09:42 < geertu>     - Sent first part of fixes for genpd for wake-up devices (network 
09:42 < geertu>       drivers).  
09:42 < geertu>   Jacopo:
09:42 < geertu>     - More patches for Peach DTS (clock and timers, ethernet now working)
09:42 < geertu>   Marek (U-Boot):
09:42 < geertu>    - Got ACK on becoming SH co-maintainer to expedite patch acceptance
09:42 < geertu>    - Posted SDR104/HS200 patches
09:42 < geertu>    - Posted V2 and V3 of xHCI support for Gen3 and got ACK on it
09:42 < geertu>    - Implemented D3 Draak and V3M Eagle board support
09:42 < geertu>        - PFC, clock, DTS, board support are in place
09:42 < geertu>        - untested yet due to HW access issues, but it compiles
09:42 < geertu>   Niklas:
09:42 < geertu>     - Sent "[PATCH v3] thermal: rcar_gen3_thermal: fix initialization
09:42 < geertu>       sequence for H3 ES2.0" and it was picked up.
09:42 < geertu>   Shimoda:
09:42 < geertu>     - Prepared M3-N Salvator-X board for remote access.
09:42 < geertu>     - Talked BSP team about MSIF lock driver.
09:42 < geertu>     - Submitted the following patch(es):
09:42 < geertu>         - arm64: dts: renesas: salvator-common: add dr_mode property for
09:42 < geertu>           USB2.0 channel 0
09:42 < geertu>   Simon:
09:42 < geertu>     - Reposted CPUFreq patches; recieved futher review
09:42 < geertu>     - Rebased r8a7795 IPMMU DTS patchset
09:42 < geertu> B) What I plan to do till next time
09:42 < geertu>   Geert:
09:42 < geertu>     - Attend ELCE and DT Workshop (Thursday)
09:42 < geertu>     - Lead DT Workshop discussion on generic bindings,
09:42 < geertu>     - Fix genpd for wake-up devices, part two (interrupt routing).
09:42 < geertu>   Marek (U-Boot):
09:42 < geertu>     - Work on testing V3M Eagle remotely
09:42 < geertu>   Niklas:
09:42 < geertu>     - If dependencies for the rest of the thermal patches (CPUFreq) gets
09:42 < geertu>       picked up, rebase and resend the cpu cooling patches.
09:42 < geertu>   Shimoda:
09:42 < geertu>     - Add usb3.0 phy device node for r8a779[56].dtsi.
09:42 < geertu>   Simon:
09:42 < geertu>     - Address review of CPUFreq patches
09:42 < geertu>     - Test and post IPMMU patches
09:43 < geertu> C) Problems I have currently
09:43 < geertu>   Niklas:
09:43 < geertu>     - No hardware to test the thermal calibration from registers on. V3M
09:43 < geertu>       uses different thermal hardware so it won't help. Plan is to hold
09:43 < geertu>       on to the patches until they can be tested.
09:43 < geertu>     - Not sure if we have plan for V3M thermal driver (maybe this is for
09:43 < geertu>       IO?)
09:43 < geertu> I think we covered this?
09:43 < geertu>   Shimoda:
09:43 < geertu>     - R-Car D3 Draak doesn't have any PMICs. So, it cannot do reboot,
09:43 < geertu>       shutdown, suspend and resume.
09:43 < geertu>     - Could upstream team suggest other solutions to BSP team?
09:44 < geertu> Draak can reboot using the RWDT watchdog, which is already enabled
09:44 < horms> Marek: is that SH or SD maintainer?
09:45 < Marex> horms: SH
09:45 < horms> Ok, as in SuperH ?
09:45 < Marex> horms: actually rcar/rmobile, but the tree is called u-boot-sh
09:45 < Marex> horms: legacy naming
09:45 < geertu> For shutdown, you can use the standard "poweroff" command. Linux will put all devices to sleep. No idea what it will do when PSCI is called.
09:45 < horms> Marex: ack
09:45 < shimoda> about thermal, d3 spec is similar with gen2. so, power management team of bsp will use gen2 code to support d3.
09:45 < Marex> horms: I can apply my own patches and be in complete control again, yay
09:46 < horms> :)
09:46 < geertu> For suspend/resume, you can use s2idle, with whatever wakeup source supported by Linux
09:46 < neg> shimoda: thanks for the v3m/d3 hardware info
09:46 < shimoda> neg: you're welcome!
09:46 < geertu> s2ram will call into PSCI if PSCI advertises suspend support. No idea what will happen afterwards, or if there's a way to wakeup.
09:47 < geertu> shimoda: Do you know the details about PSCI on Draak?
09:47 < wsa_> i used to have a patch to reboot via WDT. I dropped it because of PSCI. I can try to dig it out if desired. (It was not rocket science anyhow ;))
09:48 < shimoda> geertu: I don't know. so, I will ask IPL team
09:48 < geertu> Hmm, we don't delcare PSCI support for Draak in DTS yet
09:48 < geertu> s/delcare/declare/
09:48 < Marex> wsa_: does gen3 have a wdt ot wake it up ie. with rtcwake ?
09:48 < geertu> So everything should work fine ;-)
09:49 < horms> I assume it would be described in DT. But if so should it also be described in DT for SoCs that also support other reset mechanisms
09:49 < geertu> I haven't tested suspend/resume on Draak yet, due to remote access.
09:50 < horms> Is there a non-local solution to that problem?
09:50 < geertu> s2idle and Wake-on-LAN should work now we have ravb support
09:51 < horms> thanks
09:51 < geertu> shimoda: Does that answer your question?
09:51 < wsa_> Marex: I don't get your question probably, I'd say WDT != RTC, but you know that, of course
09:51 < Marex> wsa_: errrr, 4 hours of sleep does this to me, sorry
09:51 < geertu> wsa_: On Gen2, the PMIC (DAxxxx) has an RTC
09:52 < Marex> wsa_: I meant rtc indeed
09:52 < shimoda> geertu: yes. thanks!
09:52 < geertu> On Salvator-X, there's no RTC
09:52 < geertu> shimoda: Speaking about remote access, you have prepared an M3-N board?
09:53 < shimoda> geertu: i gave Magnus-san the board. and magnus-san is preparing it for remote access now I heard
09:54 < dammsan> yep
09:54 < geertu> Good (I thought he was on a plane ;-)
09:54 < geertu> dammsan: Do you know what's wrong with TFTP timeouts on Eagle? It became unbootable due to that
09:55 < Marex> geertu: apparently fix is work-in-progress
09:55 < Marex> geertu: I got email about it this morning
09:55 < dammsan> geertu: i heard about eagle/draak issues, will replace the alix node with a different one
09:56 < shimoda> geertu: ah, i also saw such behavior (a lot of timeout happen and retry the tftp forever) on h3ulcb today.
09:56 < geertu> dammsan: Thx! (replacing whole nodes in case of issues feels like a real datacenter ;-)
09:57 < shimoda> so i intended to ask magnus-san later :)
09:57 < geertu> Topic 2. Discussion Topics
09:57 < geertu> Does anyone have other topics to discuss?
09:58 < shimoda> nothing from me
09:58 < Marex> no
10:00 < geertu> Who will be at ELCE next week?
10:00 < geertu> looks a bit sparse
10:00 < jmondi> I didn't know about this link!
10:00 < jmondi> filling in details now!
10:01 < neg> Same, I will fill in details in a few min as to not overwrite jmondi update :-)
10:02 < geertu> neg: Which wiki did you update according tou your email?
10:02 < geertu> s/tou/to/
10:02 < neg> geertu: but yes I will be there, and I also signed up for the DT workshop (hoping it won't collide with the media meetings) :-)
10:02 < geertu> neg: DT is all day
10:02 < neg> geertu: the 'memeber info' page related to upcomming holidays
10:03 < horms> oh, that reminds me; I am taking a holiday next week. Sorry, no ELCE for me.
10:03 < horms> Timing clash with conference and school holidays :(
10:04 < neg> geertu: OK I will attand as much as possible of the DT workshop then :-)
10:04 < Marex> geertu: ELCE ? me ... and if anyone of the group needs assistance or gets stuck in some weird ditch, let me know ...
10:04 < geertu> horms: In BE, the school holidays are one week later ;-)
10:04 < geertu> uli__: Will you be at ELCE?
10:04 < horms> They are tagered in NL. But my son goes to an independent school and they have their own schedule (maybe the UK one?)
10:04 < uli__> i'll be there to say hi, but not to attend the conference. any suggestions on when would be best? (matthias brugger wants to meet up between 23 and 26, so it would be one (or two) of these days
10:05 < uli__> )
10:05 < geertu> uli__: Tuesday Marex Party Time?
10:05 < uli__> sounds promising :)
10:06 < pinchartl> sorry, I'm late
10:06 < pinchartl> I got stuck in traffic
10:07 < pinchartl> (let me know when I can start with multimedia)
10:07 < neg> pinchartl: welcome
10:08 < geertu> I think we're finished.
10:08 < geertu> Thanks for joining!
10:08 < geertu> One thing: next meeting?
10:08 < geertu> Does it make sense to have next one right after ELCE, or shall we postpone by one week?
10:09 < pinchartl> I propose postponing by one week
10:09 < Marex> pinchartl: +1
10:09 < pinchartl> I couldn't join a meeting the week right after ELCE anyway
10:09 < geertu> wsa_: Still there?
10:10 < wsa_> yup
10:10 < wsa_> postponing
10:10 < wsa_> yes
10:11 < Marex> hm, YPDD, OpenWRT summit, DT workshop, all in one day ... sigh
10:11 < geertu> OK.
10:11 < geertu> pinchartl: The mic is yours