
09:54 < pinchartl> good morning everybody
09:54 < pinchartl> welcome to the multimedia group meeting
09:54 < pinchartl> topics for today are
09:55 < pinchartl> - status check for the multimedia tasks
09:55 < pinchartl> - additional tasks for Q4
09:55 < pinchartl> - next meeting
09:55 < pinchartl> we will follow this meeting with a discussion about the gmsl cameras
09:55 < pinchartl> let's get started
09:55 < pinchartl> Topic 1. Status check for the multimedia tasks
09:55 < pinchartl> in alphabetical order, jmondi is first
09:55 < pinchartl> (with a lengthy report it seems)
09:57 < pinchartl> it seems we have lost Jacopo
09:58 < pinchartl> I'll copy & paste from the e-mail report
09:58 < pinchartl> since last meeting
09:58 < pinchartl> - Prepared support requests for Omnivision and Maxim
09:58 < pinchartl> (available in the OSDR wiki)
09:58 < pinchartl> the request has been sent to Omnivision, we will handle Maxim next
09:59 < pinchartl> - max9286: Implement links status monitoring
09:59 < pinchartl> - max9286: Adjusted timings to match datasheets
09:59 < pinchartl> - max9286: add additional checks to s_stream() startup routine
09:59 < pinchartl> - max9286: implement broadcast communications with serializer
10:00 < pinchartl> Jacopo reported achieving frame synchronization lock with this, but it seems that not everything is good under the sun, we'll discuss this next
10:00 < pinchartl> for the next two weeks:
10:00 < pinchartl> - Keep testing/investigating on max9286 frame synchronization and capture
10:00 < pinchartl> - Re-start CEU development on the mighty gr-peach
10:01 < pinchartl> issues and blockers:
10:01 < pinchartl> - max9286 & rdacm20 patches are scattered between different branches
10:02 < pinchartl> the next issue listed in the e-mail report is technical, we'll discuss it during the GMSL discussiong after the status update
10:02 < pinchartl> that's for for Jacopo
10:02 < pinchartl> kbingham: your turn
10:02 < kbingham> Morning :)
10:03 < kbingham> So - since #PeriPeriSanSeb, I have fixed suspend and resume on the DU :) \o/
10:03 < kbingham> And Ive done some work on the new DU KMS-Test ... test suite
10:04 < kbingham> And (for the later topic on GMSL) I now have an RDACM20 'breakout' board ...
10:04 < kbingham> More interestingly - I now have a scope - and I'm looking for a reason to use it :D
10:04 < kbingham> which brings us into what will I do next...
10:04 < jmondi> uh! missed the notification!
10:05 < jmondi> thanks Laurent for impersonating me
10:05 < kbingham> I have some more review comments to finish up the TLB-optimisations work so I hope to post a v4 , and I have some more work to do on the KMS-Test suite.
10:06 < kbingham> That then brings us towards 'Q4' work - where I beleive possibly the first task for me from that will be the MAX9271 dump tool (pending discussions later)
10:06 < kbingham> Thats pretty much EOT for me.
10:06 < pinchartl> thank you
10:07 < pinchartl> next is me
10:07 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:07 < pinchartl> - Linux Plumbers Conference
10:07 < pinchartl> - Started looking into FCP near-lossless compression
10:07 < pinchartl> For the next two weeks:
10:07 < pinchartl> - Complete the FCP nearl-lossless compression prototype
10:07 < pinchartl> - Assist with the GMSL camera development
10:07 < pinchartl> - Patch review
10:07 < pinchartl> - Embedded Recipes and Kernel Recipes conferences (26-29 of September in 
10:07 < pinchartl> Paris)
10:07 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: None
10:07 < wsa_> gotta leave, next appointment... have a nice day all!
10:07 < pinchartl> next, Magnus, who's not here and hasn't reported by e-mail
10:08 < pinchartl> neg: is Magnus still at your place having fika ?
10:08 < neg> pinchartl: no :-(
10:09 < neg> He was heading to some sort of party so maybe he got lost during the event
10:09 < pinchartl> right
10:09 < pinchartl> in that case, next, morimoto 
10:09 < morimoto> ok
10:09 < morimoto> A) What have I done since last time
10:09 < morimoto> - export paper work of V3M/D3 for EuroPeri
10:09 < morimoto> - start buying process for 8ch Camera / Cable
10:09 < morimoto> - I forwarded question mail to Omnivision, but no response yet. I sent ping mail to him
10:09 < morimoto> - continue ALSA SoC framework cleanups
10:09 < morimoto> - Became EuroPeri's father
10:09 < morimoto> B) What I plan to do till next time
10:09 < morimoto> - re-post ALSA SoC framework patch set. because, 2 weeks past, and nothing happen.
10:09 < morimoto> - paper work ?
10:10 < morimoto> C) Problems I have currently
10:10 < morimoto> - suddenly I had some children
10:10 < morimoto> - No response from Omnivision
10:10 < morimoto> I will ship V3M x2, and D3 x2 in few weeks (?).
10:10 < morimoto> And I will buy camera x16, but which camera should I buy ?
10:10 < morimoto> RDACM20 ? or RDACM21 ? or EuroPeri can buy it by yourself ?
10:10 < morimoto> --EOF--
10:10 < pinchartl> I'll inform my father that you're replacing him, I'm not sure he will be happy
10:11 < morimoto> my father = whom :) ?
10:11 < pinchartl> my biological father :-)
10:11 < neg> haha "suddenly I had some children" :-)
10:11 < pinchartl> regarding Omnivision, do you plan to ping them, or should we wait a bit more ?
10:12 < morimoto> I sent ping to him.
10:12 < morimoto> already. Japan will have holiday tommorow
10:12 < jmondi> morimoto: thanks
10:12 < pinchartl> thank you
10:12 < neg> I'm also wondering about RDACM20 vs RDACM21
10:12 < morimoto> thus, if no response on next Mon, I will call him
10:12 < pinchartl> regarding the RDACM20 vs RDACM21
10:13 < pinchartl> as I understand, our new target should be the RDACM21
10:13 < morimoto> BSP team (demo) is using 20, KF team want to use 21
10:13 < jmondi> (for omnivision, and for the pocket money I'm gonna ask you since when you've become my dad)
10:13 < pinchartl> but supporting it might not be easy, the camera is very different
10:13 < pinchartl> I want to keep using the RDACM20 for internal development until we get it working in a stable way
10:13 < pinchartl> then we can switch to the RDACM21
10:13 < pinchartl> I think we have enough RDACM20 cameras for now
10:14 < pinchartl> so we can buy RDACM21
10:14 < neg> would it make sens to break out the max9271 as a separat driver at a later point ti support both 20 and 21?
10:14 < pinchartl> I will contact Global IMI today to see if we can buy them ourselves
10:14 < pinchartl> neg: possibly, but later :-)
10:15 < neg> pinchartl: ofc, we need to make it work first :-)
10:15 < morimoto> pinchartl: if Global IMI was OK, you can buy it by yourself, and no shipping from Japan is OK ?
10:15 < morimoto> if Global was NG, shipping is needed
10:16 < jmondi> neg: are you anxious to exercize arbitrary long pipeline of devices? (ov10635->max9271->max9286->csi2->vin)
10:16 < pinchartl> yes, if we can buy it, it will be easier
10:16 < jmondi> that's a good showcase for subnotifiers
10:16 < neg> jmondi: yes !
10:16 < pinchartl> next in the list, neg
10:16 < morimoto> pinchartl: nice to know. so please let me know Global IMI's answer
10:17 < neg> A)
10:17 < neg>     - [PATCH v6 00/25] rcar-vin: Add Gen3 with media controller
10:17 < neg>     - [PATCH v2] device property: preserve usecount for node passed to
10:17 < neg>       of_fwnode_graph_get_port_parent()
10:17 < neg>     - [PATCH 0/4] GMSL link stabilization
10:17 < neg>       I can now reliably probe and capture from all 8 cameras using the
10:17 < neg>       maxim expansion board!
10:17 < neg>     - Talked with Sakari and he have agreed to incorporate some of my
10:17 < neg>       v4l2 async subnotifier work into his series and push that forward
10:17 < neg>       as a part of his '[PATCH v13 00/25] Unified fwnode endpoint
10:17 < neg>       parser, async sub-device notifier support, N9 flash DTS'.
10:17 < neg>       Hopefully this will make it into the media tree soon clearing the
10:17 < neg>       dependencies for the rcar-csi2 driver.
10:17 < neg> B)
10:17 < neg>     - Rebase Gen3 rcar-vin and rcar-csi2 work ontop of Sakari's
10:17 < neg>       subnotifer series and if his work is accepted in to the media tree
10:17 < neg>       post new versions of those series. Hopefully the rcar-csi2 driver
10:17 < neg>       have then cleared all dependencies!
10:17 < neg>     - Rebase the multiplexed media pad work on top of other work done by
10:17 < neg>       Sakari and repost the series.
10:17 < neg>     - Keep poking at the 8 camera setup.
10:17 < neg> C)
10:17 < neg>     - Unclear which camera module is target for the King Fisher setup,
10:17 < neg>       will it be RDACM21-01 or RDACM20-01?
10:17 < neg> EOT
10:18 < neg> I also have a question for pinchartl, when do you plan to work on the ioctl shutdown for v4l2. No rush from my side only want to be ready for it :-)
10:18 < pinchartl> I think Morimoto-san answered your last question
10:18 < neg> Yes
10:19 < morimoto> neg: KF want to use 21
10:19 < neg> morimoto: thanks
10:19 < pinchartl> likely the week after next, when I'll be back from Paris
10:19 < neg> pinchartl: nice, thanks
10:20 < pinchartl> next is Ulrich, who is excused
10:20 < pinchartl> from his e-mail report
10:20 < pinchartl> Since last meeting:
10:20 < pinchartl> - Sent fixup for Salvator backlight regulator warning.
10:21 < pinchartl> For the next two weeks:
10:21 < pinchartl> - Get the Chromebook display working.
10:21 < pinchartl> that's it for the status report
10:21 < pinchartl> Topic 2. Additional tasks for Q4
10:21 < pinchartl> I will submit the additional tasks we have discussed in San Sebastian to Magnus this week
10:22 < pinchartl> if he emerges alive from his party they should be processed soon
10:22 < pinchartl> Topic 3. Next meeting
10:22 < pinchartl> I propose two weeks from now, on October the 5th
10:23 < pinchartl> same time as today, starting with core, I/O and multimedia
10:23 < pinchartl> with multimedia at 09:00 GMT / 10:00 CEST / 11:00 EEST / 17:00 JST
10:23 < pinchartl> geertu: is that fine with you ?
10:23 < pinchartl> Wolfram is gone so I assume he's fine :-)
10:23 < neg> 5th works for me
10:24 < morimoto> 5th doesn't work for me. but you can ignore me
10:24 < shimoda> 5th is ok to me
10:25 < geertu> pinchartl: 2017-10-05 is fine for me
10:25  * kbingham is available on the 5th
10:26 < jmondi> fine with me!
10:26 < pinchartl> morimoto: you have an official reason to ignore the meeting :-)
10:26 < morimoto> nice :9
10:26 < geertu> Alternatively, we could skip one week, so the meeting thereafter is in Prague?
10:28 < shimoda> sorry i have other meeting. so see you next time!
10:28 < pinchartl> that's an option too, but I'm not sure we'll have a real meeting in Prague
10:28 < pinchartl> shimoda: no worries. thank you for attending
10:30 < morimoto> now finished ??
10:30 < pinchartl> that's it for today then
10:30 < pinchartl> thank you all for attending
10:30 < morimoto> Thanks