Multimedia-chat-meeting-2017-08-03 10:28 < pinchartl> Jacopo is on vacation, Kieran and Morimoto-san have reported by e-mail and are excused 10:28 < wsa_> thanks, will have :D 10:28 < pinchartl> let's start with status update 10:29 < pinchartl> in inverse e-mail report order... *drum roll* 10:29 < pinchartl> uli___: welcome :-) 10:29 < uli___> do i at least get a prize? 10:29 < uli___> anyway... 10:29 < uli___> so i think one of the max9260 on the blanche board has actually died 10:29 < pinchartl> :-) 10:29 < uli___> not a problem for me, there are still 5 to go 10:29 < uli___> at least for now... :) 10:30 < pinchartl> do you know how it might have died ? 10:30 < uli___> no idea. but i strongly suspect that it's not a coincidence that it's the one the cable was attached to previously 10:30 < uli___> maybe the camera board does shady stuff 10:30 < uli___> but there's no way to tell, really 10:31 < pinchartl> does the IC get hotter than the other ones ? 10:31 < uli___> dammsan: please feel the chip for us :) 10:32 < pinchartl> not much we can do at this point I suppose 10:32 < pinchartl> but it would be interesting to log your actions to have data in case another one dies 10:32 < uli___> that might be a good idea 10:33 < uli___> so far, i have only read the id register on the max9259 10:33 < pinchartl> is power to the MAX9260 controllable by Linux ? 10:34 < uli___> partially, i think. there are sleep modes; i would have to check the datasheet 10:34 < pinchartl> you might want to check power sequences, the chip might not appreciate having the camera powered if it isn't itself 10:35 < uli___> by default, all chips are up 10:35 < uli___> maybe the camera board stabilizes earlier than the blanche board? 10:35 < pinchartl> I have no idea 10:36 < uli___> there might have to be a power-up delay for safe operation 10:37 < uli___> anyway, apart from that i'm mentally preparing myself for a week of sd card swapping 10:37 < pinchartl> :-) 10:38 < uli___> in order to find out where the chromebook fails to boot 10:38 < uli___> that's it from me 10:38 < pinchartl> thank you 10:38 < pinchartl> next, Kieran, who reported by e-mail 10:38 < pinchartl> since last meeting: 10:39 < pinchartl> - Submitted 8 channel camera patches with Laurent. 10:39 < pinchartl> - Holiday 10:39 < pinchartl> - Reviewed Laurent's VSP-Du series' 10:39 < pinchartl> for the next two weeks: 10:39 < pinchartl> - Complete my dl-caching task 10:39 < pinchartl> - Finish reviewing Laurent's patches. 10:39 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None 10:39 < pinchartl> next, still through e-mail, Morimoto-san 10:40 < pinchartl> since last meeting: 10:40 < pinchartl> - More ALSA framework code cleanups, posted to mailing list and under review 10:40 < pinchartl> for the next two weeks: 10:40 < pinchartl> - Continue with code cleanup 10:40 < pinchartl> Issues and blockers: None 10:40 < pinchartl> next, Niklas 10:40 < neg> (IRC version, please use email for report) 10:40 < neg> A) 10:40 < neg> - [RFC 0/5] arm64: dts: renesas: add VIN, CSI-2 and ADV7482 nodes 10:40 < neg> - [PATCH 0/4] v4l: async: fixes for v4l2_async_notifier_unregister() 10:40 < neg> - Documented VIN findings on Salvator-XS, and fixed issue in CSI-2 10:40 < neg> driver which effected CVBS capture on H3 ES2.0. 10:40 < neg> - Picked up minor tweaks to the CSI-2 driver from BSP code. 10:40 < neg> - Assembled and tested the 8-ch camera board, managed to capture from 10:40 < neg> one camera using one camera. 10:41 < neg> - Had planing meeting with Laurent and sent out plan and status 10:41 < neg> about Multiple Virtual Channels Development in collaboration with 10:41 < neg> Laurent and Kieran. 10:41 < neg> B) 10:41 < neg> - Finish a (somewhat) working prototype of Multiple Virtual 10:41 < neg> Channels. Goal is to do this using the max9286 board with ADV7482 10:41 < neg> backup. 10:41 < neg> - Keep pushing updates for incremental async and R-Car CSI-2 driver 10:41 < neg> and its dependencies. 10:41 < neg> - Publish a new rcar-vin-elinux-v11 tag to elinux. 10:41 < neg> C) 10:41 < neg> - Sakari is and Hans have been on vacation so stuff is pending 10:41 < neg> awaiting there return :-) 10:41 < neg> - All 8 cameras I recived fail to probe at the same time, but I can 10:41 < neg> get all to probe "sometime". I'm investigating this but if others 10:41 < neg> know more please let me know. 10:41 < neg> - The suspicion that the MAX9286 can't output using different VC makes 10:41 < neg> me wonder if I should continue with the Multiple Virtual Channels plan? 10:41 < neg> Other) 10:41 < neg> - I will be on a short vacation to Rome 13/8 -- 17/8 10:41 < neg> --EOT-- 10:42 < pinchartl> you managed to capture from one camera using one camera. well, that's kind of expected, I would have been surprised if you had captured from one camera using, let's say, a fridge :-) 10:42 < dammsan> roman holiday! 10:42 < neg> pinchartl: embrace the IoT 10:42 < pinchartl> could you please update with your holidays information ? 10:42 < neg> pinchartl: sure will update the wiki, thanks for reminindg me 10:43 < pinchartl> uli___: while at it, you're the only one without your public ssh key listed in 10:44 < pinchartl> neg: thank you 10:44 < pinchartl> next, Magnus 10:44 < pinchartl> dammsan: anything to report ? 10:44 < dammsan> nope 10:44 < dammsan> poking with v3m at the moment 10:44 < uli___> pinchartl: i'll rectify that then. 10:45 < pinchartl> uli___: thanks 10:45 < pinchartl> dammsan: ok 10:46 < pinchartl> next, me 10:46 -!- Irssi: Pasting 16 lines to #periperi. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel. 10:46 < pinchartl> Since last meeting: 10:46 < pinchartl> - More max9286 + rdacm20 cleanups 10:46 < pinchartl> - Discussed CSI-2 virtual channel support with Niklas 10:46 < pinchartl> - Fixed the DU + IPMMU issue (hopefully) for good 10:46 < pinchartl> - Rebased (and resubmitted some of the) pending DU patches 10:46 < pinchartl> For the next two weeks: 10:46 < pinchartl> - Extend the DU test suite 10:46 < pinchartl> - CSI-2 virtual channel support 10:46 < pinchartl> Issues and Blockers: 10:46 < pinchartl> - The MAX9286 requires sources to be synchronized. This will likely require V4L2 API extensions. 10:46 < pinchartl> - It isn't clear how the MAX9286 combines input frames. Multiple modes are supported, but the datasheet doesn't document how to select them. Support from Maxim might be needed. 10:47 < pinchartl> that's it for status reports 10:47 < pinchartl> any question so far ? 10:48 < neg> Should I push on with the Multiple Virtual Channels plan as we discussed even with the new suspicions of the MAX9286 and VC ? 10:48 < pinchartl> please do 10:48 < pinchartl> it's needed anyway 10:48 < pinchartl> I'll try to get more information 10:49 < neg> OK 10:50 < pinchartl> I will check with Morimoto-san if we can have support from Maxim 10:51 < pinchartl> what bothers me is that I recall getting information about I2C address programmation in the MAX9286 and MAX9271, from Maxim I believe, but I can't find the e-mail 10:51 < pinchartl> maybe it was a dream :-) 10:51 < pinchartl> next topic, questions from the BSP team 10:52 < pinchartl> Morimoto-san enquired in his e-mail about the status of 10:52 < pinchartl> - DU / VSP initial sequence 10:52 < pinchartl> - DU vblank handling 10:52 < pinchartl> - VIN V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_TB/TB 10:52 < pinchartl> the first two are done, patches have been posted, and I'm waiting for Kieran to review the last two patches before sending a pull request 10:53 < pinchartl> Niklas, the latter has been posted but depends on upstreaming Gen3 support for VIN as far as I understand, right ? 10:53 < neg> VIN V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_TB/TB is also done and patches posted, there is room for future improvment by makeing it possible to use the continues capture mode, but AFIU there is no request for this at the moment 10:54 < neg> Yes they depend on the Gen3 patches, but att support to both Gen2 and Gen3 10:54 < neg> s/att/add/ 10:56 < pinchartl> thank you 10:56 < pinchartl> the next question comes from me and is for Magnus and Morimoto-san 10:56 < dammsan> shoot 10:57 < pinchartl> describes a "8ch Camera WorkAround" 10:57 < pinchartl> with the "Power ON order (with 8ch WorkAround if needed)" 10:57 < pinchartl> the workaround relates to powering one set of 4 cameras first, and the other after a delay 10:58 < pinchartl> this isn't needed anymore with the latest code 10:58 < pinchartl> so we don't bother 10:58 < pinchartl> however, we still power the MAX9286 one second later than the Salvator-X 10:58 < pinchartl> the wiki page doesn't explain why that is needed 10:58 < pinchartl> I'd like to understand the reason behind that delay to check whether it's still needed 10:59 < dammsan> i don't know why to be honest. feel free to ask morimoto-san via email =) 10:59 < dammsan> i suspect it is related to some issue with reset 11:00 < pinchartl> OK, I will ask Morimoto-san then 11:00 < pinchartl> thank you 11:00 < dammsan> thanks 11:01 < pinchartl> then, Magnus, two items for you 11:01 < pinchartl> one, an official ping about video codecs 11:01 < dammsan> go ahead 11:01 < pinchartl> you asked me to ping you to get more information about a possible future plan 11:01 < pinchartl> so here you are :-) 11:02 < dammsan> thanks =) 11:02 < dammsan> noted 11:02 < pinchartl> thank you 11:02 < pinchartl> then, you mentioned that you'd like to start discussing additional tasks for Q3/2 11:02 < pinchartl> I don't know if that was for multimedia only or for all groups 11:02 < pinchartl> but the stage is yours 11:02 < dammsan> all groups really 11:03 < dammsan> i have no special requirements at this point 11:03 < dammsan> just noticed that some people still have unassigned slots 11:03 < pinchartl> for Q3/2 ? 11:03 < dammsan> yeah 11:04 < dammsan> so if you want to make use of your slots then i suggest that each guy and/or the group leaders suggest some activities =) 11:05 < pinchartl> is there any request you're aware of from Renesas ? 11:05 < pinchartl> or from you ? :-) 11:06 < dammsan> for m/m i care about consistent support level in mainline 11:06 < pinchartl> what do you mean by that ? 11:06 < dammsan> so perhaps salvator-x and xs and ulcbs may be in not-so-onsistent state 11:06 < dammsan> i mean that if we for instance enabled MMC on one board we should do it on other boards as well 11:06 < dammsan> not sure what the state is for m/m 11:07 < dammsan> with video out and video-in 11:07 < pinchartl> yes, I agree 11:07 < pinchartl> should we start buying ULCBs ? 11:08 < dammsan> i think that makes sense yes 11:08 < dammsan> you are free to use my boards via remote access too 11:08 < pinchartl> for display it's better to have local access 11:08 < pinchartl> can hardware costs for ULCBs be charged to Jinso ? 11:09 < dammsan> i got some converters so i should be able to use HDMI-out via the Adder IPEPS VNC magic too 11:09 < dammsan> i think it should be doable, but may i propose that we associate the cost with additional tasks? 11:09 < pinchartl> sure 11:09 < dammsan> if you can figure out what is missing then we can make sure to provide funding for the required h/w 11:10 < pinchartl> I suppose we should target both the H3SK and M3SK ? 11:10 < dammsan> also the never-ending vin-for-rcar-gen3 =) 11:10 < dammsan> i think so 11:10 < wsa_> dammsan: good news, SDHI/MMC enablement for D3/XS was planned for 9/M together with the drive_strength task 11:10 < dammsan> just make sure to get an H3 with ES2. 11:11 < dammsan> wsa_: good!! 11:12 < dammsan> then we have D3 and V3M as well, but those need to wait a bit i think 11:12 < pinchartl> thank you 11:12 < dammsan> thanks 11:13 < pinchartl> regarding additional tasks, if anyone has one (or more) specific task he wants to work on, please let me know 11:13 < wsa_> ditto 11:15 < pinchartl> (buying the H3SK might not be that easy) 11:15 < dammsan> you can begin with M3 perhaps 11:15 < pinchartl> no stock at digikey, avnet europe doesn't even list it on their website 11:15 < pinchartl> same for M3SK :-) 11:15 < dammsan> i've got both H3 ES1 and ES2 boards 11:16 < dammsan> if anyone wants to go down the route of remote access 11:16 < pinchartl> where did you buy them ? 11:16 < dammsan> i received them 11:16 < dammsan> and modified them to get the automatic power-on thing going 11:16 < pinchartl> (out of stock at future electronics as well) 11:17 < dammsan> friggin-push-button-power-on 11:17 < pinchartl> sounds like we'll have to postpone that 11:17 < pinchartl> or ask Renesas to ship them 11:17 < dammsan> that does not seem to be the preferred way 11:17 < dammsan> but feel free to ask morimoto-san =) 11:19 < pinchartl> well, if it's out of stock everywhere, and Renesas doesn't want to ship boards, then there's nothing we can do 11:19 < pinchartl> I'll ask Morimoto-san 11:19 < dammsan> thanks! 11:20 < dammsan> i can hook up hdmi cables for loopback testing 11:20 < dammsan> or use the adder ipeps 11:20 < dammsan> its just integration, right? 11:20 < dammsan> it should be fairly straight forward i believe 11:20 < pinchartl> it's just integration until we run into issues :-) 11:21 < dammsan> true 11:22 < pinchartl> and I'll assume we'll need ULCBs for Kingfisher development too 11:22 < pinchartl> so it makes sense to plan for that 11:23 < pinchartl> does Kingfisher support both H3SK and M3SK ? 11:24 < dammsan> for multi-camera development v3m might be less error-prone 11:24 < dammsan> not sure, it seems to have some hardware issues at the moment 11:25 < pinchartl> is there a V3M ULCB ? 11:25 < dammsan> not that i'm aware of 11:25 < dammsan> V3M seems to include max9286 11:25 < pinchartl> ok 11:26 < pinchartl> what's the name of the board ? 11:26 < dammsan> eagle i think 11:26 < dammsan> quad gsml unless i'm mistaken 11:27 < pinchartl> 11:27 < pinchartl> seems so 11:27 < pinchartl> and again, it seems that Cogent gets boards before we do 11:28 < dammsan> isn't it great? =\ 11:28 < dammsan> i had to struggle quite a bit to get the v3m 11:29 < pinchartl> I'll ask about that in the meeting report 11:29 < dammsan> good idea 11:29 < dammsan> thanks! 11:30 < pinchartl> you're welcome 11:30 < pinchartl> that's it for me 11:30 < pinchartl> any other discussion topic from anyone ? 11:31 < neg> Not from me 11:31 < pinchartl> the next meeting will take place two weeks from now on the 17th of August 11:31 < pinchartl> I propose adjourning this meeting. does anyone second ? 11:32 < dammsan> yep 11:32 < neg> seconded 11:32 < pinchartl> meeting adjourned, thank you for attending