--- Log opened Tue Jun 13 10:01:42 2017 10:01 -!- wsa_ [~wsa@p54B337D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #periperi-io 10:01 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 6 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal] 10:01 < wsa_> hiya guys 10:01 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 5 secs 10:01 < horms> Happy birthday Morimoto-san! 10:01 < wsa_> sorry for being a little late 10:02 < wsa_> yay 10:02 < morimoto> horms: Thank you :) 10:02 < wsa_> Happy Birthday, Morimoto-san! 10:02 < morimoto> and Laurent too :) 10:02 < morimoto> wsa_: thank you 10:02 < neg> congrats 10:03 < morimoto> neg: thanks 10:03 < wsa_> /^\ 10:03 < wsa_> / (/^\) / 10:03 < wsa_> \ ( \ \ / ( \ /^\ 10:03 < wsa_> / ) \ | _|_ \ | |/^\| 10:03 < wsa_> | / _|_ | | _|_ \ / 10:03 < wsa_> _|_ | | | | | | _|_ 10:03 < wsa_> | | | | | | | | | | 10:03 < wsa_> | | | | ****| |******| | | | 10:03 < wsa_> | |****| |**** | | | |****| | 10:03 < wsa_> *| | | | | | | |***** 10:03 < wsa_> * | | H A P P Y | | * 10:03 < wsa_> * * 10:03 < wsa_> | * B I R T H D A Y ! * | 10:03 < wsa_> | ***** ***** | 10:03 < wsa_> |@ ********** ********** @| 10:03 < wsa_> | @ @ ************* @ @ | 10:03 < wsa_> | @@@ @ @ @ @ @@@ | 10:03 < wsa_> | @@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@ | 10:03 < wsa_> * @@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@ * 10:03 < wsa_> * @@@@@ * 10:03 < wsa_> ***** ***** 10:03 < wsa_> ********** ********** 10:04 < wsa_> ************* 10:04 < geertu> Happy Birthday, Morimoto-san! 10:05 < wsa_> so, while we eat the cake, let's start ;) 10:05 < wsa_> are there any updates left besides those which came in by mail? 10:05 < geertu> Only 5 candles? I thought he was much older than that. Unless birthday candles start counting at some special year ;-) 10:06 < wsa_> one candle per decade? 10:06 < wsa_> ;) 10:06 < geertu> per octade? heptade? 10:06 < morimoto> geertu: thanks 10:06 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex3.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 10:07 < shimoda> sorry for the delayed 10:07 < wsa_> hello shimoda-san 10:08 < wsa_> okay, so no further updates it seems 10:08 < wsa_> are there topics from your side for today? 10:10 < wsa_> also no :) 10:10 < wsa_> i have currently one issue 10:10 < wsa_> i negotiated with zebax everything for the adapters 10:11 < wsa_> even got 5% discount (wohoo) 10:11 < wsa_> and now paypal is blocking the transaction 10:11 < wsa_> with a descriptive "we can't continue" error message 10:12 < geertu> Is your Paypal account tied to a credit card? 10:12 < geertu> Or some other payment method? 10:12 < wsa_> my private one, yes 10:12 < wsa_> but for the zebax order, i selected "order without account" 10:12 < geertu> And you haven't reached the credit limit? 10:13 < wsa_> nope 10:13 < neg> paypal is love... I have never managed to get it working using my Swedish credit card(s) 10:13 < wsa_> i used paypal once in my life so far 10:13 < geertu> OK, let's delegate ordering Zebax adapters to Niklas ;-) 10:13 < wsa_> because of that, how does neg call it, "love" 10:13 < wsa_> haha 10:14 < wsa_> i'll try some more 10:14 < geertu> I used it a few times when there was no other option (Zebax, Seeed Studio, LabNation) 10:15 < wsa_> I got a mail from them that they confirmed my SEPA authorization 10:15 < wsa_> so they confirmed that they have my bank details but they won't let me use their service 10:16 < wsa_> **#$!#$$! 10:16 < geertu> I have no experience with their bank account link. Always used credit card. 10:16 < wsa_> there was no credit-card option 10:16 < wsa_> once I selected Germany as destination 10:17 < geertu> Due to "order without account"? 10:17 < wsa_> likely 10:17 < wsa_> maybe they need a day to verify my account? 10:18 < wsa_> as is said, i will try some more, i'll let you know if I need help 10:18 < wsa_> other than that 10:18 < geertu> Good luck! 10:18 < horms> Neg seems to be the expert on tough love, perhaps a good plan B? 10:18 < geertu> (OTR) I thought that was Marex? ;-) 10:19 < wsa_> jmondi: if you ever need some small tasks to relax from camera hacking, let me know ;) 10:19 < wsa_> shimoda: morimoto: are there any news/requests from Renesas for the IO group? 10:22 < morimoto> nothing from me. shimoda-san ? 10:23 < shimoda> wsa_: as i sent an email yesterday, bsp team has a request about sdio things. but I investigate the request later :) 10:24 < shimoda> this means i cannot discuss it today 10:24 < wsa_> good 10:24 < morimoto> Ahh, about "news", I shipped XS board to you guys 10:24 < morimoto> And 8ch camera to Laurent and Magnus 10:24 < wsa_> that also means no further requests 10:24 < morimoto> (not I/O) 10:25 < shimoda> also i have news 10:25 < shimoda> we will have R-Car D3 boards. maybe in july. 10:25 < wsa_> lots of new boards 10:26 < shimoda> At first step, we have to prepare core things (cpg, pfc and etc...) 10:26 < morimoto> Ahh, this is not I/O, but it seems we have "HDMI compliance issue" now 10:26 <@jmondi> wsa_: missed notification, sorry about that 10:27 < shimoda> but, i don't deside who should have the D3 board. unfortunately we can get about 6 boards 10:28 < shimoda> as the first step, remote access is enough? 10:28 < geertu> Yes, that should be OK 10:29 < shimoda> geertu: thank you for the comment! 10:31 < wsa_> good, so there seem to be no current points to be discussed 10:31 < wsa_> the add. tasks are close to completion 10:31 < neg> morimoto: what can you tell us about the HDMI compliance issue? Me an Kieran found some odd things on H3 ES2.0 for HDMI input, have still not recived my ES2.0 so can't analize it further untill that time 10:31 < wsa_> and new tasks will be discussed somewhat later 10:32 < morimoto> neg: we will have meeting to know more detail. I will report it in MultiMedia chat meeting 10:33 < neg> morimoto: OK, thanks for the heads up :-) 10:33 < morimoto> neg: np 10:33 < wsa_> so, i think we are done 10:34 < shimoda> thank you! 10:34 < wsa_> good, that gives morimoto-san more time to celebrate his birthday 10:34 < wsa_> :D 10:34 < morimoto> hehe 10:34 < horms> adios 10:35 <@jmondi> morimoto: happy brithday (am I late, maybe? :) 10:35 < morimoto> jmondi: thank you 10:35 * jmondi seen "Tues" as meeting date and thought it was in two days.. good! 10:36 < wsa_> so, guys, happy hacking! 10:38 < geertu> Thx, happy hacking, too! 10:38 < neg> thanks all 10:41 < morimoto> neg: today I shipped 8ch camera and board to OpensourceAB. It will arrive in 2 - 3 days. you can talk with Magnus how and when forward it to you 10:42 < morimoto> (and XS boaard, too :) 10:42 < geertu> Note that my XS spent 7 days at customs 10:43 < neg> morimoto: thanks, looks like I know what I will be doing this summer :-) 10:44 < morimoto> neg: Hehe :) 10:45 < morimoto> 1 note is that actually prepared 4 camera + short cables + 4 camera + long cables 10:45 < morimoto> for Laurent / Niklas 10:45 < morimoto> But, export paper work guys didn't accept such combination 10:46 < morimoto> Thus, it will be 8 short camera / 8 long camera 10:46 < morimoto> I don't know who can receive long set / shrt set 10:48 < neg> morimoto: for me it do not matter if the cables are long or short, I have no plan to rig the setup all around my appartment :-) 10:50 < geertu> neg: You can watch yiur girlfriend and the front door all day! 10:50 < geertu> s/yiur/your/ 10:51 < morimoto> neg: I think you and Laurent can switch 4 cables each other in PeriPeriCon timing ? 10:52 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex3.renesas.com] has quit Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2 10:52 < neg> geertu: yea I suggested to setup that devboard in the bedroom, she was not thrilled about the idea 10:52 < neg> morimoto: yes ofc, no problem 10:54 < geertu> neg: as long as you have the long cables, the devboard itself can be in the bedroom (modulo fan noise) 11:04 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex2.renesas.com] has left #periperi-io ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"] --- Log closed Tue Jun 13 11:32:58 2017