--- Log opened Tue May 16 09:58:51 2017 09:58 -!- wsa_ [~wsa@p54B33129.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #periperi-io 09:58 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 5 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal] 09:58 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 5 secs 09:58 < wsa_> hey guys 09:59 < horms> hi wsa_ 09:59 < geertu> Hi all 09:59 < neg> hi 09:59 < jmondi> hello everyone 10:00 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex1.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 10:00 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex2.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 10:03 < wsa_> so, let's start 10:03 < wsa_> first question: is there any topic from your side? 10:04 < horms> not from me, thanks 10:04 < geertu> Not from me, neither 10:05 < jmondi> not here 10:05 < morimoto> Not here, neither 10:06 < shimoda> me, neither 10:06 < wsa_> ok then 10:07 < wsa_> i guess the big topic for today are next additional tasks 10:07 < wsa_> if you have a proposal right now, please let me know 10:08 < wsa_> otherwise, I'd like to ask horms if he is open for upstreaming the SDHI DMA driver? 10:08 < horms> not neceessarily a proposal, but where are we with enabling SDR104 on Gen3? 10:08 < wsa_> (BTW I'll try to review your DMA series today) 10:08 < horms> oh, I'm happy to do that if it makes sense. But I'd like to hear from R社 that it does make sense 10:08 < horms> (Thanks!) 10:09 < wsa_> not too much TDSEL progress, sadly 10:09 < horms> ok, then lets leave that haning out in the breeze 10:09 < wsa_> the I2C Cam document was too tricky 10:09 < wsa_> R社 ? 10:10 < horms> Renesas Ltd 10:10 < horms> Renesas Co. 10:10 < shimoda> i'm not sure there is suitable for additional tasks but i want to go forward about periupport as well :) 10:10 < horms> Something liek that 10:11 < wsa_> IIRC Renesas wanted to have SDHI DMA support for Gen3 upstream in Q2 10:12 < wsa_> (originally Q1 even, but we needed the refactoring for that) 10:12 < horms> ok, that sounds good. I assume this will run by Magnus as part of the process to get the paperwork for the task 10:12 < wsa_> shimoda: morimoto: or am I wrong here? 10:13 < horms> iirc we can use H3/M3-W ES1.0 to test the internal DMAC, right? 10:13 < wsa_> horms: sure thing 10:14 < shimoda> wsa_: you're correct. I want to have DMA support for Gen3 in Q2 10:14 < wsa_> horms: there you have it :) 10:14 < horms> thanks Shimoda-san. wsa_ sign me up :) 10:14 < wsa_> shimoda: thanks :) 10:14 < wsa_> cool! 10:15 < wsa_> jmondi: how is your busy state? 10:16 < wsa_> neg: you were focussing on m/m for batch2, or? 10:16 < wsa_> geertu: you are still busy doing SPI slave, right? 10:16 < geertu> wsa_: Yes, have make some small changes to please 0day 10:16 < jmondi> wsa_: I don't have that much for IO currently 10:17 < geertu> s/make/to make/ 10:17 < neg> wsa_: It looks like it, but not sure 10:17 < wsa_> jmondi: Ok, just checking 10:17 < geertu> Rob acked the bindings, and Mark was already happy, cfr. our f2f at FOSDEM 10:17 < wsa_> geertu: Good work, there 10:17 < wsa_> s/,// 10:19 < horms> wsa_: I will need to discuss with you how we should handle initialisation of the internal DMAC in the light of the reworked DMA support for SDHI that you are about to review 10:20 < wsa_> ok 10:20 < wsa_> i guess i understand more what you mean once I reviewed your patches 10:20 < horms> yes, lets discuss once that has happened 10:21 < wsa_> so, SDHI Gen3 DMA is the only urgent topic we have and we got this covered 10:21 < wsa_> I keep my slot free for potential I2C cam access hacking 10:21 < wsa_> actual hacking, not only writing documents ;) 10:22 -!- pinchartl [~pinchartl@] has joined #periperi-io 10:22 < wsa_> If not, there is plenty of I2C or SDHI tasks I could choose from 10:24 < wsa_> shimoda: morimoto: do you have any idea how much this SD testing hardware 'SGDK320A' might cost? 10:24 < wsa_> https://www.solidgear.co.jp/product/product_02.html 10:25 < wsa_> for the English speaking: 10:25 < wsa_> https://www.solidgear.co.jp/eng/product/index.html#pd09 10:25 < shimoda> i don't know how much it because i use it of other department asset 10:26 < shimoda> should i ask the department about the cost? 10:26 < wsa_> yes, that would be very kind 10:27 < shimoda> ok, i will ask :) 10:27 < wsa_> i'd think this device might be very helpful in regression testing 10:27 < wsa_> and I am a bit shy to ask you every time I have SDHI patches to go to the other department :) 10:28 < geertu> https://www.zauba.com/export-emmc-hs-code.html has the price in INR -> 16930 EUR 10:29 < geertu> How many hours of Shimoda-san's time can you steal for that amount of money? ;-) 10:30 < wsa_> wow 10:30 < wsa_> godd question 10:30 < wsa_> good 10:31 < wsa_> let's notify ulrich, he can do it cheaper :D 10:31 < neg> :-) 10:31 < geertu> +1 10:33 < horms> I guess it comes out to about 1/2 hour :^) 10:34 < wsa_> ok 10:34 < wsa_> i think this was it? 10:34 < wsa_> short'n'sweet 10:36 < wsa_> so, thanks guys 10:36 < horms> thanks wsa_ 10:36 < wsa_> have a great rest of the week 10:36 < shimoda> thank you! 10:36 < pinchartl> you're welcome. it was a hard job but I'm glad I could help :-) 10:36 < geertu> Thanks 10:37 < jmondi> thank you.. sorry for being just lurking 10:37 < neg> thanks all 10:37 < wsa_> pinchartl: you saved us! 10:38 < wsa_> jmondi: no prob. i mean, you have nothing assigned to io currently 10:43 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex1.renesas.com] has quit Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2 11:00 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex2.renesas.com] has left #periperi-io ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"] 11:01 -!- pinchartl [~pinchartl@] has left #periperi-io []