
10:11 < geertu> Welcome to Today's Core Group Chat!
10:11 < geertu> Agenda:
10:11 < geertu> 1. Status updates
10:11 < geertu> 2. Special requests
10:11 < geertu> Topic 1. Status updates
10:11 < geertu> A) What have I done since last time
10:11 < geertu> B) What I plan to do till next time
10:11 < geertu> C) Problems I have currently
10:11 < geertu> D) Posted/Accepted bugfix patches
10:11 < geertu> The evil random generator has selected Magnus to be first
10:12 < dammsan> ouch
10:12 < dammsan> no special update, but i intend to focus on IPMMU during GW
10:12 < dammsan> so i will have something to report until next meeting
10:13 [Users #periperi]
10:13 [ dammsan] [ kbingham   ] [ morimoto` ] [ pinchartl] 
10:13 [ geertu ] [ Marex      ] [ mturquette] [ shimoda  ] 
10:13 [ jmondi ] [ marex-cloud] [ neg       ] [ uli___   ] 
10:13 -!- Irssi: #periperi: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]
10:14 < geertu> Next is Ulrich
10:14 < geertu> Thak you, Magnus
10:14 < geertu> s/Thak/Thank/
10:14 < uli___> nothing core-related to report from me
10:14 < geertu> Thank you, Ulrich
10:15 < geertu> Next is Niklas
10:15 < neg> A) B) No core task ATM
10:15 < neg> C) D) None
10:16 < geertu> Thank you, Niklas
10:16 < geertu> Next is Shimoda-san
10:16 < shimoda> A) What have I done since last time
10:16 < shimoda> - Investigate IPMMU workaround for Xen :)
10:16 < shimoda> - No core task for linux kernel upstreaming.
10:17 < shimoda> B) What I plan to do till next time
10:17 < shimoda> - No Core task for next time.
10:17 < shimoda> C) Problems I have currently
10:17 < shimoda> - I have concern when IPMMU driver for Gen3 is merged into iommu subsystem repo.
10:17 < shimoda> D) Posted/Accepted bugfix patch
10:17 < shimoda> - Nothing.
10:17 < shimoda> --- EOT ---
10:17 < geertu> Thank you, Shimoda-san
10:17 < geertu> Next is Marek
10:19 < geertu> He may still be asleep, as he was reducing the ravb driver in U-boot by 65% at 3 AM
10:19 < geertu> Next is Morimoto-san
10:19 < morimoto`> A) What have I done since last time
10:19 < morimoto`> I had confirmed Salvator-XS board request from EuroPeri. Geert, Laurent, Marek, Niklas will receive it by 1st shipping
10:19 < morimoto`> B) What I plan to do till next time
10:20 < morimoto`> Start export paper work for Salvator-XS board.
10:20 < morimoto`> I would like to support sound on M2 Salvator-X (On Geert's patches ?)
10:20 < morimoto`> C) Problems I have currently
10:20 < morimoto`> D) Posted/Accepted bugfix patches
10:20 < morimoto`> NULL, sir
10:20 < morimoto`> --EOT--
10:20 < morimoto`> s/M2 Salvator-X/M3 Salvator-X/
10:21 < geertu> Thank you, Morimoto-san
10:21 < geertu> Next is Geert
10:21 < geertu> A) What have I done since last time
10:21 < geertu>     - Posted RFC patches for DTSI sharing (SiP, Salvator-X, ULCB)
10:21 < geertu>     - Marked periupport priority H commits that are in next-20170421
10:21 < geertu>     - Sent third pull request for v4.12 PFC fixes
10:22 < geertu> B) What I plan to do till next time
10:22 < geertu>     - Publish drivers/{clk,soc}/renesas/Kconfig rework
10:22 < geertu>     - Publish R-Car Gen2 CPG/MSSR
10:22 < geertu>     - Review v4 of RZ/A1 PFC
10:22 < geertu>     - Take a break from Core to finish SPI slave
10:22 < geertu>     - Mark periupport priority < H commits that are in linux-next
10:22 < geertu> C) Problems I have currently
10:22 < geertu>     - What are the official names of the different versions of the R-Car
10:22 < geertu>       H3/M3 SiPs?
10:22 < geertu>     - Why doesn't Documentation/devicetree/bindings/sound/renesas,rsnd.txt
10:22 < geertu>       document clocks and clock-names properties?
10:22 < geertu>       This is needed for extension to resets and reset-names.
10:22 < geertu> D) Posted/Accepted bugfix patches
10:22 < geertu>     - None
10:22 < geertu> --EOT--
10:23 < geertu> Laurent is excused
10:23 < geertu> Jacopo is celebrating his national holiday, he reported no status updates
10:24 < geertu> Marek posted bd9571 pmic patches
10:24 < geertu> Simon is gone(?)
10:24 < geertu> He reported no core tasks
10:25 < geertu> Morimoto-san: Do you have solutions to my "problems"?
10:25 < morimoto`> what kind of problems ?
10:25 < geertu> See C above
10:26 < morimoto`> Ahh, let me check
10:27 < morimoto`> needed for resets ?
10:28 < morimoto`> missing "clocks" and "clock-names" are just my fail. I will post patch
10:28 < geertu> The resets and reset-names properties mimic the module clock and clock-names (CPG/MS and SR)
10:28 < geertu> morimoto: Thank you, then I can extent the bindings with the resets later
10:29 < geertu> The other problem is related to "[PATCH 0/8] arm64: dts: renesas: Break out R-Car H3 and M3-W SiP"
10:32 < geertu> Perhaps we should handle that offline?
10:33 < dammsan> i did not get the cover letter
10:33 < dammsan> for some reason i could not find patch 0/8, so i did not get the full picture
10:33 < dammsan> but the individual patches looked interesting =)
10:33 < geertu>
10:34 < geertu> Some evil spam filter
10:34 < geertu> ?
10:34 < geertu> Let's continue
10:34 < geertu> Topic 2. Special requests
10:34 < morimoto`> wait
10:34 < morimoto`> Your other problems which is related to Salvator-XS information.
10:34 < morimoto`> Renesas IT team is checking our mails, so, I can't answer you in officially, because export paper work is not yet finished (Thats why used "Secret words" in mail).
10:35 < morimoto`> This means, in officially, you never get its information, yet ;P
10:36 < morimoto`> s/never/didn't
10:36 < geertu> ok
10:37 < morimoto`>  /me renesas talk
10:49 -!- morimoto` [] has left #periperi ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"]
10:50 -!- morimoto [] has joined #periperi
10:50  * morimoto back from Renesas talk
10:52 < geertu> Was it a fruitful talk?
10:55 < morimoto> fruitful export papwer work talk
10:55 < morimoto> thanks
10:56 < geertu> OK
10:56 < geertu> Topic 2. Special requests
10:57 < geertu> Morimoto-san, the mic is yours
10:59 < morimoto> About periupport
11:00 < morimoto> According to Magnus, upport from BSP is now handled by each group leader
11:00 < morimoto> Is this correct ?
11:00 < geertu> morimoto: More or less
11:00 < morimoto> OK, I want to know how to handle it.
11:01 < geertu> The group leaders are supposed to look at the BSP as a low-priority task
11:01 < morimoto> Yes.
11:01 < morimoto> that's OK
11:01 < morimoto> I updated sound related commit on periupport
11:01 < morimoto> which is already upstreamed
11:02 < geertu> Good
11:02 < geertu> I started with the priority H commits
11:02 < morimoto> Nice, thanks
11:02 < morimoto> I want to each member (?) update to related driver/patch/commit
11:02 < morimoto> if possible
11:02 < geertu> I will work down the other priorities
11:03 < morimoto> thanks, but no stress
11:04 < geertu> It would definitely be a good idea if other members look at commits related to drivers they worked on in the past
11:04 < morimoto> Yes, that is easy
11:06 < morimoto> I'm happy if group leader can ask it to members, if possible
11:06 < morimoto> but, low priority
11:06 < morimoto> thats it from me
11:06 < geertu> OK, will do a formalize question
11:07 < geertu> s/formalize/formalized/
11:07 < morimoto> Thanks a lot
11:07 < geertu> Thank you !
11:08 < geertu> Do we have other topics to discuss?
11:08 < shimoda> i don't have other topic for now
11:09 < morimoto> ditto
11:10 < dammsan> same here
11:11 < geertu> OK, thanks for joining, and have a nice continued day!