--- Log opened Mon Jan 16 08:59:32 2017 08:59 -!- wsa_ [~wsa@p54B33FFD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #periperi-io 08:59 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 5 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal] 08:59 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 1 secs 09:00 < wsa_> hey guys! 09:00 <@morimoto> hi 09:00 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex3.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 09:00 < neg> horms: I accidently sent my ABC awnsers from my private email address to periperi, I have now resent the anwsers but feel free to delete and not to add my private email to the periperi whitelist :-) 09:00 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex3.renesas.com] has left #periperi-io ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"] 09:00 < neg> wsa_: hi 09:00 < horms> neg: ok, will do 09:01 < neg> horms: thanks 09:01 -!- geertu [~geert@d54C189FD.access.telenet.be] has joined #periperi-io 09:01 < wsa_> that reminds me, simon you can remove the wsa-dev address from periperi as well 09:01 < geertu> Bummer, I was in #peripero-io 09:01 < horms> wsa_: sure 09:01 < wsa_> wsa@the-dreams.de seems to be back at full strength 09:02 < wsa_> geertu: "we are the popular front" 09:02 < wsa_> :D 09:03 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 6 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal] 09:04 < wsa_> ok, let's start 09:04 < wsa_> thanks for all the updates 09:04 < wsa_> despite holidays, there were some things going on :) 09:05 < wsa_> i have a few questions 09:05 < wsa_> first one about USB & IPMMU, I lost track a little of it 09:05 < wsa_> shimoda: does a workaround exist meanwhile? 09:06 < shimoda> wsa_: a workaround exist for some devices 09:07 < wsa_> and the SD workaround is basically the same issue 09:07 < wsa_> IPMMU issue 09:07 < wsa_> ? 09:08 < shimoda> wsa_: no. SDHI's restriction differs with IPMMU restriction... 09:09 < wsa_> OK, then I need to reread about that 09:10 < shimoda> wsa_: OK. But, I forgot that I wrote the SD restriction on periperi ML or not 09:10 < shimoda> so, i will summarize them later 09:10 < neg> is this be related to the IPMMU warnings seen on Gen2 while tuning SD or is it unrelated? 09:11 < wsa_> shimoda: thank you 09:11 < shimoda> neg: i'm not sure, but gen2 SYS-DMAC with IPMMU also has a problem 09:12 < geertu> There's also ipmmu-vmsa e67b0000.mmu: DMA-API: device driver tries to sync DMA memory it has not allocated 09:13 < neg> shimoda: ok thank you, I will read your upcoming summary on periperi and take it from there :-) 09:14 < wsa_> sounds good 09:14 < wsa_> i'm also looking forward to the desc :) 09:15 < wsa_> next question I have is about thermal driver testing 09:15 < wsa_> just so I know how to handle upstreaming 09:16 < wsa_> how likely is it that we can get Renesas testing from Gomi-san like this week or next week? 09:16 < shimoda> geertu: sorry I don't understand this "DMA-API" things 09:17 < geertu> shimoda: It means the ipmmu driver does something on a wrong pointer 09:17 < geertu> which may lead to corruption. 09:18 < wsa_> and would it be OK for Renesas if we upstream the driver without internal testing to get into v4.11 and fix issues (if any) with incremental patches? 09:18 < shimoda> wsa_: about thermel driver, Gomi-san and RVC are checking the v6 patch. and maybe i will get some feedack in this week . 09:18 < wsa_> \\o// 09:18 < wsa_> awesome! 09:19 < wsa_> still, the answer to the above question would be nice to know (to have a "Plan B") 09:21 < horms> wsa_: i would think the answer is yes unless there has been special requests made with regards to thermal from Renesas 09:22 < wsa_> there are no special requests 09:22 < shimoda> geertu: it's interesting. Is this easy to reproduce? 09:23 < geertu> shimoda: Yes, it happens during ipmmu init. Just enable CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG=y 09:23 < wsa_> special is that we can do very limited testing on this one 09:23 < horms> wsa_: then I think you should do whatever is best from an upstream pov 09:24 < geertu> Sorry, during ravb_probe(), but I think it happens during init of the first user 09:24 < horms> wsa_: right, obviously we don't want things catching fire :) 09:24 < shimoda> geertu: thank you. i will try the config later 09:24 * wsa_ sings "relight my fire..." 09:25 < horms> haha: lets not have that be the theme for a patchset 09:25 < wsa_> :) 09:26 < wsa_> ok, so we'll try to get it into 4.11 anyhow, but hope that Gomi-san will be able to test this week 09:26 < wsa_> which would be awesome 09:28 < wsa_> is uli back from the holidays? 09:29 < wsa_> well, he has been on the multimedia meeting 09:29 < wsa_> would like to have had an update for his series -> will ask by mail 09:29 < wsa_> any questions from your side? 09:30 < horms> nothing in particular, other than that he should consider resending any outstanding patches 09:31 < neg> wsa_: you got time to talk about IO task after meeting? 09:32 < wsa_> yup 09:32 < wsa_> it's about emergency shutdown right? 09:33 < neg> yes 09:33 < horms> you probably know, but there is code in the BSP for that 09:33 < wsa_> well, there goes the last chance of really creating fire... 09:34 < neg> horms: I had a quick look at it, but I only found it by luck so thanks for pointing it out :-) 09:35 < horms> neg: any time 09:35 < wsa_> ok, if there are no other questions, let's talk about further hacking thermal/emergency 09:36 < wsa_> people not interested are free to leave, but everyone is welcome to stay, of course :) 09:36 < horms> i had one question, sorry 09:36 < wsa_> sure 09:36 < horms> meeting next month in .be 09:36 < horms> any firm plans? 09:37 < shimoda> about emergency shutdown, this is also handled by Gomi-san and/or related member. so, i can ask him about this 09:37 < wsa_> there will be an io meeting on friday 09:37 < wsa_> when exactly depends on when we have the room 09:37 < wsa_> geertu: ? 09:38 < horms> ok, do we have a location: I only ask so I can arrange some accomodation for myself 09:38 < geertu> horms: Yes, see "Meeting around FOSDEM" 09:39 < geertu> on periperi-ML 09:39 < horms> ok, thanks 09:39 < geertu> wsa_: I don't have hours, it's booked for the full day 09:39 < horms> I see it now 09:39 < neg> shimoda: thanks for telling me Gomi-san is working with emergency shutdown 09:40 < geertu> As I have to get their by train, I think I can be their at 9 or 9h30 09:40 < geertu> Of course you can start earlier ;-) 09:41 < geertu> s/be their/be there/ 09:41 < wsa_> i don't think i can make it earlier than 9 as well 09:41 < horms> fwiw, i will likely arrive the day before 09:42 < wsa_> 9-13 first meeting, lunch, 14-18 second meeting ? 09:42 < geertu> Please reply to "Meeting around FOSDEM" to confirm your (un)attendence by Wednesday morning, thanks 09:42 < neg> I think 9:30 is a fine time, I need to navigate the local public transport system which if last year was any indication of my skill will take some time :-) 09:42 < geertu> BTW, Magnus just told me Ito-san may want to join the meetings 09:43 < wsa_> i'll be likely in brussels on thursday as well, but just "likely" yet... 09:43 < geertu> neg: I believe there's a direct subway from your hotel 09:43 < wsa_> neg: ok 09:43 < wsa_> 9:30-13:30 first meeting, lunch, 15-19 second meeting ? 09:44 < geertu> 13:30 may be a bit late for lunch 09:44 < neg> geertu: ahh thanks, will look it up 09:45 < wsa_> 9:30-13:00 first meeting, lunch, 14:30-18 second meeting, then open_end hacking ? 09:45 < geertu> What about 9:30-12:30 (I/O), 13:30-16:30 (Core), 16:30-18:00 (misc) 09:45 < wsa_> also fine 09:46 < wsa_> although, 1:30 for lunch might be more relaxing 09:46 < geertu> Note that we have to think about Dinner, and FOSDEM Beer Event starts at 16:00 :-) 09:47 < wsa_> even if it is lurking in the room for 30 minutes or having a short walk or something 09:48 < wsa_> can't tell that yet, i have not made all FOSDEM appointments 09:49 < wsa_> might be I'm busy on Friday evening meeting some ppl 09:49 < wsa_> hopefully not 09:49 < wsa_> :) 09:50 < wsa_> ok, back to thermal? 09:52 < wsa_> neg: fire away 09:52 < neg> So my question is more or less if you think "Thermal,?,noplan,?,add emergency shutdown support" could be a base or additonal task for me duing Q1 or if you rather see me working on something else. At the moment I have no IO tasks planed for Q1 09:53 < wsa_> i was rather thinking about "Thermal,?,noplan,?,add interrupt support" as your next task :) 09:54 < wsa_> which might be a prerequisite for shutdown anyhow 09:54 < wsa_> haven't checked 09:54 < neg> OK that also sounds like a suitable task for me 09:55 < wsa_> i have some drafts on my hdd somewhere, but it needs to be heavily refactored 09:55 < wsa_> if not redesigned 09:56 < wsa_> but at least we got the bindings in shape already 09:56 < wsa_> so we have freedom to redesign 09:57 < neg> OK that is fine, there is no rush we can hammer it out with email maybe before FOSDEM. My primary cencern where that there where some IO work for me to do :-) 09:57 < wsa_> interrupts were the reason why I went from three DT nodes to one and to introduce the #thermal-sensor-cells to be 1 09:58 < wsa_> you won't be bored with us 09:58 < wsa_> if all fails, there is SDHI ;) 09:59 < wsa_> but i think thermal might be your friend in the next time 10:00 < neg> nice :-) Then maybe you can send me the draft you made and think about if you wish me to do this as part of base or if we should try to get some of the work as an additinal contract and we take it from there? 10:00 < wsa_> exactly 10:01 < neg> thank you 10:03 < wsa_> i think we are done then 10:03 < wsa_> thank you all! 10:03 < wsa_> have a great week 10:03 < neg> I have nothing more, thanks all 10:04 < shimoda> thank you! 10:05 < geertu> thx 10:10 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex3.renesas.com] has quit Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2 --- Log closed Mon Jan 16 10:16:36 2017