Multimedia-chat-meeting-2016-12-07 Hi [16:59] hello hi all Hyvaa huomenta [17:00] * morimoto I can't pronunciation *** uli___ ( has joined channel #periperi [17:01] morimoto: even writing it is difficult on your keyboard :-) do you have a key for รค ? Unfortunately, No. :P kbingham said he might not be able to attend the meeting today [17:03] pinchartl: Terribly sorry to say I managed to make it (just) :-) welcome ! and Magnus seems to be missing Morning all :D Morning kbingham [17:04] morning so let's get started topics for today - Status check for the multimedia tasks [17:05] - Next meeting anything else ? FOSDEM ? (I don't go though) the rabbits will miss you [17:06] Hehe :) me to too so [17:07] Topic 1. Status check for the multimedia tasks kbingham: do you mind starting ? pinchartl: I'd actaully like to go last so I can upload something :D [17:08] (which will show why I was skiiving of work yesterday to work on a personal project :D) ok, let's reverse the order then uli___: your turn ok so i collected a bunch of patches and checked if the vsp-tests run with ipmmu enabled [17:09] on gen3 with a little fix, they do although i had a few issues on m3-w what kind of issues ? where the system gets sluggish when running vsp-tests, with or without ipmmu enabled sometimes it freezes but the tests pass [17:10] haven't found out what that could be I haven't noticed that but I mostly use H3 no issues on h3 [17:11] ok, we'll need to investigate that I'm a bit surprised that IPMMU works given that it's supposed to be broken at the hardware level [17:12] :) issues and blockers ? [17:13] pressed for time. other than that, none I see you'll be on vacation from next Monday to the 3rd of January ? [17:14] yes Wow! winter vacation ? have fun, both finishing all your tasks before that, and during your vacation :-) :) [17:15] next, neg A) Nothing B) Address CSI2 review comments [17:16] C) None easy :-) thanks Will also have a shorter vacation trip then uli___ from 27 Dec -- 6 Jan :-) I'll wish you a good vacation during the next meeting then :-) [17:17] next, Morimoto-san OK A) [17:18] I got review from Rob about OF-graph HDMI sound. He don't like current style. Now I'm discussing about it. B) DU side DT will have HDMI video and sound. ALSA SoC side needs to know total how many HDMI sound port exist. but, Rob rejected "type=" property. So, I can't know. ---- from Rob ---------------- I still don't think this is necessary. Simply define which port number is which for each HDMI chip. If this is necessary, then the types, video and sound, are too generic. ------------------------------ What does it mean ?? How to get this information from ALSA side ?? I think I need to corroborate with HDMI video ? s/corroborate/collaborate [17:19] C) [17:20] I need to re-create OF-graph patches. Can I use Laurent version ? I'm using Ulrich version -- EOT -- regarding the type property the DT bindings for each HDMI encoder define the number and type of each port Rob's point is that, instead of adding a generic type property, you should query the HDMI encoder driver at runtime to know the number of audio ports [17:21] I'm not sure if that's feasible though, I haven't checked how it works on ALSA"s side but in runtime query, how the driver know total size ? [17:22] fixed size, does it mean ? the driver knows because the driver knows the hardware it's hardcoded in the driver [17:23] OK, I see. for instance let's say we have an HDMI encoder with two sound inputs, one video input and one HDMI output that's 4 ports the DT bindings would document something like port 0: video in port 1: audio 0 in port 2: audio 1 in port 3: hdmi output [17:24] then let's imagine that the board has audio 1 in connected and audio 0 not connected DT would have port 2 connected with an endpoint and port 1 not connected, with no endpoint the driver would parse the DT node see that port 1 is not connected and port 2 is connected [17:25] and conclude that there's one audio input in use among the two possible audio inputs there's no need for a type property there the type property would only be needed if you need geenric code to parse the DT node, code that has no knowledge of the device [17:26] So this mean we need new "query" function for it ? it tell "for video port" "for sound port" or "connected", something like that [17:27] that would be the idea. again, as I'm not too familiar with ALSA's internals I don't know if that would be easy, or even good but Rob's point is that code that parses the OF graph in a completely generic way is usually a bad idea [17:28] OK because DT properties are defined by DT bindings in relationship with the compatible strings so a generic function that walks through the OF graph, from node to node, trying to collect information about each node, can't know for sure what a property means [17:29] +1 question is that this mean, DU driver will have this "query" function, righ ? I'm not as opposed to that as he is, but I understand his point do you mean the dw-hdmi driver ? I don't know. DU has port, right ? [17:30] not dw-hdmi *** horms (~horms@ has joined channel #periperi the DU has a DT node, yes but DU doesn't handle sound the HDMI encoder DT node does [17:31] Yes, yes. DU driver only handle video side, but will have video/sound port in DT. This means, DU driver need to care about video/sound port, too [17:32] those are the DT nodes that will have audio ports they're handled by the new rcar-dw-hdmi driver which is the platform glue layer for the dw-hdmi core code [17:33] Oops, I need to rebase to it [17:34] Does renesas-driver has it ? it should, yes OK. Geert told me yesterday he would merge it And it is almost upstream version ? yes OK [17:35] I've posted v1 already and will post v2 soon (more about that when it will be my turn) OK, I will rebase to it, and consider about query function. But, HDMI will have "sound" port anyway. So video side need to care it, right ? [17:36] (avoid sound port, etc..) yes it will Or HDMI video/sound can share same port ? [17:37] it should be two different ports OK, nice to know I will investigate it next week. thanks so we would need an API to walk the DT graph with assistance from drivers you're welcome I will ask about query to Rob [17:38] I think I've answered your question about which version of the HDMI patches you should use so now it's my turn :-) since last meeting [17:39] as I said, I've posted the HDMI output on Gen3 patches Kieran and I have been working together on that we got rid of all hacks [17:40] one of the good news is that ES1.x / ES2.0 don't need special handling anymore Nice the series cleans up and enhances the dw-hdmi driver I've received a few comments about that and reworked the patches accordingly [17:41] based on information I managed to gather about the Synopsys DWC HDMI TX IP core it's not easy, as there's no public datasheet from Synopsys speaking of which, I talked to one of their engineers in private he said he wasn't allowed to give me information but that, if I needed support, I should be able to get it through Renesas [17:42] he said that if Renesas contacted Synopsys' support, the question would be routed to him, and he could then talk to me in direct :-) so far I managed to solve most of the problems withotu needing that I've also done review, there was quite a bit of discussion about the DRIF DT bindings [17:44] no time to post a proposal for the rotation and histogram APIs yet I'm afraid [17:45] I'll try to address that in the next two weeks aV4L2 cache oops as well as starting the V4L2 cache discussion no real issue or blocker, I've been slowed down by the lack of public dwc hdmi documentation, but I found a leaked datasheet and gathered more information from several developers [17:46] so at the moment it's not an issue that's it for me [17:47] kbingham: your turn now Ok :D So - as per the mail I sent - I've fixed suspend resume on m2m pipelines, and incorporated the fix for the BRU race I discovered into this as well. [17:48] I've also written a couple of automated tests for suspend resume which should make their way into vsp-tests. - It's quite neat, as it uses a PM debug tool in the kernel to suspend, and then automatically resume after 5 seconds. [17:49] (bit of context for the reader, M2M pipeline refers to the VSP) [17:50] Ah yes - sorry - I was lacking context there :D - There are still issues in the display pipeline but that is more complicated as we are then dealing with making sure multiple cells suspend resume cleanly I believe. [17:51] yes, DU suspend/resume still needs work Aside from that - I've done some work on HDMI with Laurent, and I've been supporting Duc@Jinso to help him get a set up for testing the writeback prototype I posted last month. My B) section is a little 'fuzzy' at the moment, so I'll leave that section blank for now :D [17:52] C) - There was a lot of time spent looking after Jinso :( [17:53] D) Show(off) and tell - - I've made an LED Christmas Tree Hat (for Xmas parties) - :-D nice Speak of the devil - Duc@Jinso has just mailed me again :D [17:54] Morimoto-san: I've sent you an e-mail regarding the support we have to provide to Jinso Nice hat ! [17:55] Magnus told me he would discuss it with you, tomorrow if I remember correctly OK, I will talk to him. Renesas side needs discuss about that ;P kbingham: what's your vacation schedule for the end of the year ? [17:57] ... That's just what I was writing next :D Or rather was going to ask about :D Keri is on holiday from school from the 19th to the 3rd. [17:58] I don't necessarily need all that time as holiday - but I don't think I have much work planned at the moment ... ok [17:59] speaking of which Certainly - I won't be working 23rd to 3rd probably [18:00] Morimoto-san, you mentioned a VSP/DU performance problem reported by a customer has there been any feedback on that ? it sounded quite urgent, is it something that we need to start working on before January ? There is no response from BSP team, at this point [18:01] let me check ok, we'll wait and see then Ok - well I have plenty of work to continue getting my garage office conversion :D [18:02] :-) and speaking of winter holidays, will Renesas be operating between christmas and new year ? so that will keep me busy in the meanwhile. pinchartl: Are you going to take a break anytime ? [18:03] I'll be in Belgium from the 21st to the 29th [18:04] I'll still be available 21st-23rd (minus time stuck in transport on the 21st) and will take 24th-29th off [18:05] Renesas side will have winter vacation from 29th Dec - 9th Jan BSP team want to know VSP/DU plan, at this point. [18:06] the plan to fix the issue they've reported ? They will explain current situation to customer, but customer want to know its plan Yes we can either start working on it in 2017/Q1 [18:07] or, if it's urgent, Kieran could start investigating it in December already morimoto: are those dates inclusive or exclusive? but we'll need an additional task for him horms: sorry, what do you mean ? [18:08] do you start holiday on Friday or Saturday? Do you finish holiday on Sunday or Monday? horms: the 29th is actually a Thursday ok, sorry [18:09] its not so important in any case no worries, calendars are confusing :-) BSP team is thinkingl [18:10] oops BSP team is thinking that they can get some kind of result from upstream January - March [18:11] Is it possible, do you think ? that works for me OK, so Kieran can spend relax Christmas :) [18:12] :-) morimoto: I'm not sure the words 'relax' and 'christmas' go together anymore :S but yes :D sorry for my English [18:13] kbingham: that's why I go to the caribbeans and drink rum, I will be relaxed :-) morimoto: No your english was fine :D neg: Got any room in your luggage to pack me ? horms: Renesas last working day is 28th, and holiday started from 29th thanks [18:14] horms: last holiday is 9th, start works from 10th. Is this clear ? morimoto: very clear, thanks next topic, FOSDEM very clear, thanks Morimoto-san will unfortunately not be able to join us [18:15] horms: np has there been a confirmation that a core meeting will be held on Friday the 3rd of February ? I think that is more or less confirmed ok geertu: ? horms: yes? [18:16] geertu: is f2f core meeting on 3rd Feb confirmed? horms: If Laurent and Magnus join, we are 6 persons. [18:17] which is critical mass, I believe? So yes I'll be there Magnus said he arrive at Feb 3th [18:18] Feb 3rd afternoon ok afternoon = 16:05 [18:19] Hmmm... He also said he might change his plane geertu: I'll likely be there by then regardless - so I might join you for somewhere to keep warm :D If I'm not wanted - I'll explore brussels :) [18:20] Will there be an MM meeting on Thursday? at this point there's no formal plan for a multimedia meeting, but I've booked the afternoon of February the 2nd nonetheless Brussels? Or will it just ve I/O and Core on Friday? if you're in Brussels, I'm sure we won't run out of multimedia topics to discuss next topic, next meeting [18:22] I propose two weeks from now on the 21st Ulrich is already excused as he will be on holidays 21st works for me uli___: but please report your progress by e-mail before leaving [18:23] 21st doesn't works for me :( ok morimoto: we can move it to Tuesday or Thursday 20th, 22th are OK Core meeting on Dec 20th? [18:24] (still have to complete the report and mail it out) there's the core meeting on Tuesday already. we can have the multimedia meeting after core, but it will be late for you so maybe 22nd then ? 22nd is OK for me [18:25] 22nd then. same time, 08:00 GMT / 09:00 CET / 10:00 EET / 17:00 JST Thanks. I booked [18:26] and that's all we have on the agenda for today. I propose adjourning the meeting, does anyone second ? I'll skip to thirded :D fourthed thank you all for attending [18:27] and have a nice day or evening Cheers all ! thanks all Thanks!