Multimedia-chat-meeting-2016-08-31 10:05 < pinchartl> topics for the day 10:05 < pinchartl> 1. Status check for the multimedia tasks 10:06 < dammsan> pinchartl: please connect to me via google chat at some point today so we can briefly talk about some paper stuff? 10:06 < pinchartl> sure 10:06 < pinchartl> does anyone want to add another topic ? 10:07 < dammsan> i have an idea: 10:07 < dammsan> additional task proposals for next quarter 10:08 < dammsan> at least something to start thinking about 10:08 < pinchartl> it's a good time to start thinking about it, yes 10:08 < dammsan> nothing apart from that from my side 10:09 < pinchartl> Topic 1. Status check for the multimedia tasks 10:09 < pinchartl> ---------------------------------------------- 10:09 < pinchartl> in sort -R order 10:09 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #periperi. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel. 10:09 < pinchartl> - Ulrich 10:09 < pinchartl> - Magnus 10:09 < pinchartl> - Niklas 10:09 < pinchartl> - Kieran 10:09 < pinchartl> - Morimoto-san 10:09 < pinchartl> - Laurent 10:09 < pinchartl> uli___: your turn 10:10 * geertu stops using gose 10:10 < uli___> see the e-mail i sent; i think task statusses are not affected by any stuff i have done since last time 10:10 < uli___> we would have to talk about how to proceed with hdmi out 10:11 < pinchartl> let me copy it here for reference 10:11 < pinchartl> A) Since last time 10:11 < pinchartl> - Refreshed HDMI out series for Gen3 10:11 < pinchartl> Updated for 4.8-rc2. (See also C.). Some of the larger patches (e.g. bridge API conversion) have been upstreamed and could be dropped. 10:11 < pinchartl> B) Until next time 10:11 < pinchartl> - Gen2 VIN integration 10:11 < pinchartl> C) Problems 10:11 < pinchartl> - HDMI out doesn't work on Morimoto-san's Salvator-X board. 10:12 < pinchartl> The CMA reservation patch that is part of the HDMI out series breaks the kernel. This patch is required, so we'll have to find out why it doesn't work. An issue with firmware 2.8.0 is the prime suspect ATM. 10:12 < pinchartl> - Product register access unresolved 10:12 < pinchartl> The HDMI out series requires access to the product register. How to implement that the right way is part of a discussion ("[PATCH 0/4] ARM: Renesas: R-Car3: Add product register support") that ended without conclusion. 10:12 < uli___> thanks 10:12 < dammsan> i sort of thought we had a plan about PRR 10:12 < dammsan> but that's a topic for core i think 10:12 < geertu> Yes, ES handling 10:12 < pinchartl> regarding the HDMI output series for Gen3, are there patches you think could be upstreamed sooner than latter ? 10:13 < pinchartl> s/latter/later/ 10:13 < uli___> it consists of a lot of bit parts that should not bother anybody if they get merged 10:13 < uli___> the big issues are prr and (i guess) binding the dw-hdmi driver 10:14 < uli___> nobody has commented on the latter yet 10:14 < pinchartl> to ask it differently, are there patches you'd like to fast-track now, or should everything be merged together ? 10:14 < uli___> those things have already been picked up (bridge API etc.) 10:14 < uli___> the rest makes more sense together 10:14 < pinchartl> I agree 10:15 < dammsan> May I ask why the CMA reservation patch is required? 10:15 < pinchartl> what's the plan for the CMA issue ? 10:17 < uli___> without it, the du driver fails to initialize 10:17 < uli___> i get the same result as morimoto-san in that case 10:17 < uli___> (panic) 10:17 < pinchartl> do you know why ? 10:17 < uli___> no 10:18 < dammsan> it is usually possible to increase the default CMA area with other standard methods 10:18 < morimoto> This patch was created by Fukawa-san, and I can ask to him. But he is talking to other guy now 10:18 < dammsan> morimoto: Fukawa-san is adding that patch for the MMP 10:18 < dammsan> see the patch commit message 10:19 < dammsan> it is way of dealing with memory management for the inhouse multimedia package 10:19 < dammsan> it is not the same as what upstream is supposed to do 10:19 < dammsan> just applying it blindly seems a bit short sighted IMO 10:19 < pinchartl> I'll have a look at that 10:20 < dammsan> uli___: what happens if you increase the default CMA size? 10:20 < uli___> haven't tried that. now that i think about it, i had a similar issue on lager where that helped... 10:20 < uli___> i'll check it out 10:20 < pinchartl> the DU driver could fail with the default CMA area, but the kernel should not panic in any case 10:21 < dammsan> yeah, same thing existed on older generation as well 10:21 < dammsan> pinchartl: agree that panic is not supposed to happen 10:21 < morimoto> Mine doesn't *panic*, but DU do nothing. 10:22 < neg> (My M3 carrier just arrived, need to run down and fetch it) 10:23 < dammsan> pinchartl: any idea how much work there is to enable HDMI on M3-W? 10:23 < pinchartl> dammsan: once it works on H3 it should be pretty straightforward 10:24 < pinchartl> (after enabling DU on M3-W of course) 10:24 < dammsan> i wonder if DU on r8a7796 differs from r8a7795 10:24 < dammsan> the driver development portion for that would be useful to get done sooner than later 10:24 < pinchartl> it differs but not in a way that should cause any issue 10:24 < dammsan> please note that i would like to control the integration order on r8a7796 to coordinate with IPMMU 10:25 < dammsan> but some prototyping w/o IPMMU would be useful for sure 10:26 * neg is back with a big box of 'High Reliabibility Parts of Electronics' 10:26 < geertu> Christmas is early this year... 10:27 < pinchartl> uli___: what's the status of 'VIN HDMI input EDID' ? 10:28 < uli___> i guess hans needs a nudge there, i was asking if the series should be split up into code and DT 10:28 < uli___> i though he was just going to review niklas's patches first 10:29 < pinchartl> please remember to send the description of the test environment to Jinzai by the end of the weekend (September the 4th) 10:29 < uli___> will do 10:30 < pinchartl> thans 10:30 < pinchartl> thanks 10:30 < pinchartl> next, dammsan 10:31 < dammsan> nothing to report here really 10:31 < dammsan> currently poking around with IPMMU and DU, about to test the code from pinchartl =) 10:32 < pinchartl> any issue or blocker ? 10:33 < dammsan> not so far, i suspect some display list code may need more attention 10:33 < dammsan> but i will know for sure later today 10:34 < pinchartl> ok 10:34 < pinchartl> next, neg 10:34 < neg> a) VSP HGT driver almost done, evrything works just some documentation missing. Hans picked up a patch sereis for VIN so one step closer to Gen3 support upstream 10:34 < neg> b) Post HGT driver and onther VIN patch which Hans hopefully will pickup for v4.9 10:34 < neg> c) HGT test program to emulate HST (RGB->HSV) do not match HW perfectly. No review on VIN GEN3 patches I don't think they will make it to v4.9 :-( 10:35 < pinchartl> regarding HGT 10:36 < pinchartl> I had a look at the RGB to HSV transformation 10:36 < pinchartl> the test application that generate frames is able to compute S and V exactly 10:36 < pinchartl> but for H it differs from the hardware values by 1 at most, in ~8% of the cases 10:37 < pinchartl> you've asked Morimoto-san to check if we can get information about how the hardware performs the transformation 10:37 < morimoto> About your question about RGB <-> HSV, I think I replyed answer. Does it OK for you ? 10:37 < pinchartl> and he replied that the BSP team has no information about it 10:37 < pinchartl> I'm not surprised, as it's a hardware-related question :-) 10:38 < pinchartl> do you think we could get information from the hardware team ? 10:39 < morimoto> The Document issue S vs V is under HW team control now. 10:39 < pinchartl> S and V are fine. it's H that we have trouble with 10:40 < neg> morimoto: yes I understand that precision is lost in RGB->HSV->RGB as the manual states but this is for RGB->HSV which is deterministic. If I use a lookup table for the 8% of values I can not compute the HW is emulated perfectly 10:41 < pinchartl> there's a division by 3 in the equation used to compute H, and I'm pretty sure the hardware approximates that by a multiplication followed by a shift (probably *341/1024 or *683/2048) 10:41 < pinchartl> but even with that we haven't been able to achieve a perfect match 10:41 < neg> so it's the way I calculate RGB->H that is wrong and if possible I would like input on 10:42 < pinchartl> neg: I wouldn't say it's wrong. the issue is that the hardware performs approximations and rounding in a way we don't know 10:44 < geertu> neg: How big are the absolute errors? E.g. can't you just allow -1/+1 differences? 10:44 < pinchartl> geertu: when comparing images, sure, but when computing histograms it can cause an unknown amount of pixels to fall into another bucket 10:45 < neg> geertu: the error is in the range +/- 1 but it's used to generate a histogram with buckets and that error results in a value being counted in the wrong bucket unfortunatly 10:46 < neg> alsa this is only for the test application, so one workaround is to only test it using 1 out of 6 buckets 10:46 < geertu> Can multiple values end up in the same bucket? or is it one-to-one? 10:46 < neg> multiple values can go in the same bucket 10:47 < pinchartl> the histogram generator puts pixels in buckets and reports the number of pixels in each bucket (roughly) 10:47 < neg> there are in total 6 buckets wich can be spread out over a value range of 0-255 10:48 < geertu> If the test software uses one-to-one buckets, it can calculate upper and lower bounds for each hardware bucket, assuming a max error of -1/+1 10:48 < pinchartl> geertu: I don't see how that would help 10:49 < pinchartl> a -1/+1 error can cause a pixel to fall in the next bucket 10:49 < geertu> i.e. sum (sw_bucket[first..last]) <= hw_bucket <= sum(sw_bucket[first-1..last+1]) 10:49 < geertu> And the total sum must match 10:49 < pinchartl> in the worst case all pixels could fall in another bucket 10:50 < pinchartl> the purpose of the test is to verify that the driver works correctly. if we have to accept 100% errors, it's quite pointless 10:50 < geertu> Sure, but only due to a -1/+1 difference, right? 10:51 < pinchartl> still 10:51 < pinchartl> we want to catch things like an off-by-one write to registers 10:51 < pinchartl> which would result in pixels falling the another bucket the same way than the H computation error would 10:52 < geertu> In that case you do need to know exactly how the hardware works 10:52 < pinchartl> that's my point, yes 10:52 < pinchartl> anyway, Morimoto-san, if we can get information from the hardware team about how the hardware computes the H value from the R,G,B values, then we'll be able to test the HGT 10:53 < neg> geertu: we know how the HW works for S and V only H still eludes me :-) 10:53 < pinchartl> otherwise we won't be able to catch HGT regressions in the test suite 10:54 < pinchartl> neg: regarding the deadlines 10:54 < pinchartl> you mentioned that tests should be done tomorrow 10:54 < pinchartl> but, first of all, the due date is September the 4th 10:54 < pinchartl> and it's only the description of the test environment that's needed 10:55 < pinchartl> not the full test suite 10:55 < morimoto> OK, I will find HW guy, and will ask. 10:55 < pinchartl> i.e. the list of the test tools 10:55 < morimoto> I can say it will be long term. 10:55 < pinchartl> so that Jinzai can cross-compile them already 10:55 < neg> pinchartl: ohh I thought the entier test suite should be done 10:56 < pinchartl> morimoto: thank you. if we can get the verilog code corresponding to the H computation, I can find out how the hardware works myself ;-) 10:56 < morimoto> pinchartl: OK 10:56 < pinchartl> neg: test scripts can still be modified until the final due date 10:56 < neg> but if they need to compile the tools now this still needs to be done since this is in the gen-image test tool of vsp-tests 10:57 < pinchartl> they can recompile the test tools when performing tests 10:57 < neg> ahh great 10:57 < pinchartl> what they want to avoid is running into cross-compilation issues at the last minute 10:57 < pinchartl> a git pull && make, if there's no additional dependency, is fine 10:58 < neg> I take it from this discussion that it's better for me to submit a vsp-tests that only uses 1 bucket over bundeling the 54M lookup table and use all 6 buckets? Atlest untill we figure out how the HW works 10:59 < pinchartl> yes, please 10:59 < neg> good 11:00 < pinchartl> kbingham: you're next 11:00 < neg> About VIN Gen3, please find time to review it :-) 11:00 < kbingham> VSP-Partitioning Status 11:00 < kbingham> Initial prototype for partition algorithm implemented, work in progress to debug some issues, and get some real testing going. 11:00 < kbingham> Ongoing Plan: 11:00 < kbingham> After a little bit of catch up from being on holiday, my plan is to work on progressing the VSP partitioning, and get some viable tests going. Then of course solve all the bugs that will inevitably pop up. 11:02 < kbingham> If you need me to look at FDP1 stuff anytime - let me know, as I'll focus on VSP for the moment. 11:02 < pinchartl> thanks 11:02 < pinchartl> let's focus on the VSP, yes 11:02 < pinchartl> I'll post my current version of the FDP patches 11:03 < pinchartl> no issue or blocker ? 11:04 < morimoto> pinchartl: could you get M3 board ? and forwarded it to kbingham ? I would like to know 11:04 < kbingham> none at the moment - as I've not got very far yet with being back. Various accountant things and email catch up took up most of yesterday. but I can actually boot a board today :D 11:05 < pinchartl> morimoto: not yet, it's currently in a plane from Tokyo to Helsinki according to the shipment tracking page. it should land in the afternoon 11:05 < morimoto> Ahh, OK. Thank you 11:06 < pinchartl> morimoto: your turn :-) 11:06 < morimoto> OK 11:06 < morimoto> RSND,v4.10,public,morimoto,DT bindings for graph sound 11:06 < morimoto> 11:06 < morimoto> this is on going. it need many steps. 11:07 < morimoto> but it have small steps now. 11:07 < morimoto> RSND,v4.10,public,morimoto,dw-hdmi-i2s-audio prototype on Gen3 11:07 < morimoto> I posted this patch to ML, and I think it is OK 11:07 < morimoto> but maintainer had summer vacation, and it seems forgot about this 11:07 < morimoto> RSND,v4.10,prototype,morimoto,HDMI SSI prototype on Gen3 11:08 < morimoto> This works in my local envilonment on old kernel. 11:08 < morimoto> It doesn't work on latest geert's branch, because of above HDMI out issue. 11:08 < morimoto> HDMI sound is based on HDMI video 11:09 < morimoto> RSND,v4.10,plan,morimoto,HDMI sound Upstream support without hotplug on Gen2 11:09 < morimoto> RSND,2016-09-30,plan,morimoto,Hotplug support upstream on Gen3 11:09 < morimoto> Is is big topic 11:09 < morimoto> ALSA SoC framework should be cleanup/update 11:09 < morimoto> This is related to unbind issue too 11:10 < morimoto> I posted this topic to ML, and we had discussion 11:10 < morimoto> And I posted cleanup patches. 11:10 < morimoto> 1 series was accepted. but other was NACK:ed by Lars 11:11 < morimoto> I think I and Lars and maintainer (= Mark) want to talk F2F (?) 11:11 < morimoto> EOT 11:11 < pinchartl> thank you 11:11 < pinchartl> regarding the HDMI output issue with the latest renesas drivers tree 11:12 < pinchartl> you mentioned in your e-mail that you would like to know the plan 11:12 < morimoto> Yes, is this Ulrich's task ? 11:12 < pinchartl> we've discussed this earlier, Ulrich will check if we can just increase the default CMA area size without requiring the DT patch 11:12 < pinchartl> uli___: is my understanding correct ? 11:12 < uli___> yes 11:13 < pinchartl> thanks 11:13 < morimoto> OK, nice. I thought it (= prototype) was his task, but after that it is Laurent's task. 11:13 < morimoto> OK, uli___ has this handle 11:15 < morimoto> no more comment form me 11:15 < morimoto> s/form/from/ 11:15 < pinchartl> morimoto: will you attend ELCE ? 11:16 < morimoto> Yes 11:16 < morimoto> Lars has presentation about this topics 11:16 < pinchartl> it would be good to schedule a face to face discussion with Lars 11:16 < morimoto> I think so 11:16 < pinchartl> I'm not sure if his presentation will address this specifically 11:17 < pinchartl> I think he will talk, among other things, about the current mess with the Intel audio hardware 11:17 < pinchartl> (i.e. no Linux support for audio on latest Intel platforms) 11:18 < morimoto> interesting 11:18 < pinchartl> could you contact Lars to schedule a meeting ? 11:19 < morimoto> no. I think I can find him on ECLE ? or should I ask to him ? 11:19 < pinchartl> please ask him beforehand, everybody is busy during ELCE, and this is important enough to make sure we can allocate enough time for the discussion 11:20 < morimoto> OK, will do 11:20 < pinchartl> thank you 11:21 < pinchartl> next, me 11:21 < pinchartl> since last meeting 11:21 < pinchartl> vacation :-) 11:22 < pinchartl> I've submitted IPMMU + DU integration patches 11:22 < pinchartl> they have been tested on Gen2 only due to the IPMMU being broken on H3 11:22 < dammsan> pinchartl: on ES1 =) 11:22 < pinchartl> the patches include DT integration and changes to the FCP, VSP and DU drivers to make it all work 11:22 < pinchartl> dammsan: yes, ES1.0 :-) 11:23 < pinchartl> I've also reworked Kieran's FDP driver and will post a v2 11:23 < dammsan> pinchartl: it seems the integration stuff is somewhat experimental, is that correct? 11:23 < pinchartl> which fixes several issues but breaks overalll operation :-) 11:23 < pinchartl> yes, it's experimental 11:23 < dammsan> cool, thanks 11:23 < pinchartl> the DT part should be quite stable 11:24 < pinchartl> changes to the FCP, VSP and DU drivers is experimental 11:24 < pinchartl> I'd really appreciate a careful review 11:24 < pinchartl> not so much for the implementation itself, but for the APIs between the drivers 11:24 < dammsan> right 11:26 < pinchartl> for the next two weeks 11:26 < dammsan> the DT part does not seem to change so much =) 11:26 < pinchartl> no, the DT part is quite stable I think 11:26 < dammsan> hehe 11:26 < pinchartl> there's no new Dt binding 11:26 < dammsan> that's a good thing 11:27 < dammsan> but we do want a stable implementation too =) 11:27 < dammsan> but it begins with a review 11:27 < pinchartl> definitely :-) 11:27 < pinchartl> for the next two weeks 11:27 < pinchartl> - Continue working on the FDP driver to get it merged upstream 11:27 < pinchartl> - VSP image partitioning support 11:27 < pinchartl> - DU and VSP integration on H3 11:27 < pinchartl> - VIN and HDMI output patch review 11:28 < pinchartl> blockers and issues 11:29 < pinchartl> Geert pointed out, when reviewing the DU and VSP DT integration patches, that the latest Gen3 errata removed VSPD3 11:29 < pinchartl> the DU3 channel is now fed by VSPD0, as is the DU0 channel 11:30 < dammsan> this is true for both H3 and M3-W? 11:30 < pinchartl> no, only for H3, M3-W has 3 DU channels only (DU0 to DU2) 11:30 < pinchartl> not only does this not match my experience with H3 ES1.0 on which I've used VSPD3 with DU3 successfully 11:30 < pinchartl> but it would also completely break the whole VSP + DU software model 11:31 < pinchartl> I think I've politely mentioned "brain-dead design" when replying to the e-mail 11:31 < pinchartl> I'd like to get more information about this 11:31 < dammsan> that's very polite of you =) 11:31 < pinchartl> and how it's supposed to work 11:33 < dammsan> there may be some sort of reason behind all this 11:33 < pinchartl> morimoto: do you think I could bother you to get more information about this ? 11:33 < dammsan> if it makes sense or not is a different question 11:34 < pinchartl> first of all, whether the errata is correct or not 11:34 < pinchartl> whether it applies to H3 ES1.1 only or ES1.0 too 11:34 < pinchartl> and how DU0 and DU3 are supposed to be operated if they use the same VSPD 11:35 < dammsan> right 11:35 < morimoto> Can you email it me ? I can ask to HW guys. 11:36 < pinchartl> sure, thanks 11:36 < pinchartl> I'll explain that in the meeting report 11:36 < pinchartl> would you like a separate e-mail ? 11:36 < morimoto> meeting report is OK 11:36 < morimoto> Is this for HW team ? or BSP team ? 11:36 < pinchartl> thank you 11:36 < pinchartl> that's all for me 11:36 < pinchartl> Topic 2. Additional tasks for Q3 2016 11:36 < pinchartl> ------------------------------------- 11:37 < pinchartl> we need to start thinking about additional tasks 11:37 < pinchartl> obviously specific requests from Renesas should be taken into account 11:37 < pinchartl> but we can also be proactive and propose tasks for areas that we have identified as needing love 11:37 < pinchartl> I would thus like feedback from all of you about this 11:38 < pinchartl> if you already have ideas please mention them now 11:38 < pinchartl> otherwise, please think about it this week and propose them by e-mail 11:38 < pinchartl> and just talk to me on IRC 11:38 < dammsan> M3-W DU prototype 11:39 < dammsan> M3-W VIN prototype 11:39 < pinchartl> I'll double-check the details, but I think we can skip the prototype stage and go directly to an upstream-ready patch series for M3-W DU 11:39 < pinchartl> for VIN I'll let neg check what makes sense 11:40 < neg> Will check and get back to you 11:40 < dammsan> that sounds nice, but perhaps we can do prototype for first batch and upstream for next 11:40 < dammsan> we don't know what kind of issues that may be lurking 11:40 < dammsan> if you can do upstream-ready directly then that's fine too 11:41 < dammsan> we need HDMI video out support too eventually 11:41 < pinchartl> let me get my M3-W board and then I'll check what makes the most sense 11:41 < pinchartl> but in any case an M3-W DU task makes sense 11:41 < pinchartl> yes 11:41 < dammsan> sounds good 11:42 < dammsan> are we ready for a dma_buf zero copy user space test program? 11:42 < dammsan> from vin via vsp to du 11:42 < pinchartl> I think we're ready to start working on that, yes 11:43 < pinchartl> we still haven't addressed cache management 11:43 < dammsan> how about audio test program, for loopback testing of kHz setting and L-R issues 11:44 < dammsan> i think the cache management requirement actually means that they want to improve performance 11:44 < pinchartl> yes 11:44 < dammsan> and they have some sort of proposal 11:44 < dammsan> which may or may not make so much sense 11:44 < dammsan> but we probably need some base line to begin with 11:45 < pinchartl> we need to come up with a proposal to achieve proper performances 11:45 < pinchartl> whether it requires special cache management is more of an implementation detail 11:45 < dammsan> yes exactly 11:46 < dammsan> it depends on what user space does too 11:46 < dammsan> i think it makes sense to cook up a zero copy test app as counter-proposal 11:47 < dammsan> but perhaps i need to listen to their requirement more 11:47 < pinchartl> :-) 11:47 < dammsan> how long time would a zero copy test app take to implement? 11:47 < dammsan> would it be possible in one "slot" of additional tasks? 11:48 < pinchartl> I think so 11:48 < dammsan> in two weeks something should be doable IMO 11:48 < dammsan> so i hope to figure out some additional task for all memebers sometime soon this month 11:49 < dammsan> this for the first slot of next quarter 11:49 < dammsan> the second slot content can be discussed in Berlin 11:49 < dammsan> i hope to fix the first slot content in middle of September 11:50 < pinchartl> sounds good to me. I propose letting everybody think about additional tasks until the end of the week and discussing them early next week 11:50 < dammsan> good idea 11:50 < pinchartl> everybody, please think about what you believe is needed and let me know by the end of the weekend 11:52 < pinchartl> I propose holding the next meeting in two weeks from now 11:52 < pinchartl> 2016-09-14 at 09:00 BST / 10:00 CEST / 11:00 11:52 < pinchartl> EEST / 17:00 JST 11:53 < neg> time works for me 11:53 < uli___> +1 11:53 < dammsan> me too 11:54 < dammsan> we should have finalised the first slot of additional tasks by then 11:54 < dammsan> the due for first slot is 11/M and second slot is 12/M 11:54 < dammsan> same pattern as current quarter 11:55 < pinchartl> ELCE and LPC will fall in the first slot 11:55 < pinchartl> who will not attend ELCE ? and who will attend LPC (I will) ? 11:55 < morimoto> LPC is what ? 11:55 < morimoto> 11:56 < pinchartl> Linux Plumbers Conference 11:56 < dammsan> did not consider LPC yet 11:56 < pinchartl> in Santa Fe 11:56 < pinchartl> (November 1-4) 11:56 < dammsan> intend to attend ELCE and also Linuxcon 11:56 < pinchartl> it will be collocated with the kernel summit 11:56 < pinchartl> anyone plans to attend the kernel summit by the way ? 11:57 < pinchartl> (I will) 11:57 < morimoto> Kobayashi will attend to LPC from OSD2 :) 11:57 < morimoto> I wil attend ELCE 11:57 < pinchartl> :-) 11:57 < pinchartl> neg: uli___: kbingham: how about you ? 11:57 < uli___> elce only. 11:58 < kbingham> ELCE only here ... 11:58 < neg> ELCE and if there is periperi stuff before LinuxCon I will also attend it 11:58 < morimoto> Oh, we can meet kbingham this time !! 11:58 < kbingham> I haven't booked flights yet - so Ican extend if needed. 11:58 < kbingham> but I'm booked in the Conference hotel. 11:59 < pinchartl> we need to decide whether to have a peripericon in Berlin sooner than later, but that's not a multimedia topic 11:59 < morimoto> I will go to Berlin 10/3 - 10/14 11:59 < dammsan> i'll also be there those days 12:00 < pinchartl> I currently don't plan on attending LinuxCon but I can change my plans to some extent if needed 12:01 < dammsan> there is a deadline for cheaper conference tickets on 3rd btw 12:01 < morimoto> Maybe we can have MiniPeriCon if needed ? not FullPeriCon 12:01 < pinchartl> that's an option too, yes 12:02 < pinchartl> I think we're done for today 12:02 < pinchartl> I propose adjourning this meeting 12:02 < pinchartl> does anyone second ? 12:02 < neg> I'm happy to go also go 10/3 - 10/14 if there is meeting or stuff to be done (drinking beer is stuff) 12:03 < neg> seconded 12:04 < pinchartl> thank you 12:04 < pinchartl> have a nice day/evening everybody 12:04 < pinchartl> thank you for attending 12:04 < dammsan> thanks, you too 12:04 < morimoto> Thanks. 12:04 < neg> thanks all 12:04 < uli___> thank you