--- Log opened Tue Jul 26 10:02:26 2016 10:02 -!- wsa_ [~wsa@p5099505f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #periperi-io 10:02 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 3 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] 10:02 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 0 secs 10:02 < wsa_> hiya 10:02 <@horms> hi 10:02 < uli___> hello 10:04 -!- neg [~neg@unaffiliated/neg] has joined #periperi-io 10:04 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex3.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 10:04 < morimoto> Hi 10:06 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@] has joined #periperi-io 10:06 < wsa_> hello 10:06 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 6 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal] 10:06 < shimoda> i'm sorry for delay 10:07 < wsa_> all fine 10:07 < wsa_> i was also a bit late because my internet at home was broken 10:08 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 6 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal] 10:08 < morimoto> It seems your donations was not enough ? 10:08 -!- khiemnguyen [d2a0fca8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined #periperi-io 10:08 < khiemnguyen> Hello everyone. 10:08 <@horms> hi 10:08 < wsa_> i thought the kami for internet was at the kanda temple near akihabara? 10:09 <@horms> good to know 10:09 < wsa_> so, let's start 10:09 < wsa_> a few of you already send the todo updates by mail 10:09 < wsa_> thanks for that 10:09 < wsa_> who has not done so, please do 10:10 < wsa_> and now let's try the condensed meeting 10:10 < wsa_> a) what have i done since last time 10:10 < morimoto> wsa_: I didn't, but I don't have 10:10 < neg> if I have no updates, do you wan't an email stating that? :-) 10:10 < wsa_> b) what i plan to do till next time 10:10 < wsa_> c) problems i have currently 10:10 < wsa_> yes, i like those, too 10:11 < wsa_> just to align that we both think there are no tasks pending ;) 10:11 < neg> ok, my bad then. Will do so in future 10:11 < wsa_> or so i know neg didn't have time yet to work on the CMA issue 10:12 < wsa_> ok, first one today: simon 10:12 <@horms> sure 10:12 <@horms> i have been working on tracking down timeouts during srd104 tuning 10:13 <@horms> that was a) 10:13 <@horms> b) I will continue doing the same as the cause seems elusive: i found a new lead in the past hour so perhaps i have it now! 10:13 <@horms> c) none 10:13 < wsa_> b) YAY! 10:14 < wsa_> shimoda-san, your turn 10:15 < shimoda> yes 10:15 < shimoda> 1) update renesas_usbhs driver for m3w and some bugfix 10:16 < shimoda> 2) i will submit some patches for renesas_usbhs, phy, usb-dmac that are related to bugfix after v4.8-rc1 was released 10:16 < shimoda> oops 1) is a), 2) is b) 10:17 < wsa_> :) I translated that 10:17 < shimoda> :) 10:18 < shimoda> c) i still have a problem about usb2 + ipmmu and usb3 host suspend, but i have no update for now 10:18 < shimoda> s/a problem/problems/ 10:18 < wsa_> good to know nonetheless 10:18 < wsa_> thank you 10:19 < wsa_> morimoto: your full report now ;) 10:19 < morimoto> I think I have no task for I/O 10:20 < morimoto> I worked but for multimedia 10:20 < wsa_> yes, you are our paperwork hero currently 10:20 < morimoto> Hehe :) 10:20 < wsa_> :) 10:21 < wsa_> uli___: your turn 10:21 < uli___> for a) 10:21 < uli___> i checked out sdhi performance on lager, but it seems ok, and i have found no way to improve it 10:21 < uli___> for sd-over-msiof, i have found a bug in the msiof driver that keeps the cs-gpio from working 10:21 < uli___> but with that fixed, it still doesn't work :( 10:21 < uli___> b) 10:21 < wsa_> :( 10:22 < uli___> i'll check why it still doesn't work. 10:22 < uli___> geertu gave me hint about something that might be the culprit, i'll check that out 10:22 < uli___> c) see b) 10:22 <@horms> can i ask a question of uli__? later? 10:22 < uli___> sure 10:22 <@horms> I take it you were focusing on DMA performance, is that correct? 10:22 < uli___> yes 10:23 <@horms> Did you try the SDR104 patches? 10:23 < uli___> are they in renesas-drivers yet? 10:23 <@horms> I think so. 10:23 < uli___> then i have :) 10:23 <@horms> Lastly, what was the maximum transfer rate you observed (approximately)? 10:23 < uli___> 34,7 with sdr50 10:24 < uli___> but that's a limitation of the card, i think 10:24 < uli___> if i halve the sdhi frequency, we're at 22,something mb/s 10:24 < uli___> which is as close to maximum as you can get 10:24 <@horms> ok, thank. I have observed slightly higher than that but not much. 10:24 < wsa_> thanks 10:24 < wsa_> i am next 10:24 <@horms> we can compare notes on cards offline if its helpful (i will be quiet now) 10:25 < wsa_> or maybe we schedule such discussion after the reporting part? 10:25 <@horms> that is fine too 10:25 < wsa_> i wanted to ask simon something after that, too :) 10:26 < wsa_> a) i worked on Gen3 SDHI last week. I couldn't get DMA to work before going to Japan, but it works now 10:26 < wsa_> there was a patch missing to set the max frequency, which i sent 10:27 < wsa_> b) i will keep on evaluating/testing all recent sdhi patches 10:27 < wsa_> and keep on working on additional tasks 10:28 < wsa_> and handle the things that are caused by current delays 10:28 < wsa_> c) my gen3 dma tests suggested 70mb/s while 50mb/s is the theoretical limit :D 10:28 < wsa_> i have to recheck my measurement it seems 10:29 <@horms> did you use dd ... iflag=direct? 10:29 < wsa_> don't have my test setup here 10:29 < wsa_> i definately dropped all caches before 10:29 <@horms> it probably doesn't explain 50 vs 70, but its also probably worth checking 10:30 < wsa_> khiem, you are next 10:30 < khiemnguyen> a) not much. I'm looking into in-house BSP to collect some points to update my patchset. 10:31 < khiemnguyen> b) Will send v2 next week. 10:31 < khiemnguyen> Also, if any tasks related to Suspend-to-RAM, I'm happy to support. 10:31 < khiemnguyen> c) none. 10:32 < khiemnguyen> a) and b) are about R-Car Gen3 Thermal driver. 10:33 < wsa_> shimoda: do you think khiemnguyen could assist you with suspend problems? 10:34 < khiemnguyen> wsa_: : shimoda: any emails about the issues have been sent ? 10:34 < shimoda> wsa_: does this mean about my usb3 host problem? 10:35 < shimoda> khiemnguyen: maybe no. but, i can explain it. 10:35 < shimoda> so, i will send an email later 10:35 < wsa_> cool 10:35 < wsa_> neg: last but not least 10:36 < neg> a) Started to look into ohci-pci CONFIG_DMA_CMA issue, no progress so far 10:36 < neg> b) Successfully trigger the issue described on v4.7 10:36 < neg> c) Summer hit Stockholm :-) 10:37 < uli___> what precisely does "summer" mean in swedish terms? 10:37 < wsa_> neg working from the public bath ;) 10:37 < wsa_> thank you! 10:37 < neg> I was not able to trigger the issue on v4.3-rc3 (version used where issue was found) nor on v4.7 but need to spend more time on it 10:38 < neg> wsa_: yes, do you know if Koelsch is water proof? :) 10:38 < wsa_> I'd like to ask Simon if he could describe his new findings in a sentence 10:38 < wsa_> but I'd think this is already the optional part of the meeting 10:39 < wsa_> neg: the c64 is, why shouldn't koelsch? ;) 10:39 <@horms> wsa_: I found several bugs/omissions in my reworking of the SDR code. Collectvely they seem to resolve the timeout problem. But I've thought that before so lets see how it looks in a day or so. (3 sentances, sorry) 10:40 < wsa_> neg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pb9yzfnbT0 (c64 runs 1 hour under water) 10:40 < wsa_> horms: thanks 10:41 < wsa_> btw my talks for LinuxCon Europe and ELCE in Berlin were both accepted 10:41 < wsa_> so see you guys there 10:42 < neg> wsa_: nice, grats 10:42 <@horms> congrats 10:42 < morimoto> congratulation 10:42 < uli___> what are they about? 10:44 < wsa_> LinuxCon: https://linuxconcontainerconeurope2016.sched.org/event/7oA4/kernel-development-i-still-think-we-have-a-scaling-problem-wolfram-sang-consultant 10:44 < wsa_> ELCE: making transparent how i work/decide as a maintainer 10:45 < wsa_> and how it differs from random developer expectations ;) 10:45 < wsa_> and ideas how to align all that 10:46 < wsa_> so, i gotta run now 10:46 < wsa_> thanks guys! 10:46 < neg> thanks all 10:46 <@horms> bye 10:46 < uli___> see you 10:47 < morimoto> wsa_: Actually, I'm sending Thermal patch to ML, but there is still no response from maintainer during 1 or 1.5 month 10:47 < shimoda> bye! 10:48 < morimoto> bye-cha! 10:48 < khiemnguyen> bye 10:52 < wsa_> morimoto: tickle him with chopstick katana ;) 10:52 < wsa_> cya! --- Log closed Tue Jul 26 10:52:56 2016