Multimedia-chat-meeting-2016-06-08 hi all [16:52] hi [16:53] hello *** dammsan ( has joined channel #periperi [16:55] hi mag-mag hi mori-mori Morning' Hi kbingham [16:56] hi! I guess it's 'good afternoon' for morimoto + dammsan :) [17:01] Yes :) [17:02] sorry, I'm late hello everybody hi Hola! [17:03] I don't know if it's a good sign or not, but last night I was dreaming we were having this meeting :-) pinchartl: Well it was accurate ? were any lottery numbers mentioned? [17:04] it involved people crashing at my place and three different IRC clients, so hopefully not It is called as "nightmare" in Japan :) :-) [17:05] so, topics for today Topic 1. Status check for the multimedia tasks [17:06] Topic 2. Additional '50%' tasks (both May and June) Topic 3. Next meeting anything else ? i have one [17:07] ideas for upcoming additional tasks for next quarter OK [17:08] let's start with the status update [17:09] in alphabetical order again, which I'll try not to mess up this time kbingham: you're first FDP,v4.8,plan,kieran,Develop and upstream driver I have the FDP1 powered up and successfully performing streaming format conversion from all my tested inputs to all my tested outputs. [17:10] It is not de-interlacing yet - as that is the next step but as we now have driver which is functional and performs 'a job' I intend to post this as V1 to commence overall reviews, and while that goes on, I will finish off the de-interlacing parts. [17:11] Any questions or more detail desired? [17:12] when do you plan to post the driver ? I hope either end of today or tomorrow morning [17:13] so .. imminently :) nice :-) and your target for de-interlacing ? I'll be starting to push buffers through with both fields, and I hope to have some basic functionality by the end of the week [17:15] perfect so we're on track [17:16] but that will be only 2d de-int, only supporting interleaved buffers containing a top and a bottom field to start with to keep it simple. Yes, I hope so :) next, me DU,?,plan,laurent,IPMMU integration on Gen3 DU,?,plan,laurent,IPMMU support on Gen3 (through VSPD+FCP) no work done [17:17] DU,v4.8,public,laurent,VSPD Z-order support upstream (Gen3) I've pinged Mauro to get this merged, without success so far [17:18] I'll keep trying VSP,?,plan,laurent,Fixed alpha support (VI6_DPR_*_ROUTE.FXA) [17:19] no progress VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU WARN_ON fix VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU 2D and 3D mode support VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU/LUT test application VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU/LUT upstream API I've implemented and tested this [17:20] I will post the patches today nice ! the target is v4.8 "?" -> "v4.8" ? [17:21] yes VSP,?,plan,laurent,UDS regression fix I've reproduced the problem but haven't been able to fix it yet Do you have any plan for it ? yes, I plan to continue working on it next week [17:22] nice ! I'm not sure when a fix will be available as I don't know the root cause yet [17:23] VSP,v4.8,plan,laurent,Fix suspend/resume crash no progress this will likely be delayed as it hasn't been included in the 50% tasks for June VSP,v4.8,public,laurent,HGO operation mode selection [17:24] VSP,v4.8,public,laurent,HGO support upstream on Gen3 VSP,v4.8,public,laurent,HGO test application I've incorporated all review comments and will post a pull request as soon as I can get Mauro to pull the other pending patches [17:25] VSP,v4.8,public,laurent,V4L2 request API usable prototype [17:26] I have a new test application the latest code and test application will be posted by the end of the week How about this ? [17:27] VSP,2016-06-30,request,laurent,update request API on renesas-driver do you have this plan ? I'll ask Geert to merge my working branches [17:28] OK, I love you :-) that's it for me [17:29] dammsan: your turn VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU integration on Gen2 VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU integration on Gen3 VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU support on Gen2 VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU support on Gen3 no update I assume ? yes, no progress nice ! except i fixed Gen2 IPMMU support a little while ago will poke around with VIN next week was it broken ? [17:30] i broke it in my multiarch v3 series so i posted a v4 ok :-) v3 and v4 include grouping of devices based on their parent IPMMU instance I've seen the patches, I'll try to review them [17:31] however i'd like to add tasks for audio-dmac and IPMMU =) thanks! it would be nice to get the multi-arch code accepted at some point would you like to add the tasks now ? i'll try to keep my focus on this yes, that would be nice go ahead, I'm all ears [17:32] morimoto: how do you describe IPMMU integration for sound? what is the device called? Audio-DMAC? yes, but it using "SYS-DMAC". [17:33] i propose copy-paste the VIN IPMMU tasks and use Audio-DMAC instead I mean driver right, it's not audio-dmac, but sys-dmac [17:34] ? it is a separate DMAC for audio, right? it is AUDIO-DMAC Yes, defferent DMAC, but using same driver, I mean [17:35] sorry, rcar-dmac and the driver already has IPMMU support, doesn't it ? (many local talk happen in Renesas, sorry) [17:36] maybe so but simply enabling it does not work either issue with the IPMMU driver or the DMA Engine slave side I'm still trying to get the MMIO slave + IPMMU stuff merged [17:37] neg: thanks AUDIO-DMAC,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU integration on Gen2 AUDIO-DMAC,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU integration on Gen3 AUDIO-DMAC,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU support on Gen2 AUDIO-DMAC,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU support on Gen3 it needs more effort anyway =) ok that's it from my side [17:38] morimoto: your turn [17:39] RSND,2016-06-30,public,morimoto,DT bindings for HDMI sound RSND,2016-06-30,plan,morimoto,dw-hdmi-ahb-audio prototype on Gen3 RSND,2016-06-30,plan,morimoto,HDMI SSI prototype on Gen3 RSND,2016-06-30,plan,morimoto,HDMI sound Upstream support without hotplug on Gen2 RSND,2016-09-30,plan,morimoto,Hotplug support upstream on Gen3 for graph DT support on ALSA side, as 1st step, I posted sound card cleanup patches to ML I posted v2 now, but no responce at this point [17:40] It it was accepted, next step is I will post graph DT support for ALSA SoC it is already working in my local PC but it is based on above cleanup patches, so, I'm now waiting. [17:41] And, after that, I can post HDMI sound support patches to ML this is localy working, but have same background. So I'm waiting some background ? About graph DT on ALSA, I have 1 concern If video/sound both use graph DT, ALSA side want to know which port is sound-endpoint [17:42] pinchartl: sorry /some/same/ sorry, I misread :-) I don't know how to solve this video/sound endpoint issue 1 idea is adds new .type property. [17:43] like .type = sound or, use new endpoint, like sound-endpoint But I don't know. no response, no review [17:44] that's it from me shouldn't the type be a property of the port, not of the endpoint ? port/endpoint anything is OK. just idea [17:45] ok I think CC:ed you yes you did [17:46] I haven't had time to review the patches I'm afraid I'll see what I can do no problem basically, current sound is using "simple" card. and my cleanup is for it. ok [17:47] graph support will be on "simple" card + graph feature neg: you're next [17:48] ADV7482,v4.7,plan,niklas,Prototype on Gen3 ADV7482,v4.9,plan,niklas,Gen3 support upstream ADV7482,v4.9,plan,niklas,Interlace support upstream VIN,v4.7,plan,niklas,CSI2 prototype (Gen3) VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,Gen3 support VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,Scaler support (on Gen3) VIN,v4.8,public,niklas,New VIN driver without soc-camera (tested on Gen2) VIN,v4.9,plan,niklas,CSI2 interlace support upstream (Gen3) VIN,v4.9,plan,niklas,CSI2 support upstream (Gen3) VIN,v4.9,plan,niklas,Gen3 support upstream (without CSI-2) VIN Gen3 is public, but no review comments so far which is not so good since it was a rather large series [17:49] CSI-2 are almost done and no work started on ADV7482 other then make it compile outside BSP [17:50] regarding CSI-2, does that include interlace support ? [17:51] will hold of a bit on scaler and interlace support until I get some Ack that the driver itself looks ok with regard to the new group concept introduced for Gen3 ok yes CSI-2 includes interlace support as far as I can test it. It is only needed to figure out the bus speed AFIK [17:52] when you say almost done, is that prototype code, or code ready to be submitted upstream ? [17:53] I really would like to get some reviews on the VIN driver before I say CSI-2 is upstream ready since they are quiet interconnected but the code itself for CSI-2 I'd say is ready for upstream [17:54] ok can you ping me on VIN review at the beginning of next week ? will do thanks [17:55] about the "New VIN driver" task, is v4.8 still likely? I believe so, it nearly made it to v4.7 [17:56] yes I think so, Hans sent the pull request to mauro for v4.7 but we missed it. Have not seen anything sayng it wont be accepted for v4.8 (that is for the Gen2 driver) good, thanks!! how about "VIN,v4.7,plan,niklas,CSI2 prototype (Gen3)" ? [17:57] I hope to post the prototype early next week and if the reviews are OK I think it is ready for upstream [17:58] we are waiting for paperwork, i'm the reason for slow handling will finalise tonight just need to be able to leave the renesas office *** horms ( has quit: Quit: Leaving but as I state above CSI-2 might need more work if the VIN Gen3 driver group concept gets rejected [17:59] ok uli___: you're next [18:00] DU,v4.7,plan,ulrich,Atomic API test program DU,v4.7,public,ulrich,HDMI output on Gen3 prototype DU,v4.7,prototype,ulrich,Test setup with HDMI output to HDMI input loopback (without EDID) DU,v4.7,public,ulrich,EDID generation support for the HDMI loopback test setup DU,v4.9,plan,ulrich,HDMI output on Gen3 upstream VIN,v4.8,public,ulrich,Add DV timings support to rcar-vin api test is public as is the new hdmi out prototype no progress on the rest [18:01] I don't think I've been CC'ed, where have you posted them ? the soc mailing list yes, no cc's, sorry about that [18:02] I included all your VIN work for the Gen3 driver except the EDID parts no worries neg: saw that, thanks do you have plan to update HDMI out for ES1.1 ? I sent it on periperi ML [18:03] yes, but not this month we postponed that the loopback test goes first OK are we still on track with DU,v4.7,prototype,ulrich,Test setup with HDMI output to HDMI input loopback (without EDID) DU,v4.7,public,ulrich,EDID generation support for the HDMI loopback test setup [18:04] will they be complete by the end of this month ? should be ok ok, thanks that's it then next topic Topic 2. Additional '50%' tasks (May & June) let's start with May [18:05] sorry laurent yes ? Could I ask one more Q on status :) - What is the status of the FCP patches ? sure do you mean the ones you've posted ? [18:06] pinchartl: No - the ones you posted :) Are they already en route to ML? I've sent a pull request for v4.7, it got rejected on the grounds of being sent too late, and I'm trying to get it in v4.8 [18:07] Ok. That clears that up for me :) so, additional tasks for May [18:08] has everybody sent their report ? yes, report is sent and test procedure on great [18:09] report and invoice sent :) also, instructions on where on by the way ? [18:10] [18:11] uli___: about resending the HDMI prototype, can you please try to do it before the end of this month? i'm asking because we want to check the result [18:12] i'll try to squeeze it in then and timing wise if it happens next month it is too late to decide next quarter additional task thanks, please do!! uli___: could you move to ? [18:13] and add a link to ? pinchartl: please keep the URLs half-stable, I've forwarded these to people inside renesas for checking dammsan: uli___: I believe it is for "HDMI-OUT for ES1.1" ? dammsan: we can add a redirection pinchartl: sounds good, thanks! [18:14] neg: could you add a link to the VIN tests to ? will do pinchartl: sure thank you you can add sections for VIN and DU in [18:15] oops, I mean in no need for a long device description for now uli__: can you please include the ES1.1 support in your HDMI out prototype update? just create Tests section that link to the test pages for future reference should we use 'R-Car/Tests:foo' ? There are also for example 'Tests:SCIF-FIFO' dammsan: yes, that's the one thing [18:16] great, thank you! neg: that sounds good to me now, about additional tasks for June [18:17] are we on track ? any issue ? i'm ok so far [18:18] I'm a bit scared of doing both HDMI and i2c secondary device in one go for ADV7482 but have not yet started so maybe the i2c part is easy :-) Will let you know if I run into trouble [18:19] ok. please let me know as early as possible will do, thanks [18:20] the I2C part should be easy Topic 3. Additional tasks for next quarter [18:21] good, then I feel I'm on track dammsan: do you want to drive this ? thanks i'd like to specify tasks in two batches one i'd like decide in the middle of this month the next around meeting time in July the deadlines for the two batches are supposed to be 8/M and 9/M [18:22] we may be able to do remote access for M3-W for the 8/M tasks but real physical hardware access will not be possible for 8/M target [18:23] so instead of focusing on the entire quarter i'd like to begin with focusing on the 8/M target that we should decide this month will it be possible for 9/M ? maybe kind of unlikely to be honest we will know more during the meeting in japan [18:24] as for what kind of tasks to deal with i'd like to get a bunch of proposals ok both from you guys and also ask internal renesas if they have something for us [18:25] we will meet f2f with multimedia people next week hopefully that will result in an updated list ok should we start now, or would you like to get them by e-mail ? [18:26] i'l like you to start the process in your head but after that email would be good =) also agreeing on a schedule for fixing tasks would be good [18:27] when do you intend to hold next chat meeting? in two weeks 22nd of June thanks [18:28] is that fine for everybody by the way ? same time as today so can we have title proposals done by the 17th? (morimoto: thanks for your e-mail with the status update, I've incorporated it) for some overview pinchartl: time and date works for me [18:29] pinchartl: thanks pinchartl: scrap the 17th pinchartl: i think we should provide you a list of requests from renesas on the 17th can we have the titles done by the 22nd then? [18:30] that's fine with me thanks so the time around 20th and later is needed to fix some tasks [18:31] Hum are there any information about schematics for M3-W? To look for tasks it would help me to be able to look at how VIN is setup neg: uli___: kbingham: could you start thinking about tasks proposals for Q3 in parallel ? I'd like to hear your ideas on what is needed for multimedia support in the areas you're responsible for (and possibly other areas as well) [18:32] dammsan: as we've discussed previously, video codecs, video test framework (extension of the VSP test framework to cover other devices and more features) and suspend/resume support for the VSP driver are possible candidates for Q3 [18:33] pinchartl: Ack. I'll have an explore around to see what's what :) [18:34] kbingham: thanks neg: basically H3 Salvator <-> M3 Salvator are same board. I can say "Basically" :) pinchartl: now I got VSP1 bug-report from BSP team. I will report it to you tomorrow [18:36] morimoto: thank you. how many dozens of pages are there ? :-) [18:37] morimoto: ok thanks, so its the same utilisation of CSI-2 and no digital video source for VIN? neg: if it was so in H3, basically yes [18:38] pinchartl: let me check we've covered all the topics for today. any last comment/question from anyone ? nope, thanks for your help! I'm happy, thanks all [18:39] pinchartl: it seems that BSP team already found issue only 100 dozens [18:40] :-) I'll try not to have nightmares about them tonight thank you for attending everybody have a nice evening or day Thanks, bye (report sent) have a nice nightmares :) [18:41] thanks guys Cheers! cu [18:42]