Core-chat-meeting-2016-05-24 10:02 < geertu> Welcome to today's Core Group Chat Meeting 10:02 < geertu> Laurent will join later 10:02 < geertu> Magnus will have a fluctuating presence 10:03 < morimoto> I will quit 1hour later 10:03 < geertu> Agenda: 10:03 < geertu> 1. Upcoming Gen3 development for the Core group, 10:03 < geertu> 2. Revisiting the mode pins 10:03 < geertu> 3. Status check for tasks from last meeting - what is remaining? 10:03 < geertu> Topic 1. Upcoming Gen3 development for the Core group 10:04 < geertu> Any takers? 10:04 < horms> I have a few things to mention 10:05 < geertu> Please go ahead 10:06 < horms> Kaneko-san has been working on classifing the patches present in the v3.2.x BSP. v3.2.1 is mostly done. I can share what we have so far if it is of interest to the group. Mainly it covers r8a7795. And probaly we can tease some new tasks out of that. 10:06 < geertu> ok 10:06 < horms> I have asked him to start looking over the v3.2.3 BSP. I expect that to include rather a lot of r8a7796 code when compared to v3.2.1 10:07 < horms> I mainly raise this because I'm not entirely sure how to make the information available here. Or indeed if it is of much interest at all. 10:08 < geertu> As this affects all groups, perhaps it should be emailed to periperi instead? 10:08 < horms> That is all I have to raise for this topic. 10:08 < shimoda> horms: perhaps, you mean v3.2.2 BSP, not v3.2.3 :) 10:09 < horms> Sorry, I mixed up the versions. 10:09 < horms> We have looked over v3.2.0. 10:09 < horms> We are starting to look over v3.2.2. 10:10 < horms> There is also a v3.2.1 but we are planning to skip from v3.2.0 to v3.2.2. 10:10 < horms> geertu: sure, good suggestion. 10:11 < shimoda> I agree with geert-san. this topic is related to all groups. and I would like to share information about bsp sdhi driver later :) 10:12 < shimoda> because the bsp sdhi driver has some workaround code, and i don't think we upport it 10:13 < horms> Ok. I'll make the raw information I have available on periperi ML. And we can decide what are some good next steps there. 10:14 < shimoda> thanks! 10:14 < horms> off topic. but I would value any insights/testing of timeouts during tuning in my sdr104 patch set. 10:14 < khiemnguyen> horms: Please add me to periperi ML. 10:15 < horms> khiemnguyen: I will send the BSP analys there. Is that what you were requesting? 10:15 < khiemnguyen> horms: I just wonder whether my email address is included or not :) 10:16 < horms> I can fix that. Lets discuss in private. 10:16 < horms> geertu: I think we cam move on 10:17 < geertu> Yes. any more upcoming development? 10:17 < geertu> I'm mostly fighting^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hbusy with my IO task right now 10:18 < horms> Oh, sorry. There is one more thing I thought of. 10:18 < horms> Sharing DT betweek Gen3 SoCs. Dirk raised this on the ML. 10:18 < horms> It seems like a good idea in principle. 10:19 < horms> But it doesn't seem to work well with our per-soc compatibility strings. 10:19 < geertu> Indeed 10:19 < horms> So I wonder if the number of nodes that can be shared via an #include scheme is quite small 10:19 < geertu> But nothing some smart (obfuscated?) cpp macros can't solve... 10:19 < horms> I was thinking of responding along those lines. 10:19 < horms> Basically if we can come up with a scheme that is great. 10:20 < horms> But I'm inclined to think that is an effort to be done in parallel 10:20 < horms> rather than a dependency for adding M3-W 10:20 < geertu> Yes, in parallel, not as a dependency 10:20 < horms> Ok, I'll respond unless you wish to (I won't get to it until at least tomorrow) 10:21 < geertu> OK, will see whether I find some time to write a reply. 10:22 < horms> Thanks 10:22 < horms> khiemnguyen: you are now subscribed to the periperi ML 10:25 < horms> geertu: shall we move on? 10:25 < geertu> yes please 10:26 < horms> I guess its mode pin time :) 10:26 < geertu> Yeah, again! 10:26 < horms> But perhaps we should defer that to after Laurent arrives_ 10:26 < horms> ? 10:26 < geertu> Indeed. Unless Morimoto-san has a srong opnion? 10:27 < geertu> s/srong opnion/strong opinion/ 10:28 < morimoto> sorry, what was "mode pin" ? 10:28 < geertu> morimoto: Read the MODEMR register to obtain the status of the mode pins. 10:29 < geertu> Needed for CPG on Gen2/3 10:30 < morimoto> I have no opinion about that (at this point) 10:30 < geertu> OK 10:30 < geertu> Let's continue when Laurent has (re)arrived. 10:30 < geertu> 3. Status check for tasks from last meeting - what is remaining? 10:30 < geertu> We have a few tasks with deadline v4.6 in core/todo 10:31 < geertu> IPMMU,v4.6,plan,niklas,Discuss API changes on the dma-engine mailing list 10:31 < geertu> neg: I assume this is now completed? 10:32 < neg> yes 10:32 < neg> or sorry. no 10:33 < geertu> I'll uodate it for v4.7? 10:33 < geertu> s/uodate/update/ 10:34 < neg> thanks. I have sent out a patch addresig Hellwigs concerns 2 weeks ago but have not yeat heard back from him about it 10:35 < geertu> ok 10:35 < geertu> IPMMU,v4.6,noplan,?,Finally get feedback from the hardware developers regarding the IPMMU + DMAC channel 0 issue 10:35 < geertu> Did we hear anything back? 10:35 < geertu> If not, I'll change it to v4.x 10:36 < geertu> (or is "?" accepted as a version?) 10:37 < shimoda> i have no update, so lets ? as a version 10:37 < geertu> ok 10:37 < geertu> SMP,v4.6,public,magnus,Discuss SMP DT bindings with ARM SoC maintainers 10:37 < geertu> dammsan: there? 10:41 < geertu> OK, let's check when he's back 10:41 < geertu> r8a7795,v4.7,prototype,shimoda,Investigate SYS-DMAC2 10:41 < geertu> shimoda: Do you know if the firmware fixing this has been released? 10:42 < morimoto> (he is now talikng with our boss, please wait) 10:46 < khiemnguyen> geertu: shimoda: FYI, I saw that secure firmware of 2.8.0 has some updated for SYS-DMAC2. Any test cases to confirm SYS-DMAC2 ? 10:49 < geertu> khiemnguyen: If you change (both) dmac1 to dmac2 for the scif1 node in r8a7795.dtsi, does debug serial 1 still work? 10:50 < khiemnguyen> geertu: OK. Let me try it and inform you the result. 10:50 < shimoda> sorry for the late. as khiem-san mentioned, the firmware 2.8.0 has update for SYS-DMAC2. and bsp team confirmed the dmac work correctly. 10:50 < geertu> khiemnguyen: thx 10:51 < geertu> shimoda: Great! 10:51 < geertu> So we can start adding dmas pointing to dmac2 where appropriate 10:52 < geertu> I'll add a task for that 10:52 < dammsan> geertu: no update from my side 10:53 < geertu> dammsan: Do you plan to have more discussions (and I will s/v4.6/v4.7/), or are we finished discussing SMP DT bindings (and I will mark it completed)? 10:54 < dammsan> good question 10:54 < shimoda> by the way, v2.8.0 also enables data conversion feature though :) as we discussed before, for short term, we should disable the feature 10:54 < morimoto> (unfortunately, I will go to next meeting) 10:55 < dammsan> i think keeping it for a while is good 10:55 < geertu> morimoto: thanks, and have a nice continued day! 10:57 < geertu> W.r.t. SYS-DMAC2, the wiki doesn't have boot loader v280 yet (latest is v270) 10:58 < geertu> Which brings us to another interesting question. 10:58 < geertu> When do we update the DTS with features that depend on firmware versions? 11:00 < horms> I gather the issue here is about backwards copmatibility. I.e. new DT with old FW. 11:01 < geertu> Yes 11:01 < geertu> Which is also relvant for "compatible = "arm,psci-1.0"; 11:01 < geertu> s/relvant/relevant/ 11:01 < geertu> whicb BTW, can be detected at run-time... 11:02 < horms> ok, if it can be detected at run time then perhaps it should be :) 11:02 < dammsan> run-time detection must be best if possible 11:02 < geertu> Yeah, DT describes the hardware bla bla bla 11:02 < horms> but I guess in the general case we may have to document minumum FW revisions 11:03 < geertu> Yes, add a comment at the top of r8a7795.dtsi? 11:03 < horms> That might be a good start. 11:05 < khiemnguyen> geertu: horms: psci-1.0 can be detected at runtime. I have replied the thread. 11:05 < horms> excellent, thanks 11:07 < geertu> OK, let's move on 11:07 < geertu> DMAEngine,v4.7,prototype,?,Implement proper solution with IPMMU 11:08 < geertu> Should the "?" be "magnus"? 11:08 < geertu> Update to v4.8? 11:09 < neg> how is this task different from 'Discuss API changes on the dma-engine mailing list' ? 11:09 < geertu> discuss vs. implement? 11:11 < neg> hum OK, the patches I try to get Hellwigs attentinon on have one implementation for this, if it is proper or not I do not know :-) 11:12 < geertu> OK, I'll keep the "?" for now 11:12 < horms> I wonder how we can get Christoph's attention 11:12 < geertu> Beer? 11:12 < horms> Probably 11:13 < horms> If I see him I will give him some. But perhaps that shouldn't be our plan A :) 11:13 < geertu> Will he be at LCJ? The LCJ schedule hasn't been announced yet 11:13 < neg> My plan is to resend the patch later this week, I got feedback from Robin Murphy so I need to fix onething in it 11:15 * pinchartl is back 11:15 < geertu> Ok. It's still the merge window, so people may be busy with that 11:15 < geertu> pinchartl: Welcome! 11:16 < geertu> Back to the mode pins... 11:16 < geertu> So Dirk Behme is more or less pushing us to pick a solution 11:16 < pinchartl> (quick comment about sharing DT sources between H3 and M3: maybe we shouldn't have per-soc compat strings ;-)) 11:16 < horms> pinchartl: i knew you would say that :^) 11:17 < geertu> pinchartl: We can add them dynamically with an early DT fixup? 11:17 < geertu> Oh well... 11:18 < geertu> Back to the mode pins... 11:18 < pinchartl> yes 11:18 < pinchartl> so what's the status there ? 11:18 < geertu> Dirk has posted updated versions of both Simon's and my proposals 11:19 < geertu> I.e. rebased and extended to r8a7796 11:19 < pinchartl> nice 11:19 < pinchartl> do they both work ? 11:19 < horms> FWIW I felt that geert's approach was cleaner. 11:19 < geertu> He claims they do, and I don't see a reason why not. 11:20 < pinchartl> horms: that's using syscon, right ? 11:21 < horms> yes 11:23 < pinchartl> I still don't like it. not such much because of the C implementation, but because referencing modemr in DT isn't a hardware description 11:25 < pinchartl> feel free to voice your disagreement with that opinion :-) 11:25 < geertu> The CPG hardware must have a link to the mode pins though 11:27 < pinchartl> yes 11:27 < pinchartl> that's for sure 11:27 < pinchartl> both the CPG and RST chapters of the datasheet list the MD pins in their external pins section 11:28 < geertu> But the RST is responsible for latching them ("Latching of the levels on mode pins when PRESET# is negated") 11:31 < pinchartl> yes, but that's not related to the modemr register per-se 11:32 < pinchartl> if the values of the MD pins were scattered across several registers 11:32 < pinchartl> or made accessible in an even more complex way to software 11:32 < pinchartl> would you still put the access logic in each driver that needs to know the value of the modemr pins ? 11:33 < pinchartl> that's what bothers me, boot mode configuration should be a system service, not something that is hacked by each driver 11:33 < pinchartl> of course in this case accessing the register is simple 11:33 < geertu> No, we'd provide an API. 11:33 < horms> So the way that I see things is this: On the one hand pushing things out to DT seems to lead to a cleaner implementation in software. But on the other hand it might be cleaner from a design point of view not to have this information in DT at all. 11:33 < pinchartl> but what if you needed to enable clocks to access that register ? 11:33 < pinchartl> or power domains ? 11:34 < pinchartl> we could argue that accessing the information is simple and that we don't need an API now 11:34 < pinchartl> we could implement an API later 11:34 < pinchartl> but we'd be stuck with the syscon method for all existing socs 11:34 < geertu> Let's stick the API in include/linux/soc/renesas/rcar-rst.h for now? 11:35 < pinchartl> horms: yes, for our current use cases, it's easier to use rst,modemr than designing a new API 11:35 < geertu> And the driver in drivers/soc/renesas/rcar-rst.c? 11:35 < pinchartl> geertu: I'd be fine with that 11:35 < pinchartl> that can be changed later if needed without any DT ABi breakage 11:36 < geertu> A generic API for all SoCs and architectures can still be done on top of that later 11:37 < pinchartl> if that's fine with everybody it's fine with me 11:38 < horms> I think I am fine with it 11:38 < geertu> Yep 11:38 < pinchartl> we would (at least temporarly) lose the ability to use the CPG on a non-Renesas platform, but I doubt that's a problem :-) 11:38 < geertu> I'll write it down in the meeting minutes, and we can let the idea cook for a few more days 11:39 < horms> good plan 11:39 < horms> pinchartl: i don't think that is a problem either :) 11:39 < geertu> OK, case closed... Finally... 11:40 < pinchartl> :-) 11:40 < geertu> pinchartl: I have a few more questions about core tasks 11:41 < geertu> RCAR-DMAC,v4.7,plan,laurent,Fix atomic DMA memory pool exhaustion 11:41 < geertu> RCAR-DMAC,v4.7,plan,laurent,Pick up the patches, fix the DMA engine API and save the world 11:42 < geertu> Given you don't have a core task this quarter, that's gonna be v4.8/v4.9? 11:42 < pinchartl> let me check 11:44 < pinchartl> for the first task, Vinod has picked the patch 11:44 < pinchartl> it hasn't been merged in mainline yet though but I assume it will before the end of the merge window 11:44 < pinchartl> let me check linux-next 11:45 < pinchartl> it's not in linux-next either :-/ 11:45 < geertu> pinchartl: Indeed, that's what I thought too 11:46 < horms> Vinodっぽい 11:46 < geertu> And, wasn't this an improvement, not a complete fix? 11:47 < pinchartl> I can't see the patch in Vinod's tree either 11:48 < pinchartl> it depends what you mean by complete fix 11:48 < geertu> Vinod did say "applied" 11:49 < pinchartl> I'd still like to improve the DMA engine API to allow reusing requests 11:49 < pinchartl> but that's a major change 11:49 < pinchartl> without changing the API, that patch is the best we can do 11:49 < pinchartl> yes, Vinod said applied 11:51 < geertu> ok 11:51 < geertu> Will you kick him, or shall I do? 11:51 < pinchartl> I've just did 11:51 < geertu> OK 11:52 < pinchartl> for the second task, please move it to v4.8/v4.9 11:52 < geertu> ok 11:52 < geertu> shmobile_defconfig,v4.7,public,laurent,Enable CONFIG_CMA=y 11:52 < geertu> This one is interesting, it started for v4.4, and I can't seem to find it was ever sent? 11:53 < pinchartl> I had completely forgotten about it 11:54 < pinchartl> I can't even remember I've posted a patch for that :-) 11:54 < geertu> It entered with status "public" in peripelist 11:54 < geertu> However, OHCI-PCI doesn't seem to work with CONFIG_DMA_CMA=y 11:55 < horms> "CMA" draws a blank in patchwork 11:56 < geertu> I'll change it to shmobile_defconfig,v4.8,plan,laurent,Enable CONFIG_CMA=y 11:56 < geertu> SMP,v4.7,documented,laurent,Add DT SMP/APMU support for new SoCs (r8a7793/r8a7794) 11:57 < geertu> Shall I take this over? Magnus posted patches for that, and I have updated versions in my local tree. 11:57 < pinchartl> please do 11:57 < geertu> OK 11:58 < pinchartl> for CONFIG_CMA, can you point me to the e-mail thread ? 11:58 < geertu> which e-mail thread? 11:59 < geertu> "[Bug]:Koelsch: DU, Could not show an image or picture on HDMI display."? 11:59 < pinchartl> well, you said I've submitted a patch ? 12:00 < geertu> IIRC this was originally an action item from the meeting in Dublin after ELCE 12:00 < geertu> No, peripelist says "public", but I think that was a mistake during the initial peripelist creation 12:00 < pinchartl> ah ok 12:01 < pinchartl> that makes more sense 12:01 < pinchartl> so the only issue is that OHCI-PCI breaks with CMA ? 12:01 < geertu> That's what I noticed when looking into Hiep-san's report 12:03 < pinchartl> ok 12:03 < pinchartl> isn't that an I/O task then ? :-) 12:03 < geertu> Yep, will kick Wolfram 12:05 < geertu> I think we're done (and overdue)? 12:06 < pinchartl> yes 12:06 < horms> Only update from my side is that basic M3-W support is progressing. I expect to accept my own patches soon. 12:06 < shimoda> yes 12:07 < geertu> Thanks for your attention span! 12:07 < geertu> Have a nice continued day! 12:07 -!- khiemnguyen [d2a0fca8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 12:07 < horms> bye 12:07 -!- khiemnguyen [d2a0fca8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #periperi 12:08 < uli___> bye 12:08 < shimoda> bye! 12:09 < khiemnguyen> nice day. bye. 12:09 -!- shimoda [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2] 12:09 < neg> thanks, bye