Multimedia-chat-meeting-2016-05-11 morning/evening all [16:54] it feels like night it is 17:00 in Japan [16:55] night is when I haven't had enough sleep yet :-) with your definition of afternoon I can relate :-) good morning :-) good morning everybody [16:56] Magnus is excused for today so we can start topics for today [16:57] - Topic 1. Status check for the multimedia tasks 1 question. is it 10:00 CEST in Europe ?? yes it is [16:58] - Topic 2. Next meeting we can also discuss additional tasks for June OK, pinchartl invite was "10:00 CEST / 18:00 JST" but, "17:00 JST" seems is correct but I believe I've already discussed those tasks with you individually (well, only with Ulrich and Niklas obviously) oops, sorry about that [16:59] I'll fix it for the next meeting No problem :) anything else for the agenda ? About RenesasCon [17:01] very short topic we've briefly discussed that during the core meeting yesterday, if you have additional information we can talk about it, sure About multimedia topic [17:02] ok let's start with Magnus as he's not here :-) VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU integration on Gen2 [17:03] VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU integration on Gen3 VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU support on Gen2 VIN,?,plan,magnus,IPMMU support on Gen3 I don't believe there has been any progress in that area that was easy now, in alphabetical order, Morimoto-san RSND,2016-06-30,plan,morimoto,DT bindings for HDMI sound RSND,2016-06-30,plan,morimoto,dw-hdmi-ahb-audio prototype on Gen3 RSND,2016-06-30,plan,morimoto,HDMI SSI prototype on Gen3 RSND,2016-06-30,plan,morimoto,HDMI sound Upstream support without hotplug on Gen2 RSND,2016-09-30,plan,morimoto,Hotplug support upstream on Gen3 [17:04] anything to report there ? OK, I created prototype HDMI sound output it start works ! nice ! but, it is using existing DT binding and super local HDMI sound coding My headacke is that how to solve DT things [17:05] And (DT is a pretty popular headache) yes this is based on Ulrich's HDMI out prototype but his prototype is maybe based on BSP (?) [17:06] becasuse of this my sound is prototype of prototype :-) HDMI DT itself is very specical that's understandable this is current my status [17:07] does that cover "HDMI sound Upstream support without hotplug on Gen2" too ? not Gen2 [17:08] only Gen3 HDMI Gen2 was working, and some other guy posted its driver driver patch sorry, again HDMI Gen2 was working on my dest, but I didn't posted it to ML because of DT ok [17:09] but some other guy posted its driver patch to ML but it is not yet accepted, because of DT Yes, DT is bottleneck that's ADV7511, right ? I forgot detail number but yes, ADV7xxx [17:10] ok then, Niklas let's start with the v4.7 tasks [17:11] ADV7482,v4.7,plan,niklas,Prototype on Gen3 VIN,v4.7,plan,niklas,CSI2 prototype (Gen3) VIN,v4.7,public,niklas,New VIN driver without soc-camera (tested on Gen2) and then we'll have ADV7482,v4.8,plan,niklas,Gen3 support upstream ADV7482,v4.8,plan,niklas,Interlace support upstream VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,CSI2 interlace support upstream (Gen3) VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,CSI2 support upstream (Gen3) VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,Gen3 support upstream (without CSI-2) and finally VIN,?,plan,niklas,Gen3 support VIN,?,plan,niklas,Scaler support (on Gen3) anything to report ? Gen2 driver is accepted by Hans and pull request is sent for media_tree but I have not yet seen it picked up there [17:12] basic prototype of VIN on Gen3 with CSI2 and ADV7482 from BSP is working good news ! [17:13] Mauro usually takes a couple of days to handle pull requests now that we have agreed an a design plan for VIN on Gen3 I can start focusing on that plan is to have that done by end of may [17:14] have you posted the prototype code ? no and there I have a question, what repository should I try to target for the full prototype that migh contiain some local hacks for CSI2 and ADV7482 ? [17:15] (it doesn't have to be patches, a mail to linux-renesas-soc with a link to a git branch is fine) I'm not sure to understand the question [17:16] do you mean what you should use as a base ? the additional contract for VIN on Gen3 stats code should be avaliable for easy testing from a repository, since parts of the prototype will need not yeat ready BSP code I'm not sure where I should try to get it public [17:17] it should be publicly available, but it doesn't have to be merged in an upstream repository do you have a personal git tree somewhere ? [17:18] yes, is that good enough? [17:19] for prototype code, sure but make sure you keep the branch there until the code is merged upstream then I'm happy, will make the hack prototye availabe there and keep it updated with my progress [17:20] please let me know when you post the code, I'll update the tasks status [17:21] will do, keep in mind that the prototype is a hack not contaning the design we talked about in our mail thread [17:22] sure so next step is VIN Gen3 for end of May, right ? yes remind me, that includes CSI-2 but not ADV7482 ? [17:23] No CSI2 is not mandatory but yes it will requier me to work on the CSI2 parts anyhow [17:24] ok I think csi2 would be a separat task just like adv7482 it makes sense [17:25] so [17:26] the existing tasks are ADV7482,v4.8,plan,niklas,Gen3 support upstream ADV7482,v4.8,plan,niklas,Interlace support upstream VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,CSI2 interlace support upstream (Gen3) VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,CSI2 support upstream (Gen3) VIN,v4.8,plan,niklas,Gen3 support upstream (without CSI-2) VIN,?,plan,niklas,Gen3 support VIN,?,plan,niklas,Scaler support (on Gen3) we need to adjust that "VIN Gen3 support" is for end of May I'll set it to v4.7 as it doesn't have to be merged upstream [17:27] sounds about right yes scaler support isn't scheduled yet but that's support to be part of the base contract [17:28] no and I don't think it will requier so much work so I'm hoping to do that in my base contract during Q3 should I tentatively schedule it for v4.8 ? sure [17:29] do you think the schedule will hold for the v4.8 tasks ? [17:30] not sure about the problem set for interlace but other then that yes [17:31] they're all about upstream [17:32] so v4.8 means merged in Mauro's tree at the end of the v4.7 development cycle which is end of this quarter hum then no it might be a bit steap giving the phase VIN for Gen2 moved I'll move them all to v4.9 [17:33] yes I think that is better [17:34] next, Ulrich DU,?,plan,ulrich,Atomic API test program DU,v4.7,plan,ulrich,HDMI output on Gen3 prototype DU,v4.7,prototype,ulrich,Test setup with HDMI output to HDMI input loopback (without EDID) DU,v4.7,public,ulrich,EDID generation support for the HDMI loopback test setup DU,v4.8,plan,ulrich,HDMI output on Gen3 upstream VIN,v4.7,public,ulrich,Add DV timings support to rcar-vin VIN,v4.7,public,ulrich,Upstream Lager HDMI input bug fixes for dv timings for rcar-vin, i have a new series to post today [17:35] adapted to rcar-vin v6 for Niklas' new rcar-vin driver ? yes nice and i have a 12-hour old prototype of hdmi out on gen3 that works :-) [17:36] but takes a few shortcuts :) congratulations it's based on the bridge-API-converted du driver I'll move dv-timings to v4.8 then, as the v4.7 merge window is about to open. if we can make it to v4.7 it would be nice so please try if possible i'll do my best [17:37] thank you have you posted the HDMI output prototype already ? not yet. i can send whatever i have right now to periperi, it may help morimoto-san please do [17:38] i'll be on vacation in another 12 hours or so :) and let me know when it will be done, I'll update the task :-) when will you come back ? i'll be back in full force on the 23rd uli___: does it measn it have no issue on HDMI1-OUT ? moment no, i'm using hdmi1 :) [17:39] OK, nice. and base on which branch ? i have to look that up, i'll tell you [17:40] OK, thanks ! I need to update HDMI sound :) no progress yet on the test program I suppose ? none yet ok [17:41] regarding Gen3 HDMI support upstream, do you think v4.8 is feasible ? that would be end of the quarter? yes or will you need more time to clean up the local hacks used in the prototype ? [17:42] _might_ work ok and about - DU,v4.7,prototype,ulrich,Test setup with HDMI output to HDMI input loopback (without EDID) - DU,v4.7,public,ulrich,EDID generation support for the HDMI loopback test setup please document the setup in the elinux wiki [17:43] ok I want to mark those tasks as complete, they've been there for quite some time and there isn't too much left to do the edid generation actually works, it's part of the patch series [17:44] even though hans has a mild dislike for it the series you will repost today rebased on rcar-vin v6 ? yes ok, I'll then have a look at it [17:45] and finally, what about - VIN,v4.7,public,ulrich,Upstream Lager HDMI input bug fixes uli___: If you post the HDMI output prototype to periperi, I can include it in next renesas-drivers (that's gonna be next week, v4.6) me too, I got a new setup just to test hdmi in :) pinchartl: i have trouble remembering what this is about... (geertu: on a side note, I'll also have vsp1 code for the next renesas-drivers) [17:46] I think that was the adv7604 driver fixes that has made it upstream, i think [17:47] "[media] adv7604: fix SPA register location for ADV7612" (pinchartl: If you add it to drm/du/vsp1-kms/boards, it'll be in) uli___: perfect, thanks [17:48] (geertu: I'll split it in topic branches as you requested :-) and will let you know) now it's my turn [17:49] DU,?,plan,laurent,DU+VSPD Integration in Renesas drivers (Gen3) DU,?,plan,laurent,IPMMU integration on Gen3 DU,?,plan,laurent,IPMMU support on Gen3 (through VSPD+FCP) DU,v4.7,public,laurent,VSPD Z-order support upstream (Gen3) (pinchartl: Even better ;-) VSPD Z-order support is ready, I'll send a pull request today [17:51] DU+VSPD integration should already be in renesas-drivers no progress on IPMMU integration then, on the VSP side [17:53] - VSP,v4.8,plan,laurent,HGO operation mode selection [17:54] - VSP,v4.8,plan,laurent,HGO support upstream on Gen3 - VSP,v4.8,plan,laurent,HGO test application patches will be posted today the schedule holds although discussions about the API showed some disagreements [17:55] but nothing too big so far - VSP,v4.8,plan,laurent,Fix suspend/resume crash [17:56] - VSP,v4.8,public,laurent,CLU/LUT support submitted upstream on Gen3 no progress so far - VSP,?,plan,laurent,Fixed alpha support (VI6_DPR_*_ROUTE.FXA) - VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU WARN_ON fix - VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU 2D and 3D mode support - VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU/LUT test application - VSP,?,plan,laurent,CLU/LUT upstream API - VSP,?,plan,laurent,UDS regression fix no progress so far either - VSP,v4.8,public,laurent,V4L2 request API usable prototype [17:57] this is becoming the hot topic for VSP development now that I've completed HGO I can focus on it again other developers started showing interest, in particular Sakari Ailus posted a new version of my patch series last week with additional improvements [17:58] I plan to post a new version myself over the weekend the scheduled date to finalize this is end of this month geertu: I'm finished with the M3 board now. Sorry for not letting you know I was using it earlier morimoto: you were interested in additional information about the request API, does this answer your questions ? [18:00] our side would like to test it, not additional information :) of course it is very nice information for us [18:01] *** khiemnguyen (d2a0fca8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit: Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client :-) *** khiemnguyen (d2a0fca8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined channel #periperi that's it for the existing tasks then ah no [18:02] FDP,v4.8,plan,laurent,Develop and upstream driver Kieran is working on this Ack! I've received the new salvator-x board yesterday, DHL should pick it up today v4.8 might be a bit tight, but it can still be doable [18:03] depending on the amount of changes requested during review salvator-x yesterday ? very delay... indeed I am currently 'virtually' working on it :) as it's a mem-to-mem driver I don't expect lots of push back morimoto: they wanted to deliver it on the first day after I left Finland :-/ I only came back home last Saturday [18:04] Ahh, OK and for some reason they didn't try to deliver it on Monday *** horms ( has quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds It seems Europe has GW too :) the board arrived in Helsinki on the 22nd, I left Finland on the 27th so, that's it for the tasks [18:05] Topic 2. Additional '50%' tasks [18:06] we've discussed the tasks for June previously I'll submit them to Magnus today unchanged compared to our last discussions on the topic any question or comment about that ? go right ahead [18:07] not from me easy :-) Topic 3. RenesasCon morimoto: would you like to talk about that ? Renesas side would like to discuss, and share information about MultiMedia things. BSP team who need to deliver MultiMedia items to customer will have presentation about their plan. [18:08] I guess Laurent/Kieran/Niklas related to this ? not sure if you have any comment, question, etc. please prepare about it uli___: you won't be in Japan, right ? no neg: will you be there ? kbingham: how about you, any plan to attend LinuxCon Japan ? :-) [18:09] * kbingham checks when LinuxCon Japan is... kbingham: July 13th - 15th the meeting with Renesas will be on the 12th yes I booked the trip yesterday will arive the 10th and stay untill the 16th pinchartl: morimoto: I would love to - but it is rather close to my wedding, and I may find my self in trouble if I'm the other side of the world ;) [18:10] kbingham: we will celebrate your wedding drinking nihonshu then :-) [18:11] kbingham: congratulation about wedding ! pinchartl: I hope so :) [18:12] morimoto: Thankyou :) OK, pinchartl and neg can be Japan ok, I'll prepare a presentation about our status, short term and longer term plans for the meeting in Japan then. I'll submit it as a discussion topic for one of the renesas multimedia group chats before LCJ pinchartl: Thanks last topic, next meeting [18:13] I also booked all nights at the LCJ hotell, hope it is possible to get to Renesas from there? I propose two weeks from now 25th of May same place, same time neg: it's a bit of a commute, but it's possible :-) same time means 17:00 JST ? :) [18:14] morimoto: yes 10 CEST OK I'm OK [18:15] uli___ and neg ? ok for me and kbingham ? OK pinchartl: Ok by me! [18:16] kbingham: it will be a good occasion to report your progress on the FDP driver, and congratulate the Renesas hardware engineers for the amazing hardware design (or share your frustration and find a shoulder to cry on) :-) ok, that's it for today then [18:17] thank you all for attending and keep the good work looking forward to more patch bombs in my inbox Hehe :) thank you. bye [18:18] have a good day thanks all, bye