--- Log opened Mon Apr 25 09:56:14 2016 09:56 -!- wsa_ [~wsa@p4FE25E13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #periperi-io 09:56 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 2 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] 09:56 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 1 secs 09:58 -!- neg [~neg@unaffiliated/neg] has joined #periperi-io 09:58 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex3.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 09:59 < shimoda> hi 10:00 -!- horms [~horms@124-171-1-229.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #periperi-io 10:00 -!- geertu [~geert@d54C36DF3.access.telenet.be] has joined #periperi-io 10:01 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 6 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal] 10:02 < wsa_> hi guys again 10:03 < shimoda> hi 10:03 <@uli___> hi 10:03 < wsa_> i'd like to recap tasks today to see if all is settled after the "additional tasks" change 10:04 < wsa_> and i'd like to do that in alphabetical order 10:04 < wsa_> geert is first 10:04 -!- horms [~horms@124-171-1-229.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #periperi-io ["Leaving"] 10:04 -!- horms [~horms@124-171-1-229.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #periperi-io 10:05 < geertu> I've got SCIF RTS/CTS hardware assisted flow control working. 10:05 < wsa_> so, no io base contract for you but additional task SCIF FIFO flushing for May 10:05 < wsa_> cool 10:06 < wsa_> wasn't that scheduled for June? :) 10:06 < geertu> So far tested on Koelsch with HSCIF and SCIFB. Have to test SCIF on Salvator-X etc. 10:06 < geertu> No, for v4.7 10:07 < geertu> Yes, June if I wasn't lucky ;-) 10:07 < geertu> Soon after I talked to you last week, I managed to make it work. 10:07 < wsa_> Ah, okay 10:07 < wsa_> so it is this task? 10:07 < wsa_> SCIF,v4.7,public,geert,Extend subsystem with GPIO-based software handling and hardware flow control 10:07 < geertu> Yes 10:08 < geertu> More testing, cleaning up the code, and then it can go out. 10:08 < wsa_> Awesome! 10:08 < wsa_> Then I can remove this: 10:08 < wsa_> SCIF,?,noplan,?,Add support for hardware assisted modem-control 10:08 < geertu> Ah, you did add that one. I've just pulled peripelist, and it wasn't there 10:09 < wsa_> I wanted to wait after this chat before updating 10:09 < geertu> Perhaps keep it as a separate task, it will be the last half of my patch series 10:10 < geertu> In case the serial people have too many comments, the first half (GPIO) can go in separately. 10:10 < wsa_> I see 10:12 < wsa_> but seems we are clear with the tasks assigned? 10:12 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 6 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal] 10:13 < geertu> Yes 10:13 < wsa_> good 10:13 < wsa_> next one would be morimoto-san, but he is not here yet 10:14 < wsa_> his main work for IO currently is being one of the Renesas contact guys and supplying documentation :) 10:14 < shimoda> i call morimoto-san now :) 10:14 < wsa_> thanks! 10:14 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex1.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 10:14 < wsa_> hi morimoto-san! 10:15 < morimoto> Hi 10:15 < morimoto> sorry for my late 10:15 < wsa_> we are talking about assignments for IO group currently 10:15 < wsa_> and I just said about you: 10:15 < wsa_> his main work for IO currently is being one of the Renesas contact guys and supplying documentation :) 10:15 < wsa_> no worries 10:15 < morimoto> hehe :) 10:16 < wsa_> no seperate tasks assigned currently, right? 10:16 < wsa_> but simon needs SDHI documentation 10:16 < wsa_> I once got a nice ZIP with all Gen2 SDHI docs collected 10:16 < wsa_> it would be great if he could have that, too 10:17 < morimoto> OK, will check 10:17 < morimoto> for Simon 10:17 < wsa_> thanks! 10:18 < wsa_> any news from you? 10:18 < horms> thanks. in particular SCC documentation for gen2 10:18 < morimoto> Hmm. it seems I already sent SDHI zip file to Simon ? 10:18 < morimoto> 2016/02/25 10:18 < horms> yes, i have that file 10:19 < morimoto> gr8 10:19 < horms> but I don't seem to have any SCC documentation in there 10:19 < horms> I can tell you what files are in there if it helps, perhaps via email 10:19 < morimoto> OK, thanks 10:19 < horms> thanks, I'll send you an email 10:20 < wsa_> good 10:20 < wsa_> morimoto: khiem-san is aware of the thermal driver until end of june? 10:21 < morimoto> it seems, but maybe we didn't decided dead-line 10:21 < morimoto> And we will have meeting July timing (= LinuxConJapan) 10:22 < horms> morimoto: email sent 10:22 < morimoto> Thanks 10:22 < wsa_> morimoto: the deadline came from Renesas, if it was changed, please let me know, so i can update my todo 10:25 < wsa_> okay, next one is neg 10:25 < wsa_> you have base contract with 5 days per quarter and will do I2C DMA for this quarter there, right? 10:25 < neg> yes 10:26 < wsa_> and currently no additional tasks for IO but working a lot for multimedia 10:26 < neg> got your mail describing the issue, thanks. Will start to look into it 10:26 < wsa_> good 10:27 < neg> and yes, only additional contracts for multimedia are planed 10:27 < wsa_> so we are clear here, too? 10:28 < wsa_> i guess so 10:29 < wsa_> shimoda-san is next 10:29 < wsa_> Still being our USB hero and also one of the Renesas contact guys, right? :) 10:30 < shimoda> yes :) 10:30 < wsa_> any news with the USB tasks? 10:30 < shimoda> fixing xhci probing issue now 10:31 < shimoda> and I'm working for new OTG framework that made by Roger 10:31 < wsa_> is that planned for 4.8? 10:32 < shimoda> about xhci kconfig, i could make a patch that Geert-san suggested 10:32 < shimoda> wsa_: about OTG, yes, it is for 4.8 10:33 < wsa_> i'll add this to the todo 10:33 < shimoda> OTG SUBSYS maintainer sent Acked-by in last week. 10:34 < wsa_> ah, so it is already "public"? 10:34 < wsa_> i missed that 10:35 < shimoda> wsa_: not yet, i didn't sent OTG patch for rcar yet 10:35 < wsa_> i see 10:35 < wsa_> prototypeß 10:35 < wsa_> ? 10:35 < shimoda> yes 10:35 < wsa_> good 10:36 < wsa_> thanks 10:37 < wsa_> any more news? 10:37 < wsa_> otherwise simon would be next 10:38 < horms> sounds like its my turn 10:38 < wsa_> yes, so, no base contract for simon, but working on SDR104 for SDHI in May as additional task 10:38 < wsa_> (SDHI task priorities have been quite reshuffled due to the additional tasks) 10:39 < horms> yes, thats right. I hope to make an early start on that one. So far I'm planning to prototype on Gen2 assuming I can get documentation for a Gen2 Soc. 10:39 < horms> There is support for this feature in the BSP, including enabling the SCC which seems to be the core of the task. 10:39 < wsa_> Yes, Gen2 should be prototyped, we still don't have Gen3 DMA support yet 10:39 < wsa_> upstream that is 10:39 < horms> My basic plan is to rework the BSP code and see how far that gets us. 10:40 < horms> I have not looked in enough detail to have any problems yet :) 10:40 < wsa_> i saw some custom DT bindings in there IIRC 10:41 < wsa_> i would wonder if they are really needed or if the mmc core doesn't have a solution for them already somewhere 10:41 < horms> I would also like to mention that Kaneko-san has been working on isolating which BSP v3.2.0 patches look good for upstream. I am encouraging him to discuss individial patches on the periperi ML. Presumably some will relate to IO. 10:41 < horms> thanks. obviously custom bindings are a red flashing light. 10:41 < wsa_> :) 10:42 < horms> possibly the base addr for the SCC needs to be specified in DT 10:42 < wsa_> OK, awaiting Kaneko-sans patches then 10:42 < horms> again, I haven't looked very far yet 10:43 < horms> If there are any priorities for upporting let me know. But more likely we'll be feeding features into your todo list 10:43 < wsa_> yes, i think so, too 10:43 < horms> ok, that was all i had in mind to say 10:43 < horms> perhaps we can move on? 10:44 < wsa_> when is the next BSP release planned BTW? 10:44 < wsa_> would be nice to know 10:44 < horms> there was a release, 3.2.1 very recently 10:44 < horms> like a last week 10:44 < horms> morimoto-san or shimoda-san likely have more insight into the timing of the next release than I 10:44 < neg> there where new code ind the bsp from ~friday I think 10:45 < wsa_> thanks, will check 10:45 < horms> The 3.2.1 release, at a glance, seems to have a lot of M3 related changes 10:45 < geertu> Yeah, CPG and PFC 10:45 < wsa_> uli___ is next 10:45 < geertu> (noticed that earlier this week) 10:47 <@uli___> no additional i/o tasks for me so far 10:47 < wsa_> he has a 5 days/quarter base contract for IO and does CANFD driver review and r8a7740 clock driver refactoring to fix an SDHI regression. The latter one most probably in June. 10:47 < wsa_> and no IO additional tasks in May 10:47 < wsa_> correct? 10:47 <@uli___> yes 10:48 < wsa_> but most likely additional tasks in June (like with geertu and simon, too; not sure about niklas, we will see then) 10:49 < wsa_> uli___: did you have time to check the CANFD driver yet? 10:49 < horms> fwiw i have no insight into my bonus plans in June :) 10:49 <@uli___> on screen now, but haven't looked closely yet 10:49 < wsa_> horms: from what I know, 1 week for IO is planned 10:50 < horms> thanks, good to know :) 10:51 < wsa_> the CANFD driver seems stuck; I hope that additional comments or simply "reviewed-by" tags will get it rolling again 10:51 < wsa_> i don't think it is that bad, it has a few iterations done already 10:52 <@uli___> ramesh asked whether to send a new version 2 weeks ago, to no response 10:52 < horms> possibly the person responsible got re-tasked 10:53 < wsa_> "I can send a next version of patch if we have a closure on current set of comments. 10:53 < horms> ok then perhaps he just needs some feedback 10:53 < wsa_> " 10:53 < wsa_> he said 10:53 < horms> Is there closure? 10:53 < wsa_> uli___: maybe you can agree/disagree to his comments to re-start the procedure 10:54 <@uli___> i can say "please send it, i'd like to have a look"... 10:54 < wsa_> that might work, too 10:54 < wsa_> :) 10:55 < wsa_> unless you see something worth fixing already 10:56 < wsa_> ok, but you are at it 10:56 <@uli___> i am 10:56 < wsa_> so, it is my turn now 10:57 < wsa_> i have a base contract of 5 days/month for IO currently 10:57 < wsa_> this month was nearly completely eaten up by the new task/contract procedures 10:57 < wsa_> i hope this will become better once things settled down 10:58 < geertu> :-) 10:58 < wsa_> my plan is to keep this time for a) group leading and b) spontaneous, important, emergency tasks in the IO sector 10:59 < wsa_> my additional tasks for May are "pre-timeout support for watchdog" and "SDIO support on Gen3 for SDHI" 11:00 < horms> wsa_: do you have any SDIO cards? 11:00 < wsa_> yes 11:00 < horms> great! 11:01 < wsa_> Bluetooth, and serial (GPS) and a wireless one 11:01 < wsa_> sadly the latter is not supported by Linux :( 11:01 < horms> I have one SDIO wifi card that is known to work (in the past at least) with renesas hw. I can lend it to you / let you know the model if that would help. 11:01 < wsa_> i ordered a 802.11ac card to test UHS throughput with SDIO 11:02 < wsa_> but this card is still in prototype stage and I dunno when I'll get it :/ 11:02 < wsa_> horms: that would in deed help 11:03 < horms> ok, great. I probably can't get my hands on the card for about 10 days (because I am not in Japan). Would waiting that long + postage be a problem? 11:03 < wsa_> nope 11:03 < horms> great 11:03 < horms> can you ping me on about the 4th? 11:03 < wsa_> will do 11:03 < horms> great 11:04 < wsa_> so, SDHI tasks about DMA for Gen3 and eMMC support got moved to the back because of the new tasks coming in 11:04 < wsa_> i hope the DMA task for Gen3 can be done in June 11:04 < wsa_> it might become a bottleneck otherwise 11:05 < wsa_> so, that was that 11:06 < wsa_> there seem to be no surprises, so we did well last week, I think :) 11:07 < wsa_> anything else which needs to be shared? 11:08 < neg> I have a question about firmware upgrade, have you all updated your Salvator-X boards? 11:08 < geertu> Not yet 11:08 < geertu> I should 11:08 < wsa_> I haven't 11:09 < horms> I have 11:09 <@uli___> not me 11:09 < wsa_> haha 11:09 < horms> to test cpuhotplug 11:09 < neg> ok, then I hold out a bit longer then untill there is a happy repport that the board won't catch fire :-) 11:09 < horms> it did not catch fire 11:09 < horms> but i am not pushing anyone to upgrade 11:10 < wsa_> so, let's call it a meeting then 11:11 < wsa_> thank you! 11:11 < horms> thanks, have a nice day 11:11 < wsa_> and have a good week 11:11 < neg> also morimoto-san said something about meeting time arund LinuxConJapan is that set? I'm thinking about tickets and other summer planing 11:11 < wsa_> I'll be at LCJ most likely 11:11 < wsa_> I dunno about a meeting 11:11 < wsa_> but would be very interested :) 11:11 < morimoto> Yes, now we are thinking LinuxConJapan + Renesas Meeting + mini-PeriPeriCon 11:12 < morimoto> not yet decidec 11:12 < morimoto> decided 11:12 < geertu> Which parts? I think LinuxConJapan will definitely happen ;-) 11:13 < morimoto> I will send invite email soon. Renesas Meeting is gray 11:13 < morimoto> Maybe 1day mini-PeriPeriCon, 1day Renesas Meeting (if we have) 11:13 < morimoto> And Magnus plan is we will have full PeriPeriCon on Sep (?) 11:14 < neg> morimoto: ok thanks then I hold of buying tickets and other summer planing around LCJ timing 11:14 < morimoto> gr8 11:14 < wsa_> I'll be in Japan before LCJ 11:14 < wsa_> and fly back directly after LCJ 11:15 < morimoto> Oops, do you already have ticket ? 11:15 < wsa_> yes 11:15 < morimoto> OK 11:15 < wsa_> I need to go to LCJ anyhow because of giving a talk there 11:16 < geertu> Brussels Airport is open again, and the direct flight to/from Narita is no longer diverted to Düsseldorf 11:16 < geertu> wsa_: That's a good reason 11:16 < wsa_> Yes, I need to present the results of a LinuxFoundation contract 11:17 < geertu> IC, as the CFP is still open 11:17 < wsa_> so, no travel costs for Renesas this time, sorry ;) 11:17 < morimoto> wsa_: OK :) 11:18 < geertu> More budget for sake and kobe-beef ;-) 11:18 < wsa_> \o/ 11:18 < wsa_> ok, gotta leave now 11:19 < morimoto> very important budget :) 11:19 < wsa_> i'll update redmine soon 11:19 < morimoto> thanks 11:19 < geertu> bye, thx 11:19 < neg> thanks all 11:19 < shimoda> thanks 11:20 <@uli___> bye 11:20 < morimoto> wsa_: please Redmine log + Redmine IO schedule + PeriPelist git 11:20 <@uli___> morimoto: hardass! :) 11:20 < morimoto> ;P 11:20 < morimoto> Thanks 11:20 < morimoto> bye 11:20 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex1.renesas.com] has left #periperi-io ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"] 11:20 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex3.renesas.com] has quit Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2 --- Log closed Mon Apr 25 11:22:32 2016