--- Log opened Mon Mar 14 08:55:30 2016 08:55 -!- wsa_ [~wsa@p4FE25CE7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #periperi-io 08:55 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 2 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] 08:55 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 1 secs 08:56 <@horms> hi wsa_ 08:59 < wsa_> hi simon 08:59 <@horms> how are things? 09:02 < wsa_> windy :D 09:02 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex2.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 09:03 < wsa_> lots of things are changing currently 09:03 < wsa_> this is nothing bad per se, but needs lot of attention 09:03 <@horms> good luck :) 09:03 -!- geertu [~geert@d54c36a7b.access.telenet.be] has joined #periperi-io 09:03 < wsa_> thanks! 09:03 < wsa_> hello shimoda-san 09:04 < shimoda> hello wolfram-san 09:04 < geertu> (sorry, i was in the wrong channel) 09:06 < wsa_> geertu: no worries, i'll be in both channels and point to this one if necessary 09:06 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex1.renesas.com] has joined #periperi-io 09:06 < morimoto> Hi 09:07 <@horms> Hi Morimoto-san, hi Geert 09:07 < geertu> {Mor,Eve}nin' again ;-) 09:08 < wsa_> Hi Morimoto-san 09:08 < wsa_> so, we are all here 09:08 < wsa_> let's start 09:09 < wsa_> looking at the patches in renesas-soc, I didn't see much updates to the todo. 09:09 < wsa_> Please update me if I missed something 09:09 < geertu> MSIOF,v4.6,plan,geert,Investigate issues on Gen3 => complete 09:10 < wsa_> I wonder though, if we should add some tasks which are happening but haven't been formalized yet? 09:10 < wsa_> like the review support for the CAN driver? 09:11 < wsa_> or the DMA support for ravb (by Kaneko-san)? 09:11 < wsa_> opinions on this? 09:11 <@horms> Kaneko-san's work is covered by tasks in the upporting portion of the wiki etc... 09:11 < geertu> IMHO review is part of the job 09:11 <@horms> I don't object to you adding tasks too, but just so you know that I am tracking his work 09:12 < wsa_> ok, so this is considered upporting because it comes from the BSP. fair enough 09:12 <@horms> I would be more inclined to add a can task and assign it to whoever is working on it, even if they are outside the group. But I have no strong opinions here 09:13 <@horms> wsa_: yes, its coming from the bsp. obviously it also overlaps with this group 09:14 < wsa_> geertu: that was a HW issue with MSIOF, right? 09:14 < geertu> I aree it's a good idea to add can dev to the task list 09:14 <@horms> on the subject of can: i think we should at some point discuss if we want to merge r8a779[34] support even though no board exposes the hw 09:14 < geertu> wsa_: yes 09:14 < geertu> wsa_: and bsp workaround is not sufficient 09:15 < wsa_> horms: that would be applying untested patches to the dtsi? 09:15 <@horms> wsa_: yes 09:16 <@horms> as it stands i have posted the (untested) patches 09:16 < wsa_> i am not strong on this one, but i don't like 09:16 <@horms> so they exist in the archives and people can fish them out 09:16 < wsa_> that's great 09:16 <@horms> i'm inclined to leave them in that state until we can test them: probably forever 09:17 < wsa_> or someone else can test them 09:17 <@horms> right 09:17 * wsa_ stops daydreaming 09:17 < wsa_> so what do you envision for the CAN task? 09:17 <@horms> the other alternative is to merge them. someone can still test them in future. but they may also assume they have already been tested which is (likely) false 09:18 <@horms> well, the above discussion asside. i see two areas of real can work going on 09:18 <@horms> supporting can on r8a7795. and supporting canfd 09:18 < geertu> I guess we already have many device nodes that haven't been tested? 09:18 <@horms> yes, that is the other side of the coin 09:19 <@horms> perhaps not many but surely there are some 09:19 < geertu> Like SCIFs, MSIOFs, MMCs? 09:19 <@horms> perhaps some that we can more reasonably expect to be tested than others 09:19 <@horms> right 09:20 < geertu> At least we try to review additions to .dtsi 09:20 < geertu> which is harder for e.g. all the pinctrl data. 09:20 <@horms> yes, i agree there 09:20 < geertu> (not the pins, but the bits in registers) 09:20 < wsa_> isn't adding r8a7795 support an integration task? 09:21 <@horms> in general the changes are based on similar nodes that are known to work. e.g. for another soc which is documented to work the same way. or other ports on the same soc that are documented to work the same way 09:21 < wsa_> canfd is surely an io task 09:21 <@horms> seems pretty io to me :) 09:22 < wsa_> as a maintainer, I hardly accept untested patches 09:22 <@horms> As far as I can tell Ramesh hopes to get his work merged soon. He was asking me privately about merging his dtsi changes recently 09:22 < geertu> horms: Indeed. Following that logic, adding can nodes for r8a779[34] should be OK 09:22 < wsa_> but I encourage people to send them nonetheless 09:23 < wsa_> which is exactly what happened here 09:23 < wsa_> :) 09:23 <@horms> geertu: yes, i agree with that line of thinking. to be honest i could flip a coin on this one 09:24 < wsa_> morimoto: any news about khim-san? 09:24 < geertu> khim-san = khiem-san? 09:24 < wsa_> oh, sorry 09:24 <@horms> wsa_: there is an argument to be made that the dtsi nodes document the hw. we can see the pdf documentation but most people can't 09:24 < shimoda> wsa_: about thermal or power management things? 09:24 < wsa_> thermal 09:25 < wsa_> there was this idea that he should do the H3 thermal driver? 09:26 < shimoda> morimoto-san and I have a F2F meeting in 25th March. so, we have no update about thermal 09:27 < wsa_> ok, i'll just wait then until you have some news about the task 09:27 < wsa_> until then it keeps assigned to morimoto-san 09:27 < shimoda> thanks 09:28 < wsa_> shimoda: we have the I2C DMA task scheduled for 2016-05-31. Is the date still up-to-date? 09:29 < shimoda> this date is related to the bsp schedule. and i guess it can be changed at 2016-06-30 because 09:30 < shimoda> the bsp schedule is changed :) 09:30 < wsa_> i will do that 09:31 < shimoda> thanks 09:31 < wsa_> i also updated your extcon entry, just saw the public patches: 09:31 < wsa_> USBPHY,v4.7,public,shimoda,add extcon support 09:32 < shimoda> wsa_: yes 09:33 < shimoda> and i will also try to make a prototype of OTG (actually role-swithing) support in this month. 09:33 < wsa_> cool 09:34 < wsa_> I dunno if this makes sense, but IMO this patch could be pointed to the BSP team: 09:34 < wsa_> [PATCH 06/10] mmc: tmio: stop clock when 0Hz is requested 09:34 < wsa_> I couldn't find anything like this in the Gen2/3 BSP 09:35 < wsa_> and it really makes a difference for me. Without, I can't access SanDisk and Samsung cards in UHS modes 09:35 < shimoda> thank you! i will forward this information to the BSP team 09:35 < wsa_> (I have to admit I didn't build the Gen2-BSP kernel yet to actually check) 09:36 < shimoda> wsa_: ahh, if gen3, i guess you should change the DRV value for some UHS cards 09:37 < wsa_> so far, UHS support is Gen2 only 09:37 < wsa_> Gen3 is missing DMA still. But this will be next. 09:37 < wsa_> but I'll keep that in mind! 09:38 < shimoda> wsa_: i see about UHS support. 09:38 < shimoda> about gen3 DMA. I found a hw issue :) 09:39 < wsa_> uh 09:39 < shimoda> i will send an email about the detail to periperi later 09:39 < wsa_> ok 09:39 < wsa_> thanks 09:40 < shimoda> oops, "gen3 DMA" means just SDHI-DMAC, not sys-dmac 09:40 < wsa_> i am definately interested in that one ;) 09:40 < wsa_> so, that's all the points I have 09:40 < wsa_> any more news from your side? 09:41 < morimoto> nothing from Renesas 09:41 < geertu> Not really. Just working with my good ol' friend SCIF again. 09:42 < wsa_> geertu: FIFO or flow control? 09:43 < geertu> wsa_: I'm starting wuith flow control. Will continue with FIFO/ 09:44 < wsa_> ok 09:45 < geertu> wsa_: The former implies DT binding updates, so better do that early. 09:45 < wsa_> yes 09:45 < wsa_> let's call it done then 09:46 < wsa_> thanks guys! 09:46 <@horms> thanks! 09:46 < shimoda> thank you! 09:46 < morimoto> wsa_: 1 question. 09:46 < wsa_> sure 09:47 < morimoto> Do you want invite khiem-san to chat meeting ? 09:47 < morimoto> (not #periperi, but #periperi-io or #renesas-something) 09:48 < wsa_> if he does io-related work, sure 09:48 < morimoto> OK, thanks 09:48 <@horms> fwiw I registered #renesas-soc 09:48 < morimoto> horms: cool ! thanks 09:48 <@horms> feel free to use it as you see fit 09:49 < morimoto> Thanks! 09:49 < morimoto> Thank you IO chat meeting. see you 09:50 -!- morimoto [~user@relprex1.renesas.com] has left #periperi-io ["ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"] 09:50 < geertu> bye 09:50 -!- geertu [~geert@d54c36a7b.access.telenet.be] has left #periperi-io [] 09:52 -!- shimoda [~shimoda@relprex2.renesas.com] has quit Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2 --- Log closed Mon Mar 14 09:56:31 2016