title: "BSP 4.1.x upport: drm/bridge: adv7511: Add hotplug support"
team: MM
key: 9a07b143-a810-4338-8c68-f082fe39ce08
status: Abandoned
assignee: Laurent

 - 0f987e5a275b623b842b0ec8588624c273a3538c # drm: adv7511: Enable HPD interrupts to support hotplug

 - 1570d2bd811b37edfd48c616aa4fa95f6ac55f48 # drm: adv7511: Enable HPD interrupts to support hotplug

 - The change is incorrect according to the ADV7511 datasheet, as bits 5 and 6
   are documented as reserved and required to be set to 1. More information is
   needed to know if this should be upported, and why.