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--- Log opened Wed Dec 14 08:57:55 2016
08:57 -!- wsa_ [] has joined #periperi-io
08:57 -!- ServerMode/#periperi-io [+ns] by
08:57 -!- Irssi: #periperi-io: Total of 1 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 0 normal]
08:57 -!- Irssi: Join to #periperi-io was synced in 0 secs
08:58 -!- geertu [] has joined #periperi-io
08:58 < geertu> Mornin'
08:58 -!- neg [~neg@unaffiliated/neg] has joined #periperi-io
08:59 <@wsa_> good morning
09:00 < neg> morning
09:02 <@wsa_> i think we convinced Eduardo to soc_device_match
09:02 < neg> yes :-)
09:03 < geertu> Good
09:03 < neg> I had a chat with Geert yesterday and I think I will switch to binary scaling instead of decimal scaling in next version to increase accuracy, I think it's better Renesas test that version then the deciaml one. Do you agree?
09:03 <@wsa_> yes, i do
09:03 <@wsa_> i wondered why it didn't work for you before
09:04 <@wsa_> On C64, we always do binary scaling ;)
09:04 < neg> it worked but the diff with the orignal algo which used deciaml scaling was greater so I stuck with the one which where closer to the orignal one
09:05 <@wsa_> it's a pity neither morimoto nor shimoda are here; i wanted to discuss testing this driver inside Renesas
09:05 < geertu> neg: it's strange the diff was greather. I can imagine it's greather for some specific values, but on average it should be smaller.
09:05 <@wsa_> neg: given that the precision is higher, this was "non-working" in my book :)
09:06 <@wsa_> it is also a pity that Ulrich is not here, I wonder about Geert's question, too
09:06 < geertu> Perhaps a silly programming error?
09:06 <@wsa_> "BTW, if DR already indicates timeout, what is the added value of TO?"
09:07  * geertu still has to review Uli's SCIF series
09:07 < geertu> The various "feature bits" on SCIF are a collection of wild ideas that came up through multiple brainstorm sessions?
09:08 <@wsa_> heh
09:09 <@wsa_> geertu: any news about the hotel in Brusseles for the pre-FOSDEM meetings?
09:09 < geertu> No, haven't booked anything yet.
09:09 < geertu> I'm trying to find out how many persons will attend ;-)
09:10 <@wsa_> I'll arrive on Thursday and leave on Monday
09:10 < geertu> For Core, we'll have Niklas, Jacopo, Simon, Laurent, and Me.
09:10 < geertu> No recent response from Magnus or Uli
09:11 < geertu> So that makes 5-7
09:11 < geertu> What about I/O?
09:11 <@wsa_> I recall that Magnus wanted to come?
09:12 < geertu> His current (last I heard from Morimoto-san) plan is to arrive on Fri at 16h
09:12 < geertu> ... which is in-time for the beer event, but nof the meeting, I guess ;-)
09:13 <@wsa_> well, from the last chat meeting, I know of:
09:13 <@wsa_> you, neg, simon, and me
09:13 <@wsa_> probably uli
09:13 <@wsa_> maybe
09:14 <@wsa_> didn't know about Jacopo but he is welcome of course
09:14 < geertu> So incl. J., that's also 5-7
09:14 <@wsa_> pretty much the same group :)
09:15 <@wsa_> i am likely interested in the core meeting as well
09:16 <@wsa_> we might have cross over tasks anyhow
09:16 <@wsa_> (TDSEL)
09:16 < geertu> ok, 6-8
09:16 <@wsa_> speaking of, what to do with the TDSEL patch for r8a7790?
09:17 < geertu> That's the one with the hardcoded register values? I don't think we can use it as-is.
09:19 < geertu> There doesn't seem to be a PIN_CONFIG_*  for capacitance in enum pin_config_param yet.
09:19 <@wsa_> well
09:19 <@wsa_> the docs don't really allow configuration
09:19 < geertu> (about the hardcoded values) Or don't we need explicit configuration, and should we also use the same value?
09:20 <@wsa_> yes
09:20 < geertu> The docs are conflicting.
09:20 <@wsa_> for H2, they say bits "should be 01"
09:20 <@wsa_> which is not the reset value
09:21 <@wsa_> it even says "must be 01"
09:21 < geertu> Isn't there another doc that says "must be 00"?
09:21 < geertu> While the HW engineers responded that it's the same hardware block everywhere.
09:23 <@wsa_> Yes, M2-W says "must be 00"
09:23 < geertu> If we don't need configuration, doing it in .init() is fine for me.
09:24 <@wsa_> That's a good item for the FOSDEM meeting:
09:25 <@wsa_> if somebody could bring a koelsch, then we could check if the same SDR104 problem with TDSEL=00 exists
09:25 <@wsa_> or any other Gen2 board
09:26 <@wsa_> okay, that was all the topics I had
09:26 <@wsa_> anything left from your side?
09:27 < neg> I have question is this BUG which can be triggerd on Koelsch by 'reboot' using shmobile_defconfig + CONFIG_DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP known?
09:27 < geertu> Is this card SDR-104?
09:27 < geertu> "systemd-shutdow Not tainted"? Shouldn't systemd taint the system? ;-)
09:28 < geertu> I recently enabled CONFIG_DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP in my .config, but haven't seen that message on my Koelsch. Usually not using shmobile_defconfig, though.
09:28 < neg> I need to switch to init for my NFS, can't boot properly without CONFIG_CGROUPS and CONFIG_SECCOMP :-)
09:29 < neg> the BUG is triggerd by running reboot and hits all the time for me
09:30 <@wsa_> geertu: it should be. it has uhs-1 and i've never seen cards which only support SDR50 but not SDR104
09:30 <@wsa_> geertu: but shouldn't you play safe and go for micro-sd?
09:30 <@wsa_> I don't know about other Gen2 boards, but Lager has micro-sd only
09:30 < geertu> wsa_: OK. I used my Koelsch a few weeks ago to copy music to that card, to be used in my car.
09:31 <@wsa_> ah, you already have it
09:31 < geertu> Yes.
09:31 <@wsa_> well, the kernel log will tell you which mode was used
09:32 < geertu> I also have a similar smaller uSD card
09:32 < geertu> Also used koelsch to init that one ;-)
09:32 <@wsa_> and if the problem is the same, then you will get timeouts after a second or so after removing the card
09:32 < geertu> In SDHI0, of course (SDHI1 is slower)
09:33 <@wsa_> cool
09:33 <@wsa_> because it is only the san-disk card which causes the problem for me
09:33 < geertu> Lemme look in kern.log
09:33 <@wsa_> the samsung card works fine
09:33 <@wsa_> (mine is 64gb, though)
09:36 < geertu> mmc0: new ultra high speed SDR104 SDHC card at address 0007
09:37 < geertu> mmcblk0: mmc0:0007 SL32G 29.0 GiB 
09:37 < geertu> and in SDHI1:
09:37 < geertu> mmc1: new ultra high speed SDR50 SDHC card at address 0007
09:37 < geertu> mmcblk1: mmc1:0007 SL32G 29.0 GiB 
09:37 < geertu> The other one:
09:37 < geertu> mmc0: new ultra high speed SDR104 SDHC card at address aaaa
09:37 < geertu> mmcblk0: mmc0:aaaa SL16G 14.8 GiB 
09:38 < geertu> According to the log, I removed and reinserted the second one, and that worked
09:38 <@wsa_> nice to know
09:38 < geertu> If there's anything else I can test
09:39 <@wsa_> don't think so
09:39 <@wsa_> re-inserting is the test to do
09:39 < geertu> You need my TDSEL values?
09:40 <@wsa_> ah, yes
09:40 <@wsa_> i assumed they were 0, but there is firmware involved
09:43 < geertu> => md.l 0xe6060084 2
09:43 < geertu> e6060084: 00000000 00000000    ........
09:46 <@wsa_> ok
09:46 <@wsa_> thanks!
09:46 <@wsa_> i'll bring my "magic card" to Brussels nonetheless :)
09:46 < geertu> If you need anything else to be tested, the cards are in my car resp. NanoPi
09:48 <@wsa_> neg: this issue is known. i2c transactions want irqs but they are disabled already that late
09:49 <@wsa_> neg: this is why we have a task for 'irqless i2c communication' in the io todo
09:49 < neg> wsa_: ahh I see, good then I know :-)
09:49 -!- horms [~horms@] has joined #periperi-io
09:50 <@wsa_> seems i should always mention in the invitation letter that we meet in #periperi-io
09:50 <@wsa_> sorry simon
09:51 < horms> No, the problem is entirely mine. I forgot to add the meeting to my schedule.
09:51 < horms> Appologies for missing the meeting
09:51 < neg> wsa_: could you in the report put a small remark that we would like Morimot-san or Khiem help to test the thermal driver?
09:52 <@wsa_> yes
09:52 <@wsa_> not only a small one :)
09:53 < neg> thanks :-)
09:54 <@wsa_> no prob, simon. i'll upload the log later today
09:54 <@wsa_> so, i have another appointment soon
09:54 <@wsa_> and i think we are done?
09:55 <@wsa_> i'll ask the remaining questions in the summary mail
09:55 <@wsa_> to uli and morimoto
09:55 <@wsa_> until then, have a nice week
09:56 < neg> I have nothing more, thanks all
09:58 <@wsa_> cya!
09:59 < geertu> thx, bye
--- Log closed Wed Dec 14 10:03:36 2016