#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace kms; struct PlaneInfo { Plane* plane; unsigned x; unsigned y; unsigned w; unsigned h; vector fbs; }; struct OutputInfo { Connector* connector; Crtc* crtc; Plane* primary_plane; Videomode mode; bool user_set_crtc; vector fbs; vector planes; }; static bool s_use_dmt; static bool s_use_cea; static unsigned s_num_buffers = 1; static set s_used_crtcs; static set s_used_planes; __attribute__ ((unused)) static void print_regex_match(smatch sm) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < sm.size(); ++i) { string str = sm[i].str(); printf("%u: %s\n", i, str.c_str()); } } static void get_default_connector(Card& card, OutputInfo& output) { output.connector = card.get_first_connected_connector(); output.mode = output.connector->get_default_mode(); } static void parse_connector(Card& card, const string& str, OutputInfo& output) { Connector* conn = nullptr; auto connectors = card.get_connectors(); if (str[0] == '@') { char* endptr; unsigned idx = strtoul(str.c_str() + 1, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr == 0) { if (idx >= connectors.size()) EXIT("Bad connector number '%u'", idx); conn = connectors[idx]; } } else { char* endptr; unsigned id = strtoul(str.c_str(), &endptr, 10); if (*endptr == 0) { Connector* c = card.get_connector(id); if (!c) EXIT("Bad connector id '%u'", id); conn = c; } } if (!conn) { auto iter = find_if(connectors.begin(), connectors.end(), [&str](Connector *c) { return c->fullname() == str; }); if (iter != connectors.end()) conn = *iter; } if (!conn) EXIT("No connector '%s'", str.c_str()); if (!conn->connected()) EXIT("Connector '%s' not connected", conn->fullname().c_str()); output.connector = conn; output.mode = output.connector->get_default_mode(); } static void get_default_crtc(Card& card, OutputInfo& output) { Crtc* crtc = output.connector->get_current_crtc(); if (crtc && s_used_crtcs.find(crtc) == s_used_crtcs.end()) { s_used_crtcs.insert(crtc); output.crtc = crtc; return; } for (const auto& possible : output.connector->get_possible_crtcs()) { if (s_used_crtcs.find(possible) == s_used_crtcs.end()) { s_used_crtcs.insert(possible); output.crtc = possible; return; } } EXIT("Could not find available crtc"); } static void parse_crtc(Card& card, const string& crtc_str, OutputInfo& output) { // @12:1920x1200@60 const regex mode_re("(?:(@?)(\\d+):)?(?:(\\d+)x(\\d+)(i)?)(?:@(\\d+))?"); smatch sm; if (!regex_match(crtc_str, sm, mode_re)) EXIT("Failed to parse crtc option '%s'", crtc_str.c_str()); if (sm[2].matched) { bool use_idx = sm[1].length() == 1; unsigned num = stoul(sm[2].str()); if (use_idx) { auto crtcs = card.get_crtcs(); if (num >= crtcs.size()) EXIT("Bad crtc number '%u'", num); output.crtc = crtcs[num]; } else { Crtc* c = card.get_crtc(num); if (!c) EXIT("Bad crtc id '%u'", num); output.crtc = c; } } else { output.crtc = output.connector->get_current_crtc(); } unsigned w = stoul(sm[3]); unsigned h = stoul(sm[4]); bool ilace = sm[5].matched ? true : false; unsigned refresh = sm[6].matched ? stoul(sm[6]) : 0; bool found_mode = false; try { output.mode = output.connector->get_mode(w, h, refresh, ilace); found_mode = true; } catch (exception& e) { } if (!found_mode && s_use_dmt) { try { output.mode = find_dmt(w, h, refresh, ilace); found_mode = true; printf("Found mode from DMT\n"); } catch (exception& e) { } } if (!found_mode && s_use_cea) { try { output.mode = find_cea(w, h, refresh, ilace); found_mode = true; printf("Found mode from CEA\n"); } catch (exception& e) { } } if (!found_mode) throw invalid_argument("Mode not found"); } static void parse_plane(Card& card, const string& plane_str, const OutputInfo& output, PlaneInfo& pinfo) { // 3:400,400-400x400 const regex plane_re("(?:(@?)(\\d+):)?(?:(\\d+),(\\d+)-)?(\\d+)x(\\d+)"); smatch sm; if (!regex_match(plane_str, sm, plane_re)) EXIT("Failed to parse plane option '%s'", plane_str.c_str()); if (sm[2].matched) { bool use_idx = sm[1].length() == 1; unsigned num = stoul(sm[2].str()); if (use_idx) { auto planes = card.get_planes(); if (num >= planes.size()) EXIT("Bad plane number '%u'", num); pinfo.plane = planes[num]; } else { Plane* p = card.get_plane(num); if (!p) EXIT("Bad plane id '%u'", num); pinfo.plane = p; } } else { for (Plane* p : output.crtc->get_possible_planes()) { if (s_used_planes.find(p) != s_used_planes.end()) continue; if (p->plane_type() != PlaneType::Overlay) continue; pinfo.plane = p; } if (!pinfo.plane) EXIT("Failed to find available plane"); } s_used_planes.insert(pinfo.plane); pinfo.w = stoul(sm[5]); pinfo.h = stoul(sm[6]); if (sm[3].matched) pinfo.x = stoul(sm[3]); else pinfo.x = output.mode.hdisplay / 2 - pinfo.w / 2; if (sm[4].matched) pinfo.y = stoul(sm[4]); else pinfo.y = output.mode.vdisplay / 2 - pinfo.h / 2; } static vector get_default_fb(Card& card, unsigned width, unsigned height) { vector v; for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_num_buffers; ++i) v.push_back(new DumbFramebuffer(card, width, height, PixelFormat::XRGB8888)); return v; } static vector parse_fb(Card& card, const string& fb_str, unsigned def_w, unsigned def_h) { unsigned w = def_w; unsigned h = def_h; PixelFormat format = PixelFormat::XRGB8888; if (!fb_str.empty()) { // XXX the regexp is not quite correct // 400x400-NV12 const regex fb_re("(?:(\\d+)x(\\d+))?(?:-)?(\\w\\w\\w\\w)?"); smatch sm; if (!regex_match(fb_str, sm, fb_re)) EXIT("Failed to parse fb option '%s'", fb_str.c_str()); if (sm[1].matched) w = stoul(sm[1]); if (sm[2].matched) h = stoul(sm[2]); if (sm[3].matched) format = FourCCToPixelFormat(sm[3]); } vector v; for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_num_buffers; ++i) v.push_back(new DumbFramebuffer(card, w, h, format)); return v; } static const char* usage_str = "Usage: testpat [OPTION]...\n\n" "Show a test pattern on a display or plane\n\n" "Options:\n" " --device=DEVICE DEVICE is the path to DRM card to open\n" " -c, --connector=CONN CONN is \n" " -r, --crtc=CRTC CRTC is [:]x[@]\n" " -p, --plane=PLANE PLANE is [:][,-]x\n" " -f, --fb=FB FB is [x][-][<4cc>]\n" " --dmt Search for the given mode from DMT tables\n" " --cea Search for the given mode from CEA tables\n" "\n" ", and can be given by id () or index (@).\n" " can also be given by name.\n" "\n" "Options can be given multiple times to set up multiple displays or planes.\n" "Options may apply to previous options, e.g. a plane will be set on a crtc set in\n" "an earlier option.\n" "If you omit parameters, testpat tries to guess what you mean\n" "\n" "Examples:\n" "\n" "Set eDP-1 mode to 1920x1080@60, show XR24 framebuffer on the crtc, and a 400x400 XB24 plane:\n" " testpat -c eDP-1 -r 1920x1080@60 -f XR24 -p 400x400 -f XB24\n\n" "XR24 framebuffer on first connected connector in the default mode:\n" " testpat -f XR24\n\n" "XR24 framebuffer on a 400x400 plane on the first connected connector in the default mode:\n" " testpat -p 400x400 -f XR24\n\n" "Test pattern on the second connector with default mode:\n" " testpat -c @1\n" ; static void usage() { puts(usage_str); } enum class ObjectType { Connector, Crtc, Plane, Framebuffer, }; struct Arg { ObjectType type; string arg; }; static string s_device_path = "/dev/dri/card0"; static vector parse_cmdline(int argc, char **argv) { vector args; OptionSet optionset = { Option("|device=", [&](string s) { s_device_path = s; }), Option("c|connector=", [&](string s) { args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Connector, s }); }), Option("r|crtc=", [&](string s) { args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Crtc, s }); }), Option("p|plane=", [&](string s) { args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Plane, s }); }), Option("f|fb=", [&](string s) { args.push_back(Arg { ObjectType::Framebuffer, s }); }), Option("|dmt", []() { s_use_dmt = true; }), Option("|cea", []() { s_use_cea = true; }), Option("h|help", [&]() { usage(); exit(-1); }), }; optionset.parse(argc, argv); if (optionset.params().size() > 0) { usage(); exit(-1); } return args; } static vector setups_to_outputs(Card& card, const vector& output_args) { vector outputs; if (output_args.size() == 0) { // no output args, show a pattern on all screens for (auto& pipe : card.get_connected_pipelines()) { OutputInfo output = { }; output.connector = pipe.connector; output.crtc = pipe.crtc; output.mode = output.connector->get_default_mode(); output.fbs = get_default_fb(card, output.mode.hdisplay, output.mode.vdisplay); outputs.push_back(output); } return outputs; } OutputInfo* current_output = 0; PlaneInfo* current_plane = 0; for (auto& arg : output_args) { switch (arg.type) { case ObjectType::Connector: { outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { }); current_output = &outputs.back(); parse_connector(card, arg.arg, *current_output); current_plane = 0; break; } case ObjectType::Crtc: { if (!current_output) { outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { }); current_output = &outputs.back(); } if (!current_output->connector) get_default_connector(card, *current_output); parse_crtc(card, arg.arg, *current_output); current_output->user_set_crtc = true; current_plane = 0; break; } case ObjectType::Plane: { if (!current_output) { outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { }); current_output = &outputs.back(); } if (!current_output->connector) get_default_connector(card, *current_output); if (!current_output->crtc) get_default_crtc(card, *current_output); current_output->planes.push_back(PlaneInfo { }); current_plane = ¤t_output->planes.back(); parse_plane(card, arg.arg, *current_output, *current_plane); break; } case ObjectType::Framebuffer: { if (!current_output) { outputs.push_back(OutputInfo { }); current_output = &outputs.back(); } if (!current_output->connector) get_default_connector(card, *current_output); if (!current_output->crtc) get_default_crtc(card, *current_output); int def_w, def_h; if (current_plane) { def_w = current_plane->w; def_h = current_plane->h; } else { def_w = current_output->mode.hdisplay; def_h = current_output->mode.vdisplay; } auto fbs = parse_fb(card, arg.arg, def_w, def_h); if (current_plane) current_plane->fbs = fbs; else current_output->fbs = fbs; break; } } } // create default framebuffers if needed for (OutputInfo& o : outputs) { if (!o.crtc) { get_default_crtc(card, *current_output); o.user_set_crtc = true; } if (o.fbs.empty() && o.user_set_crtc) o.fbs = get_default_fb(card, o.mode.hdisplay, o.mode.vdisplay); for (PlaneInfo &p : o.planes) { if (p.fbs.empty()) p.fbs = get_default_fb(card, p.w, p.h); } } return outputs; } static std::string videomode_to_string(const Videomode& mode) { unsigned hfp = mode.hsync_start - mode.hdisplay; unsigned hsw = mode.hsync_end - mode.hsync_start; unsigned hbp = mode.htotal - mode.hsync_end; unsigned vfp = mode.vsync_start - mode.vdisplay; unsigned vsw = mode.vsync_end - mode.vsync_start; unsigned vbp = mode.vtotal - mode.vsync_end; float hz = (mode.clock * 1000.0) / (mode.htotal * mode.vtotal); if (mode.flags & (1<<4)) // XXX interlace hz *= 2; char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%.2f MHz %u/%u/%u/%u %u/%u/%u/%u %uHz (%.2fHz)", mode.clock / 1000.0, mode.hdisplay, hfp, hsw, hbp, mode.vdisplay, vfp, vsw, vbp, mode.vrefresh, hz); return std::string(buf); } static void print_outputs(const vector& outputs) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) { const OutputInfo& o = outputs[i]; printf("Connector %u/@%u: %s\n", o.connector->id(), o.connector->idx(), o.connector->fullname().c_str()); printf(" Crtc %u/@%u", o.crtc->id(), o.crtc->idx()); if (o.primary_plane) printf(" (plane %u/@%u)", o.primary_plane->id(), o.primary_plane->idx()); printf(": %ux%u-%u (%s)\n", o.mode.hdisplay, o.mode.vdisplay, o.mode.vrefresh, videomode_to_string(o.mode).c_str()); if (!o.fbs.empty()) { auto fb = o.fbs[0]; printf(" Fb %ux%u-%s\n", fb->width(), fb->height(), PixelFormatToFourCC(fb->format()).c_str()); } for (unsigned j = 0; j < o.planes.size(); ++j) { const PlaneInfo& p = o.planes[j]; auto fb = p.fbs[0]; printf(" Plane %u/@%u: %u,%u-%ux%u\n", p.plane->id(), p.plane->idx(), p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h); printf(" Fb %ux%u-%s\n", fb->width(), fb->height(), PixelFormatToFourCC(fb->format()).c_str()); } } } static void draw_test_patterns(const vector& outputs) { for (const OutputInfo& o : outputs) { for (auto fb : o.fbs) draw_test_pattern(*fb); for (const PlaneInfo& p : o.planes) for (auto fb : p.fbs) draw_test_pattern(*fb); } } static void set_crtcs_n_planes(Card& card, const vector& outputs) { for (const OutputInfo& o : outputs) { auto conn = o.connector; auto crtc = o.crtc; if (!o.fbs.empty()) { auto fb = o.fbs[0]; int r = crtc->set_mode(conn, *fb, o.mode); if (r) printf("crtc->set_mode() failed for crtc %u: %s\n", crtc->id(), strerror(-r)); } for (const PlaneInfo& p : o.planes) { auto fb = p.fbs[0]; int r = crtc->set_plane(p.plane, *fb, p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h, 0, 0, fb->width(), fb->height()); if (r) printf("crtc->set_plane() failed for plane %u: %s\n", p.plane->id(), strerror(-r)); } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { vector output_args = parse_cmdline(argc, argv); Card card(s_device_path); vector outputs = setups_to_outputs(card, output_args); if (card.has_atomic()) { for (OutputInfo& o : outputs) { o.primary_plane = o.crtc->get_primary_plane(); if (!o.fbs.empty() && !o.primary_plane) EXIT("Could not get primary plane for crtc '%u'", o.crtc->id()); } } draw_test_patterns(outputs); print_outputs(outputs); set_crtcs_n_planes(card, outputs); printf("press enter to exit\n"); getchar(); }