#!/usr/bin/python3 import pykms import time import random import argparse def plane_commit(card, crtc, plane, fb, x, y, w, h) : req = pykms.AtomicReq(card) req.add_plane(plane, fb, crtc, None, (x, y, w, h)) r = req.commit_sync() assert r == 0, "Plane commit failed: %d" % r parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Simple scaling stress test.') parser.add_argument('--plane', '-p', dest='plane', default="", required=False, help='plane number to use') parser.add_argument('--connector', '-c', dest='connector', default="", required=False, help='connector to output') args = parser.parse_args() card = pykms.Card() res = pykms.ResourceManager(card) conn = res.reserve_connector(args.connector) crtc = res.reserve_crtc(conn) format = pykms.PixelFormat.NV12 if args.plane == "": plane = res.reserve_generic_plane(crtc, format) else: plane = card.planes[int(args.plane)] mode = conn.get_default_mode() modeb = mode.to_blob(card) req = pykms.AtomicReq(card) req.add(conn, "CRTC_ID", crtc.id) req.add(crtc, {"ACTIVE": 1, "MODE_ID": modeb.id}) r = req.commit_sync(allow_modeset = True) assert r == 0, "Initial commit failed: %d" % r # Initialize framebuffer for the scaled plane fbX = 1920 fbY = 1080 fb = pykms.DumbFramebuffer(card, fbX, fbY, format); pykms.draw_test_pattern(fb); # max downscale. # The values bellow are for DSS5. For DSS7 use 64 for both. max_downscale_x=5 max_downscale_y=8 # Plane's initial scaled size W = 640 H = 480 # Plane's initial position X = 0 Y = 0 # initialize increments Winc = 1 Hinc = 1 Xinc = 1 Yinc = 1 while True: print("+%d+%d %dx%d" % (X, Y, W, H)) plane_commit(card, crtc, plane, fb, X, Y, W, H) W = W + Winc H = H + Hinc if (Winc == 1 and W >= mode.hdisplay - X): Winc = -1 if (Winc == -1 and W <= fbX/max_downscale_x): Winc = 1 if (Hinc == 1 and H >= mode.vdisplay - Y): Hinc = -1 if (Hinc == -1 and H <= fbY/max_downscale_y): Hinc = 1 X = X + Xinc Y = Y + Yinc if (Xinc == 1 and X >= mode.hdisplay - W): Xinc = -1 if (Xinc == -1 and X <= 0): Xinc = 1 if (Yinc == 1 and Y >= mode.vdisplay - H): Yinc = -1 if (Yinc == -1 and Y <= 0): Yinc = 1