#!/usr/bin/python3 import pykms from enum import Enum import termios, sys, os, tty card = pykms.OmapCard() res = pykms.ResourceManager(card) conn = res.reserve_connector() crtc = res.reserve_crtc(conn) mode = conn.get_default_mode() modeb = mode.to_blob(card) rootplane = res.reserve_primary_plane(crtc, pykms.PixelFormat.XRGB8888) plane = res.reserve_overlay_plane(crtc, pykms.PixelFormat.NV12) card.disable_planes() req = pykms.AtomicReq(card) req.add(conn, "CRTC_ID", crtc.id) req.add(crtc, {"ACTIVE": 1, "MODE_ID": modeb.id}) # This enables the root plane #rootfb = pykms.OmapFramebuffer(card, mode.hdisplay, mode.vdisplay, "XR24"); #pykms.draw_test_pattern(rootfb); # #req.add(rootplane, {"FB_ID": rootfb.id, # "CRTC_ID": crtc.id, # "SRC_X": 0 << 16, # "SRC_Y": 0 << 16, # "SRC_W": mode.hdisplay << 16, # "SRC_H": mode.vdisplay << 16, # "CRTC_X": 0, # "CRTC_Y": 0, # "CRTC_W": mode.hdisplay, # "CRTC_H": mode.vdisplay, # "zorder": 0}) req.commit_sync(allow_modeset = True) def show_rot_plane(crtc, plane, fb, rot, x_scale, y_scale): crtc_w = int(fb_w * x_scale) crtc_h = int(fb_h * y_scale) if (rot & pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_90) or (rot & pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_270): tmp = crtc_w crtc_w = crtc_h crtc_h = tmp crtc_x = int(mode.hdisplay / 2 - crtc_w / 2) crtc_y = int(mode.vdisplay / 2 - crtc_h / 2) req = pykms.AtomicReq(card) src_x = 0 src_y = 0 src_w = fb_w - src_x src_h = fb_h - src_y print("SRC {},{}-{}x{} DST {},{}-{}x{}".format( src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, crtc_x, crtc_y, crtc_w, crtc_h)) angle_str = pykms.Rotation(rot & pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_MASK).name reflect_x_str = "REFLECT_X" if rot & pykms.Rotation.REFLECT_X else "" reflect_y_str = "REFLECT_Y" if rot & pykms.Rotation.REFLECT_Y else "" print("{} {} {}".format(angle_str, reflect_x_str, reflect_y_str)) sys.stdout.flush() req.add(plane, {"FB_ID": fb.id, "CRTC_ID": crtc.id, "SRC_X": src_x << 16, "SRC_Y": src_y << 16, "SRC_W": src_w << 16, "SRC_H": src_h << 16, "CRTC_X": crtc_x, "CRTC_Y": crtc_y, "CRTC_W": crtc_w, "CRTC_H": crtc_h, "rotation": rot, "zorder": 2}) req.commit_sync(allow_modeset = True) fb_w = 480 fb_h = 150 x_scale = 1 y_scale = 1 fb = pykms.OmapFramebuffer(card, fb_w, fb_h, "NV12", tiled = True); #fb = pykms.DumbFramebuffer(card, fb_w, fb_h, "NV12") pykms.draw_test_pattern(fb); def even(i): return i & ~1 pykms.draw_text(fb, even((fb_w // 2) - (8 * 3) // 2), 4, "TOP", pykms.white) pykms.draw_text(fb, even((fb_w // 2) - (8 * 6) // 2), fb_h - 8 - 4, "BOTTOM", pykms.white) pykms.draw_text(fb, 4, even(((fb_h // 2) - 4)), "L", pykms.white) pykms.draw_text(fb, fb_w - 8 - 4, even(((fb_h // 2) - 4)), "R", pykms.white) rots = [ pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_0, pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_90, pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_180, pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_270 ] cursors = [ "A", "D", "B", "C" ] print("Use the cursor keys, x and y to change rotation. Press q to quit.") fd = sys.stdin.fileno() oldterm = termios.tcgetattr(fd) tty.setcbreak(fd) try: esc_seq = 0 current_rot = pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_0 show_rot_plane(crtc, plane, fb, current_rot, x_scale, y_scale) while True: c = sys.stdin.read(1) #print("Got character {}".format(repr(c))) changed = False handled = False if esc_seq == 0: if c == "\x1b": esc_seq = 1 handled = True elif esc_seq == 1: if c == "[": esc_seq = 2 handled = True else: esc_seq = 0 elif esc_seq == 2: esc_seq = 0 if c in cursors: handled = True rot = rots[cursors.index(c)] current_rot &= ~pykms.Rotation.ROTATE_MASK current_rot |= rot changed = True if not handled: if c == "q": break elif c == "x": current_rot ^= pykms.Rotation.REFLECT_X changed = True elif c == "y": current_rot ^= pykms.Rotation.REFLECT_Y changed = True if changed: show_rot_plane(crtc, plane, fb, current_rot, x_scale, y_scale) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, oldterm)