py3_dep = dependency('python3', required : get_option('pyv4l2')) if py3_dep.found() == false subdir_done() endif pybind11_dep = dependency('pybind11', fallback : ['pybind11', 'pybind11_dep'], required : get_option('pyv4l2')) if pybind11_dep.found() == false subdir_done() endif pyv4l2_sources = files([ 'pyv4l2.cpp', ]) pyv4l2_deps = [ libv4l2xx_dep, py3_dep, pybind11_dep, ] pyv4l2_args = [ '-fvisibility=hidden' ] destdir = get_option('libdir') / 'python' + py3_dep.version() / 'site-packages/pyv4l2' pyv4l2 = shared_module('pyv4l2', pyv4l2_sources, install : true, install_dir : destdir, name_prefix : '', dependencies : pyv4l2_deps, cpp_args : pyv4l2_args) # Copy to build dir so that we can run without installing configure_file(input: '', output: '', copy: true, install : true, install_dir : destdir)