from .pykms import * from enum import Enum import os import struct # # Common RGB colours # red = RGB(255, 0, 0) green = RGB(0, 255, 0) blue = RGB(0, 0, 255) yellow = RGB(255, 255, 0) purple = RGB(255, 0, 255) white = RGB(255, 255, 255) cyan = RGB(0, 255, 255) # # Rotation enum # class Rotation(int, Enum): ROTATE_0 = 1 << 0 ROTATE_90 = 1 << 1 ROTATE_180 = 1 << 2 ROTATE_270 = 1 << 3 ROTATE_MASK = ROTATE_0 | ROTATE_90 | ROTATE_180 | ROTATE_270 REFLECT_X = 1 << 4 REFLECT_Y = 1 << 5 REFLECT_MASK = REFLECT_X | REFLECT_Y # # DrmObject API extensions # def __obj_set_prop(self, prop, value): if self.card.has_atomic: areq = AtomicReq(self.card) areq.add(self, prop, value) if areq.commit_sync() != 0: print("commit failed") else: if self.set_prop_value(prop, value) != 0: print("setting property failed") def __obj_set_props(self, map): if self.card.has_atomic: areq = AtomicReq(self.card) for key, value in map.items(): areq.add(self, key, value) if areq.commit_sync() != 0: print("commit failed") else: for propid,propval in map.items(): if self.set_prop_value(propid, propval) != 0: print("setting property failed") DrmObject.set_prop = __obj_set_prop DrmObject.set_props = __obj_set_props # # Card API extensions # def __card_disable_planes(self): areq = AtomicReq(self) for p in self.planes: areq.add(p, "FB_ID", 0) areq.add(p, "CRTC_ID", 0) if areq.commit_sync() != 0: print("disabling planes failed") Card.disable_planes = __card_disable_planes class DrmEventType(Enum): VBLANK = 0x01 FLIP_COMPLETE = 0x02 # # AtomicReq API extensions # def __atomic_req_add_connector(req, conn, crtc): req.add(conn, "CRTC_ID", if crtc else 0) def __atomic_req_add_crtc(req, crtc, mode_blob): if mode_blob: req.add(crtc, {"ACTIVE": 1, "MODE_ID":}) else: req.add(crtc, {"ACTIVE": 0, "MODE_ID": 0}) def __atomic_req_add_plane(req, plane, fb, crtc, src=None, dst=None, zpos=None, params={}): if not src and fb: src = (0, 0, fb.width, fb.height) if not dst: dst = src m = {"FB_ID": if fb else 0, "CRTC_ID": if fb else 0} if src is not None: src_x = int(round(src[0] * 65536)) src_y = int(round(src[1] * 65536)) src_w = int(round(src[2] * 65536)) src_h = int(round(src[3] * 65536)) m["SRC_X"] = src_x m["SRC_Y"] = src_y m["SRC_W"] = src_w m["SRC_H"] = src_h if dst is not None: crtc_x = int(round(dst[0])) crtc_y = int(round(dst[1])) crtc_w = int(round(dst[2])) crtc_h = int(round(dst[3])) m["CRTC_X"] = crtc_x m["CRTC_Y"] = crtc_y m["CRTC_W"] = crtc_w m["CRTC_H"] = crtc_h if zpos is not None: m["zpos"] = zpos m.update(params) req.add(plane, m) pykms.AtomicReq.add_connector = __atomic_req_add_connector pykms.AtomicReq.add_crtc = __atomic_req_add_crtc pykms.AtomicReq.add_plane = __atomic_req_add_plane # struct drm_event { # __u32 type; # __u32 length; #}; # _drm_ev = struct.Struct("II") #struct drm_event_vblank { # struct drm_event base; # __u64 user_data; # __u32 tv_sec; # __u32 tv_usec; # __u32 sequence; # __u32 reserved; #}; _drm_ev_vbl = struct.Struct("QIIII") # Note: doesn't contain drm_event class DrmEvent: def __init__(self, type, seq, time, data): self.type = type self.seq = seq self.time = time = data # Return DrmEvents. Note: blocks if there's nothing to read def __card_read_events(self): buf =, _drm_ev_vbl.size * 20) if len(buf) == 0: return if len(buf) < _drm_ev.size: raise RuntimeError("Partial DRM event") idx = 0 while idx < len(buf): ev_tuple = _drm_ev.unpack_from(buf, idx) type = DrmEventType(ev_tuple[0]) if type != DrmEventType.VBLANK and type != DrmEventType.FLIP_COMPLETE: raise RuntimeError("Illegal DRM event type") vbl_tuple = _drm_ev_vbl.unpack_from(buf, idx + _drm_ev.size) seq = vbl_tuple[3] time = vbl_tuple[1] + vbl_tuple[2] / 1000000.0; udata = vbl_tuple[0] yield DrmEvent(type, seq, time, udata) idx += ev_tuple[1] Card.read_events = __card_read_events