project('kms++', 'cpp', default_options : [ 'cpp_std=c++17', ], version: '0.0.0', ) cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') cpp_arguments = [] if (cpp.get_id() == 'gcc' and host_machine.cpu_family() == 'arm' and cpp.has_argument('-Wno-psabi')) cpp_arguments += [ '-Wno-psabi', ] endif if cpp.has_argument('-Wno-c99-designator') cpp_arguments += [ '-Wno-c99-designator', ] endif add_project_arguments(cpp_arguments, language : 'cpp') link_arguments = [] if get_option('static-libc') link_arguments += ['-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++'] endif add_global_link_arguments(link_arguments, language : 'cpp') libfmt_dep = dependency('fmt') libdrmomap_dep = dependency('libdrm_omap', required : get_option('omap')) subdir('kms++') if get_option('v4l2').enabled() subdir('v4l2++') endif if get_option('libutils') subdir('kms++util') endif if get_option('utils') subdir('utils') endif subdir('py') if get_option('kmscube') subdir('kmscube') endif