diff options
authorTomi Valkeinen <>2016-06-11 23:41:11 +0300
committerTomi Valkeinen <>2016-06-16 21:47:51 +0300
commit506fa7c682a59558333c27b79dd8a6adbfd3978a (patch)
parent0bf62a2f4f724dafb77230bf2a1ca37dd7420e94 (diff)
utils: add wbcap
2 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/CMakeLists.txt
index 27e4bec..ece8c67 100644
--- a/utils/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/utils/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,3 +18,6 @@ target_link_libraries(kmscapture kms++ kms++util ${LIBDRM_LIBRARIES})
add_executable (kmsblank kmsblank.cpp)
target_link_libraries(kmsblank kms++ kms++util ${LIBDRM_LIBRARIES})
+add_executable (wbcap wbcap.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(wbcap kms++ kms++util ${LIBDRM_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/utils/wbcap.cpp b/utils/wbcap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f2b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/wbcap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <kms++/kms++.h>
+#include <kms++util/kms++util.h>
+#include <kms++util/videodevice.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace kms;
+static vector<DumbFramebuffer*> s_fbs;
+static vector<DumbFramebuffer*> s_free_fbs;
+static vector<DumbFramebuffer*> s_wb_fbs;
+static vector<DumbFramebuffer*> s_ready_fbs;
+class WBStreamer
+ WBStreamer(VideoStreamer* streamer, Crtc* crtc, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, PixelFormat pixfmt)
+ : m_capdev(*streamer)
+ {
+ m_capdev.set_port(crtc->idx());
+ m_capdev.set_format(pixfmt, width, height);
+ m_capdev.set_queue_size(s_fbs.size());
+ for (auto fb : s_free_fbs) {
+ m_capdev.queue(fb);
+ s_wb_fbs.push_back(fb);
+ }
+ s_free_fbs.clear();
+ }
+ ~WBStreamer()
+ {
+ }
+ WBStreamer(const WBStreamer& other) = delete;
+ WBStreamer& operator=(const WBStreamer& other) = delete;
+ int fd() const { return m_capdev.fd(); }
+ void start_streaming()
+ {
+ m_capdev.stream_on();
+ }
+ void stop_streaming()
+ {
+ m_capdev.stream_off();
+ }
+ void Dequeue()
+ {
+ auto fb = m_capdev.dequeue();
+ auto iter = find(s_wb_fbs.begin(), s_wb_fbs.end(), fb);
+ s_wb_fbs.erase(iter);
+ s_ready_fbs.insert(s_ready_fbs.begin(), fb);
+ }
+ void Queue()
+ {
+ if (s_free_fbs.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ auto fb = s_free_fbs.back();
+ s_free_fbs.pop_back();
+ m_capdev.queue(fb);
+ s_wb_fbs.insert(s_wb_fbs.begin(), fb);
+ }
+ VideoStreamer& m_capdev;
+class WBFlipState : private PageFlipHandlerBase
+ WBFlipState(Card& card, Crtc* crtc, Plane* plane)
+ : m_card(card), m_crtc(crtc), m_plane(plane)
+ {
+ }
+ void setup(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
+ {
+ auto fb = s_ready_fbs.back();
+ s_ready_fbs.pop_back();
+ AtomicReq req(m_card);
+ req.add(m_plane, "CRTC_ID", m_crtc->id());
+ req.add(m_plane, "FB_ID", fb->id());
+ req.add(m_plane, "CRTC_X", x);
+ req.add(m_plane, "CRTC_Y", y);
+ req.add(m_plane, "CRTC_W", width);
+ req.add(m_plane, "CRTC_H", height);
+ req.add(m_plane, "SRC_X", 0);
+ req.add(m_plane, "SRC_Y", 0);
+ req.add(m_plane, "SRC_W", fb->width() << 16);
+ req.add(m_plane, "SRC_H", fb->height() << 16);
+ int r = req.commit_sync();
+ FAIL_IF(r, "initial plane setup failed");
+ m_current_fb = fb;
+ }
+ void queue_next()
+ {
+ if (m_queued_fb)
+ return;
+ if (s_ready_fbs.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ auto fb = s_ready_fbs.back();
+ s_ready_fbs.pop_back();
+ AtomicReq req(m_card);
+ req.add(m_plane, "FB_ID", fb->id());
+ int r = req.commit(this);
+ if (r)
+ EXIT("Flip commit failed: %d\n", r);
+ m_queued_fb = fb;
+ }
+ void handle_page_flip(uint32_t frame, double time)
+ {
+ if (m_queued_fb) {
+ if (m_current_fb)
+ s_free_fbs.insert(s_free_fbs.begin(), m_current_fb);
+ m_current_fb = m_queued_fb;
+ m_queued_fb = nullptr;
+ }
+ queue_next();
+ }
+ Card& m_card;
+ Crtc* m_crtc;
+ Plane* m_plane;
+ DumbFramebuffer* m_current_fb = nullptr;
+ DumbFramebuffer* m_queued_fb = nullptr;
+class BarFlipState : private PageFlipHandlerBase
+ BarFlipState(Card& card, Crtc* crtc)
+ : m_card(card), m_crtc(crtc)
+ {
+ m_plane = m_crtc->get_primary_plane();
+ uint32_t w = m_crtc->mode().hdisplay;
+ uint32_t h = m_crtc->mode().vdisplay;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_num_buffers; ++i)
+ m_fbs[i] = new DumbFramebuffer(card, w, h, PixelFormat::XRGB8888);
+ }
+ ~BarFlipState()
+ {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < s_num_buffers; ++i)
+ delete m_fbs[i];
+ }
+ void start_flipping()
+ {
+ m_frame_num = 0;
+ queue_next();
+ }
+ void handle_page_flip(uint32_t frame, double time)
+ {
+ m_frame_num++;
+ queue_next();
+ }
+ static unsigned get_bar_pos(DumbFramebuffer* fb, unsigned frame_num)
+ {
+ return (frame_num * bar_speed) % (fb->width() - bar_width + 1);
+ }
+ void draw_bar(DumbFramebuffer* fb, unsigned frame_num)
+ {
+ int old_xpos = frame_num < s_num_buffers ? -1 : get_bar_pos(fb, frame_num - s_num_buffers);
+ int new_xpos = get_bar_pos(fb, frame_num);
+ draw_color_bar(*fb, old_xpos, new_xpos, bar_width);
+ draw_text(*fb, fb->width() / 2, 0, to_string(frame_num), RGB(255, 255, 255));
+ }
+ void queue_next()
+ {
+ AtomicReq req(m_card);
+ unsigned cur = m_frame_num % s_num_buffers;
+ auto fb = m_fbs[cur];
+ draw_bar(fb, m_frame_num);
+ req.add(m_plane, {
+ { "FB_ID", fb->id() },
+ });
+ int r = req.commit(this);
+ if (r)
+ EXIT("Flip commit failed: %d\n", r);
+ }
+ static const unsigned s_num_buffers = 3;
+ DumbFramebuffer* m_fbs[s_num_buffers];
+ Card& m_card;
+ Crtc* m_crtc;
+ Plane* m_plane;
+ unsigned m_frame_num;
+ static const unsigned bar_width = 20;
+ static const unsigned bar_speed = 8;
+static const char* usage_str =
+ "Usage: wbcap [OPTIONS]\n\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ " -s, --src=CONN Source connector\n"
+ " -d, --dst=CONN Destination connector\n"
+ " -f, --format=4CC Format"
+ " -h, --help Print this help\n"
+ ;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ string src_conn_name = "unknown";
+ string dst_conn_name = "hdmi";
+ PixelFormat pixfmt = PixelFormat::XRGB8888;
+ OptionSet optionset = {
+ Option("s|src=", [&](string s)
+ {
+ src_conn_name = s;
+ }),
+ Option("d|dst=", [&](string s)
+ {
+ dst_conn_name = s;
+ }),
+ Option("f|format=", [&](string s)
+ {
+ pixfmt = FourCCToPixelFormat(s);
+ }),
+ Option("h|help", [&]()
+ {
+ puts(usage_str);
+ exit(-1);
+ }),
+ };
+ optionset.parse(argc, argv);
+ if (optionset.params().size() > 0) {
+ puts(usage_str);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ VideoDevice vid("/dev/video11");
+ Card card;
+ ResourceManager resman(card);
+ auto src_conn = resman.reserve_connector(src_conn_name);
+ auto src_crtc = resman.reserve_crtc(src_conn);
+ uint32_t src_width = src_crtc->mode().hdisplay;
+ uint32_t src_height = src_crtc->mode().vdisplay;
+ printf("src %s, crtc %ux%u\n", src_conn->fullname().c_str(), src_width, src_height);
+ auto dst_conn = resman.reserve_connector(dst_conn_name);
+ auto dst_crtc = resman.reserve_crtc(dst_conn);
+ auto dst_plane = resman.reserve_overlay_plane(dst_crtc, pixfmt);
+ FAIL_IF(!dst_plane, "Plane not found");
+ uint32_t dst_width = min((uint32_t)dst_crtc->mode().hdisplay, src_width);
+ uint32_t dst_height = min((uint32_t)dst_crtc->mode().vdisplay, src_height);
+ printf("dst %s, crtc %ux%u, plane %ux%u\n", dst_conn->fullname().c_str(),
+ dst_crtc->mode().hdisplay, dst_crtc->mode().vdisplay,
+ dst_width, dst_height);
+ for (int i = 0; i < CAMERA_BUF_QUEUE_SIZE; ++i) {
+ auto fb = new DumbFramebuffer(card, src_width, src_height, pixfmt);
+ s_fbs.push_back(fb);
+ s_free_fbs.push_back(fb);
+ }
+ // get one fb for initial setup
+ s_ready_fbs.push_back(s_free_fbs.back());
+ s_free_fbs.pop_back();
+ // This draws a moving bar to SRC display
+ BarFlipState barflipper(card, src_crtc);
+ barflipper.start_flipping();
+ // This shows the captures SRC frames on DST display
+ WBFlipState wbflipper(card, dst_crtc, dst_plane);
+ wbflipper.setup(0, 0, dst_width, dst_height);
+ WBStreamer wb(vid.get_capture_streamer(), src_crtc, src_width, src_height, pixfmt);
+ wb.start_streaming();
+ vector<pollfd> fds(3);
+ fds[0].fd = 0;
+ fds[0].events = POLLIN;
+ fds[1].fd = wb.fd();
+ fds[1].events = POLLIN;
+ fds[2].fd = card.fd();
+ fds[2].events = POLLIN;
+ while (true) {
+ int r = poll(, fds.size(), -1);
+ ASSERT(r > 0);
+ if (fds[0].revents != 0)
+ break;
+ if (fds[1].revents) {
+ fds[1].revents = 0;
+ wb.Dequeue();
+ wbflipper.queue_next();
+ }
+ if (fds[2].revents) {
+ fds[2].revents = 0;
+ card.call_page_flip_handlers();
+ wb.Queue();
+ }
+ }
+ printf("exiting...\n");