#!/usr/bin/python3 import kmstest import pykms import time class PlanePositionTest(kmstest.KMSTest): """Test boundaries of plane positioning.""" def main(self): self.start("plane positioning boundaries") # Find a CRTC with a connected connector and at least two planes for connector in self.output_connectors(): if not connector.connected(): self.skip("unconnected connector") continue try: mode = connector.get_default_mode() except ValueError: continue crtcs = connector.get_possible_crtcs() for crtc in crtcs: planes = [] for plane in self.card.planes: if plane.supports_crtc(crtc): planes.append(plane) if len(planes) > 1: break else: crtc = None if crtc: break else: self.skip("no CRTC available with connector and at least two planes") return self.logger.log("Testing connector %s, CRTC %u, mode %s with %u planes" % \ (connector.fullname, crtc.id, mode.name, len(planes))) # Create a frame buffer fb = pykms.DumbFramebuffer(self.card, mode.hdisplay, mode.vdisplay, "XR24") pykms.draw_test_pattern(fb) # Set the mode with no plane, wait 5s for the monitor to wake up ret = self.atomic_crtc_mode_set(crtc, connector, mode, sync=True) if ret < 0: self.fail("atomic mode set failed with %d" % ret) return self.logger.log("Initial atomic mode set completed") time.sleep(5) # Add the first plane to cover half of the CRTC source = kmstest.Rect(0, 0, fb.width // 2, fb.height) destination = kmstest.Rect(0, 0, fb.width // 2, fb.height) ret = self.atomic_plane_set(planes[0], crtc, source, destination, fb, sync=True) if ret < 0: self.fail("atomic plane set for first plane failed with %d" % ret) return self.logger.log("Root plane enabled") time.sleep(3) # Add the second plane and move it around to cross all CRTC boundaries offsets = ((50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150), (-50, 50), (50, -50)) for offset in offsets: width = fb.width - 100 height = fb.height - 100 source = kmstest.Rect(0, 0, width, height) destination = kmstest.Rect(offset[0], offset[1], width, height) ret = self.atomic_plane_set(planes[1], crtc, source, destination, fb, sync=True) if ret < 0: self.fail("atomic plane set with offset %d,%d" % offset) return self.logger.log("Moved overlay plane to %d,%d" % offset) time.sleep(3) # Try to move the plane completely off-screen. The device is expected # to accept this and not to show the plane on the screen. offsets = ((mode.hdisplay, 50), (50, mode.vdisplay), (-mode.hdisplay, 50), (50, -mode.vdisplay)) for offset in offsets: width = fb.width - 100 height = fb.height - 100 source = kmstest.Rect(0, 0, width, height) destination = kmstest.Rect(offset[0], offset[1], width, height) ret = self.atomic_plane_set(planes[1], crtc, source, destination, fb, sync=True) if ret < 0: self.fail("atomic plane set with offset %d,%d" % offset) return self.logger.log("Moved overlay plane to %d,%d" % offset) time.sleep(3) self.atomic_crtc_disable(crtc) self.success() PlanePositionTest().execute()