du-tests -------- Test suite for the Renesas R-Car DU display unit. You can find the latest version of du-tests in the project's git tree at git://git.ideasonboard.com/renesas/du-tests.git http://git.ideasonboard.com/renesas/du-tests.git ----------------------- Building and Installing ----------------------- The du-tests suite is written in Python and doesn't have any build time dependency. To install it, run make install INSTALL_DIR=/path/to/target/directory This will copy the test scripts to the target directory to be copied or exported to the host. -------------------- Runtime Dependencies -------------------- The tests scripts require the following dependencies to be installed on the target. * Python 3 * kmsxx Python bindings (https://github.com/tomba/kmsxx.git) kmsxx hasn't released any stable version yet, it is recommended to use the latest master branch from the git repository. ----------------- Running the Tests ----------------- The test scripts are named kms-test-*.py. They can be run directly from the test suite root directory.