/* * Copyright 2004 The Unichrome Project. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE UNICHROME PROJECT, AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Author: Thomas Hellström 2004. * This code was written using docs obtained under NDA from VIA Inc. * * Don't run this code directly on an AGP buffer. Due to cache problems it will * be very slow. */ #include "via_3d_reg.h" #include "drmP.h" typedef enum{ state_command, state_header2, state_header1, state_error } verifier_state_t; typedef enum{ no_sequence = 0, z_address, dest_address, tex_address }sequence_t; typedef enum{ no_check = 0, check_for_header2, check_for_header1, check_for_header2_err, check_for_header1_err, check_for_fire, check_z_buffer_addr0, check_z_buffer_addr1, check_z_buffer_addr_mode, check_destination_addr0, check_destination_addr1, check_destination_addr_mode, check_for_dummy, check_for_dd, check_texture_addr0, check_texture_addr1, check_texture_addr2, check_texture_addr3, check_texture_addr4, check_texture_addr5, check_texture_addr6, check_texture_addr7, check_texture_addr8, check_texture_addr_mode, forbidden_command }hazard_t; /* * Associates each hazard above with a possible multi-command * sequence. For example an address that is split over multiple * commands and that needs to be checked at the first command * that does not include any part of the address. */ static sequence_t seqs[] = { no_sequence, no_sequence, no_sequence, no_sequence, no_sequence, no_sequence, z_address, z_address, z_address, dest_address, dest_address, dest_address, no_sequence, no_sequence, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, tex_address, no_sequence }; typedef struct{ unsigned int code; hazard_t hz; } hz_init_t; static hz_init_t init_table1[] = { {0xf2, check_for_header2_err}, {0xf0, check_for_header1_err}, {0xee, check_for_fire}, {0xcc, check_for_dummy}, {0xdd, check_for_dd}, {0x00, no_check}, {0x10, check_z_buffer_addr0}, {0x11, check_z_buffer_addr1}, {0x12, check_z_buffer_addr_mode}, {0x13, no_check}, {0x14, no_check}, {0x15, no_check}, {0x23, no_check}, {0x24, no_check}, {0x33, no_check}, {0x34, no_check}, {0x35, no_check}, {0x36, no_check}, {0x37, no_check}, {0x38, no_check}, {0x39, no_check}, {0x3A, no_check}, {0x3B, no_check}, {0x3C, no_check}, {0x3D, no_check}, {0x3E, no_check}, {0x40, check_destination_addr0}, {0x41, check_destination_addr1}, {0x42, check_destination_addr_mode}, {0x43, no_check}, {0x44, no_check}, {0x50, no_check}, {0x51, no_check}, {0x52, no_check}, {0x53, no_check}, {0x54, no_check}, {0x55, no_check}, {0x56, no_check}, {0x57, no_check}, {0x58, no_check}, {0x70, no_check}, {0x71, no_check}, {0x78, no_check}, {0x79, no_check}, {0x7A, no_check}, {0x7B, no_check}, {0x7C, no_check}, {0x7D, no_check} }; static hz_init_t init_table2[] = { {0xf2, check_for_header2_err}, {0xf0, check_for_header1_err}, {0xee, check_for_fire}, {0xcc, check_for_dummy}, {0x00, check_texture_addr0}, {0x01, check_texture_addr0}, {0x02, check_texture_addr0}, {0x03, check_texture_addr0}, {0x04, check_texture_addr0}, {0x05, check_texture_addr0}, {0x06, check_texture_addr0}, {0x07, check_texture_addr0}, {0x08, check_texture_addr0}, {0x09, check_texture_addr0}, {0x20, check_texture_addr1}, {0x21, check_texture_addr1}, {0x22, check_texture_addr1}, {0x23, check_texture_addr4}, {0x2B, check_texture_addr3}, {0x2C, check_texture_addr3}, {0x2D, check_texture_addr3}, {0x2E, check_texture_addr3}, {0x2F, check_texture_addr3}, {0x30, check_texture_addr3}, {0x31, check_texture_addr3}, {0x32, check_texture_addr3}, {0x33, check_texture_addr3}, {0x34, check_texture_addr3}, {0x4B, check_texture_addr5}, {0x4C, check_texture_addr6}, {0x51, check_texture_addr7}, {0x52, check_texture_addr8}, {0x77, check_texture_addr2}, {0x78, no_check}, {0x79, no_check}, {0x7A, no_check}, {0x7B, check_texture_addr_mode}, {0x7C, no_check}, {0x7D, no_check}, {0x7E, no_check}, {0x7F, no_check}, {0x80, no_check}, {0x81, no_check}, {0x82, no_check}, {0x83, no_check}, {0x85, no_check}, {0x86, no_check}, {0x87, no_check}, {0x88, no_check}, {0x89, no_check}, {0x8A, no_check}, {0x90, no_check}, {0x91, no_check}, {0x92, no_check}, {0x93, no_check} }; static hz_init_t init_table3[] = { {0xf2, check_for_header2_err}, {0xf0, check_for_header1_err}, {0xcc, check_for_dummy}, {0x00, no_check} }; static hazard_t table1[256]; static hazard_t table2[256]; static hazard_t table3[256]; typedef struct{ unsigned texture; uint32_t z_addr; uint32_t d_addr; uint32_t t_addr[2][10]; uint32_t pitch[2][10]; uint32_t height[2][10]; uint32_t tex_level_lo[2]; uint32_t tex_level_hi[2]; sequence_t unfinished; int agp_texture; drm_device_t *dev; drm_map_t *map_cache; } sequence_context_t; static sequence_context_t hc_sequence; /* * Partially stolen from drm_memory.h */ static __inline__ drm_map_t * via_drm_lookup_agp_map (sequence_context_t *seq, unsigned long offset, unsigned long size, drm_device_t *dev) { struct list_head *list; drm_map_list_t *r_list; drm_map_t *map = seq->map_cache; if (map && map->offset <= offset && (offset + size) <= (map->offset + map->size)) { return map; } list_for_each(list, &dev->maplist->head) { r_list = (drm_map_list_t *) list; map = r_list->map; if (!map) continue; if (map->offset <= offset && (offset + size) <= (map->offset + map->size) && !(map->flags & _DRM_RESTRICTED) && (map->type == _DRM_AGP)) { seq->map_cache = map; return map; } } return NULL; } /* * Require that all AGP texture levels reside in the same AGP map which should * be mappable by the client. This is not a big restriction. * FIXME: To actually enforce this security policy strictly, drm_rmmap * would have to wait for dma quiescent before removing an AGP map. * The via_drm_lookup_agp_map call in reality seems to take * very little CPU time. */ static __inline__ int finish_current_sequence(sequence_context_t *cur_seq) { switch(cur_seq->unfinished) { case z_address: DRM_DEBUG("Z Buffer start address is 0x%x\n", cur_seq->z_addr); break; case dest_address: DRM_DEBUG("Destination start address is 0x%x\n", cur_seq->d_addr); break; case tex_address: if (cur_seq->agp_texture) { unsigned start = cur_seq->tex_level_lo[cur_seq->texture]; unsigned end = cur_seq->tex_level_hi[cur_seq->texture]; unsigned long lo=~0, hi=0, tmp; uint32_t *addr, *pitch, *height, tex; unsigned i; if (end > 9) end = 9; if (start > 9) start = 9; addr =&(cur_seq->t_addr[tex = cur_seq->texture][start]); pitch = &(cur_seq->pitch[tex][start]); height = &(cur_seq->height[tex][start]); for (i=start; i<= end; ++i) { tmp = *addr++; if (tmp < lo) lo = tmp; tmp += (*height++ << *pitch++); if (tmp > hi) hi = tmp; } if (! via_drm_lookup_agp_map (cur_seq, lo, hi - lo, cur_seq->dev)) { DRM_ERROR("AGP texture is not in allowed map\n"); return 2; } } break; default: break; } cur_seq->unfinished = no_sequence; return 0; } static __inline__ int investigate_hazard( uint32_t cmd, hazard_t hz, sequence_context_t *cur_seq) { register uint32_t tmp, *tmp_addr; if (cur_seq->unfinished && (cur_seq->unfinished != seqs[hz])) { int ret; if ((ret = finish_current_sequence(cur_seq))) return ret; } switch(hz) { case check_for_header2: if (cmd == HALCYON_HEADER2) return 1; return 0; case check_for_header1: if ((cmd & HALCYON_HEADER1MASK) == HALCYON_HEADER1) return 1; return 0; case check_for_header2_err: if (cmd == HALCYON_HEADER2) return 1; DRM_ERROR("Illegal DMA HALCYON_HEADER2 command\n"); break; case check_for_header1_err: if ((cmd & HALCYON_HEADER1MASK) == HALCYON_HEADER1) return 1; DRM_ERROR("Illegal DMA HALCYON_HEADER1 command\n"); break; case check_for_fire: if ((cmd & HALCYON_FIREMASK) == HALCYON_FIRECMD) return 1; DRM_ERROR("Illegal DMA HALCYON_FIRECMD command\n"); break; case check_for_dummy: if (HC_DUMMY == cmd) return 0; DRM_ERROR("Illegal DMA HC_DUMMY command\n"); break; case check_for_dd: if (0xdddddddd == cmd) return 0; DRM_ERROR("Illegal DMA 0xdddddddd command\n"); break; case check_z_buffer_addr0: cur_seq->unfinished = z_address; cur_seq->z_addr = (cur_seq->z_addr & 0xFF000000) | (cmd & 0x00FFFFFF); return 0; case check_z_buffer_addr1: cur_seq->unfinished = z_address; cur_seq->z_addr = (cur_seq->z_addr & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((cmd & 0xFF) << 24); return 0; case check_z_buffer_addr_mode: cur_seq->unfinished = z_address; if ((cmd & 0x0000C000) == 0) return 0; DRM_ERROR("Attempt to place Z buffer in system memory\n"); return 2; case check_destination_addr0: cur_seq->unfinished = dest_address; cur_seq->d_addr = (cur_seq->d_addr & 0xFF000000) | (cmd & 0x00FFFFFF); return 0; case check_destination_addr1: cur_seq->unfinished = dest_address; cur_seq->d_addr = (cur_seq->d_addr & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((cmd & 0xFF) << 24); return 0; case check_destination_addr_mode: cur_seq->unfinished = dest_address; if ((cmd & 0x0000C000) == 0) return 0; DRM_ERROR("Attempt to place 3D drawing buffer in system memory\n"); return 2; case check_texture_addr0: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; tmp = (cmd >> 24); tmp_addr = &cur_seq->t_addr[cur_seq->texture][tmp]; *tmp_addr = (*tmp_addr & 0xFF000000) | (cmd & 0x00FFFFFF); return 0; case check_texture_addr1: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; tmp = ((cmd >> 24) - 0x20); tmp += tmp << 1; tmp_addr = &cur_seq->t_addr[cur_seq->texture][tmp]; *tmp_addr = (*tmp_addr & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((cmd & 0xFF) << 24); tmp_addr++; *tmp_addr = (*tmp_addr & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((cmd & 0xFF00) << 16); tmp_addr++; *tmp_addr = (*tmp_addr & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((cmd & 0xFF0000) << 8); return 0; case check_texture_addr2: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; cur_seq->tex_level_lo[tmp = cur_seq->texture] = cmd & 0x3F; cur_seq->tex_level_hi[tmp] = (cmd & 0xFC0) >> 6; return 0; case check_texture_addr3: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; tmp = ((cmd >> 24) - 0x2B); cur_seq->pitch[cur_seq->texture][tmp] = (cmd & 0x00F00000) >> 20; if (!tmp && (cmd & 0x000FFFFF)) { DRM_ERROR("Unimplemented texture level 0 pitch mode.\n"); return 2; } return 0; case check_texture_addr4: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; tmp_addr = &cur_seq->t_addr[cur_seq->texture][9]; *tmp_addr = (*tmp_addr & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((cmd & 0xFF) << 24); return 0; case check_texture_addr5: case check_texture_addr6: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; /* * Texture width. We don't care since we have the pitch. */ return 0; case check_texture_addr7: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; tmp_addr = &(cur_seq->height[cur_seq->texture][0]); tmp_addr[5] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x00F00000) >> 20); tmp_addr[4] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x000F0000) >> 16); tmp_addr[3] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x0000F000) >> 12); tmp_addr[2] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x00000F00) >> 8); tmp_addr[1] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x000000F0) >> 4); tmp_addr[0] = 1 << (cmd & 0x0000000F); return 0; case check_texture_addr8: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; tmp_addr = &(cur_seq->height[cur_seq->texture][0]); tmp_addr[9] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x0000F000) >> 12); tmp_addr[8] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x00000F00) >> 8); tmp_addr[7] = 1 << ((cmd & 0x000000F0) >> 4); tmp_addr[6] = 1 << (cmd & 0x0000000F); return 0; case check_texture_addr_mode: cur_seq->unfinished = tex_address; if ( 2 != (tmp = cmd & 0x00000003)) { cur_seq->agp_texture = (tmp == 3); return 0; } DRM_ERROR("Attempt to fetch texture from system memory.\n"); return 2; default: DRM_ERROR("Illegal DMA data: 0x%x\n", cmd); return 2; } return 2; } static __inline__ verifier_state_t via_check_header2( uint32_t const **buffer, const uint32_t *buf_end ) { uint32_t cmd; int hz_mode; hazard_t hz; const uint32_t *buf = *buffer; const hazard_t *hz_table; if ((buf_end - buf) < 2) { DRM_ERROR("Illegal termination of DMA HALCYON_HEADER2 sequence.\n"); return state_error; } buf++; cmd = (*buf++ & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; switch(cmd) { case HC_ParaType_CmdVdata: /* * Command vertex data. * It is assumed that the command regulator remains in this state * until it encounters a double fire command or a header2 data. * CHECK: Could vertex data accidently be header2 or fire? * CHECK: What does the regulator do if it encounters a header1 * cmd? */ while (buf < buf_end) { if (*buf == HALCYON_HEADER2) break; if ((*buf & HALCYON_FIREMASK) == HALCYON_FIRECMD) { buf++; if ((buf < buf_end) && ((*buf & HALCYON_FIREMASK) == HALCYON_FIRECMD)) buf++; if ((buf < buf_end) && ((*buf & HALCYON_CMDBMASK) != HC_ACMD_HCmdB)) break; } buf++; } *buffer = buf; return state_command; case HC_ParaType_NotTex: hz_table = table1; break; case HC_ParaType_Tex: hc_sequence.texture = 0; hz_table = table2; break; case (HC_ParaType_Tex | (HC_SubType_Tex1 << 8)): hc_sequence.texture = 1; hz_table = table2; break; case (HC_ParaType_Tex | (HC_SubType_TexGeneral << 8)): hz_table = table3; break; case HC_ParaType_Auto: buf += 2; *buffer = buf; return state_command; default: /* * There are some unimplemented HC_ParaTypes here, that * need to be implemented if the Mesa driver is extended. */ DRM_ERROR("Invalid or unimplemented HALCYON_HEADER2 " "DMA subcommand: 0x%x\n", cmd); *buffer = buf; return state_error; } while(buf < buf_end) { cmd = *buf++; if ((hz = hz_table[cmd >> 24])) { if ((hz_mode = investigate_hazard(cmd, hz, &hc_sequence))) { if (hz_mode == 1) { buf--; break; } return state_error; } } else if (hc_sequence.unfinished && finish_current_sequence(&hc_sequence)) { return state_error; } } if (hc_sequence.unfinished && finish_current_sequence(&hc_sequence)) { return state_error; } *buffer = buf; return state_command; } static __inline__ verifier_state_t via_check_header1( uint32_t const **buffer, const uint32_t *buf_end ) { uint32_t cmd; const uint32_t *buf = *buffer; verifier_state_t ret = state_command; while (buf < buf_end) { cmd = *buf; if ((cmd > ((0x3FF >> 2) | HALCYON_HEADER1)) && (cmd < ((0xC00 >> 2) | HALCYON_HEADER1))) { if ((cmd & HALCYON_HEADER1MASK) != HALCYON_HEADER1) break; DRM_ERROR("Invalid HALCYON_HEADER1 command. " "Attempt to access 3D- or command burst area.\n"); ret = state_error; break; } else if (cmd > ((0xCFF >> 2) | HALCYON_HEADER1)) { if ((cmd & HALCYON_HEADER1MASK) != HALCYON_HEADER1) break; DRM_ERROR("Invalid HALCYON_HEADER1 command. " "Attempt to access VGA registers.\n"); ret = state_error; break; } else { buf += 2; } } *buffer = buf; return ret; } int via_verify_command_stream(const uint32_t * buf, unsigned int size, drm_device_t *dev) { uint32_t cmd; const uint32_t *buf_end = buf + ( size >> 2 ); verifier_state_t state = state_command; hc_sequence.dev = dev; hc_sequence.unfinished = no_sequence; hc_sequence.map_cache = NULL; while (buf < buf_end) { switch (state) { case state_header2: state = via_check_header2( &buf, buf_end ); break; case state_header1: state = via_check_header1( &buf, buf_end ); break; case state_command: if (HALCYON_HEADER2 == (cmd = *buf)) state = state_header2; else if ((cmd & HALCYON_HEADER1MASK) == HALCYON_HEADER1) state = state_header1; else { DRM_ERROR("Invalid / Unimplemented DMA HEADER command. 0x%x\n", cmd); state = state_error; } break; case state_error: default: return DRM_ERR(EINVAL); } } return (state == state_error) ? DRM_ERR(EINVAL) : 0; } static void setup_hazard_table(hz_init_t init_table[], hazard_t table[], int size) { int i; for(i=0; i<256; ++i) { table[i] = forbidden_command; } for(i=0; i