/* * Copyright 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Author: Stanislaw Skowronek */ #include #include #define ATOM_DEBUG #include "atom.h" #include "atom-names.h" #include "atom-bits.h" #define ATOM_COND_ABOVE 0 #define ATOM_COND_ABOVEOREQUAL 1 #define ATOM_COND_ALWAYS 2 #define ATOM_COND_BELOW 3 #define ATOM_COND_BELOWOREQUAL 4 #define ATOM_COND_EQUAL 5 #define ATOM_COND_NOTEQUAL 6 #define ATOM_PORT_ATI 0 #define ATOM_PORT_PCI 1 #define ATOM_PORT_SYSIO 2 #define ATOM_UNIT_MICROSEC 0 #define ATOM_UNIT_MILLISEC 1 #define PLL_INDEX 2 #define PLL_DATA 3 typedef struct { struct atom_context *ctx; uint32_t *ps, *ws; int ps_shift; uint16_t start; } atom_exec_context; int atom_debug = 0; void atom_execute_table(struct atom_context *ctx, int index, uint32_t *params); static uint32_t atom_arg_mask[8] = {0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF00, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF, 0xFF00, 0xFF0000, 0xFF000000}; static int atom_arg_shift[8] = {0, 0, 8, 16, 0, 8, 16, 24}; static int atom_dst_to_src[8][4] = { // translate destination alignment field to the source alignment encoding { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, }; static int atom_def_dst[8] = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3 }; static int debug_depth = 0; #ifdef ATOM_DEBUG static void debug_print_spaces(int n) { while(n--) printk(" "); } #define DEBUG(...) do if(atom_debug) { printk(KERN_DEBUG __VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #define SDEBUG(...) do if(atom_debug) { printk(KERN_DEBUG); debug_print_spaces(debug_depth); printk(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #else #define DEBUG(...) do { } while(0) #define SDEBUG(...) do { } while(0) #endif static uint32_t atom_iio_execute(struct atom_context *ctx, int base, uint32_t index, uint32_t data) { uint32_t temp = 0xCDCDCDCD; while(1) switch(CU8(base)) { case ATOM_IIO_NOP: base++; break; case ATOM_IIO_READ: temp = ctx->card->reg_read(ctx->card, CU16(base+1)); base+=3; break; case ATOM_IIO_WRITE: ctx->card->reg_write(ctx->card, CU16(base+1), temp); base+=3; break; case ATOM_IIO_CLEAR: temp &= ~((0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1))) << CU8(base+2)); base+=3; break; case ATOM_IIO_SET: temp |= (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1))) << CU8(base+2); base+=3; break; case ATOM_IIO_MOVE_INDEX: temp &= ~((0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1))) << CU8(base+2)); temp |= ((index >> CU8(base+2)) & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1)))) << CU8(base+3); base+=4; break; case ATOM_IIO_MOVE_DATA: temp &= ~((0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1))) << CU8(base+2)); temp |= ((data >> CU8(base+2)) & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1)))) << CU8(base+3); base+=4; break; case ATOM_IIO_MOVE_ATTR: temp &= ~((0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1))) << CU8(base+2)); temp |= ((ctx->io_attr >> CU8(base+2)) & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32-CU8(base+1)))) << CU8(base+3); base+=4; break; case ATOM_IIO_END: return temp; default: printk(KERN_INFO "Unknown IIO opcode.\n"); return 0; } } static uint32_t atom_get_src_int(atom_exec_context *ctx, uint8_t attr, int *ptr, uint32_t *saved, int print) { uint32_t idx, val = 0xCDCDCDCD, align, arg; struct atom_context *gctx = ctx->ctx; arg = attr & 7; align = (attr >> 3) & 7; switch(arg) { case ATOM_ARG_REG: idx = U16(*ptr); (*ptr)+=2; if(print) DEBUG("REG[0x%04X]", idx); idx += gctx->reg_block; switch(gctx->io_mode) { case ATOM_IO_MM: val = gctx->card->reg_read(gctx->card, idx); break; case ATOM_IO_PCI: printk(KERN_INFO "PCI registers are not implemented.\n"); return 0; case ATOM_IO_SYSIO: printk(KERN_INFO "SYSIO registers are not implemented.\n"); return 0; default: if(!(gctx->io_mode&0x80)) { printk(KERN_INFO "Bad IO mode.\n"); return 0; } if(!gctx->iio[gctx->io_mode&0x7F]) { printk(KERN_INFO "Undefined indirect IO read method %d.\n", gctx->io_mode&0x7F); return 0; } val = atom_iio_execute(gctx, gctx->iio[gctx->io_mode&0x7F], idx, 0); } break; case ATOM_ARG_PS: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; val = ctx->ps[idx]; if(print) DEBUG("PS[0x%02X,0x%04X]", idx, val); break; case ATOM_ARG_WS: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; if(print) DEBUG("WS[0x%02X]", idx); switch(idx) { case ATOM_WS_QUOTIENT: val = gctx->divmul[0]; break; case ATOM_WS_REMAINDER: val = gctx->divmul[1]; break; case ATOM_WS_DATAPTR: val = gctx->data_block; break; case ATOM_WS_SHIFT: val = gctx->shift; break; case ATOM_WS_OR_MASK: val = 1<shift; break; case ATOM_WS_AND_MASK: val = ~(1<shift); break; case ATOM_WS_FB_WINDOW: val = gctx->fb_base; break; case ATOM_WS_ATTRIBUTES: val = gctx->io_attr; break; default: val = ctx->ws[idx]; } break; case ATOM_ARG_ID: idx = U16(*ptr); (*ptr)+=2; if(print) { if(gctx->data_block) DEBUG("ID[0x%04X+%04X]", idx, gctx->data_block); else DEBUG("ID[0x%04X]", idx); } val = U32(idx + gctx->data_block); break; case ATOM_ARG_FB: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; if(print) DEBUG("FB[0x%02X]", idx); printk(KERN_INFO "FB access is not implemented.\n"); return 0; case ATOM_ARG_IMM: switch(align) { case ATOM_SRC_DWORD: val = U32(*ptr); (*ptr)+=4; if(print) DEBUG("IMM 0x%08X\n", val); return val; case ATOM_SRC_WORD0: case ATOM_SRC_WORD8: case ATOM_SRC_WORD16: val = U16(*ptr); (*ptr)+=2; if(print) DEBUG("IMM 0x%04X\n", val); return val; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE0: case ATOM_SRC_BYTE8: case ATOM_SRC_BYTE16: case ATOM_SRC_BYTE24: val = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; if(print) DEBUG("IMM 0x%02X\n", val); return val; } return 0; case ATOM_ARG_PLL: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; if(print) DEBUG("PLL[0x%02X]", idx); gctx->card->reg_write(gctx->card, PLL_INDEX, idx); val = gctx->card->reg_read(gctx->card, PLL_DATA); break; case ATOM_ARG_MC: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; if(print) DEBUG("MC[0x%02X]", idx); val = gctx->card->mc_read(gctx->card, idx); return 0; } if(saved) *saved = val; val &= atom_arg_mask[align]; val >>= atom_arg_shift[align]; if(print) switch(align) { case ATOM_SRC_DWORD: DEBUG(".[31:0] -> 0x%08X\n", val); break; case ATOM_SRC_WORD0: DEBUG(".[15:0] -> 0x%04X\n", val); break; case ATOM_SRC_WORD8: DEBUG(".[23:8] -> 0x%04X\n", val); break; case ATOM_SRC_WORD16: DEBUG(".[31:16] -> 0x%04X\n", val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE0: DEBUG(".[7:0] -> 0x%02X\n", val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE8: DEBUG(".[15:8] -> 0x%02X\n", val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE16: DEBUG(".[23:16] -> 0x%02X\n", val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE24: DEBUG(".[31:24] -> 0x%02X\n", val); break; } return val; } static void atom_skip_src_int(atom_exec_context *ctx, uint8_t attr, int *ptr) { uint32_t align = (attr >> 3) & 7, arg = attr & 7; switch(arg) { case ATOM_ARG_REG: case ATOM_ARG_ID: (*ptr)+=2; break; case ATOM_ARG_PLL: case ATOM_ARG_MC: case ATOM_ARG_PS: case ATOM_ARG_WS: case ATOM_ARG_FB: (*ptr)++; break; case ATOM_ARG_IMM: switch(align) { case ATOM_SRC_DWORD: (*ptr)+=4; return; case ATOM_SRC_WORD0: case ATOM_SRC_WORD8: case ATOM_SRC_WORD16: (*ptr)+=2; return; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE0: case ATOM_SRC_BYTE8: case ATOM_SRC_BYTE16: case ATOM_SRC_BYTE24: (*ptr)++; return; } return; } } static uint32_t atom_get_src(atom_exec_context *ctx, uint8_t attr, int *ptr) { return atom_get_src_int(ctx, attr, ptr, NULL, 1); } static uint32_t atom_get_dst(atom_exec_context *ctx, int arg, uint8_t attr, int *ptr, uint32_t *saved, int print) { return atom_get_src_int(ctx, arg|atom_dst_to_src[(attr>>3)&7][(attr>>6)&3]<<3, ptr, saved, print); } static void atom_skip_dst(atom_exec_context *ctx, int arg, uint8_t attr, int *ptr) { atom_skip_src_int(ctx, arg|atom_dst_to_src[(attr>>3)&7][(attr>>6)&3]<<3, ptr); } static void atom_put_dst(atom_exec_context *ctx, int arg, uint8_t attr, int *ptr, uint32_t val, uint32_t saved) { uint32_t align = atom_dst_to_src[(attr>>3)&7][(attr>>6)&3], old_val = val, idx; struct atom_context *gctx = ctx->ctx; old_val &= atom_arg_mask[align] >> atom_arg_shift[align]; val <<= atom_arg_shift[align]; val &= atom_arg_mask[align]; saved &= ~atom_arg_mask[align]; val |= saved; switch(arg) { case ATOM_ARG_REG: idx = U16(*ptr); (*ptr)+=2; DEBUG("REG[0x%04X]", idx); idx += gctx->reg_block; switch(gctx->io_mode) { case ATOM_IO_MM: if(idx == 0) gctx->card->reg_write(gctx->card, idx, val<<2); else gctx->card->reg_write(gctx->card, idx, val); break; case ATOM_IO_PCI: printk(KERN_INFO "PCI registers are not implemented.\n"); return; case ATOM_IO_SYSIO: printk(KERN_INFO "SYSIO registers are not implemented.\n"); return; default: if(!(gctx->io_mode&0x80)) { printk(KERN_INFO "Bad IO mode.\n"); return; } if(!gctx->iio[gctx->io_mode&0xFF]) { printk(KERN_INFO "Undefined indirect IO write method %d.\n", gctx->io_mode&0x7F); return; } atom_iio_execute(gctx, gctx->iio[gctx->io_mode&0xFF], idx, val); } break; case ATOM_ARG_PS: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; DEBUG("PS[0x%02X]", idx); ctx->ps[idx] = val; break; case ATOM_ARG_WS: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; DEBUG("WS[0x%02X]", idx); switch(idx) { case ATOM_WS_QUOTIENT: gctx->divmul[0] = val; break; case ATOM_WS_REMAINDER: gctx->divmul[1] = val; break; case ATOM_WS_DATAPTR: gctx->data_block = val; break; case ATOM_WS_SHIFT: gctx->shift = val; break; case ATOM_WS_OR_MASK: case ATOM_WS_AND_MASK: break; case ATOM_WS_FB_WINDOW: gctx->fb_base = val; break; case ATOM_WS_ATTRIBUTES: gctx->io_attr = val; break; default: ctx->ws[idx] = val; } break; case ATOM_ARG_FB: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; DEBUG("FB[0x%02X]", idx); printk(KERN_INFO "FB access is not implemented.\n"); return; case ATOM_ARG_PLL: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; DEBUG("PLL[0x%02X]", idx); gctx->card->reg_write(gctx->card, PLL_INDEX, idx); gctx->card->reg_write(gctx->card, PLL_DATA, val); break; case ATOM_ARG_MC: idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; DEBUG("MC[0x%02X]", idx); gctx->card->mc_write(gctx->card, idx, val); return; } switch(align) { case ATOM_SRC_DWORD: DEBUG(".[31:0] <- 0x%08X\n", old_val); break; case ATOM_SRC_WORD0: DEBUG(".[15:0] <- 0x%04X\n", old_val); break; case ATOM_SRC_WORD8: DEBUG(".[23:8] <- 0x%04X\n", old_val); break; case ATOM_SRC_WORD16: DEBUG(".[31:16] <- 0x%04X\n", old_val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE0: DEBUG(".[7:0] <- 0x%02X\n", old_val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE8: DEBUG(".[15:8] <- 0x%02X\n", old_val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE16: DEBUG(".[23:16] <- 0x%02X\n", old_val); break; case ATOM_SRC_BYTE24: DEBUG(".[31:24] <- 0x%02X\n", old_val); break; } } static void atom_op_add(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src, saved; int dptr = *ptr; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); SDEBUG(" src: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); dst += src; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_and(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src, saved; int dptr = *ptr; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); SDEBUG(" src: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); dst &= src; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_beep(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { printk("ATOM BIOS beeped!\n"); } static void atom_op_calltable(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { int idx = U8((*ptr)++); if(idx < ATOM_TABLE_NAMES_CNT) SDEBUG(" table: %d (%s)\n", idx, atom_table_names[idx]); else SDEBUG(" table: %d\n", idx); if(U16(ctx->ctx->cmd_table + 4 + 2*idx)) atom_execute_table(ctx->ctx, idx, ctx->ps+ctx->ps_shift); } static void atom_op_clear(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t saved; int dptr = *ptr; attr &= 0x38; attr |= atom_def_dst[attr>>3]<<6; atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 0); SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, 0, saved); } static void atom_op_compare(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src; SDEBUG(" src1: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, NULL, 1); SDEBUG(" src2: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); ctx->ctx->cs_equal = (dst == src); ctx->ctx->cs_above = (dst > src); SDEBUG(" result: %s %s\n", ctx->ctx->cs_equal?"EQ":"NE", ctx->ctx->cs_above?"GT":"LE"); } static void atom_op_delay(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t count = U8((*ptr)++); SDEBUG(" count: %d\n", count); if(arg == ATOM_UNIT_MICROSEC) schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(usecs_to_jiffies(count)); else schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(msecs_to_jiffies(count)); } static void atom_op_div(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src; SDEBUG(" src1: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, NULL, 1); SDEBUG(" src2: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); if(src != 0) { ctx->ctx->divmul[0] = dst/src; ctx->ctx->divmul[1] = dst%src; } else { ctx->ctx->divmul[0] = 0; ctx->ctx->divmul[1] = 0; } } static void atom_op_eot(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { /* functionally, a nop */ } static void atom_op_jump(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { int execute = 0, target = U16(*ptr); (*ptr)+=2; switch(arg) { case ATOM_COND_ABOVE: execute = ctx->ctx->cs_above; break; case ATOM_COND_ABOVEOREQUAL: execute = ctx->ctx->cs_above || ctx->ctx->cs_equal; break; case ATOM_COND_ALWAYS: execute = 1; break; case ATOM_COND_BELOW: execute = !(ctx->ctx->cs_above || ctx->ctx->cs_equal); break; case ATOM_COND_BELOWOREQUAL: execute = !ctx->ctx->cs_above; break; case ATOM_COND_EQUAL: execute = ctx->ctx->cs_equal; break; case ATOM_COND_NOTEQUAL: execute = !ctx->ctx->cs_equal; break; } if(arg != ATOM_COND_ALWAYS) SDEBUG(" taken: %s\n", execute?"yes":"no"); SDEBUG(" target: 0x%04X\n", target); if(execute) *ptr = ctx->start+target; } static void atom_op_mask(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src1, src2, saved; int dptr = *ptr; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); SDEBUG(" src1: "); src1 = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); SDEBUG(" src2: "); src2 = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); dst &= src1; dst |= src2; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_move(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t src, saved; int dptr = *ptr; if(((attr>>3)&7) != ATOM_SRC_DWORD) atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 0); else { atom_skip_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr); saved = 0xCDCDCDCD; } SDEBUG(" src: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, src, saved); } static void atom_op_mul(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src; SDEBUG(" src1: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, NULL, 1); SDEBUG(" src2: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); ctx->ctx->divmul[0] = dst*src; } static void atom_op_nop(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { /* nothing */ } static void atom_op_or(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src, saved; int dptr = *ptr; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); SDEBUG(" src: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); dst |= src; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_postcard(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t val = U8((*ptr)++); SDEBUG("POST card output: 0x%02X\n", val); } static void atom_op_repeat(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { printk(KERN_INFO "unimplemented!\n"); } static void atom_op_restorereg(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { printk(KERN_INFO "unimplemented!\n"); } static void atom_op_savereg(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { printk(KERN_INFO "unimplemented!\n"); } static void atom_op_setdatablock(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { int idx = U8(*ptr); (*ptr)++; SDEBUG(" block: %d\n", idx); if(!idx) ctx->ctx->data_block = 0; else if(idx==255) ctx->ctx->data_block = ctx->start; else ctx->ctx->data_block = U16(ctx->ctx->data_table + 4 + 2*idx); SDEBUG(" base: 0x%04X\n", ctx->ctx->data_block); } static void atom_op_setfbbase(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); SDEBUG(" fb_base: "); ctx->ctx->fb_base = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); } static void atom_op_setport(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { int port; switch(arg) { case ATOM_PORT_ATI: port = U16(*ptr); if(port < ATOM_IO_NAMES_CNT) SDEBUG(" port: %d (%s)\n", port, atom_io_names[port]); else SDEBUG(" port: %d\n", port); if(!port) ctx->ctx->io_mode = ATOM_IO_MM; else ctx->ctx->io_mode = ATOM_IO_IIO|port; (*ptr)+=2; break; case ATOM_PORT_PCI: ctx->ctx->io_mode = ATOM_IO_PCI; (*ptr)++; break; case ATOM_PORT_SYSIO: ctx->ctx->io_mode = ATOM_IO_SYSIO; (*ptr)++; break; } } static void atom_op_setregblock(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { ctx->ctx->reg_block = U16(*ptr); (*ptr)+=2; SDEBUG(" base: 0x%04X\n", ctx->ctx->reg_block); } static void atom_op_shl(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++), shift; uint32_t saved, dst; int dptr = *ptr; attr &= 0x38; attr |= atom_def_dst[attr>>3]<<6; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); shift = U8((*ptr)++); SDEBUG(" shift: %d\n", shift); dst <<= shift; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_shr(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++), shift; uint32_t saved, dst; int dptr = *ptr; attr &= 0x38; attr |= atom_def_dst[attr>>3]<<6; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); shift = U8((*ptr)++); SDEBUG(" shift: %d\n", shift); dst >>= shift; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_sub(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src, saved; int dptr = *ptr; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); SDEBUG(" src: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); dst -= src; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_switch(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t src, val, target; SDEBUG(" switch: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); while(U16(*ptr) != ATOM_CASE_END) if(U8(*ptr) == ATOM_CASE_MAGIC) { (*ptr)++; SDEBUG(" case: "); val = atom_get_src(ctx, (attr&0x38)|ATOM_ARG_IMM, ptr); target = U16(*ptr); if(val == src) { SDEBUG(" target: %04X\n", target); *ptr = ctx->start+target; return; } (*ptr) += 2; } else { printk(KERN_INFO "Bad case.\n"); return; } (*ptr) += 2; } static void atom_op_test(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src; SDEBUG(" src1: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, NULL, 1); SDEBUG(" src2: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); ctx->ctx->cs_equal = ((dst & src) == 0); SDEBUG(" result: %s\n", ctx->ctx->cs_equal?"EQ":"NE"); } static void atom_op_xor(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { uint8_t attr = U8((*ptr)++); uint32_t dst, src, saved; int dptr = *ptr; SDEBUG(" dst: "); dst = atom_get_dst(ctx, arg, attr, ptr, &saved, 1); SDEBUG(" src: "); src = atom_get_src(ctx, attr, ptr); dst ^= src; SDEBUG(" dst: "); atom_put_dst(ctx, arg, attr, &dptr, dst, saved); } static void atom_op_debug(atom_exec_context *ctx, int *ptr, int arg) { printk(KERN_INFO "unimplemented!\n"); } static struct { void (*func)(atom_exec_context *, int *, int); int arg; } opcode_table[ATOM_OP_CNT] = { { NULL, 0 }, { atom_op_move, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_move, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_move, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_move, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_move, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_move, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_and, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_and, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_and, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_and, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_and, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_and, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_or, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_or, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_or, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_or, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_or, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_or, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_mul, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_mul, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_mul, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_mul, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_mul, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_mul, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_div, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_div, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_div, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_div, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_div, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_div, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_add, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_add, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_add, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_add, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_add, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_add, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_sub, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_sub, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_sub, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_sub, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_sub, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_sub, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_setport, ATOM_PORT_ATI }, { atom_op_setport, ATOM_PORT_PCI }, { atom_op_setport, ATOM_PORT_SYSIO }, { atom_op_setregblock, 0 }, { atom_op_setfbbase, 0 }, { atom_op_compare, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_compare, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_compare, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_compare, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_compare, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_compare, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_switch, 0 }, { atom_op_jump, ATOM_COND_ALWAYS }, { atom_op_jump, ATOM_COND_EQUAL }, { atom_op_jump, ATOM_COND_BELOW }, { atom_op_jump, ATOM_COND_ABOVE }, { atom_op_jump, ATOM_COND_BELOWOREQUAL }, { atom_op_jump, ATOM_COND_ABOVEOREQUAL }, { atom_op_jump, ATOM_COND_NOTEQUAL }, { atom_op_test, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_test, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_test, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_test, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_test, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_test, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_delay, ATOM_UNIT_MILLISEC }, { atom_op_delay, ATOM_UNIT_MICROSEC }, { atom_op_calltable, 0 }, { atom_op_repeat, 0 }, { atom_op_clear, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_clear, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_clear, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_clear, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_clear, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_clear, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_nop, 0 }, { atom_op_eot, 0 }, { atom_op_mask, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_mask, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_mask, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_mask, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_mask, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_mask, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_postcard, 0 }, { atom_op_beep, 0 }, { atom_op_savereg, 0 }, { atom_op_restorereg, 0 }, { atom_op_setdatablock, 0 }, { atom_op_xor, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_xor, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_xor, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_xor, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_xor, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_xor, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_shl, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_REG }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_PS }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_WS }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_FB }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_PLL }, { atom_op_shr, ATOM_ARG_MC }, { atom_op_debug, 0 }, }; void atom_execute_table(struct atom_context *ctx, int index, uint32_t *params) { int base = CU16(ctx->cmd_table+4+2*index); int len, ws, ps, ptr; unsigned char op; atom_exec_context ectx; if(!base) return; len = CU16(base+ATOM_CT_SIZE_PTR); ws = CU8(base+ATOM_CT_WS_PTR); ps = CU8(base+ATOM_CT_PS_PTR) & ATOM_CT_PS_MASK; ptr = base+ATOM_CT_CODE_PTR; SDEBUG(">> execute %04X (len %d, WS %d, PS %d)\n", base, len, ws, ps); /* reset reg block */ ctx->reg_block = 0; ectx.ctx = ctx; ectx.ps_shift = ps/4; ectx.start = base; ectx.ps = params; if(ws) ectx.ws = kzalloc(4*ws, GFP_KERNEL); else ectx.ws = NULL; debug_depth++; while(1) { op = CU8(ptr++); if(op0) opcode_table[op].func(&ectx, &ptr, opcode_table[op].arg); else break; if(op == ATOM_OP_EOT) break; } debug_depth--; SDEBUG("<<\n"); if(ws) kfree(ectx.ws); } static int atom_iio_len[] = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3 }; static void atom_index_iio(struct atom_context *ctx, int base) { ctx->iio = kzalloc(2*256, GFP_KERNEL); while(CU8(base) == ATOM_IIO_START) { ctx->iio[CU8(base+1)] = base+2; base += 2; while(CU8(base) != ATOM_IIO_END) base += atom_iio_len[CU8(base)]; base += 3; } } struct atom_context *atom_parse(struct card_info *card, void *bios) { int base; struct atom_context *ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(struct atom_context), GFP_KERNEL); char *str; ctx->card = card; ctx->bios = bios; if(CU16(0) != ATOM_BIOS_MAGIC) { printk(KERN_INFO "Invalid BIOS magic.\n"); kfree(ctx); return NULL; } if(strncmp(CSTR(ATOM_ATI_MAGIC_PTR), ATOM_ATI_MAGIC, strlen(ATOM_ATI_MAGIC))) { printk(KERN_INFO "Invalid ATI magic.\n"); kfree(ctx); return NULL; } base = CU16(ATOM_ROM_TABLE_PTR); if(strncmp(CSTR(base+ATOM_ROM_MAGIC_PTR), ATOM_ROM_MAGIC, strlen(ATOM_ROM_MAGIC))) { printk(KERN_INFO "Invalid ATOM magic.\n"); kfree(ctx); return NULL; } ctx->cmd_table = CU16(base+ATOM_ROM_CMD_PTR); ctx->data_table = CU16(base+ATOM_ROM_DATA_PTR); atom_index_iio(ctx, CU16(ctx->data_table+ATOM_DATA_IIO_PTR)+4); str = CSTR(CU16(base+ATOM_ROM_MSG_PTR)); while(*str && ((*str == '\n') || (*str == '\r'))) str++; printk(KERN_INFO "ATOM BIOS: %s", str); return ctx; } int atom_asic_init(struct atom_context *ctx) { int hwi = CU16(ctx->data_table + ATOM_DATA_FWI_PTR); uint32_t ps[16]; memset(ps, 0, 64); ps[0] = CU32(hwi + ATOM_FWI_DEFSCLK_PTR); ps[1] = CU32(hwi + ATOM_FWI_DEFMCLK_PTR); if(!ps[0] || !ps[1]) return 1; if(!CU16(ctx->cmd_table+4+2*ATOM_CMD_INIT)) return 1; atom_execute_table(ctx, ATOM_CMD_INIT, ps); return 0; } void atom_destroy(struct atom_context *ctx) { if(ctx->iio) kfree(ctx->iio); kfree(ctx); } void atom_parse_data_header(struct atom_context *ctx, int index, uint16_t *size, uint8_t *frev, uint8_t *crev, uint16_t *data_start) { int offset = index * 2 + 4; int idx = CU16(ctx->data_table + offset); if (size) *size = CU16(idx); if (frev) *frev = CU8(idx + 2); if (crev) *crev = CU8(idx + 3); *data_start = idx; return; } void atom_parse_cmd_header(struct atom_context *ctx, int index, uint8_t *frev, uint8_t *crev) { int offset = index * 2 + 4; int idx = CU16(ctx->cmd_table + offset); if (frev) *frev = CU8(idx + 2); if (crev) *crev = CU8(idx + 3); return; }