/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd * Authors: * Inki Dae <inki.dae@samsung.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * */ #ifndef _FIMG2D_H_ #define _FIMG2D_H_ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 0 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE -1 #endif #define G2D_MAX_CMD_NR 64 #define G2D_MAX_GEM_CMD_NR 64 #define G2D_MAX_CMD_LIST_NR 64 #define G2D_PLANE_MAX_NR 2 #define G2D_DOUBLE_TO_FIXED(d) ((unsigned int)(d) * 65536.0) enum e_g2d_color_mode { /* COLOR FORMAT */ G2D_COLOR_FMT_XRGB8888, G2D_COLOR_FMT_ARGB8888, G2D_COLOR_FMT_RGB565, G2D_COLOR_FMT_XRGB1555, G2D_COLOR_FMT_ARGB1555, G2D_COLOR_FMT_XRGB4444, G2D_COLOR_FMT_ARGB4444, G2D_COLOR_FMT_PRGB888, G2D_COLOR_FMT_YCbCr444, G2D_COLOR_FMT_YCbCr422, G2D_COLOR_FMT_YCbCr420, /* alpha 8bit */ G2D_COLOR_FMT_A8, /* Luminance 8bit: gray color */ G2D_COLOR_FMT_L8, /* alpha 1bit */ G2D_COLOR_FMT_A1, /* alpha 4bit */ G2D_COLOR_FMT_A4, G2D_COLOR_FMT_MASK, /* VER4.1 */ /* COLOR ORDER */ G2D_ORDER_AXRGB = (0 << 4), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_ORDER_RGBAX = (1 << 4), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_ORDER_AXBGR = (2 << 4), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_ORDER_BGRAX = (3 << 4), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_ORDER_MASK = (3 << 4), /* VER4.1 */ /* Number of YCbCr plane */ G2D_YCbCr_1PLANE = (0 << 8), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_2PLANE = (1 << 8), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_PLANE_MASK = (3 << 8), /* VER4.1 */ /* Order in YCbCr */ G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_CrY1CbY0 = (0 << 12), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_CbY1CrY0 = (1 << 12), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_Y1CrY0Cb = (2 << 12), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_Y1CbY0Cr = (3 << 12), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_CrCb = G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_CrY1CbY0, /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_CbCr = G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_CbY1CrY0, /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_ORDER_MASK = (3 < 12), /* VER4.1 */ /* CSC */ G2D_CSC_601 = (0 << 16), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_CSC_709 = (1 << 16), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_CSC_MASK = (1 << 16), /* VER4.1 */ /* Valid value range of YCbCr */ G2D_YCbCr_RANGE_NARROW = (0 << 17), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_RANGE_WIDE = (1 << 17), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_YCbCr_RANGE_MASK = (1 << 17), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_COLOR_MODE_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF, }; enum e_g2d_select_mode { G2D_SELECT_MODE_NORMAL = (0 << 0), G2D_SELECT_MODE_FGCOLOR = (1 << 0), G2D_SELECT_MODE_BGCOLOR = (2 << 0), }; enum e_g2d_repeat_mode { G2D_REPEAT_MODE_REPEAT, G2D_REPEAT_MODE_PAD, G2D_REPEAT_MODE_REFLECT, G2D_REPEAT_MODE_CLAMP, G2D_REPEAT_MODE_NONE, }; enum e_g2d_scale_mode { G2D_SCALE_MODE_NONE = 0, G2D_SCALE_MODE_NEAREST, G2D_SCALE_MODE_BILINEAR, G2D_SCALE_MODE_MAX, }; enum e_g2d_buf_type { G2D_IMGBUF_COLOR, G2D_IMGBUF_GEM, G2D_IMGBUF_USERPTR, }; enum e_g2d_rop3_type { G2D_ROP3_DST = 0xAA, G2D_ROP3_SRC = 0xCC, G2D_ROP3_3RD = 0xF0, G2D_ROP3_MASK = 0xFF, }; enum e_g2d_select_alpha_src { G2D_SELECT_SRC_FOR_ALPHA_BLEND, /* VER4.1 */ G2D_SELECT_ROP_FOR_ALPHA_BLEND, /* VER4.1 */ }; enum e_g2d_transparent_mode { G2D_TRANSPARENT_MODE_OPAQUE, G2D_TRANSPARENT_MODE_TRANSPARENT, G2D_TRANSPARENT_MODE_BLUESCREEN, G2D_TRANSPARENT_MODE_MAX, }; enum e_g2d_color_key_mode { G2D_COLORKEY_MODE_DISABLE = 0, G2D_COLORKEY_MODE_SRC_RGBA = (1<<0), G2D_COLORKEY_MODE_DST_RGBA = (1<<1), G2D_COLORKEY_MODE_SRC_YCbCr = (1<<2), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_COLORKEY_MODE_DST_YCbCr = (1<<3), /* VER4.1 */ G2D_COLORKEY_MODE_MASK = 15, }; enum e_g2d_alpha_blend_mode { G2D_ALPHA_BLEND_MODE_DISABLE, G2D_ALPHA_BLEND_MODE_ENABLE, G2D_ALPHA_BLEND_MODE_FADING, /* VER3.0 */ G2D_ALPHA_BLEND_MODE_MAX, }; enum e_g2d_op { G2D_OP_CLEAR = 0x00, G2D_OP_SRC = 0x01, G2D_OP_DST = 0x02, G2D_OP_OVER = 0x03, G2D_OP_DISJOINT_CLEAR = 0x10, G2D_OP_DISJOINT_SRC = 0x11, G2D_OP_DISJOINT_DST = 0x12, G2D_OP_CONJOINT_CLEAR = 0x20, G2D_OP_CONJOINT_SRC = 0x21, G2D_OP_CONJOINT_DST = 0x22, }; enum e_g2d_coeff_mode { G2D_COEFF_MODE_ONE, G2D_COEFF_MODE_ZERO, G2D_COEFF_MODE_SRC_ALPHA, G2D_COEFF_MODE_SRC_COLOR, G2D_COEFF_MODE_DST_ALPHA, G2D_COEFF_MODE_DST_COLOR, /* Global Alpha : Set by ALPHA_REG(0x618) */ G2D_COEFF_MODE_GB_ALPHA, /* Global Alpha : Set by ALPHA_REG(0x618) */ G2D_COEFF_MODE_GB_COLOR, /* (1-SRC alpha)/DST Alpha */ G2D_COEFF_MODE_DISJOINT_S, /* (1-DST alpha)/SRC Alpha */ G2D_COEFF_MODE_DISJOINT_D, /* SRC alpha/DST alpha */ G2D_COEFF_MODE_CONJOINT_S, /* DST alpha/SRC alpha */ G2D_COEFF_MODE_CONJOINT_D, /* DST alpha/SRC alpha */ G2D_COEFF_MODE_MASK }; enum e_g2d_acoeff_mode { G2D_ACOEFF_MODE_A, /* alpha */ G2D_ACOEFF_MODE_APGA, /* alpha + global alpha */ G2D_ACOEFF_MODE_AMGA, /* alpha * global alpha */ G2D_ACOEFF_MODE_MASK }; union g2d_point_val { unsigned int val; struct { /* * Coordinate of Source Image * Range: 0 ~ 8000 (Requirement: SrcLeftX < SrcRightX) * In YCbCr 422 and YCbCr 420 format with even number. */ unsigned int x:16; /* * Y Coordinate of Source Image * Range: 0 ~ 8000 (Requirement: SrcTopY < SrcBottomY) * In YCbCr 420 format with even number. */ unsigned int y:16; } data; }; union g2d_rop4_val { unsigned int val; struct { enum e_g2d_rop3_type unmasked_rop3:8; enum e_g2d_rop3_type masked_rop3:8; unsigned int reserved:16; } data; }; union g2d_bitblt_cmd_val { unsigned int val; struct { /* [0:3] */ unsigned int mask_rop4_en:1; unsigned int masking_en:1; enum e_g2d_select_alpha_src rop4_alpha_en:1; unsigned int dither_en:1; /* [4:7] */ unsigned int resolved1:4; /* [8:11] */ unsigned int cw_en:4; /* [12:15] */ enum e_g2d_transparent_mode transparent_mode:4; /* [16:19] */ enum e_g2d_color_key_mode color_key_mode:4; /* [20:23] */ enum e_g2d_alpha_blend_mode alpha_blend_mode:4; /* [24:27] */ unsigned int src_pre_multiply:1; unsigned int pat_pre_multiply:1; unsigned int dst_pre_multiply:1; unsigned int dst_depre_multiply:1; /* [28:31] */ unsigned int fast_solid_color_fill_en:1; unsigned int reserved:3; } data; }; union g2d_blend_func_val { unsigned int val; struct { /* [0:15] */ enum e_g2d_coeff_mode src_coeff:4; enum e_g2d_acoeff_mode src_coeff_src_a:2; enum e_g2d_acoeff_mode src_coeff_dst_a:2; enum e_g2d_coeff_mode dst_coeff:4; enum e_g2d_acoeff_mode dst_coeff_src_a:2; enum e_g2d_acoeff_mode dst_coeff_dst_a:2; /* [16:19] */ unsigned int inv_src_color_coeff:1; unsigned int resoled1:1; unsigned int inv_dst_color_coeff:1; unsigned int resoled2:1; /* [20:23] */ unsigned int lighten_en:1; unsigned int darken_en:1; unsigned int win_ce_src_over_en:2; /* [24:31] */ unsigned int reserved:8; } data; }; struct g2d_image { enum e_g2d_select_mode select_mode; enum e_g2d_color_mode color_mode; enum e_g2d_repeat_mode repeat_mode; enum e_g2d_scale_mode scale_mode; unsigned int xscale; unsigned int yscale; unsigned char rotate_90; unsigned char x_dir; unsigned char y_dir; unsigned char component_alpha; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned int stride; unsigned int need_free; unsigned int color; enum e_g2d_buf_type buf_type; unsigned int bo[G2D_PLANE_MAX_NR]; struct drm_exynos_g2d_userptr user_ptr[G2D_PLANE_MAX_NR]; void *mapped_ptr[G2D_PLANE_MAX_NR]; }; struct g2d_context { int fd; unsigned int major; unsigned int minor; struct drm_exynos_g2d_cmd cmd[G2D_MAX_CMD_NR]; struct drm_exynos_g2d_cmd cmd_buf[G2D_MAX_GEM_CMD_NR]; unsigned int cmd_nr; unsigned int cmd_buf_nr; unsigned int cmdlist_nr; }; struct g2d_context *g2d_init(int fd); void g2d_fini(struct g2d_context *ctx); int g2d_exec(struct g2d_context *ctx); int g2d_solid_fill(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *img, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h); int g2d_copy(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src, struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int dst_x, unsigned int dst_y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h); int g2d_copy_with_scale(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src, struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int src_w, unsigned int src_h, unsigned int dst_x, unsigned int dst_y, unsigned int dst_w, unsigned int dst_h, unsigned int negative); int g2d_blend(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src, struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y, unsigned int dst_x, unsigned int dst_y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, enum e_g2d_op op); #endif /* _FIMG2D_H_ */