path: root/linux-core/nv50_kms_wrapper.h
diff options
authorDave Airlie <>2008-08-04 14:53:14 +1000
committerDave Airlie <>2008-08-04 14:53:14 +1000
commit129c8a11814741a997e3d039ab4be542d38e5ed8 (patch)
treeab8413c059cf4b726d34fc36a7dad09d2c4a5bf4 /linux-core/nv50_kms_wrapper.h
parent922f74f3c95fae39ffe8cf0659fa47e0bc354076 (diff)
modesetting: pick_crtcs can't be static
Diffstat (limited to 'linux-core/nv50_kms_wrapper.h')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
a> 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274

<pinchartl> good morning  [16:58]
<morimoto> morning
<uli___> morning
<neg> morning  [16:59]
<pinchartl> Kieran seems to have left the channel during the night. perhaps as
	    a consequence of too much birthday partying :-)
<pinchartl> any chance Magnus would join today ?  [17:00]
<morimoto> I have no idea about him :)  [17:01]
<pinchartl> I think I'll stop expecting him to join :-)
<morimoto> :)  [17:02]
<pinchartl> let's start then. I expect the meeting to be short today
*** kbingham ( has joined channel #periperi
<pinchartl> hi Kieran !
<pinchartl> we were about to start
<pinchartl> Topic 1. Status check for the multimedia tasks
<kbingham> sorry for being late - my IRC bouncer crashed :(
<pinchartl> Topic 2. Additional tasks for Q1 2017
<pinchartl> Topic 3. FOSDEM  [17:03]
<pinchartl> Topic 4. Next meeting
<pinchartl> anything else for the agenda ?
<pinchartl> no worries
<morimoto> ELC meeting plan I want to know
<pinchartl> ok, FOSDEM & ELC then
<pinchartl> let's get started with Topic 1. Status check for the multimedia
	    tasks  [17:05]
<pinchartl> Kieran, will you do the honours ?
<kbingham> pinchartl: I thought you might say that :D
<kbingham> So - to start, since last meeting:
<kbingham>  - Holidays  [17:06]
<kbingham>  - Had my birthday
<kbingham>  - Suspend resume patches reposted
<kbingham>  - Rebased all my topic branches
<kbingham> And I'm currently working on the image partitioning overlap topic
<kbingham> So B) Plan until next meeting:  [17:07]
<kbingham>  - At two weeks away, I hope I will have made most of the headway
	   to getting the image partitioning task complete, possibly mixed in
	   with some of the work on the vsp-test improvements  - but with no
	   confirmation from renesas, I guess those topics could stop at any
	   time.  [17:08]
<kbingham> leaving C)
<kbingham> - current work still pending contract from Renesas  [17:09]
<kbingham> - Experiencing some issues on
<kbingham> : EOT : Sorry - Would normally  prepare the text for this in
	   advance - but finished early due to my birthday yesterday :D
<pinchartl> thank you  [17:11]
<kbingham> pinchartl: Is there anything you'd like me to do on the pending
	   topic branches?  [17:12]
<pinchartl> could you push them to your public tree ? I'll review the patches
	    you posted
<kbingham> Ok - I'll push my rebased updates.
<kbingham> Should they be re-emailed?  [17:13]
<pinchartl> not if it's just a rebase, I'll review them first  [17:14]
<pinchartl> if they have otherwise changed, please resend them
<kbingham> Ok.  [17:15]
<pinchartl> next in alphabetical order, me
<pinchartl> Since last meeting:
<pinchartl> - Holidays  [17:16]
<pinchartl> - New version of the Gen3 HDMI output patches (split in topic
<pinchartl> - Started experimenting with fences in the DU driver
<pinchartl> - DRM/KMS community discussions to get the LVDS mode select, LVDS
	    encoder and HDMI output merged (or at least closer to be merged)
<pinchartl> - Helped Jinzai to test HDMI output
<pinchartl> For the next two weeks:
<pinchartl> - Pending VSP patch review
<pinchartl> - Continue advancing Gen3 HDMI output towards merging
<pinchartl> - V4L2 & media controller race conditions meeting in Oslo with
	    Hans Verkuil & Sakari Ailus
<pinchartl> (that's this Friday)
<pinchartl> Issues and blockers:
<pinchartl> - No additional task yet for 2017/Q1  [17:17]
<pinchartl> and I will be on holidays from the 20th to the 28th
<kbingham> pinchartl: Of january?  [17:18]
<pinchartl> yes
<kbingham> pinchartl: Ok :D
<pinchartl> skiing in the French Alps
<pinchartl> I'll have e-mail access
<neg> pinchartl: will you also discusss Media Device Allocator API in Oslo
      (that is if it's to be pushed or dropped)?  [17:19]
<pinchartl> morimoto: that's a topic we've discussed already, but I had to
	    hand-hold Jinzai because they seemed not to be able to select the
	    HDMI driver in the kernel config by themselves...
<pinchartl> neg: not as such. we'll discuss what needs to be fixed in order to
	    get that API merged
<pinchartl> I want to fix the current code base before building anything new
	    on top of it
<neg> ok thanks for the update  [17:20]
<pinchartl> next, Morimoto-san  [17:21]
<morimoto> OK
<morimoto> A) - Enjoyed New Year
<morimoto> - I posted ALSA SoC framework fixup patches
<morimoto> - Helped BSP team about sound  [17:22]
<morimoto> B) I will rebase my HDMI sound on pinchartl's latest branch
<morimoto> - I will book ELC hotel / flight etc
<morimoto> C) nothing
<morimoto> --EOT--
<pinchartl> thank you
<pinchartl> neg: your turn  [17:23]
<neg> A) Noting (rebasaed all my topic branches on v4.10-rc1 and test them)
<neg> B) Fix review comments and repost CSI-2 and breakout fixup patches from
      VIN Gen3 series and repost as seperat series (needad as to not block
      Wolframs work) and pray that series is reviewd/picked up :-)
<neg> C) None
<neg> EOT
<pinchartl> is it OK with you if I start by reviewing the CSI-2 driver,
	    followed by the VIN driver ?  [17:25]
<neg> yes, but maybe we can fast track the break out fixup VIN patches as to
      not block Wolfram?  [17:26]
<neg> those patches will be small and only deal with Gen2 concepts
<pinchartl> oh yes sure  [17:27]
<neg> thanks
<pinchartl> I meant CSI-2 before VIN Gen3, but obviously other VIN patches can
	    go in first
<neg> would you prefer I try to get CIS-2 merged before Gen3 VIN patches?
<neg> s/CIS/CSI/  [17:28]
<pinchartl> it might be easier
<pinchartl> but it also makes sense to merge everything anyway
<pinchartl> so I have no big preference at the moment
<neg> ok then I will stop trying to hold CSI-2 back to be merged after VIN
      Gen3 and which ever is picked up first is OK
<pinchartl> next, uli___  [17:29]
<uli___> a)
<uli___> - vacation
<uli___> - investigated what it takes to get gpu going with binary blobs on
	 gen3  [17:30]
<uli___> b)
<uli___> - trying not to succumb to the infection that has incapacitated my
	 wife for a week...
<uli___> c)
<uli___> - add. tasks not finalized yet
<uli___> that's it
<pinchartl> thank you  [17:31]
<pinchartl> before going to the next topic
<pinchartl> I'd like to thank Morimoto-san for sending his report over e-mail
<pinchartl> given that we're just out of the winter holidays, without much to
	    report, I'll ignore the fact that nobody else has
<pinchartl> but please remember to post a summary before next meeting  [17:32]
<pinchartl> Topic 2. Additional tasks for 2017/Q1
<pinchartl> as you all know, we have no additional tasks finalized for 2017/Q1
<pinchartl> there were discussions at the end of last year
<pinchartl> and before a conclusion could be reached the winter holidays
	    started and Magnus disappeared  [17:33]
<pinchartl> I haven't heard anything from him since then
<pinchartl> which starts worrying me
<morimoto> Magnus disappeared...
<pinchartl> morimoto: do you have any information ?
<morimoto> I will meet him tomorrow.
<morimoto> I will kick him  [17:34]
<pinchartl> thank you
<morimoto> for you guys :)
<pinchartl> I've already started working on tasks that will likely be selected
	    for 2017/Q1
<kbingham> wear heavy boots :D
<pinchartl> so has Kieran, and from what I've heard today from Ulrich, he did
	    as well
<pinchartl> but there's no contract signed yet
<pinchartl> so this is really a gesture of good faith
<pinchartl> not a situation that I want to experience again in the future
<pinchartl> it shows that the task negotiation process doesn't work  [17:35]
<pinchartl> it's the second time we're late, albeit last time the delay was
<pinchartl> so I will request to move back to a single batch per quarter
<uli___> i think i would prefer that as well  [17:37]
<pinchartl> as there seems to be no comment about this,
<pinchartl> (oops, except for that comment :-))
<pinchartl> Topic 3. FOSDEM & ELC
<pinchartl> we have reserved time for a multimedia meeting on the Thursday
	    before FOSDEM, but given the lack of contracts, and thus the lack
	    of topics to discuss, I don't plan to organize such a meeting
<pinchartl> I will be in Brussels the whole week before the FOSDEM, so if any
	    of you happens to be there and wants to schedule an ad-hoc
	    meeting, I'll be available  [17:39]
<pinchartl> I believe Kieran will be there from Wednesday as well  [17:40]
<kbingham> ACK.
<neg> Was not Q2 contract proposals a topic for that meeting?  [17:41]
<pinchartl> neg: it was, but Magnus won't be there, and we don't have Q1
	    contracts yet
<neg> Ahh I though Magnus would be there, my mistake  [17:42]
<pinchartl> when will everybody be available in Brussels ? Kieran, you'll be
	    there from Feb the 1st to the 6th, right ? how about Niklas and